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Never Ever: Book One Perdition MC

Page 8

by Isabel Wroth

  “Need my boots on if we’re gonna ride.”

  “We’re not. Went back and got the Jeep.”

  “What? Why?” she muttered, still half asleep. “Because I was a dumb ass and didn’t think. Top’s right, I shouldn’t be putting you on my bike while you’re still getting dizzy spells. Unnecessary risk.”

  “Oh. Kay. Need my boots anyway.”

  “Already in the Jeep.”

  So tired she was slurring her words, she just touched a kiss to the scruffy side of his jaw, and snuggled back down. “Gotta fuck you like that more often if I get you sweet like this after,” He muttered, and she smiled. “Kay.”

  He put her to bed once they got home, stripped her out of her clothes and watched in amusement as she snuggled down under the heavy blankets and curled around the pillow he’d bought her. “Sticky,” She muttered, “Need to get up and shower,” Talking in her sleep made her just all that much more adorable. But he knew what she meant, and went to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth. She sighed when he wiped her down, still mostly asleep when she reached up and threaded her fingers into his hair. He followed the weak tug she gave until their lips met, and she mumbled, “Like that.” Damn, she was cute.

  Chapter Eleven

  He was sitting in the living room, feet up on the coffee table, Squatch lying on the couch next to him while he flipped through channels on her tiny TV. He had a perfect view of the bedroom from where he sat. A perfect view of Ever sleeping, smack in the middle of her big bed. An even more perfect view of when she got up, taking the sheet with her and kept it wrapped around her while she climbed out of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. She came out in a short nightie and a thick sweater that hung down to her knees, looking a little dazed and still a bit out of it. “Hey babe,” He murmured, making her jolt with surprise and look over at him like she’d not seen him sitting there, “Squatch, off the couch!” She snapped, and the puppy pouted, but obeyed and trotted over to sit on her feet and twist his head back to look up at her adoringly. “You know better, you big dust bunny.” The dog sat up on it’s hind legs and folded it’s fronts to give her the best begging face she’d ever seen. “No couch.” She told him firmly, but loved on his ears and then came over to straddle his thighs.

  He filled his palms with her gorgeous ass, wondering who this affectionate female was and what she’d done with his bitchy ginger. But he forgot momentarily to have been suspicious, because she bent her head and melted a sweet kiss over his mouth that had his head spinning. “You good?” She asked softly, and he tilted his head in question, “You were pretty quiet after the doctor’s appointment. Before you fucked me into a coma.” He smiled slowly at her and snuck another quick kiss. “Definitely going to fuck you like that more often if I get sweet like this.” He grated when she pulled back, “Don’t be a dick. You good or not?”

  “Yeah, babe. I’m good.”

  “Good. I was going to make dinner,”

  “Already did.”


  “Steak. Doctor said you needed more iron in your diet, that it’s probably a contributor to why you’re still getting dizzy.”

  “Um, we didn’t discuss that today.”

  “I called the office. You’ve been out hard, since we left the compound. I didn’t know if that was normal, so I called. We talked.”


  “You good with that?”

  She shrugged and settled easier on his lap, twirling his hair around and around her fingers. She looked uncomfortable, but her body language was good. She opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it, “Just say it,” He urged, slipping his fingers under the hem of her soft nightie to discover she wasn’t wearing any panties. “And hurry up, before I get distracted. Why aren’t you wearing panties?”

  “I mentioned that whole sensitivity thing, and what I was going to say isn’t important.”

  “You sure?”


  “Okay. I want desert first.”

  “You made desert?”


  She made the most adorable little squeal when he flipped her down to the couch and had his desert first. And she was seriously sensitive, just a few licks of the cream dripping out of her pussy and she was cresting the wave of a brutal orgasm. And a few licks weren’t nearly enough, so he set in, drug her closer, tossing her legs over his shoulders and loved how she twisted her hands tight in his hair and hung on. He got three more orgasms out of her before he took her down to the soft rug in front of the fire and took his time this go around. He fucked her slow and gentle, his weight on his elbows so he could look down at her, watch her toss her head back and forth when he found that soft spot that lit her up like a roman candle. Watched her eyes darken to a deep emerald when she came again, tears actually falling from the corners while she clung to him and writhed with the overload of pleasure. Writhed while her pussy sucked the come right out of him. She wasn’t the only one seeing stars.

  He dropped his head to lick those tears off her cheeks, turning with her so that her back was to the fire and he could keep her wrapped up. Her thigh over his, his arms around her, still inside her enjoying the last few ripples of her orgasm. He swept his hand up and down her spine, scooped her tangled hair off her nape, enjoying her soft pants, her shudders. “Best desert I ever had,” He told her seriously, and she nipped his jaw in answer. “Doc said you’d have more of an appetite than normal. For food and sex.”

  “Guess it was a good thing you showed up at the nursery when you did then,”

  He could hear the teasing in her tone, but it didn’t make the jealousy that raged any less intense. Imagining some other swinging dick giving this to her. Taking his place. He popped her on the ass and felt her pussy clench hard around his cock, bringing him back to life instantly. He rolled her back over and came up to his knees, hauled her hips up the incline of his thighs and drilled down into her. “Yeah? Were you lookin for a snack?” her back arched up off the floor, reaching for him, but he caught her hands in one of his and pressed them up over her head, drawing her body back in a taut line that gave him the perfect angle to fuck her silly. “Roar, I can’t…too much,” She said that, but her hips were seeking up higher, taking the hard slam of his cock, her tits quivering with every shove, sweet sounds coming out of her swollen mouth in time to the wet slap of flesh on flesh. He had to sling his arm around her hips to keep her from sliding away from him. “Yeah, you can. And you fuckin will. My brand,” slam! “My kid,” slam! “My. Fuckin. Desert.” Slam, slam, slam!



  “Jesus! You Neanderthal! I was teasing you!” She screamed her last word when he tilted his hips to make his pubic bone grind down on her clit, dropped his head and sucked hard on one of her straining nipples. Just like that she detonated. Loudly.

  He rolled with her so she was spread out on top of him, exhaustion and pleasure sapping the strength out of him finally, but somehow she had the energy to turn her cheek to his chest. Her nose rubbing up against his pulse. “Like that,” She murmured, “Like what?”

  “You stay inside me after.”

  “Told you, baby. I could stay in there forever.”


  “Your list’s getting pretty long, babydoll.”


  “Of things you like about me.”

  “Don’t ruin the post coital glow.”

  “Post coital glow? What the fuck is that?” He lost his mind laughing, and she thumped him on the shoulder, pushing off him to crawl over to grab her sweater from where he’d tossed it. He got the sexiest view of her gorgeous ass as she did that, and the big red print of his hand on the soft white flesh. “Well it’s gone now.” She huffed, looking ten kinds of sexy and rumpled, wincing when she pulled the fabric of her sweater over her breasts. She shoved her hair out of her face, stuck her dainty little nose in the air and gracefully sailed from the room. He heard the water going on and off in th
e bathroom and knew she was cleaning up. She looked damn cute in an oversized pair of grey sweats and a crop top that had a rainbow peace symbol on the front and showed off her little baby bump.

  Damn cute, sexy bitch.

  He came up behind her in the kitchen as he’d gotten in the habit of doing, one hand on her belly, his other arm curled around her upper chest so he could rub his face into her hair, while she made herself some tea. Her list was getting long, and so were her reasons for holding out, but she didn’t trust that he wasn’t just doing this, wasn’t just here with her because she was pregnant. “I wasn’t laughing at you, baby.”

  “I need to ask you something, and I don’t want you to get mad.”

  “Depends on the question,”

  “Okay, well then I’m not trying to make you mad on purpose.”


  “If my implant hadn’t failed, would you still be here?”

  His hands stopped rubbing on her body, he quit nuzzling at her hair and she felt him draw in a deep breath before he answered. And his voice was a full octave lower. “You flipped my switch the second I saw you walk into the club. Not one thing about you I didn’t like. How you eye fucked me from across the room, but you didn’t come to me, thinkin you wouldn’t stand a chance against all that pussy crawling all over me. Liked how you sassed me, insulted me, dismissed me, tossed all that hair and shot me down hard when I tried my usual lines on you. And you weren’t playing games either, you genuinely thought you didn’t have a shot.”

  He took her tea from her and set it on the counter, turning her around so he could palm her ass in one hand, cupped her neck in his palm and stepped his feet out so his thighs were bracketing hers. So he could stare down into her eyes and show her his dead serious expression. The thoughtfulness in his eyes, the smirk on his lips. “Loved havin you in my lap while I shot the shit with my brothers. The smell of you was intoxicating, never asked what it was. Got you in my bed, and no lie, best pussy I ever had. From the way you came all over my dick, how you cuddled up next to me after, I expected you would be like the other bitches who come to the club for thrills, and come back for more. Pissed me the fuck off when you didn’t, when Suzie wouldn’t tell me who you were or where to find you. Pissed me off even more that every time I tried to drill out the ache in my balls with another bitch, I literally could not get it up.

  I’d smell your perfume or whatever the fuck it was, on my sheets, my pillows, and I’d see your face looking up at me. None of the club sluts did anything for me except piss me off and make the blue balls even worse than before. Thought I was having some kind of vicious, spontaneous ED or some shit. Even went and got tested in case you gave it to me, which you didn’t, pissed me off even more when all my shit came back clean. Cause that meant it was me, meant I kicked the sexiest, smart ass mouthed ginger bitch I’d ever have out of my bed like a moron, making an ass out of myself for assuming you were like the rest of them. You ask Top, he’ll tell you what a mother fucking pain in his ass I’d been since that night. One night, the rubber ripped, took you bare once and you got pregnant. I told you the truth about not wanting a family, told you I wasn’t pissed any more about it, and that’s the truth too. Put my brand on you, because I wasn’t going to be like my father and abandon my son. And I meant it, that waking up to you every morning wont be any hardship at all. So yeah, even if your implant hadn’t failed, I’d be here.”


  She woke him up before she left the bed, telling him she was going out to feed the pigs. He tasted mouthwash on her lips, and offered to get up and go with her, but she shushed him and told him to go back to sleep. He didn’t even think to argue, that was until he heard the crack of a gun. It whipped him up out of bed so fast he fell to the floor. He drug his pants on, panic shooting to every corner of his body when he heard the second shot ring out. “EVERLY!” He ran out the back, his feet sliding on the wet grass as he ran for the barn, but he heard his name and nearly fell on his ass when he spun around to see her, totally unharmed, holding a fucking sniper rifle in one hand and stepped off the roof, curling her free hand and ankles around the flag pole beside the house and slid down like it was a fireman’s pole. “Saw the hogs in my god damn field again,” She said, obviously pissed off, not noticing him coming for her like a freight train. “Sorry I woke you up. I hadn’t intended to get the drop on the hogs like that, but they’re fucking up my fields. They got into my nursery, and wrecked a bunch of shit. I sent Todd to get some hog traps, but they’re not set up yet. I’ve got to go finish them off before they get away.”

  He was so shocked, his brain running on primal adrenaline of discovering his woman unharmed, seeing her come down that pole like that, he just let her slip away from him and by the time he got his shit together, she was halfway across the back yard, her rifle still in hand. He realized she was going out to finish off the hogs, which meant the nasty fuckers weren’t dead, and if she’d missed or not mortally wounded the damn things they could turn on her. “Fuck!” He shouted, ran to the house to get some boots and chased after her. Only to see that she’d gotten the damn things, head shots, and there wasn’t anything left to finish off. “Damn, baby. You sniped them from the roof.”

  “Fuckers shouldn’t have been tearing up my fields. Squatch could have come out here, tried to play with them and gotten gored.”

  It was about that time that he recovered from the shock, grabbed her up and shook the shit out of her, “Are you out of your god damn mind!” He roared, her head flopping back from the volume, her eyes rounded in surprise. “What-“

  “What in the FUCK are you thinking? Up on the god damn mother fucking roof, pregnant, with a rifle?” He ranted on and on at her until he ran out of air, and when he did, her lips twitched “Roar,”

  “You think this if fucking funny?!”

  “Babe, I’m okay.”

  “You’re not gonna be after I paddle your ass! You won’t go a single day without the feel of my hand imprinted on your skin!”


  “Jesus! What if you’d slipped? What if that fuckin pole had come down!”

  She sighed let her rifle drop to the ground, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, going up on her toes to touch a kiss to his jaw. “Roar, I’m okay. I’m sorry I scared you.” His arms wrapped around her so tight it was hard to breathe, but she felt him quivering while he crushed her, “I’m okay.” He nodded, his palm swallowing the back of her head, his breath hot on her throat. “Heard those shots, thought someone was shooting at you.” He rasped, shuddering powerfully when she stroked her palms down his touseled hair, “I’m okay.”

  “Don’t you ever fuckin do that to me again, you hear me?”

  “Yeah baby, I hear you.”

  “Jesus. Fuck.”

  He still hadn’t let go of her almost an hour later. Was still pissed, now growling at her about how loud the shots must have been to the baby, had stomped out to the barn with her to feed her pigs, who were pissed about breakfast being late. Then he banged around in the kitchen to make breakfast, still ranting at her about the foolish risk she’d taken. She got tired of hearing him ranting at her, so she did the only thing she could think of to get him to stop. She got up from where he’d parked her at the kitchen counter, took her pants off and draped them over the chair. Then her top, and started to walk away from him, ignoring his squawk, demanding to know where she thought she was going. “To shower.” She murmured in what she hoped was a contrite tone, pulling her hair up in a knot on top of her head, now wearing absolutely nothing at all, and smirked to herself when she heard him swear, heard the pots clang on top of the stove. She’d gotten the shower started and had just stepped under the hot spray when he caught up to her.

  Her morning turned out to be quite, eventful.

  Two nights later they were lying curled up in her bed, Roar’s big hand swirling aimlessly in no discernable pattern on her back, lips touching softly in the dark while they recovered from another explosiv
e round of the best sex she’d ever had. “The boys want to throw us a bash. Welcome you proper. Want you to meet all of them, so when I’m gone you’ll know who to call if you need something.”


  “On a job. Nothing on my books right now cept small time stuff in town. But if I have to chase down a skip, I want you safe.”

  “Oh. Right. Sure. You want to give those boars I shot?”


  “We can um, have it out here if you want.”

  She felt Roar go still, saw him shift up above her in the dark. A perfect shaft of moonlight slanted across his eyes and made her catch her breath at how they almost glowed in the dark. “Out here?” He questioned softly, seriously, and her pulse kicked up. “They’re your family, and so long as they don’t tear up my shit, smoke in my house or drive their bikes through my flowers, they’re welcome here. If you want. Though um, there’s not much room for them to crash, if they get shitfaced or whatever.”



  “Shut up.”


  “Means the fuckin world to me, that you just said all that shit. I’d like that, them comin out here. This is a beautiful place, you worked hard on it, should be proud to show it off. And they’re your family too, if you let’em be.”

  She snuggled closer to him and touched a kiss to his chest, feeling a whole new kind of warmth spreading through her body. His skin was smooth and hot under her palm, his muscles hard and she loved to trace her hands, her mouth over them. He was in her bed every night, she woke up with him, and if he had to leave, she welcomed him home with dinner and a kiss. More and more he would take moments to settle his palm on her growing belly. If he came up behind her, if they were laying on the couch, in bed, in the damn check out line at the grocery store. Her list was getting long, the things she was liking about him. This was just one more. “The prospects will bring the truck, anyone gets shitfaced, they’ll drive them back to the compound to sleep it off.”


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