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Never Ever: Book One Perdition MC

Page 5

by Isabel Wroth

  Shepherd’s Pie was his new favorite thing to eat. Second, after her pussy. And he wanted that sweet treat something bad.

  He watched her do the dishes while he sipped a beer at the counter, having given in and was rubbing the soft ears of her dog while the quiet and the domesticity of the scene unfolded in front of his eyes. She was something else, looking out her back window at the land she’d bought and made a business out of. Flowers and fairies and fantasy. Something soft and gentle, his little earth mama, makin him a baby in her beautiful body. “I’m going to have a bath, alone.” She announced when she was done with the dishes, and he shook his head, not even getting to explain before she got that pissed off, sexy as hell, look in her eye. “Your brand, fine. You telling me what to do in my own house? I think I demonstrated my acceptance of that while Susan was here.”

  “Can’t have a bath for two weeks, baby. Your tat. Speaking of which, it’s time to take that bandage off and give it a quick wash. You got saran wrap?”

  Blink, blink. Her lashes fluttered, she opened her mouth to say something, thought better of it and chose to just scowl instead. To get down a roll of saran wrap, some anti-bacterial soap, medical tape and a tube of Neosporin from her little first aid kit. She shot him a dirty look when he stepped behind her and used his hand between her shoulder blades to push her forward over the counter. “Seriously, Roar, I’m not in the mood-“

  “Honey, I’m just gonna wash this up. Relax. I’ll fuck you bent over the counter like this another time.” He grunted when the heel of her boot connected to his shin, watching her huff and fold her arms over the stainless steel countertop.

  Ringer had been right about her skin. Such a beautiful pale cream, and there was his brand, a roaring lion crouched above her hips, standing on a rocker that proclaimed Ever, Property of Roar. He made a raunchy sound in his throat while he stroked his palm down her spine, carefully easing up the edges of the tape Ringer had lay down and eased the plastic off one little bit at a time, using a damp paper towel to ease the way so it wouldn’t pull at the tender skin. “You don’t have any pictures of your family,” He stated, and felt her go rigid under his palm. “No.” Was her soft, hoarse answer.

  “How come?”

  “Most of them burned down with the compound. And I didn’t think it was safe to go back to my place to get them. “

  “You think the Skinheads would have come after you too, by association?”

  “It never made sense to me, how the entire club got taken out at the same time. The only reason I wasn’t there was that I got a flat tire. No one answered their phones, not even the prospects. Had to change the tire in my damn wedding dress. Learned later after I hacked into the police files that the reason no one answered was that they were all inside, it said they were all gunned down before the place was set on fire. All fifty two of them. There were thirty of my dad’s people, minus two. One hadn’t been able to make it because he was in the hospital recovering from a gunshot to the gut. The other…was unaccounted for. Could have been a coincidence, could not have been. Wasn’t willing to take the chance.”

  He’d been in the process of carefully laying down a new piece of saran wrap and taping it down when her words penetrated. Had to change a tire, in her wedding dress. Holy fuckin hell. Stoneface Taggart’s baby girl, was wearing his brand.

  Top was gonna shit a pile of bricks.

  He finished taping the clean piece of saran wrap down and gently pulled her up, turned her around and got himself a handful of her beautiful ass, looking down into her eyes, looking for some trace of her father in her. He’d seen pictures of the guy, and the only thing he’d given Ever was her hazel eyes. Her mom musta been the ginger, and one fine looking bitch to pass on such a gorgeous face to her daughter. “It was before my time, but Top, he knew your dad. Him and some of the older brothers were part of the crew that went down to New Mexico to take those Skinheads out. Five different clubs, baby. Five clubs declared war on those mother fuckers and took them out.” Her lips curved up in a sad little smile and she nodded, staring hard at the patches on the front of his cut, “I heard about it on the news. Didn’t know which clubs were involved, I was still trying to get clear at that point.” He touched a kiss to her forehead and drew her in for a hug, feeling the few tears she let fall, slide down his throat like acid. “Your wedding huh?” He murmured, palming the back of her head to hug her up tight, rocking her a little, “Yeah.”

  One tough bitch. That’s what she was. To have survived a massacre on her wedding day, kept it together long enough to get out safe, been on her own this whole time, his girl was one tough bitch. But she wasn’t alone now, he’d be sure of that. “No one, touches you again.”


  He tipped her head back and brushed his thumb through the tears on her cheeks, promising her, his boy, “No one, touches you. No one hurts you. Not ever again.”

  Chapter Seven

  He got up the next morning, sun shining down in his face, and Everly gone from the bed. Sheets cold, so she’d been gone a while and he hadn’t even noticed. “Fuck,” If that bitch had run, her ass was gonna get the broad side of his hand till it was red. He got up, cock raging after being cuddled up to her ass all night long, had plans on how he was gonna wake her up. But noooo, she was gone. That shit wasn’t happening. He shoved his feet into his shit kickers, grabbed his shirt and took off to go find her, pissed off because a look at his phone said it wasn’t even half past six am. He never got up this fuckin early unless the Prez called Church, or there was an emergency. “Babe?” He yelled, getting no answer.

  Her Jeep was out front, her puppy barking in the back, so he went that way and saw her coming in from the small barn out back with a big bucket in one hand, her other shoved deep in the pocket of her dull brown jacket that looked to be two sizes too big for her. Hair all tossed up in a big mess on top of her head, tight jeans on and a tall pair of muddy boots on her feet.

  Way to fuckin gorgeous for this early in the morning.

  “Babe, what the fuck are you doin up this early?”

  She jumped and clutched her hand to her chest, glaring at him hotly, “Scared the shit out of me! I was feeding my pigs, and my chickens.” She was still scowling at him by the time she hit the back porch and plonked her bucket down at the bottom of the stairs. Her dog promptly shoved his face it in and started licking up all the extra stuff left inside. “Squatch, no! God damn it, we’ve talked about this you furry retard.” The puppy just looked at her like she was his whole wide world, stupid sloppy grin and everything, pouting when she snatched the bucket away, “You have pigs?” She nodded on her way past him, kicking her muddy boots off outside the back door and pushed through the screen door to take her bucket into the kitchen. “I don’t like store bought meat. I’d have my own cows to slaughter, but I hate looking at them. And smelling them. The pigs are bad enough, but I know what they’re eating, which means I know what I’m eating, so I deal. The weather’s turning colder in the mornings, we’ll have deer in the freezer soon.”

  Her statement made him blink a few times, surprise, make that shock filtering through his system, along with a hefty dose of arousal to add to the already painful throbbing going on in his jeans. “You hunt deer,” He stated slowly, and she cast him a little look over her shoulder that was a frown, a curious from. “My dad always wanted a boy, but got me instead. So instead of tea parties and ballet, it was oil changes and hunting trips. I worked hard to be as girly as I am now, but I still like to hunt. Though, over the years I’ve gotten creative, because I hate camping.”

  He watched, baffled as she pulled out stuff to make grilled cheese, some bacon, and instant vanilla pudding. Jesus it was too early, dick hard as granite, totally fuckin being ignored by his woman, he needed coffee. And when he asked where her machine was… “Don’t have one in the house. I can make you some later when the nursery opens up.” No coffee, six am, no wake up and fuck…this was starting out to be a hell of a shit day. “Why don’t y
ou have a coffee maker in the house?” He growled, and she unzipped her jacket, absently patting her baby bump while she flipped the stove on to make that grilled cheese. “Pregnant women can’t have caffeine, bad for the baby. So I removed the temptation from the house and told the staff to tell me no, when I asked for coffee. Or give me decaf. But the last time Todd gave me a decaf soy latte, I poured it over his head. So now they don’t give me coffee at all. I can make you some ginger tea to wake you up.”

  “No thanks. What the hell are you making?”

  She blinked over her shoulder at him absently, then looked back at the stuff on her counter, laughing at herself a bit. “Apparently, bacon grilled cheese and vanilla pudding. Weird. All your fault,” She told her stomach, poking at it, and his shit morning dissolved. “Last time it was apples and gravy,” Then she looked at him, quirked her eyebrow and continued talking to the baby like he wasn’t standing right there. “Clearly your father doesn’t eat like that, and I don’t eat like that, so must be youuwaah!” He whirled her around, grabbed that sexy ass of hers in both hands and boosted her up to wrap her legs around his waist. “Breakfast is gonna have to wait a while,” He ground out, flipping the stove off and pushing the food back on the counter so the dog wouldn’t get it, snatched the spatula out of her hand to toss in the sink, and carried her out of the kitchen while she spluttered and hung on to his shoulders. “Roar, put me down.”

  “Fuck, no.” He growled back,


  “Tell me you don’t want me,”

  “I don’t-“

  He shut her up by letting her slide down his body and slanted a hungry kiss over her lips, driving his tongue between her lips the way he wanted to shove his cock between her legs. Curved himself around her and let her fuckin have it. Four months’ worth of needing her, four months of waking up hard without her next to him to help him fuck the pain away. Four fuckin months. He wasn’t waiting four fuckin minutes. “Tell me you don’t want me, babe.” He told her again, and she tried, tried to tell him no, but he could feel her nipples drilling into his chest. Feel her hips seeking forward towards his dick. Her hands, fisted in his shirt to pull him closer, not push him away. So he went back in and kissed her until she was using him to keep herself on her feet. “Tell me,”

  He cupped her hips, pulled her shirt out of her jeans and pushed his palms up the smoothness of her sides, thumbs rubbing the undersides of her breasts before he asked her again, “Jesus, shut up and fuck me you manipulative jerk.” She snapped, struggling to get out of her shirt so she could sink both hands in his hair, rise up on her toes and slam her mouth on his hard. He needed no further prompting. He tore his own shirt off and walked her backwards to the bed, sitting down so she could stand between his knees, “Let me look at you.”

  “What part of, shut up and fuck me, was unclear?” She panted, and he pushed her back a step, reaching up to cup his palms around her breasts. The plain black bra she had on made her skin seem whiter, like it was glowing, and her tits had definitely gotten bigger. He’d been able to completely cover them last time, now they filled his palms to perfection. He plucked at her straining nipples, remembering how they felt in his mouth, and she flinched, “Easy,” He frowned and quit immediately, glad when her hands came up to press against his tighter. “My boobs mutated and got so sensitive sometimes I can’t bear to wear a bra.”

  He grunted, wondering what other things had gotten more sensitive, flicked the clip of her bra open and she shrugged out of it, her lips curving when he licked his and leaned in, “Sorry, baby. I’ll be gentle.” She gasped softly when he licked at the gorgeous pink tips of her even more gorgeous tits, her fingers pressing hard into his scalp to hold him closer, shuddering and moaning softly when he suckled. “Roar, come on,”

  “Hush,” He ordered roughly, rubbing the flat of his tongue over her nipple before he took the other one and pulled gently at first, then harder with his lips until a soft cry left her and her whole body shuddered in his arms. “Bet I could make you come, just from this. Damn, your tits are pretty,” Even prettier flushed with warmth, her nipples hard and swollen, bright pink from his mouth. He chaffed them with his morning stubble and she hissed, tugging hard on his hair, “Quit screwing around,” She demanded, and his lips curled against her skin.

  Damn demanding bitch.

  He grabbed her around the hips and rolled her down to the bed, tore at the snap on her jeans, the zipper, peeled them off her body and dropped to his knees, throwing her legs over his shoulders to bury his face in her pussy. She cried out to the ceiling, lifting her hips up, riding his face while he licked, ate, sucked, swirled, fucked her with his tongue and made a mess out of the sweet cream pouring over his lips. Soon his name joined that litany of soft cries, peppered with “please,” and “Oh god, more!” He could feel the soft muscles in her thighs quivering against his cheeks and hurried to tear open his fly. Laughing when she cursed him for stopping, leaving her hanging for the one second it took to grab her ass in both hands and haul her up, open, to sink his cock in that sweet pussy, all the way to the root.

  One shove, and she shot off like a roman candle.

  He watched or gorgeous body bow up, mouth open on a keening cry that vibrated through his whole body, her pussy milking his dick so strong his eyes nearly crossed. No holding back now. She grabbed his wrists and he fucked her through that crushing orgasm, right up to a second, to a third, four fuckin months of blue balls, and when he finally blew, it was like the hand of fuckin God. It tore up from his toes, made the muscles in his ass clench so hard his back spasmed as the ecstasy exploded from his cock in gut wrenching spurts. He came so hard, so much, that he looked down through the fireworks going off in his head and saw his come gush out from between their joined bodies.

  He barely had the presence of mind to turn so he didn’t land on her when he crashed. To haul her with him onto her side so he could keep his dick planted inside her, savoring the last little ripples of her orgasm while he tried to catch his breath and quiet the ringing in his ears. He kept her cuddled close, lips pressed to her sweaty brow, smug as fuck to hear the sweet little mewling whimpers she made as she came down too, “Okay?” He grated out, and she nodded, her tongue peeking out to lick her lips, which mean it swiped across his chest sensually, making his spent cock twitch, “Jesus, not possible,”


  “Better. It was better…than last time.” She panted out, her fingers weakly spasming on his shoulder while she clung to him. He passed out with a grin on his face.

  Next time he woke up, they were still tangled together, her soft body flung half over him, her hair spread out all over everywhere, sun shining down on her beautiful pale body. She was out, her thigh over his hip, shivering a little when he skated his fingertips down the long length of her spine, swirling around the dark edges of his brand on her back. Down around the tender edges to skate over the round curve of her ass, the curve of it where it hit her thigh. “Missed out,” He muttered, amazed by the beauty sleeping in the curve of his arm, “Muh?” She slurred sleepily, and he shifted her hair off her cheek to touch a kiss to her temple, “Missed out last time, getting to wake up with you in my arms. All soft and sweet,”

  “Shut the fuck up, tired.”

  Her grouchy growl made him laugh and grab a hand full of her beautiful ass to squeeze and tug her closer. She reached back blindly behind her for the blankets, pulling them over herself, then a few minutes later shoved them off again, but kept the sheet. “Okay?” He chuckled, and she shoved at his shoulder weakly, “Fuckin furnace, you’re gonna boil me to death. I’m hungry,” She bitched, and now he full out laughed. “Give her four screaming orgasms, and she’s still cranky.” He muttered into her hair, “Shouldn’t have pulled me away from my breakfast,” She grumbled, her hand folding over his when he curved it over her belly. It moved something deep inside him, bitchy as she was, she didn’t shove his hand away, she folded hers over top of his and turned her cheek to rest on his che
st. Right over his heart, and held his hand over their boy. “I’m makin you breakfast, babe.”

  “K. Time s’it?”

  “Almost ten,”

  “Hafta get up. Open the nursery.”

  “You’ve got employees for that,”

  “Oh. Yeah. Do, mm hm.”

  Her thumb stroked down the side of his hand and he had to get up before he made a fool of himself. He eased away and dropped a kiss on her cheek, easing the sheet higher over her body and reached down to hitch his jeans up his thighs. She grabbed a pillow to shove under her hips, threw her knee over another, and hugged a third to her chest, snuggling down like a little girl on her pristine white sheets. He stared at her for a long time, at the long shapely length of her leg that peeked out from under the soft sheets, the soft pink polish on her toenails, up the curve of her body to her sleep blushed cheeks and the crimson fan of her eyelashes on that creamy skin. The spill of all her hair across the whiteness of her bedding, like fire licking down over the edge of the bed.

  Fuckin beautiful bitch.

  “Not your god damn bitch,” She growled without opening her eyes, and he gave a huff of a laugh, guessing he’d said that out loud.

  He brought her grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches and a bowl of vanilla pudding with some orange juice he found in the fridge and set the stuff down on the bedside table. She breathed in deep at the sound of the dishes clinking down, groggily opening one eye to look over her shoulder at him, “Shit.” She murmured, licking her lips and pushed up on her elbow, the sheet dropping to her waist and baring her tits again, showing him the little strawberries he’d left on her soft skin. Made his dick hard in two seconds flat. Chapped his ass that he had to leave her like that. “I gotta go back to the compound. Be back in a few hours,” She nodded sleepily and scooted up, arching a skeptical eyebrow at him when he sat down beside her and waited for him to go, obviously. “Babe,”


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