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Convict's Captive Book 3

Page 18

by Paul Blades

  When her orgasm finally crested, her whole body seemed to collapse as if her innards had liquefied. He continued to massage her messy, hot cunt gently, coaxing out of her several intense shudders of post orgasmic pleasure. It had been enthralling to watch. She was one in a hundred thousand. Her capacity for lust seemed endless. It was the image he would hold in his mind now whenever he thought of her, whenever he fucked her.

  He drew his hand away. It was his turn now. He crossed between her spread out thighs and positioned his cock at her oozing gate. When he pressed the head just past the entrance, she looked at him, wonder, fear, surrender and eagerness on her face all at once. He shifted his hips and sank himself slowly home, reveling in the soft, moist heat which pressed on his cock from all sides. Her hips rose to meet him and her legs crossed over the backs of his thighs, pulling him in. He groaned with delight as he fucked her.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  He did not know how long later he awoke. Their bodies were still intertwined. She was still asleep and he took time to enjoy the feel of the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, the heat of her body. He had never felt like this about anyone. He needed her so badly that the thought of losing her made his blood turn sour. It was like had had contracted some disease, become addicted to her flesh. He thought of Ike and the Mexican drug lord who was coming tonight to purchase merchandise. Somehow, he would talk his way out of selling the girl. He just had to.

  Rolling off of her, he grabbed his shorts and started to dress. His actions made the girl stir. She looked up at him apprehensively. She knew that he was going to bring her downstairs now. She would be naked again in front of all those strange men. They would cast their lustful eyes on her. It pleased him to show her off, and it pleased him to see her discomfiture. It was only the beginning of what he had planned for her. All he had to do was hold onto her for the next 24 hours and she would be his.

  When he had donned his boots, he leaned over the bed and released her hands from the chain and pulled her to her feet beside the bed. He unbound her hands from each other and, after making her turn around, fastened them behind her back. The gag was on the floor and he picked it up and presented it to her mouth. She spread her lips and accepted it, looking intently into his face. “Don’t worry,” he thought. “I’ll protect you.”

  She seemed to catch his thoughts and her anxious face calmed. He took hold of the ring in the front of her collar and pulled her towards the door.

  Downstairs, the girls had finished their cleaning. Chaz was there and a couple of the other boys. They were binding and gagging the party girls from last night. There were four of them, all near model quality, all naked as jaybirds but for their 3” high high heels. One of the men had a cluster of black satin bags in his hands and as each girl was gagged and bound, he slipped it over her head, drawing it tight around her neck.

  “Heya, Jack,” Chaz said. “Sleep good?”

  “I guess the fuck he did,” one of the others said. “It’s just past noon.”

  “If I had a little honey like that, I wouldn’t be getting out of bed too early neither,” Chaz replied.

  “Hey, Jack,” he added as Jack was about to pass him on the way to the kitchen. “Want a blow job or something from one of our girls here? We’re getting ready to send ‘em back to the house they work out of. You’ll be missing something special if you don’t.”

  “No thanks,” Jack replied. He paused though, to look them over. They were all eminently desirable and would look good on their knees between his legs. All but the one on the end had a black bag pulled over her head. She looked about 24 or 25 and had a nice, pale, round face with sparkly, green eyes. Her legs were long and her long, plump slit was devoid of hair. She was shapely, with a nice set of breasts. Her hair was dark brown and hung down thick and wavy just past her shoulders. She wore the club’s two inch high, bright red insignia tattooed on her right breast. She was looking at Jack with daggers in her emerald eyes.

  Chaz noticed it. He took hold of a nipple and squeezed it hard. The girl moaned and her eyes turned soft and wet. Chaz just kept holding her teat, turning it harder and harder until she squealed and fell to her knees. Chaz released her tit. “That’s enough of that, cunt,” he told her. “You’ve earned yourself a good whipping when we get back to the house. Now bow down to Jack here and kiss his foot if you don’t want to make it worse.”

  Tears were flowing from the girl’s eyes. She bent over quickly and edged herself on her knees to where Jack was standing. When she reached his feet, she murmured something pathetic sounding from behind her gag and settled where her mouth would be on his boot. Jack took note of her narrow, curved back and her delicious rear orbs.

  He took pity on her. “Okay, that’s enough,” he said. And to Chaz, “Why don’t you let her off the hook this once?” he asked. “After all, it was only a look.”

  “No chance, Jack,” Chaz replied. “Rules is rules. She knows better. She’s been a little trouble lately and she’s about due for a good whipping anyway. You gotta keep ‘em in line. But I don’t have to tell you that.”

  “No, you don’t,” Jack answered.

  Chaz took hold of the girl’s hair at the back of her head and pulled her off Jack’s boot, bringing her to her feet. Her eyes were dour and glistening. The guy with the bags approached her. “Now you’ll have something nice to think about on the way home,” he said. He pulled the bag over her head, shutting her into darkness. Jack thought he heard a muffled sob.

  “None of my business,” he thought. He turned to go into the kitchen, pulling the girl Carly behind him.

  There were a couple more people in the kitchen. One of the bikers from last night was sitting at the kitchen table, the one they called Killer, if Jack was not mistaken. Rocker was there too as well as the woman who they called Big Betty. Her slavish companion was kneeling up along the wall to the left of the table along with the three girls from the cages. Last night she wore a yellow shift, but this morning she was naked like the others. All of their hands were bound behind their backs. Before two of them were the large, silver, metallic dog dishes filled with what looked like Beefaroni. Stitch was standing by the stove ladling out portions into bowls for the other two. As he finished them, he placed them in front of the girls.

  “Got room for one more?” Jack asked him.

  Stitch looked up. “Yeah, there’s an extra bowl in the cabinet. The more the merrier. Just have her kneel down next to Vida there.”

  By Vida, Jack assumed he meant the skinny blond haired that belonged to Big Betty. She was on the end. He brought the girl next to her, removed her gag and motioned for her to take her knees. A moment later, Stitch put a brimming bowl of noodles and beef in front of her. None of the other girls had started eating yet as if they were awaiting some signal. It appeared that they were since when Stitch clapped his hands, four pretty heads bent down to begin their meals. Jack looked down at the girl and gave her a nod. She immediately joined them.

  Jack went around the table and took a seat between Big Betty and Rocker. From that vantage point he had a good view of the five women, their rear cheeks all pointed up and their legs spread as the bent over their meals. There were some bowls on the table and a large casserole dish with Beefaroni in it, the same as the girls were eating. Jack spooned some out for himself. There was a jug of deep red wine on the table and he poured himself a glass and then started to eat.

  There was a constant banter between the gang members as they consumed their lunch. Rocker had a few jokes to tell and Big Betty was describing a few of her johns who came to her place for whatever turned them on. Across the room there was the sound of the girls giving out slight sighs and moans as they ate. Someone had removed the boards from the windows and the room was almost what you might call bright and cheery.

  “Hey, Jack,” Big Betty said at one point, “what’s your price on the red head? I sure could give her a nice home.”

  “She’s not for sale,” Jack told her.

; “Come on,” Betty replied. “Everything’s for sale. I’ll give you top dollar for her, say, $25,000. That’s a nice chunk of change for you to take to Mexico.”

  “No deal,” Jack replied. “But thanks. I’m taking her with me.”

  Jack noticed that Stitch gave him a concerned look. He realized that he was throwing out a direct challenge to the gang’s leader, but he figured he might as well get his position known right away.

  “Come on, Jack,” Betty continued. She was a woman who was used to getting her way. “Pussy’s a dime a dozen down in Mexico. Your gal would be a big hit with my clientele. We’d keep her working a few months so they could all get to know her and then give her a grand send off. My people would pay a lot to see that. I tell you what. I’ll even send you a DVD. They’ll be selling for 5 grand a pop.”

  “I said, no thanks,” Jack insisted.

  “I’ll cut you in on the house cut, say, 10% on top of the 25. What duya say?”

  “I don’t think that would be what Ike would want,” Stitch said ominously. Betty gave him an angry look. Then she smiled.

  “Okay, okay, I get the message,” she said. “But I’m looking for a girl and I need to get her from somewhere. It’s a special order.”

  “Talk to Ike about it,” Stitch said.

  Carly had been just about ready to burst into tears. $25,000 was a lot of money. When she heard the lesbian slavemaster make the offer she thought for sure that the man would take it. He would need money in Mexico, a lot of it. Her whole body soured and cringed in the split second that it took for the man to turn down the deal. Relief swept through her like a hurricane. Her stomach twisted and she became afraid that she would throw up. But she held it in, pausing in her meal for a few seconds, and then continued the task set before her by her master.

  She, at first, couldn’t decide whether it was better or worse to be eating like this alongside the other enslaved females. She cast sidelong glances at the other women as she chewed the soft food. They were casting glances back at her. She could see the shame in their eyes.

  One of the girls, the blond headed one, was crying. It was then that she decided it was worse to be eating alongside the other women like an animal. She was able to see what the men were seeing, saw herself reflected four times. And it made the callousness of the gang, and her owner, seem so much more evil. They were laughing and joking, swapping stories, enjoying life. They were human beings. She was part of a class of human like creatures that were not.

  It made her reduction into less than personhood seem so much more permanent. And it emphasized the essentially fungible nature she had acquired. She was just like the other women. There was no real difference between them. If the man, when he rose from the table, decided to trade her off for a few hours use of one of the other girls, no one would mind. And they could pick her to fuck. And she would do it, that was the worst part. She would be too terrified not to.

  She hoped and prayed that the man would not do it. Somehow she sensed that his enthrallment with her was dependent on his total and complete ownership of her, his exclusive right to her. If one of the other men fucked her, the bond between them would be shattered. She would become just another cunt to fuck. No, she knew that the minute one of the other men used her, she was finished. He would sell her and buy five Mexican girls when he crossed the border. She would lose her luster, her appeal to him. She prayed and prayed that it wouldn’t happen.

  When each of the women finished her bowl of food, licking it clean as they had been trained, she rose and knelt back on her heels and waited. Carly was the last one to finish, maybe because she hadn’t had as much practice as the other women in eating this way. She rose up like the other ones and stared at the wall in front of her. She hated being in the presence of the other men. She wanted to go back up to their room, even if she had to stay locked up there all day. If the men couldn’t see her, they wouldn’t be tempted to try and fuck her. “Please! Please! Take me upstairs! Please!” she thought hard in the desperate hope that her mental message would somehow get through to him.

  It was Stitch who noticed that the women were all done eating. He got up from the table, went over to the sink and picked up a dirty dishtowel. He wetted it in the sink, squeezing it out, and then went down the row of women wiping their mouths. When he did Carly’s, he leaned a little over her and she could feel the heat of his body, sense his unquestionable manness, feel the power that emanated from him. She was glad when he stepped away.

  He came back a moment later and poured some of the wine into their bowls, filling them up from the gallon jug. When he clapped his hands, Carly leaned over and began to lap it up. She could tell that it was cheap stuff, but the smell and taste of it were more than welcome. And, she knew, so would the sensations that the alcohol would bring. Anything to ease her almost constant sense of terror and foreboding. She and the other girls lapped it down noisily.

  She didn’t finish last this time. When she was done, she rose back onto her heels and awaited her master’s further disposition.

  Jack sat at the table enjoying the company of his own kind. Stitch made the one he called Maureen get up and start washing up. Rocker pulled out a huge joint and started passing it around the table. The wine jug made a number of journeys. Jack started to get a little buzz on. At one point, Stitch brought the jug back around to the kneeling, silent women and filled their bowls again. After a while, Killer, a guy with a granite jaw and chiseled face, got up and took the blond girl called Julie upstairs. Two of the other gang members came in, new ones who had not been at the party. They were introduced to Jack and then joined the group for a while until Big Betty offered to let them take Vida upstairs and play with her a while. Rocker had the other black haired girl kneel between his legs and suck his cock, to everyone’s amusement.

  Jack hadn’t felt so relaxed and comfortable for a long time. He kept looking over at the girl just to assure himself that she was there and being obedient. At Big Betty’s request, he ordered her to come to the table and walk slowly around it so everyone could get a good look at her, feel her tits and ass. Big Betty, while stroking her hand over her pussy, renewed her offer, and offered to throw in Vida as a sweetener. Jack said no and pulled the girl to him until she was free of Big Betty’s clutches.

  He could see the girl’s discomfort. Part of him enjoyed showing her off. She was so clearly humiliated at being passed around that it made his cock stir. But the other part of him realized that if he kept showing her around, sooner or later one of them would ask if they could fuck her and he would have to refuse. He didn’t want to have any bad feelings, so he pushed himself up from the table and announced his intension to go upstairs. There was some good natured ribbing as he applied the girl’s gag and led her from the room. He didn’t mind.

  When they got upstairs, he took her to the bathroom and let her pee and then he made her lie down on her belly on the bed. He clipped her ankles together and affixed them to her wrists. Then he went to the bags from the car and pulled out two of the shorter ropes. He used them to tie her knees and elbows together tightly. Someone had put the blindfold into one of the bags and he took it out and draped it over the girl’s eyes.

  He stepped back for a minute. She looked so luscious like that that it made him want to untie her and fuck her. He had a desire, though, to go outside and take a walk so he could look around to see what the desert looked like. He could fuck her later. And the thought of her so securely bound and helpless in here, waiting for him, while he was outside taking in the sights was too exquisite to resist. By the time he came back, he would be well primed too.

  It was perfect.


  Jack went downstairs and out the front door. He had to shade his eyes from the bright sunlight. A couple of gang members were sitting on the porch drinking beers. He gave them a nod and went down the steps. He took a long walk. The landscape was more or less desolate with rocky outcrops and here and there a patch of desert grass or wiry scrub plant
s. There was a path that passed over and around a rocky hillock and very soon he was out of sight of the house. He started to sweat right away. The sun was very strong. The dry heat seemed to soak up the moisture from his body almost as soon as it was released.

  He thought of prison, of the girl, Mexico. He thought about the long list of terrible deeds he had performed. After a while, he climbed a hill and found a place where he could sit and look out over the desert-like environs. He lit a smoke and just sat there, letting the sun warm his body.

  There was nothing to look at as far as his eye could see except sparse vegetation and rocks. Every once in a while, the wind would lift a pirouette of dust into the air. Several small tufts of clouds were floating lazily in the azure blue sky. Three hawks circled seeking out prey. It was as peaceful a place as any he had been in in many a year.

  As he sat there, it occurred to him that he did not deserve to be where he was, enjoying the fruits of liberation, a new life awaiting him. He wondered if his life could have been any different. Was there a single moment when he made the conscious decision to cast his lot with the darker forces? Once he made that decision, was there ever a time when he could have gone back? They had tried to rehab him when he was a juvie, in and out of detention centers. He remembered one night his mother was teary eyed drunk and high on skank. She begged him to be a ‘good boy’ as she called it, promising to straighten her own life out.

  He was probably about 12 when that had happened. He had laughed. He was already earning good money running dope for the Rogues. He wasn’t a full-fledged member, you had to be a lot older for that, but he was on his way. All the guys liked him. He had been invited to the clubhouse a few times and what he had seen made him eager to grow old enough to join. He had had his first sex there, a little later, at 14. One of the girls, a pretty girl with curly black hair, took him up to a room on the 2nd floor, stripped him naked and did a job on his body.


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