A Well-Paid Slave
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Fortas, Abe; failed nomination as chief justice; financial scandal; predictions of Supreme Court case; presiding over Hoynes’s moot court session ; on Supreme Court proceedings
Frank, Jerome; Gardella . Chandler opinion; “impotent zombie” statement; replacement of; reserve clause opinion
Frankfurter, Felix
Fran O’Brien’s
free agency: Catfish Hunter; Flood’s effect on; in
Freedom Riders
Frick, Ford
Friendly, Henry ( Judge)
Gaedel, Eddie
Gaherin, John; on modification to reserve clause; testimony at trial
Garagiola, Joe: apology for “terrible mistake,” ; baseball announcer; Baseball Assistance Team (BAT); on being traded ; post-baseball career; recommendation of Flood as commissioner of Senior Professional Baseball Association (SPBA); spiking of Jackie Robinson ; testimony at trial
Gardella, Danny; freed from Tigers farm system; on restricted list
Gardella . Chandler
Gehrig, Lou
Giamatti, A. Bartlett
Gibson, Bob; Cy Young Award ; effect of segregation and discrimination on; eulogy for Flood; exclusion from Chamber of Commerce breakfast ; on Flood’s comeback; as leader of Cardinals; letter to Flood () ; atspring training motel; as pallbearer at Flood’s funeral; reception by Cardinals (); Sally League; support for lawsuit; time in New York during trial; ukulele playing
Gibson, Josh
Gideon . Wainwright
Gildea, William: on Flood’s first Senators workout; Flood’s outburst at; interview of Flood
Gitter, Max; damages estimate; preparation for trial; trial as joyride for
Glory of Their Times, The (Ritter)
Goldberg, Arthur: agreement to work for expenses only; Appeals Court argument ; argument to receive early trial; trial; breakfast meeting with Miller and Moss; decision to open practice in Washington; direct examinations ; Escobedo . Illinois; failure to make relevant arguments; falling out with Lyndon Johnson; Flood’s loan request from; friendships with Douglas and Brennan; gubernatorial aspirations; gubernatorial campaign; handover of case to Topkis; inclusion of Thirteenth Amendment claim; on Judge Cooper’s decision; Judge Cooper’s praise for; knowledge of Flood’s career ; knowledge of labor-management relations; as Labor Secretary for John Kennedy; letter to commissioner ; love of the law; mediation skills ; meeting with Flood; Mikan case ; mistake by; opinion of Dan Levitt; opinion of Supreme Court argument; oral argument at Supreme Court; oral argument strategy ; persuading Greenberg to testify ; pessimistic view of trial outcome; political aspirations; preliminary injunction request; preparations for trial; promise to Miller; reaction to granting of cert petition; reaction to Supreme Court decision; reason for taking Flood case ; rebuttal at Supreme Court; relationship with Marvin Miller; resignation from Supreme Court; return to private practice; return to Washington ; sales pitch by Lyndon Johnson to ; settlement talks with Porter; as State Democratic Committee designation for governor; Supreme Court arguments; Supreme Court decision telegram; as Supreme Court justice; Supreme Court justice’s questioning of; Supreme Court strategy; as U.N. ambassador; understanding of reserve clause; Uniform Player Contract modifications memo; view of labor exemption theory
Goosen, Greg
Grant, Jim “Mudcat”: Baseball Network; support for Flood lawsuit
Greenberg, Hank; friendship with Veeck; on name game list; support offered to Flood at trial
Griffith, Calvin
Griffith, Clark
Grimes, Fred
Groat, Dick
Hadden, Sandy; cross-examination of Marvin Miller; at labor negotiation session
Haller, Tom
Hamilton, Steve: questioning of Flood at MLBPA meeting; support for Flood lawsuit
Hardball (Kuhn)
Harlan, John M.: on cert petitions; legacy of; resignation of
Harrelson, Ken “Hawk,”
Harridge, Will
Hatch, Orrin
hate mail
Haynsworth, Clement F.
Haywood, Spencer
Hemus, Solly (Cardinals player-manager) ; Brosnan’s criticisms of; “Mighty Mouse” nickname; portrayal in The Way It Is; treatment of black players
“He Never Heard of Casey” (Rice)
High Point-Thomasville
Hoak, Don
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
honors and tributes
Horton, Willie
Howard, Elston
Howard, Frank; criticism of Flood; on drinking; Flood’s emotional weakness admission to
Hoynes, Lou; argument at Court of Appeals; excitement about Goldberg trying case; opinion of Topkis ; oral argument at Supreme Court ; preparation for Supreme Court case ; Supreme Court decision telegram
Hughes, Mark F.; arguments at injunction hearing; attempt to have lawsuit dismissed; at trial; cross-examinations; request to dismiss lawsuit
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunter, Catfish
Hustler’s Handbook, The (Veeck & Linn)
Hutchinson, Fred (Cardinals manager)
Hyman, Mark
independent arbitrator clause
Iverson, Bill: See also legal team; at trial; concerns about Veeck testimony; meeting with Jackie Robinson; preparation for trial; trial as joyride for
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Reggie: contribution to Youth America Baseball program; free agent signing ; questioning of Flood atMLBPA meeting
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Shoeless Joe
Jim Crow South
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Walter
joint study committee
Jones, Bill
Jordan, Michael
Jorgensen, Johnny: advice to reconcile with Beverly; efforts to help reconcile Alamo home situation; mentoring of Flood
Jorgensen, Marian; advice to reconcile with Beverly; Carl Flood’s relationship with ; Curt Flood’s relationship with; on demise of Curt Flood & Associates, Inc. ; discussion with Monte Irvin; efforts to help reconcile Alamo home situation; efforts to keep photography business going ; end of friendship with Flood; suggestion to sue MLB
Junior’s Sweet Shop midget league team
jurists, effect of baseball on. See also specific judge
Keane, Johnny (Cardinal manager)
Kennedy, J. Walter
Kennedy, John F.; appointment of Irving Cooper to federal bench; Supreme Court appointees
Kennedy, Robert
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr.; assassination of; Flood’s portrait of; “I Have a Dream” speech; Montgomery bus boycott; as supporter of employee rights
Koppett, Leonard: accusations of overstatements; advocacy for Flood’s candidacy for Hall of Fame; on baseball as elusive concept; at trial; lawsuit predictions; reserve clause lawsuit story ; on reserve system; support for Flood
Koufax, Sandy
Kramer, Victor: cross-examinations ; knowledge of baseball; Supreme Court prediction; warning to Kuhn
Kranepool, Ed: criticism of Yastrzemski; at labor negotiation session
Kuhn, Bowie; actions in Wisconsin antitrust lawsuit; approval of Senators contract offer to Flood; attempts to meet with Flood; at Baseball Writers’ Association annual dinner () ; battles with Marvin Miller; at trial; comparison to Kenesaw
Kuhn, Bowie (cont.) Mountain Landis; criticisms of; cross-examination of; crusade against Jim Bouton; decision to have Hoynes argue at Supreme Court; early acts as commissioner; efforts to avoid trial; election as commissioner; Flood’s letter to ; on free agency; “high moral tone,”; ignorance of Flood situation ; on Judge Cooper’s decision; life after baseball; meeting with Burger (); meeting with MLBPA in San Juan (); as named defendant in lawsuit; on need for reserve system; opinion of Brosnan; Players Relations Committee (PRC); problems facing ; reaction to Flood’s letter; reaction to granting of cert petition; reaction to lawsuit; reaction to Supreme Court decision; reaction to Th
e Way It Is ; receipt of response to Flood’s letter ; reduction in powers of; refusal to allow modifications to Uniform Player Contract; refusal to approve Senators contract offer to Flood; resolution of Cardinals-Phillies dispute; at Supreme Court oral argument; suspension of Denny McLain; testimony of; underestimation of Flood ; view of self; voted out of office
labor exemption theory; Justice Marshall’s view of; Justice White’s questioning of
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain
Lane, Frank
lawsuit, reserve clause: See also Flood . Bowie K. Kuhn, et al.; attempts to explain; August Busch as target of; claims made in; damages sought; decision to go ahead with; exploration of options prior to; Koppett as first person to hear about from Miller; Miller’s attempts to dissuade Flood’s; Miller’s concerns regarding proposed; Miller’s preparations for; MLBPA support for ; parties named in; preliminary injunction. See preliminary injunction; public disclosure of; support for ; Zerman’s decision to go ahead with
lawsuits: Beverly Flood’s; against Curt Flood & Associates, Inc.; against Flood; reserve clause. See lawsuit, reserve clause; Wisconsin antitrust case against Major League Baseball
Lee, Spike
legal team, Flood’s: See also specific attorney(s); appellate brief; at trial; filing of cert petition; filing of preliminary injunction; Kuhn and Porter meeting with; major decisions facing; members absent from Supreme Court oral argument; money owed to ; multiple forum argument of owners; need to find powerful witnesses; post-trial brief; reply brief; reply to owners’ brief to cert petition; witness list
legal team, owners’. See also specific attorney(s); appellate brief; attempt to delay trial; at trial; labor exemption theory; post-trial brief; request to dismiss lawsuit; response to cert petition with Supreme Court; on selection of Judge Cooper
Levitt, Dan: attempt to shame Supreme Court ; drafting of cert petition; on Goldberg’s Supreme Court performance; on Goldberg’s Supreme Court strategy; opinion of Goldberg’s Supreme Court argument; preparation of Supreme Court brief; “Questions Presented” section of writ; role in Supreme Court case
Lipsyte, Robert: reaction to The Way It Is; support for Flood
Long Season, The (Brosnan)
McCarver, Tim; questioning of Flood at MLBPA meeting; support for Flood’s lawsuit; teasing of Flood at Baseball premiere; trade to Philadelphia
McCraw, Tom
McHale, John
McLain, Denny; as “bad boy,” ; at Baseball Writers’ Association annual dinner (); clashes with Ted Williams; opinion of black wreath; trade to Senators
McNally, Dave
Maddox, Elliott; concern for Flood; on Flood living in Majorca
Ma Felder’s boarding house
Major League Baseball (MLB): antitrust exemption. See antitrust exemption, MLB; effect of free agency on; monopoly status. See antitrust exemption, MLB; players’ strikes ; reaction to Campanis comment; rival league; Wisconsin antitrust lawsuit against
Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA): assistance with Flood’s medical bills; money owed to legal team ; resolution to treat black players “like first class citizens,”; San Juan meeting () ; support for Flood lawsuit
Mann, Jack
Marshall, John: cert petition vote; view of Flood case
Marshall, Thurgood; position on bench; questioning of Hoynes
Mattick, Bobby
Maxvill, Dal; interview of Flood; support for Flood lawsuit
Mays, Willie: Dating Game appearance; Jackie Robinson’s criticism of; on name game list; refusal to get involved in rights movement; stance of Flood lawsuit; support for Flood
media: attention from; besting of Kuhn in; reaction to lawsuit ; sportswriters. See sportswriters
Meggyesy, Dave
Merchant, Larry
Messersmith, Andy
Mikan, George
Miksis, Eddie
Miller, Marvin; absence from Supreme Court oral argument; actions to build MLBPA; address to MLBPA meeting in San Juan () ; advice regarding Senators offer ; answer to Lou Carroll’s reaction to lawsuit; appeal for MLBPA support; attempts to dissuade Flood’s lawsuit; battles with Bowie Kuhn; blame for Flood letter aimed at ; breakfast meeting with Arthur Goldberg ; breaking news of lawsuit to Leonard Koppett; on chances of overturning reserve clause; concern for Flood’s financial condition; concern for quality of Flood’s counsel; concern over Flood’s proposed lawsuit; Cosell interview; cross-examination of ; direct examination of; education of players; effect of Flood lawsuit on ; effect on union; on elimination of reserve clause; Flood’s initial conversation with; goal of modifying reserve clause; Goldberg’s broken promise to; influence of Flood on future of baseball; initial impression of Flood; initial meeting with Flood; Jackie Robinson meeting; on Judge Cooper’s decision; Kuhn and Bouton meeting; letter to commissioner ; meetings ; opinion of Flood; opinion of Kuhn’s legal acumen; owners’ portrayal of; preaching of Flood’s sacrifice to players; preparations for lawsuit; promise to support Flood at MLBPA meeting in San Juan (); puppet master charges; reasons for wanting Goldberg as attorney; reassurances to disgruntled player representatives; receipt of response to Flood’s letter; relationship with Arthur Goldberg; relationship with Flood; resignation of; retort to Kuhn’s book; tactical mistake; telling Flood of Supreme Court decision to hear case; testimony at trial; underestimations of; Yastrzemski letter to
Milwaukee Braves
Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission
Mitchell, Don
“Monopoly in Professional Sports” (Topkis)
Monopoly status, MLB. See antitrust exemption, MLB
Montanez, Guillermo “Willie,”
Moore, Leonard P.
Morgan, Joe: contribution to Youth America Baseball program; at Flood’s funeral ; honors bestowed upon; portrait of
Moss, Dick; breakfast meeting with Arthur Goldberg ; explanation of early severance payment rule; formation of United Baseball League; at Kuhn and Bouton meeting; letter to commissioner; listing in cert petition; preaching of Flood’s sacrifice to players; questioning of Flood atMLBPA meeting; reunion with Flood
Murray, Jim: on Blackmun’s “sentimental journey,”; on Flood’s commitment to comeback; reaction to The Way It Is; support for Flood
Musburger, Brent
Musial, Stan: exclusion from Chamber of Commerce breakfast; Flood’s criticism of ; reception by Cardinals (); on reserve clause; at spring training ()
Myerson & Kuhn
NAACP: Jackie Robinson’s fundraising for; Southeast Regional Conference; support for Flood; Thurgood Marshall as lawyer for
Nathan, Robert
Negro Industrial and Economic Union
Newton, Huey P.
New York Yankees: free agent signings ; integration of spring training facility; Chamber of Commerce breakfast
Basic Agreement
Basic Agreement
Basic Agreement
Basic Agreement
Nixon, Richard ; enemies list; Jackie Robinson’s support for; Roth’s satirical novel about; Supreme Court appointees; warning to Supreme Court Justices
Norris, Mike
Oliphant, Dave
O’Malley, Walter; advice to Bob Short; reaction to Flood lawsuit
Opportunity Please Knock
Our Gang (Roth)
Out of Their League (Meggyesy)
owners: caveat emptor rule; legal team. See legal team, owners’; reaction to lawsuit ; refusal to modify reserve clause
Pace, Judy; activism of ; marriage to Don Mitchell; marriage to Flood; work for black causes
Paige, Satchel: on name game list; pitching accomplishments; Veeck’s signing of ; Williams’s lobbying for
Pappas, Milt
Parks, Rosa
Paul, Gabe (Reds GM)
Pena, Orlando
Pennant Race (Brosnan)
Pennock, Herb (Phillies GM)
pensions: early severance payment; Jim Bunning
as player’s representative; Yastrzemski’s stance on
“peonage and involuntary servitude” statutes
Philadelphia Phillies: dispute with Cardinals ; Flood acquisition; integration of; Tim McCarver acquisition; trade of Flood; treatment of players
Pinson, Vida; death of; influence of George Powles on; support for Flood lawsuit
Players Relations Committee (PRC)
Plessy . Ferguson
Porter, Paul; advice to Kuhn; Appeals Court argument; attempt to delay trial; friendship with Abe Fortas; oral argument at Supreme Court; settlement talks with Goldberg
Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth)
Portrait Arts, Inc.
portrait painting: attempt at reviving; August Busch; counterfeit; Joe Morgan; Martin Luther King Jr. ; Sam Bercovich
Powell, Lewis; Anheuser-Busch stock ownership; position on bench ; reaction to Blackmun’s draft opinion ; role in decision; view of Flood case
Powles, George; association with Bobby Mattick; coaching of future major leaguers; death of; on Miller’s power over Flood
preliminary injunction: delay ordered; denial of request for; filing of ; hearing
Quinn, John (Phillies GM): attempts to contact Flood; contract offer to Flood; final offer to Flood; on Flood’s letter to commissioner; on Judge Cooper’s decision; meetings with Flood ; meeting with Bob Short; on Miller’s power over Flood; negotiations to sell Flood; receipt of response to Flood’s letter; sales pitch to Flood ; violations of major league rules
quota system
racism: Alamo, California; experiences with; ignorance of; as malady of baseball
Radovich, William
Radovich . NFL
reactionary time in U.S.
Reed, Kenneth R.
Reeves, Richard
Rehnquist, William; conflict of interest; on importance of oral arguments; position on bench; questioning of Goldberg; states’ rights ; view of Flood case