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Broken Bear: Unleashed Passion

Page 6

by Stella Bryce

  Chapter 25 Phoenix

  Phoenix wished he could make it all better, but he was a realist. The entire reason he wanted to confront this situation head on was because he knew it might get a little tense. It was only fair to get it out in the open.

  Screeeeeeeech! Car breaks tore through the air, the sound echoing.

  Cocking his head, Phoenix jumped to see what happened. “I’ll be one minute.” He ran to the door to look out. “There’s a kid down,” he yelled over his shoulder. He was out the door in seconds. Lily was right behind him, though a little slower as she was still getting all her strength back in her legs.

  A woman got out of the car, crying. “He came out of nowhere. I just called for help.”

  The boy’s bike was crumpled, the tire rim bent. Lily’s nursing training kicked in. She was already checking his breathing, feeling for a pulse, and talking softly to the child to see if he could hear her. Coming out of a fog, he started to cry as the pain and fear kicked in.

  The siren called out in the background as the ambulance made its way to the scene.

  “Should I move him out of the road?” Phoenix looked to Lily.

  “No, wait for the medics. They’ll put a cervical collar on him and backboard him in case he’s injured his spine.” She heard police in the background as a new set of sirens turned off.

  Kai and Matt Stryker, two police officers, spoke to the woman who was driving the car.

  Phoenix watched Lily in motion, talking with the medics. He was in awe seeing her in action. She was calm, soothing, and so good with the child. The boy was frightened, but she had a way with him. Lily reached down and squeezed his hand as the medics started to transition him. “You’re going to be okay.” She let him know that they’d make sure his parents were being notified, and if he wanted, she’d go to the hospital with him.

  And then he said it, his small lip trembling. “I’m okay. I’m a big bear now. My dad says so.” He smiled. “Are you a bear, too?”

  She shook her head. “No.” Then with a soft smile, she pointed to Phoenix. “He is. He’s a big, awesome bear, just like you.”

  It all happened so fast, but after giving their statements that they didn’t actually see the accident and only heard it, they were thanked for their time and sent on their way.

  Lily took Phoenix’s hand as they walked back into the house. “He’s a bear, you know. He says he’s a big bear. His dad says so.” She smiled at him. “He asked me if I was a bear. I told him I wasn’t, but you were.”

  “We’d make awesome cubs together.” Phoenix grinned.

  Lily blushed and looked down. What struck her more than anything was that he saw a future with her. He had no intention of hurting her. He wanted to spend his life with her, have children, and be a family. He wasn’t going to maul her in her sleep, and he wasn’t going to cook her for dinner. He was simply going to love her, just as she loved him. She found a tiny bit of acceptance. Maybe she could love a bear after all.

  Chapter 26 Lily

  The adrenaline of the day caught up to her. Sitting on the sofa, curled up against Phoenix, Lily finally relaxed enough to doze off. Waking from a cat nap, she looked over. He was watching her. He smiled as she opened her eyes.

  “You look like an angel when you sleep,” he said quietly.

  “It’s been an interesting day. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” She stood to stretch.

  “I loved every minute of it. All those times you sat in the corner of my room, reading your book, I wanted nothing more than to feel you against me.” He watched her as she twisted this way and that, getting in a good stretch.

  “Are we, umm…” She wasn’t sure what to say. She swallowed her embarrassment and simply came out with it. “Are you sleeping here with me tonight?”

  “I intended on it, but if you’re not comfortable…I can sleep out here on the sofa, or even go get a hotel room or something.”

  “No, no, that’s not necessary. It’s just, well…I’ve never slept with a bear before. I’m kind of nervous about that still.” She shrugged. Could he blame her? He was a freaking bear.

  “I’m not going to maul you in your sleep,” he said, and then grinned like a schoolboy. “Though I wouldn’t mind doing it to you while you’re naked and enjoying it.” He gave a small, playful wink.

  “Phoenix!” Lily’s cheeks heated. It’s not that she hadn’t thought about sex. It’s just that she wasn’t sure what to expect. Well, that’s not totally true. She did see his amazing naked body in the hospital that one time, but she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that he was half man, half animal. It was very odd. She’d heard of such things, but she never thought much about it, and certainly didn’t plan on falling in love with one. And yet here she was, in love with a bear shifter. Truth was stranger than fiction.

  Heading to the kitchen, he rustled up some food. Thankfully he had Jett and Hunter stock his home with some fresh food before they came back here with Lily. He’d been gone for so long, and had no clue what was still there.

  Poking around, he looked around the side of the freezer. “Do you want to order a pizza or something? Or do you have a preference?”

  “Who knew, bears eat pizza.” She teased him and laughed at herself at the same time. All of this would take some getting used to. She wanted to be okay with it now and pretend that it didn’t bother her, but she knew it would be an adjustment. Things like this didn’t happen every day in her life.

  “This bear loves pizza. My mom would be…” He stopped talking and got quiet.

  “Are you okay?” Lily moved closer and stroked his arm.

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “It’s hard to believe she’s gone.” He looked away. “I just need a moment, okay?”

  She kissed his arm where she was stroking it, and then walked into the other room to give him a moment of privacy. It didn’t matter if he was a man or a bear. He felt things just like she did. He loved his mother. He suffered a loss. He had feelings, emotions. He was all man. There might be some bear in him, but as far as she was concerned, she’d grow to love that part of him as much as any other. She was his angel, and that meant accepting him as he was, unconditionally. She’d look after him forever.

  Chapter 27 Phoenix

  “I ate too much pizza,” Phoenix groaned. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had pizza. I think they were trying to kill me with that hospital food,” he said with a laugh. It was so good to be home. Nothing could ruin his mood. Even with the earlier scare outside, and thinking back on his mother, when it came down to it life kept moving forward. He chose to look at the happier moments. The boy would be okay, he made as much peace about the accident and his mother as he could, and his angel… his angel had decided she was going to stay. It was a good day indeed.

  Phoenix watched Lily as she nibbled on her pizza. She was a delicate eater, taking small bites, dabbing a napkin to her lips, and taking her time to chew her food. She was the essence of feminine. What he liked most about her was her fuller size. She had rounded hips and a padded waistline. Her arms were soft, and her breasts were swollen. When she smiled, her round cheeks gave her a cherub look. She was adorable. There was something soft and mothering about her, something comforting that made him picture snuggling up with her and growing old. When she stood to rinse her plate at the sink, he couldn’t help but notice her full, rounded bottom. It jiggled when she walked. It was mesmerizing. He was certain he could watch her walk all day long.

  He felt a stirring down below. His body couldn’t help but respond to the beauty in front of him. Phoenix got up and shifted himself before bringing his plate to the counter to rinse. He stood beside her, towering at her side. What he wouldn’t give to slide his hand over her cushioned ass cheeks right now, and give her a little squeeze.

  Phoenix startled and looked at Lily. She shrugged and laughed. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You’re so damn sexy.” She had goosed him, pinching his rear! Here he was thinking about feeling her, and sh
e just reached out and did it.

  “If you’re going to be putting your hands all over me like that, you’re going to stir the beast below.”

  Her eyes got wide.

  “Wait! Wait! Wrong choice of words. I meant my, umm, my cock. Not my bear.” He laughed, realizing he’d said beast, and she took it to mean something else.

  “Ah, awfully confident, aren’t you? Summing it up as a beast,” she teased, and then left him standing there as she walked back into the living room.

  “Hey now!” He chased behind her. “I just happen to know what’s down there,” he said with a wicked grin.

  “Do you remember that day you tore your hospital gown off? Or were you out of it?” She cocked her head. “Do you know you were completely naked…not a stitch of clothing on…and I was right there?” She was feeling playful, and couldn’t resist teasing him. “All I’m saying is that while you have a beautiful body, and my goodness, you do, I saw ‘other things’ too.”

  His eyes opened wide. “I was naked?” He laughed. “Doesn’t surprise me, but I don’t remember much about the early days.” Then it hit him, what she was saying. “Oh! Wait a minute, you didn’t see it all. I was drugged. I wasn’t hard. No fair. You can’t judge by that.”

  She shrugged. “Just saying I wasn’t impressed. On the other hand, if you wanted to show me what you’ve got, I’m willing to make a comparison. You know, sort of like a before and after comparison. I mean, you are a bear and all. I hope there’s more to it than what I saw…”

  “Oh, you’re bad.” He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Two could play at this game. He paddled her bottom with his hand, and then put her back on the sofa gently. The couple laughed and then exchanged glances.

  The room got quiet. Breathing grew heavy. Phoenix got hard. And Lily was desperate for another kiss.

  He sat beside her and turned. Lifting his hand to her face, he gently cupped it. She was beautiful. He could get lost in her eyes forever. His heart beat a little faster. He knew it was love. He’d never truly been in love before, not like this, not picturing forever. There was no question in his mind, she was his forever.

  With his other hand, he quietly traced her lips, his eyes following the movement of his hand. He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to taste her, to kiss her, to make her his own. Leaning forward, he stopped with barely a breath between them. He needed her…needed this. Closing his eyes, he parted his lips and kissed Lily.

  Feeling her mouth open for him, accepting him in, their tongues met as their lips brushed against one another. Her mouth was sweet and warm, wet and welcoming. Phoenix wrapped her in his arms and held her close.

  Lily pulled back the slightest bit, but only so she could climb up onto his lap. She wanted to be one with him. She shifted up and over his meaty thighs and wrapped her knees on the side of his hips. Leaning into her bear once again, she kissed the man before her, never wanting to stop. She wanted him in ways her body hadn’t ever wanted anybody else. She hadn’t felt this kind of lust in longer than she could remember. She felt safe, loved, and wanted. She felt like she was reborn in that moment, and knew he was her forever.

  Phoenix ran his fingers up into her hair, raking them through, and then pulling her even closer. Her breasts pushed tight to his chest as their mouths teased and tasted with nibbles and licks, sucking, and then kissing. He slid his lips off of her mouth and along her jawline. He needed to taste her salty skin, lick her neck, and listen to her purr.

  Lily couldn’t stop her body from responding. She grew damp between her legs as he milked the tender spots of her neckline. Rolling her head to the side, she gave him better access. He brushed her hair back behind her shoulder and suckled her neck, listening to small moans escape her lips. Their heated and passionate kisses grew more lustful as his mouth and hands roamed. He’d come back for another kiss, and then wander off to explore her body yet again.

  Chapter 28 Lily

  When he kissed her, Lily’s entire body heated up. She tingled all over, as if every tiny hair on her body stood on edge. A yearning grew inside that she’d never experienced before. She’d never wanted anybody like this. It was a craving and ache so deep, a need so real, it forced her to hold on tighter, almost afraid that if she let go of him the moment would end.

  She hadn’t intended on feeling this way, and just a few hours ago she was running out the door, afraid. It would have been the biggest mistake of her life. How could she ever have been afraid of him? She knew deep down that he’d always protect her. Lily felt a sense of security that rocked her to the core. How could things have changed so quickly? She forced her mind to quiet down and enjoy the moment. His lips felt so good on her skin…and his hands. His hands started to wander.

  Lily sighed as his fingers gently teased the side of her breast. He drew lazy circles over the material of her shirt. She wished they were naked, so she could tingle even more with his hands on her bare skin, but didn’t want to get ahead of herself. Her lust was talking, while her common sense was pushed aside. Not so fast. Don’t be so eager. Take it slowly. This will be life changing. Don’t be in a hurry. She talked herself down, as the dampness between her thighs made it apparent she was more aroused than she’d been in ages.

  Lily let out a tiny gasp, picturing what it would feel like when he penetrated her for the first time. Embarrassed, she pulled back and whispered to her lover, “If you keep that up…” She couldn’t finish. His lips were back on hers. He had every intention of keeping that up. He needed her as much as she needed him.

  Phoenix planned on waiting. His intentions were good, but his body was crying out for more. Lily’s murmurs and sighs had him yearning for a taste of her sweetness. He wanted to take her to bed and make love to her all night long. It would be so easy to scoop her up and take her to the bedroom, but it had to be her idea.

  Lily rotated her hips, grinding herself against Phoenix’s stiffness. His bulge was pressing tightly against his jeans, like a thick rope between her legs. She tightened her knees to his side and slid against his erect cock that was trapped in the denim material. Lily’s body and mind were of one thought. She needed more of Phoenix, and she needed him now.

  She ran her hands over his arms. They were like giant pythons of muscle. Arching her back, she held onto his arms and pressed into him. “I want you,” she whispered, her voice breathless. Lifting up with her thighs, she slid back down against him and pressed her dampened sweet spot against his bulge.

  “Are you sure?” Phoenix wanted to be absolutely certain she wanted to do this. It would change everything.

  Her eyes were large and staring intently at him. She said the words he hoped for. “I need to feel you inside of me.”

  Lily didn’t even need to climb off him. He simply scooped his hands under her bottom and stood up, carrying her with him. She clung to his hard body, and suckled his neck as he carried her. The powerful lust driving her couldn’t be stopped. There was no turning back. He was everything she’d ever wanted.

  He gently placed her on the bed and lifted his shirt up over his head. Lily smiled seeing his muscled chest, his abs tightly defined.

  They both groaned in agony when they heard the loud knocking at the front door.

  “Go away,” he growled out, not wanting to be bothered.

  The knocking continued. Lily groaned. “Go answer it.” She threw herself back on the bed, frustrated with the timing.

  Chapter 29 Phoenix

  “Dad?” Phoenix stared at his father.

  His dad stood on his front step, asking to come inside. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit sooner. I’m ashamed I’ve waited so long. I needed to work through some things before I could face you.” He looked down. “I don’t blame you, son. I understand it was an accident.”

  “Now isn’t a good time,” Phoenix said flatly, his mood changing instantly.

  “There never is a good time, son. It’s just one of those things you need to tackle head on.” His father walked past him and
sat down, uninvited. “Your brother kept me updated after he went to see you. I never stopped loving you. I just was in mourning. You understand, right? Can you forgive me?”

  Phoenix turned away. “I felt abandoned. It wasn’t my fault, and yet you blamed me.”

  “I was wrong, but we all go through mourning in our own weird ways,” he apologized again. “I was hoping we could talk.”

  “Another time, Dad. I have company.” He turned back to his father. “My angel is here. She’s the one who sat by my side. She’s the one that helped me when I felt alone.” He glared at his father, wishing he could let go of his resentment, but knew it would take time. Just as it had taken time for his father to forgive him for his mother’s death.

  “Right. I’m sorry to have dropped by unannounced. I was passing by. I knew it was time.”

  “We’ll talk, just not today.” Phoenix showed him out.

  When Lily heard the door close, she tip-toed to the living room. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded and flopped onto the sofa. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what? Being human?” She corrected herself with a giggle. “I mean, human and bear?”

  “You’re having fun with that now, huh? Not afraid anymore? Want to see my bear?” Phoenix teased.

  “No! I’m not ready for that.” She admitted it might freak her out still, and she still needed time to grow used to the idea.

  “Come here, you,” he said, a small smile returning to his face. With is angel by his side, he could get through anything.


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