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Never Ever: Book One Perdition MC

Page 13

by Isabel Wroth

  “Not gonna wait any longer to let you choose to marry me. You know what it says on my list of things I love about you?”


  “I loved, hearing other people calling you my wife. Flipped my fuckin switch so hard if we hadn’t been in the police station, you’d have been fucked ten ways till Tuesday. Loved it, correcting that asshole when he called you Taggart. Love everything about you. So deal’s off, babe. You don’t get to walk in eighteen years, you don’t get to walk, because you’re mine. Been mine since the first time I had you in this bed, I was just too much of a dumbass to realize it. Gonna be mine till the day I die.”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but a heavy fist pounded on Roar’s door, pissing him off enough to snarl as he jackknifed from the bed and yanked the door open with a, “What the fuck?” She sat up and took in the look of shock Saint wore, combined with some kind of heavy emotion not related to the funeral they’d just attended. “Raid. He’s alive.” Those three words had her old man making this sound like Saint had just punched him in the belly, while strangling him at the same time. “What?” Saint swallowed loud enough for her to hear, and from how Roar was white knuckling the door, this was either the worst or the very best of news. She wasn’t sure yet. “He just…He called me from a VA hospital in Virginia. He’s fucked up, but he’s alive. I told Top and he’s on the phone booking a flight now to go see him and make plans to get him home.”

  She tentatively slid her hand up under the back of Roar’s shirt, not surprised when he reached around and yanked her to his side. “Who’s Raid?” She asked softly, and her man swallowed what sounded like a painful lump, “Brother.” He managed to say, and the emotion in that one word brought tears to her eyes. “You should go with Top, then. Go see him.” He shook his head, pulling his hand down his face raggedly before dropping a kiss on her hair. “Can’t, you’re about to pop, and I’m not leavin you here. Fucked up how?” She couldn’t lie, it made her heart flop over to know he’d forgo flying to bring home a brother, for her. And it made her entire body soften that with that one arm he clutched her to him, and his other hand settled to rub on her belly, more to settle himself than her, but it was sweet and it made her melt all that much more. “He got blown up in Afghanistan, shrapnel tore him up and he can’t walk. Paralyzed from the hips down.”

  “Paralyzed?” Roar breathed in horror, and she understood that not only was it a horrible fate, but made even more so because it meant he couldn’t ride. Couldn’t feel the free air on his face. Saint nodded, scrubbing his hand through his hair, “Yeah. But he’s prepping for some surgery that’s gonna fix it. He um, he’s got a girl in Nevada he wants looked in on.” She tipped her face up and touched a kiss to his scruffy jaw, “Babe, go. It’s okay.” He totally ignored her, his hand firming on her belly and asked if Saint had given their brother his number. “Yeah. He was callin from the hospital phone, I’m gonna overnight him a cell in the morning with everyone’s numbers in it.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “She say yes finally?”

  Saint nodded to the rock glittering on her finger, and Roar grunted as a smile flirted around the edges of his mouth. “Close enough.” She pinched his nipple and got a swat on the ass in return. She declared she had to pee, knowing that the two of them needed a minute and retreated to the bathroom that was so dirty, only a dude could use it and not be bothered by it. She cringed to actually use the toilet, but was glad when it flushed, and peeked out to see that Saint had gone and Roar was sitting on his bed with his head hung low, his hands laced behind his neck, elbows braced on his knees.

  Today had been a shit day, the news of his other brother not being dead, down one emotional slide and up the other. She didn’t even bother asking if he was okay. He looked up when he heard her shut the door, trying to find a smile for her, but he wasn’t fooling anyone. She picked up the skirt of her dress and climbed as gracefully as she could into his lap, hoping that her hug offered him some comfort. “I’m not going to drop this kid anytime soon, if you want to go see your brother, please go.” He shook his head and touched a string of kisses up her throat, burying his face in her hair to inhale deeply. He stroked her hips, her hair, then wrapped his arms tight around her. “Till we know who did Pike and Susan, I’m with you. Raid will understand, and I’ll be here when he gets home.”

  She didn’t argue with him any further, just combed her fingers through his hair and smiled when his hands moved up and down her back, pausing to squeeze her ass every now and again. She’d been wondering how long it would take before his somber mood wore off. “You’re worried about how easy it was for the feds to find me.” His teeth scraped over her shoulder, “They followed the trail Pike and Susan left. They were using cash, but the ME tagged their fingerprints and got their identities. But Nasa got the suits to admit they’d seen you leaving the clubhouse with me, that your ex, saw you and spilled the fuckin beans. So yeah, I’m fuckin worried. But that’s for tomorrow. Tonight, you love me. Tonight, you’re wearing this dress and I’m a bastard for looking at you and forgetting for a while why you were wearing it.”

  She gasped and laughed a little when he ducked his head to touch a kiss between her breasts, her belly getting in the way of him holding her close like she wanted, “I was worried it would be inappropriate, but it’s the most conservative black dress I own, that still fits me.” He grunted, his tongue sliding under the material to swipe up the slope of her breast, nibbling and kissing it farther over until he’d nosed it over to bare her black bra. “I love it. Shows off these amazing tits, your belly, your ass. Even under the circumstances, every time I looked at you, I was fighting a boner. Can’t even tell that you’ve got panties on.” She huffed, shuddering when his talented tongue found her nipple and curled around the sensitive tip. “I don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”

  “Have panties on. I thought you might need a break after the funeral, so I took them off when I took off my s-stockings, oh god.”

  The second she’d admitted to not wearing panties, his hand dove between her legs and unerringly found her pussy, his whole palm cupped her, the heel rubbing hard at her clit. And if he hadn’t had his arm around her back, she might have flown off his lap as her body arched at the whip of pleasure that lashed at her. “Sweetest bitch, ever.” He growled, forestalling her demand for him not to call her a bitch, with the thrust of his fingers up inside her. No teasing, no waiting, and over the sound of her ragged gasps, she could hear the wet sucking sounds of his fingers playing in her juices. She rocked on his hand, fingers digging into his shoulders to hang on for the ride, but right when she was about to topple over the edge, he hauled her up to her feet, dislodging his fingers from inside her and before she could do more than squeal in denial, he whipped her dress up and tossed it away. Her bra followed that, and she was totally naked.

  Standing on his gross floor that probably hadn’t been cleaned in a decade.

  He crowded her, palming her belly while he slung his arm around her hips and gave her a look she was fast becoming familiar with. He wanted to do something kinky to her. “You trust me?” She let her brow arch up, because whenever he asked her that, whatever kinky thing he wanted to do to her, was a bit outside her comfort zone. But her answer was always the same. “Yes.” He gave her a scorching kiss, grinning like a fool when the kid kicked against his hand. Obviously forgetting for a minute what he’d been thinking while he stared down at her protruding belly, eyes soft and hot all at the same time. When the kid went still, he rubbed her stomach tenderly and then turned his smile on her. “You ever wonder if he gets tired of all the bouncing around in there while we’re fuckin?”

  She rolled her eyes up at the ludicrous question, and how suddenly mortified it made her feel, that her baby was in there while she was having crushing orgasms. Listening to them both scream and shout and say filthy things. “I think you better distract me, before I decide he does and that I don’t want my innocent boy to be subject to his parents sexua
l appetites.” He chuckled and dug his fingers into her butt cheek to pull her up on her toes. “I can do that. And just so you don’t go flyin off the handle with jealousy, I never used this before. Bought it, but never got to try it.” She let her expression tell him that he was quickly losing her interest, until he went over to the wall and she discovered what the honest to god wench that was attached to the wall was for. Lowering the rope attached to a sex swing that had been hiding up in the rafters. “You can’t be serious.” She had meant to sound incredulous, but she was frankly turned the hell on by the black nylon contraption. “Oh I am. I was going to dismantle it and bring it home, but haven’t had the chance yet. Bein gone. But, while I was, I got these for you.”

  These, were a pair of black leather cuffs. Bondage cuffs. The expensive, padded kind. She just stood there, feeling her arousal sliding down her inner thighs while he buckled the leather on her skin, touching kisses to her palms after he was done, still grinning that evil, wicked grin. “The swing will be more comfortable for you, support you without putting any pressure on your belly.” He led her over to it and skeptically, she let him lift her up to set her in the narrow seat, let him clip her hands to the supports so she could hang on and not go flying out of it. He was now almost salivating, his expression tight with lust while he slipped her feet into the stirrups and carefully palmed her nape to tilt her head rest on the little padded loop to support her there too. “Just when I think you can’t get any fuckin sexier.” He growled, palming his cock through his jeans before he whipped his shirt off and dropped to his knees.

  He used the swing to pull her forward, burying his mouth into her pussy, her legs spread wide and her entire body tipping back to give him the best angle to eat at her. The position felt precarious, but the way the straps were set up, she was totally supported. Totally at his mercy, and it felt so good that she found herself almost coming instantly. A few more hungry licks, and she was vibrating in the swing, coming so hard that she saw white spots at the edge of her vision. He was grinning when he stood up, stroking his naked cock now and stepped closer, pulling on the thick rope that the swing hung from, and the tension in the wench made a clicking sound as she was raised up a little more, then a little more to be the perfect height for Roar press his dick against her, to grab the swing’s straps and ruthlessly haul her forward, using the momentum to strike all the way to the hilt in one stroke.

  She screamed out because it was so shockingly amazing. Pleasure shot to every pore, pain of the tight entry lighting her up like a Christmas tree. “Fuck, yeah.” He hissed, keeping the swing steady with one hand while he possessively stroked her body with the other. “Use the straps, baby. Sit up.” She obeyed, head spinning at the change in his angle, a ragged wail pulled out of her when he thrust again. Feeding him each uncontrollable sound while he used the swings momentum and the power of his body to fuck her until she threw her head back and came so hard, screamed so loud, she was sure everyone in the compound heard her.

  Yeah. She loved the swing.

  She loved it even more, how tender and careful he was with her afterwards. How he curled his big body around her and fell asleep with their joined hands on her belly.

  And of course she loved it when he woke her up by gently fucking into her from behind.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She did not love it when he made her put on the same dress from last night, her shoes, barely let her brush her teeth or comb out her totally obvious sex hair, and drug her down the stairs to put her in her own Jeep, no breakfast, and ignored her gasp of outrage when she realized where they were. The county court house. “Not givin you any time to change your mind,” She folded her arms across her chest and refused to get out of the car when he came around to get her door. “This isn’t exactly what I had in mind, asshole.” She bitched, and his grin grew to epic proportions. “You had a wedding in mind, huh? Good, we’ll have another one, biggest after party ever. But we’re making it official today. Now.”

  “You know you need paper work for that,” She snapped, slapping at him when he reached around to unbuckle her seat belt. “Got it.”

  “You do?”

  “Don’t sound so shocked, babe. Nasa can get anything.”

  “Are they legal, legit papers?”

  “Of course they are. Get your sexy ass movin, JOP’s waitin,”


  He leaned in and got real serious, grin totally gone and his eyes sparking with that raw, utter…Roarness, and he growled low. “Everly, get your ass out of the truck. I want to walk in there and make you my wife, so no one in the world mistakes the fact that you’re mine, or that I love you. Or questions my commitment to you and our son.” Her lip wobbled as emotion, amplified by her hormones, and she got out of the car. She sniffled and lifted her lips to his for a quick kiss. “You could have at least let me change my clothes so the judge or whoever wouldn’t think we were doing like a walk of shame marriage or something.” He chuckled and tipped her head back for another kiss. “Do I look ashamed?”

  “No. I don’t think you know the meaning of the word.”

  “Nope. I don’t. And I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks, so long as we walk outta here married.”

  “I don’t have a ring for you.” She murmured, and his hand convulsed around hers. He stopped on the courthouse steps and looked down at her, his face all kinds of soft and adoring. “Get me one later.” She gave one final sigh and nodded. Half an hour later she was walking out of the courthouse on her husband’s, arm. The judge had been amused, but had glanced at her dress with a flicker of disproval before officiating the ceremony. A ceremony that was short, sweet, and legal.

  For a quick little honeymoon, he’d taken her up to Carson City where Raid’s girl was, sending Ever in to check on her and not spook her, and she’d come out with like, fifty pounds of girly shit that had made him glad he’d rented a big ass truck to haul it all back. Raid’s woman was another ginger, which surprised him, because he’d always gone for tiny brunettes with massive tits. And this one had curves like Marilyn Monroe, and hair redder than Ever’s. If he’d not been a happily married man, he’d have made a pass at her. Totally. Ever had given her stamp of approval on the bitch, chattering on and off about how awesome her shop was, how sweet her dog was, how cool she seemed to be. He reported back to Raid that all was good with the chick, and took his wife home.

  The contractors had been busy while they were away. Efficiently, busy. Foundation had been poured, framework put up, roof struts, insulation and outer shell of the house. Looking at Everly’s plans, he could see that what was currently their bedroom was going to be turned into an extension of the living room. Sliding glass doors would lead off the far wall and into the little courtyard she’d had made, and a staircase would lead to the second story where the new master bedroom and two more bedrooms would be situated. It was an awesome design, not that he’d admit it, and he was glad it was mostly done now so he didn’t have to worry about it. But it did chap his ass that he hadn’t been involved in any of the building, but he was somewhat mollified when Ever pulled out another sketch, one of a swing that she wanted set up in the courtyard. Not a swing like the one in his room at the compound, but one made out of wood, one she said she wanted to sit on and swing with their son.

  Which was why he was digging a big ass hole in the center of the courtyard to not only plant the half barrel of concrete with a thick wooden post set into it, but the young oak tree she wanted to grow there too. The swing seat was not far away, a beautiful piece of craftsmanship that one of her artisan friends had made, a wide piece of smooth wood with three sides of hand carved, decorative rails to keep her in the seat. She was currently sitting on a stone bench she intended to be part of the garden, smiling while she braided leather strips around the thick ropes that would hold up the swing, and protect the hands from the harsh scrape of the rope while she rocked with their boy.

  He paused in what he was doing to watch her, legs folded up under h
er, her belly getting bigger now that it was getting hard for her to get up and down on her own. She still did it, but she was starting to have to lead with her belly to get up, awkwardly and adorably, but after she’d caught that expression on his face one too many times, she’d reamed his ass about how not funny it was and no matter what he’d said to try and make her understand, it had just upset her more. So he’d just thrown his hands up and kissed her until she quit squirming and trying to unman him. He couldn’t hug her up tight and feel her pressed to him from tits to toes anymore, her belly would get in the way, and he’d had to get used to sleeping on his right side so he could spoon up behind her.

  They had a month more to go, and he couldn’t believe it. He’d been sitting on the couch with her between his legs last night, watching TV with her while she’d been spreading some goop she’d gotten from Raid’s woman on her belly, when the damndest thing happened. Ever went still, quit rubbing her sweet smelling goop around, and he looked over her shoulder in time to see a tiny little hand, and two feet press up from under her skin. Perfect imprints of ten little toes, five fingers, like the kid was trying to bust out or something. He watched, totally holding his breath, while Ever traced a fingertip down that tiny palm, making a little sound when it flexed like the baby had felt her touch, and then disappeared. “Holy shit,” He wheezed, Ever swallowing thickly before whispering, like she didn’t want to break the magic of the moment. “You saw that?”

  “Fuck yeah, I saw it.”

  He set his hands beside hers, set his cheek to hers and did his best to man up and not cry. Ever had no problem letting a few tears go, “What did it feel like?” He rasped, riveted, watching her taut, shining skin for any signs that their boy was going to stretch out again and show them his little hands. “Weird. Amazing. Alien. His fingers flexed when I touched his hand, he felt it.” God, he couldn’t even imagine. “Much as I love how sexy you are, packed full of my baby, I’m getting impatient for you to push him out.” She laughed, hiccupping, jumping a little, both of them feeling the wiggle and powerful kick the kid gave. “You and me both.”


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