The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4)

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The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4) Page 9

by Jade Royal

  “Whoa, whoa, you alright?” he asked her, concern dripping from his features.

  “Yeah I-I don’t know what that was. My wolf did that and made me do it.”

  “Are you hungry?” he questioned.

  “Did you get enough rest? Maybe we shouldn’t go to-”

  “Calm down Jax I’m fine. I promise.” He gazed at her, rubbing her cheek with his palm.

  “Don’t be lying to me Kyra,” he ordered.

  “I swear I’m not.” Jaxson hugged her, and her wolf popped up, squealing and mewling; pacing back and forth with a longing look in her eyes as if she wanted to get a hug too. She searched and howled for Jaxson’s wolf. Kyra laughed and shook her head. The damn animal was infatuated.

  “What’s so funny?” Jaxson asked as they left his bedroom.

  “My wolf wants to know why you all up on me,” Kyra told him.

  “Does she?”

  “Yes, she does. She kind of wants to interrogate your animal too.”

  “Well, he won’t mind the interrogation. In fact, I bet he will be all too pleased to entertain your animal,” Jaxson informed her.

  “I don’t think I’ll let her out until she can control herself,” Kyra smiled.

  “There’s no telling what she’s going to do around you.”

  “Now that sounds like a wet dream if I’ve ever had one,” he teased. Kyra hit him playfully.

  “You play all day,” she rolled her eyes.

  “Jaxson!” He stopped abruptly as Mira’s voice called out to him. He took several deep breaths before he turned around and faced her slowly.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Where you guys going?” she asked softly. If Kyra didn’t have a funny feeling about Mira, then she would be fooled by Mira’s sweet voice and innocent façade.

  “To the hot springs,” Jaxson replied.

  “Can I come?” she asked excitedly. Jaxson wanted to say no. His gut instincts were forcing him to say no. Yet; something had his mind tethered and wrapped around Mira’s scent. For a moment he couldn’t speak because he was battling himself with what he should be saying. But then Kyra spoke, and it broke the trance he was in.

  “No, you can’t come!” She snapped rolling her eyes. Jaxson couldn’t help but let out a deep breath. If Kyra hadn’t spoken up, he didn’t know what he would have said. In truth, he was fearful he would have been forced to say yes, and that would ruin anything he wanted to have with Kyra.

  “It’s not really up to you now is it?” Mira asked, looking at Kyra.

  “Well, I recall him asking to talk to me. Not to you so yeah it is up to me.”

  “You need to just let it go,” Mira shook her head looking Kyra up and down.

  “I already told you what’s up. Why can’t you accept it? You don’t interfere with Bliss, Rita, or Gemma, so why you interfering with me?” When she said it like that Kyra felt like she was hit with a ton of bricks. She looked at Jaxson who stood there unable to speak. Then he looked at her and Kyra could see the contemplation in his eyes.

  “It’s not like that,” Jaxson said to her. Kyra just shook her head.

  “I don’t know why I let you talk me into being around you again,” she whispered. Jaxson was at a loss for words. He felt like everything he wanted to say was on the tip of his tongue, but it just wouldn’t come out. He wanted to shout that he and Mira weren’t mates. He wanted to shout that he wanted Kyra but he just couldn’t. It was pissing him the fuck off.

  “I’ve tried being nice to you,” Kyra said to her.

  “You’ve helped our pack tremendously. But you refuse to be genuine with me or act like you like me. What the hell have I done to you?”

  “We can be friends Kyra. But you have to understand that me and him-”

  “Enough,” Jaxson finally spoke out.


  “I don’t wanna hear it,” Kyra cut him off.

  “If she’s yours then have her.” Kyra turned and ran off trying to get as far away from them as she could. Tears clouded her eyes as she rushed off. With her head down trying to mask her tears, she didn’t see anything in front of her. She plowed into Kellan’s hard chest. She only knew it was him because of his mixed scent that was unique to him and Bliss. For some reason, the scent triggered more than just recognition of her alpha. She was reminded that her scent would never be mixed with a male marking that they were soul mates to live happily together forever. Kellan held her arms, keeping her from falling back ten feet from the force of how she ran into his hard chest.

  “Kyra what’s the matter?” he asked, concern dripping from his features. Unable to speak, Kyra just shook her head as tears began falling out of her eyes even though she tried to hold them back.

  “Oh Kyra,” he sighed. He pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly. In his protective and caring hold; Kyra could do nothing but let her tears run free. Her body shook and trembled as she cried into her alpha’s chest. Kellan made no complaint as he stood there and held her, comforting her through their bond.

  “I’m sorry,” Kyra sniffled.

  “Blubbering all over you like this. You’re the alpha, not a therapist.”

  “Nonsense,” he scolded her.

  “Part of my job as being alpha is making sure all my wolves are okay. You’re like a sister to me I can listen to your blubbering,” he joked. Kyra smiled but still held onto him. Kellan bent over and scooped her up. He carried her back in the direction he had come from, walking around the tunnels. When he got to her bedroom, he pushed the door open and walked with her inside.

  “You know it’s bad luck to carry me across the threshold when we’re not getting married?” Kyra asked trying to make light of the situation. Kellan laughed as he put her down on the bed.

  “Well it’s a good thing shifters don’t get married,” he said. Kyra smiled at him. She sat with her knees pressed against her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. She rested her chin against her kneecaps.

  “What happened?” Kellan asked softly as he sat down on the bed in front of her. Kyra sighed and shook her head.

  “It just hurts,” she told him.

  “Feeling like you’re never going to find love.”

  “But why do you think that would happen to you?” Kellan asked.

  “You’re an amazing wolf, Kyra. Any man would be happy to have you.” Every man but the one she wanted.

  “I’m damaged goods you know,” Kyra said.

  “I know you guys say I shouldn’t think of myself as that, but I am. Maverick probably ruined my chances of ever being able to carry pups. No wolf I know would want to be with a woman that can’t eventually give them pups.”

  “But you healed,” Kellan said.

  “Ever since I healed since his attack I’ve felt off still. I don’t know, but I know what I feel. It doesn’t feel normal.”

  “If a wolf loved you then he wouldn’t hold you accountable for being attacked the way you were. Love blinds you to a lot of things Kyra. And I’m sure that when you find the wolf that’s meant for you, all he’ll care about is being with you.”

  “I doubt it,” she sighed. Kellan looked at her inquisitively

  “Is there a wolf you want right now Kyra?” he asked her.

  “It doesn’t matter what I want,” she sighed.

  “It won’t ever happen.”

  “Do you love him?” Kellan asked.

  “Him who?” Kyra tried to act stupid like she didn’t know what he was talking about. Kellan sat back and looked at her.

  “We can do this the easy way, or I can pull the alpha card,” he said casually. Kyra gasped and stared at him in disbelief. That meant that she could willingly tell him or he could force her to since her wolf was vowed to him she was going to do whatever he ordered her to do.

  “I don’t know if I love him,” she whispered.

  “What is it that you feel?”

  “My wolf likes him a lot. I like him a lot too. I mean, he makes me laugh. He cares about me
; he’s strong and protective. I feel safe when he’s around. I don’t know, maybe I’m just horny but when I get near him, uncontrollable sexual thoughts fills my brain, and for a moment I can’t think of anything else.”

  “If he’s your mate Kyra then-”

  “He’s not,” she cut him off.

  “I don’t have a mate.”

  “Everyone has a-”

  “Not me,” she sighed. Kellan looked at her for a moment. He didn’t believe she didn’t have a mate, but he was going to let that one go. He believed that Jaxson and Kyra were mates, but it was clear they weren’t. The fact that they were both denying they were mates made that pretty clear. Wolves may take a while to complete the mating bond when they found their mates, but they never denied the truth of who their mates were. Kellan was just never put in a position where two wolves who weren’t mates were so clearly into each other. Wolves fucked anyone they wanted, and they carried normal sexual lives. Hell even Tristan had a girlfriend before he mated Gemma, but there was something different about Jaxson and Kyra. It was only going to be up to them to figure that out really. In the meantime, however, he didn’t want Kyra to get hurt.

  “Would you like me to order him to stay away from you?” Kellan asked. She looked up at him sharply.

  “I could never do that to him,” she gasped.

  “If he’s hurting you, Kyra, then why do you care about what happens to him?” Kellan asked with a brow raised.

  “I-I don’t know,” she sighed.

  “I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose either.”

  “I suppose when we care about someone; even if they are hurting us, we can’t hurt them back.”

  “I told him to stay away from me, and he listened. He’s not a mindless dick that does what he wants for the sake of himself.”

  “Okay. Well, you know; if you need anything from me, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Thanks so much, Kell,” she smiled. She reached forward and hugged him before yawning. Closing her eyes, she laid down in bed. Still wearing Jaxson’s t-shirt, Kyra easily fell asleep with his scent wrapped around her.

  Jaxson yanked Mira to her room the moment Kyra ran off. Because he knew Kyra, he knew it was no good to run after her and try to say anything. The fact still remained that he stood there like a dummy while the whole thing went down because he couldn’t even speak. He hated the feeling, and he didn’t know why it came over him.

  “So what’s your problem?” he asked her.

  “Why do you feel the need to interfere when it comes to me and Kyra? I already told you we’re not mates. Hell, you should know we’re not mates it’s not something I have to tell you.”

  “Do you think it’s fair that you flirt with her, then come back and flirt with me. Have me thinking it’s me you want? Only to see that you’re back in her face flirting with her?”

  “I care about you Mira, but I don’t flirt with you. Not in one bit.” Mira gasped and recoiled as if he just burned her. But it was true. He didn’t flirt with her. Not in the way he does with Kyra. Something about her scent attracted his wolf, and he had thoughts of having sex with her, but that was it.

  “Kiss me,” she ordered.

  “Uh, no,” he replied giving her a look.

  “Where the fuck did that come from?”

  “I want you to kiss me,” she gritted; glaring at him. Jaxson did not want to kiss her. He knew that. But yet still; she ordered him to do it, and it was like he forgot everything about his own gut instinct. Her scent came around him and lured him closer to her. It just didn’t feel right. Yet still he couldn’t stop himself from giving in. So he got closer to her, and she wasted no time reaching up to kiss him. It was dull, and lifeless. Almost like kissing a dead fish. There was nothing physically wrong with her, and she was so gorgeous, but kissing her didn’t let any sparks fly. Jaxson didn’t feel like his life depended on her kiss or her touch. He pulled back immediately.

  “Satisfied?” he asked.

  “No,” she said hotly. Jaxson just shrugged.

  “Just let me be Mira. I’m sorry if I led you on in any way but-”

  “So you can stand there and tell me you’re not attracted to me?” she asked.

  “You’re attractive, but I’m not-”

  “When I was sick after helping Rita you were at my side daily. We talked and looked into each other’s eyes, you cared for me, and now since Kyra is wagging her hoe ass tail at you, you’re all of a sudden hot for her?” In a flash, Jaxson had his hand around her throat. He squeezed enough to make her feel the burn of losing her oxygen but not enough to immensely physically hurt her.

  “You call her anything but her name Mira; and you’re gonna have to deal with me,” he said darkly.

  “What are you gonna do? Kill me?”

  “Don’t try me,” he gritted. He pushed her away from him. She stumbled and fell to the ground; gasping for air. Jaxson cut his eyes at her before he walked out of her bedroom. He didn’t know what came over him. He just knew he would defend Kyra’s honor no matter who talked shit about her.

  Shaking his head, Jaxson went straight towards her bedroom. He had to talk with her. His body was restless, and anger was spurting from his pores. He needed her bad as if he was having drug withdrawals. It only angered him however when he saw Kellan leaving her bedroom and shutting the door. He walked down the tunnel away from her room before Jaxson caught up to him.

  “What were you doing in there?” Jaxson snapped at his alpha. Kellan turned around slowly; his blue wolf eyes glaring back at Jaxson. Jaxson’s wolf bowed down and heeled.

  “What the fuck did you do to her?” Kellan asked, his canines falling from his gums; his anger mounting.

  “There was just a misunderstanding about a few things, but I want to explain to her-”

  “No. Not today. Stay away from her.”

  “You can’t tell me to-”

  “No; I can tell you Jaxson. Unless you fucking forgot your vows to me and this pack.” Jaxson was silent.

  “The only reason I’m not ordering you to stay away from her is because she asked me not to. But for today and the rest of the night, you need to give her some fucking space and figure out just what the hell you’re doing.”

  “I’m not trying to hurt her. It’s the last thing I wanna do.”

  “So what the fuck is the problem? Why did she bump into me, crying and emotional? Kyra is never like that. So the fact that you got her crying like that means you fucked up. I’m not gonna stand for any of my she-wolves being hurt like that.”

  “I want her,” Jaxson said boldly.

  “Like I’m sure I need air to live I’m sure that I want that wolf back there.”

  “So? What’s the problem?”

  “Every time I know I have a gut feeling; Mira comes around and that shit changes. Then it’s like I can’t think for myself or reassure myself that my gut is telling me what the right thing is. Once Mira is gone I can figure shit out again. So you tell me Kellan, what’s the problem. Why am I conflicted like this?”

  “That’s something you’re gonna have to figure out Jaxson. But I’ll tell you this; Kyra ain’t for play-play, and she’s not up for no love triangle. So act like you have some sense when it comes to her.” They stared off at one another for a moment. Kellan’s eyes eventually returned human, and his teeth receded.

  “I don’t mean to play the power game with you. I respect you as much as I respect any other strong male wolf. As one of my best friends I didn’t expect this from you. If you know you want her Jaxson why even care how you feel about Mira or let anything stop you from getting Kyra?”

  “Because something forces me not to Kellan. It forces me not to.” The men were distracted by a sweet humming coming from behind them. Selena was looking down at a book she had in her hand; humming softly. She paid them no mind; walking right by them. But before she got too far, she stopped in her tracks. She stopped humming, and looked up from her book. She backpedaled until she was standing in front
of the men again. She looked Jaxson up and down.

  “Are you feeling alright?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

  “I don’t know. Your energy is different than what is normal for you.”

  “Well, I’m going through some emotionally stressful shit,” he replied.

  “No; this seems different.”

  “Different how?”

  “Not sure. I feel like you’re missing a chunk of yourself. I sense a blackness like an abyss or something.” Jaxson shrugged.

  “I’m fine. I promise.”

  “If you say so.” She gave him one more once-over before she continued to walk.

  He says he’s fine, but something is wrong with him, Selena projected into Kellan’s mind. Kellan was on high alert. If Selena who was an amazing healer could sense something was off, then Kellan was going to believe every word she said.

  I have a few healing books I need to read and do some research on before I tell you what I think, she said.

  Thanks, Selena.

  “Look, give Kyra some time and-”

  Hey Kell, I just got done eating, and I bumped into Mira. She has fingerprints on her neck. I asked her about it she said Jaxson was upset with her at something, Tristan spoke into Kellan’s mind. Kellan looked at Jaxson.

  “Did you put your hands on Mira?” he asked. Jaxson didn’t answer right away, and that led Kellan to believe he had indeed done something.

  Tell her I’m coming to talk to her. I’m sending Jaxson to the cellar. Meet him down there please, Kellan said.

  “You know we don’t put our hands on she-wolves in this pack right?” Kellan asked.

  “Yeah, I know. She called Kyra a hoe, and I lost myself. But I didn’t seriously hurt her.”


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