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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 59

by John Hamer

  He added that “Fayed was absolutely paranoid about his personal protection.” Even whilst walking around his own store, there would be three or four plain-clothes members of his personal protection team who travelled with him all the time, plus another four uniformed security who would act as ‘outriders’ to create two rings of security around him and that is even in his own store! One could legitimately ask, is this paranoia or is it his involvement in the seedy cesspit of arms dealing and being part of the Elite in general, that prompts this security over-kill? Of course, Fayed’s own delusions of grandeur must also be considered as a contributory factor.

  Fayed always recruits former members of the SAS and the Parachute Regiment for his close security, which makes good sense apart from the fact that their loyalties are always to the Crown, even after retiring from the armed forces. He uses the elite operation, Control Risks, to make recommendations on security issues. Tom Bower tells in his book about Fayed of how armed guards at the Oxted estate hide behind bushes wearing full combat uniform and blacked out faces.

  Whenever Fayed travelled in his chauffeur-driven Mercedes there was always a back-up Range Rover carrying emergency medical equipment and security staff, yet he strangely and significantly withdrew that protection from Diana and his son. Even more significantly, a ‘new’ car was introduced for their final journey, another Mercedes which was dispatched to the rear entrance to the Ritz, supplied by a car-hire company by the name of Etoile Limousines. Etoile Limousines is based at the Ritz and depends for its entire income on contracts with the hotel and its guests. In other words, it is controlled entirely by Mohamed Fayed or rather the Sultan of Brunei, that great friend to the House of Windsor and the Bush family.

  This new Mercedes was an S280 model, much less robust and lighter in weight than the S600 series that Fayed usually used and also minus the dark-tinted windows. Other cars were available, but this one was chosen instead, for what are now obvious reasons. A director of Etoile, Nils Siegel, told the inquiry into Diana’s death that he personally delivered the car to the rear entrance of the Ritz, but the Dispatches programme proved this to be a lie. It was delivered by a driver by the name of Frederic Lucard and he can be clearly seen in the act of doing so on the Hotel security video. Lucard said he found it was very strange that Etoile would allow Henry Paul, a man not qualified as a chauffeur, to drive one of their cars. So why did they do it? Brian Dodd, the former Head of Security for Fayed in the 1980s, gave his assessment of the situation to Dispatches:

  “It’s a new car that has come into the system. They wouldn’t have had time to check that car out. It should have been checked out. There could have been a bomb on that car, for instance. It was a most stupid plan. It shouldn’t have even been considered. The back-up vehicle is there, not just to avert the paparazzi, but for instance, a motor-cyclist with a pillion rider to pull up and shoot, or put a magnetised bomb on top of the car. God only knows why. [I think we all know why – JH] I had probably six or eight men I would consider professional bodyguards who I would have had on that job and Trevor Rees-Jones and Kes Wingfield, after what I have seen happened, would not have been in Paris that night.”

  The Mercedes S280 with Henry Paul at the wheel, sped-off from the rear entrance of the Ritz at 12.20 am with Paul telling the paparazzi not to bother following because they would never catch him. Diana and Dodi were in the back seat and in the front was Trevor Rees-Jones, who said he disagreed with the change of plan. He was not wearing a seat belt, which is normal practice in built-up areas because bodyguards need to be free to react quickly. The car was driven at speed along the Rue Cambon and turned right along the Rue de Rivoli into the Place de la Concorde where it stopped briefly at the traffic lights.

  The paparazzi photographer, Romuald Rat, on the back of the motorcycle drew-up alongside them here, but he says that Henry Paul jumped the lights on red and headed onto the dual carriageway along-side the river Seine, the Cours la Reine. The car disappeared down one tunnel, came back to the surface and then almost immediately entered the short tunnel at the Pont de l’Alma. As the whole world knows, here it went out of control and struck the 13th of a whole sequence of concrete pillars in the centre of the tunnel which are completely unprotected by crash barriers. Henry Paul and Dodi Fayed died immediately.

  According to the autopsy report, Diana was clinically dead within 20 minutes and this was long before she arrived at the hospital. Trevor Rees-Jones survived the crash because he was wearing his seat belt and Diana and Dodi were not. This could be highly significant. Rees-Jones was not wearing his seat belt when they left the Ritz in accordance with normal practice for bodyguards and when Romuald Rat took a photograph at the lights at the Place de la Concorde, Rees-Jones was still not wearing his seat belt. But a little more than a minute later when the car actually struck the pillar, he was wearing a seat belt. Why would this be? If he donned the belt because for some reason he sensed danger, why did he not scream at Diana and Dodi to put-on their seat belts too? After all it only takes a second to do so and the sole reason for his presence in the car, was to protect his two charges in the back seat. Rees-Jones should have had some serious questions to answer here but he has never been publicly quizzed about this and neither has he volunteered any information. He simply re-iterates that he did not know why he strapped himself in and that they were followed by two cars, one of them white and a motor cycle. These answers simply fit within the overall smokescreen.

  Several independent people who watched the news reports just after the crash for the whole day, report that they definitely saw two people, a man and a woman who were together, state that the white car was parked in the tunnel and that from this car emanated a massive flash. These two people were shown on TV stating this fact several times and then suddenly this report was ceased and never shown again. I believe that this is the only reason that the white car was woven into the official story, yet slowly and subtly changed in its location in order to further the idea that it was the paparazzi to blame. After the crash, not even one single TV report nor one single newspaper report mentioned the detour from the route they had taken twice that day from the Ritz to Dodi’s flat and back again. This detour was completely omitted from the first reports and it was only after independent researchers brought this to the world’s attention that it was incorporated into the ‘official version’ of events. As already stated, the longer route would have given the paparazzi even more time to find the car and more time for them to arrive outside Dodi’s flat before the arrival of the Mercedes there.

  The one and only ‘benefit’ of taking this alternative route is that it took them via the Pont de l’Alma tunnel, the relevance of which will become apparent shortly.

  As with Lee Harvey Oswald (John Kennedy), Sirhan Sirhan (Robert Kennedy) and James Earl Ray (Martin Luther King), Henry Paul became the scapegoat. Once the paparazzi card had been played and focused media and public attention to the story in the days after the crash, it was repeated ad nauseum in the media, the purpose of this tactic being to instil into the minds of the public that this could not possibly be untrue. Exactly the same scenario occurs over and over where cover-ups are being facilitated, the mainstream media bombard us 24/7 with outright disinformation in order to confuse and obfuscate the real facts.

  It was soon afterwards, announced that Henry Paul was three to four times over the blood-alcohol limit and that his blood contained traces of anti-depressant drugs, including Fluoxetine, the active ingredient of Prozac. “The cause of the crash was simple” so we are told again and again, “the driver was drunk”. Tampering with blood samples or incorporating alcohol in the blood is ridiculously easy to achieve, especially when everything is being carried out in the strictest secrecy and was probably achieved by the insertion of tiny balloons which release alcohol into the blood stream in stages. There was certainly no sign of inebriation as he drove away from the Ritz. According to his blood tests, he drank the equivalent of eight scotches on an empty stomach and yet a beha
vioural psychologist on the TV documentary, ‘Diana – Secrets of the Crash’, could find no evidence that he was drunk after studying the Ritz videos of him that night.

  Only two days earlier, Paul had undergone a rigorous medical for the renewal of his pilot’s licence and there was no sign of the alcohol abuse the post-crash propaganda would have us all believe. One of Paul’s close friends has also publicly stated he was not an excessive drinker. There was also another strange anomaly revealed by the TV documentary in 1998. The haemoglobin in Henry Paul’s blood was found to contain 20.7% carbon monoxide and this would have been at a much higher level earlier because the carbon monoxide content halves every four to five hours once exposure to it has stopped. Haemoglobin carries the oxygen in the blood and Debbie Davis of the Carbon Monoxide Support Group said that at those levels, Paul would not have known his left hand from his right, because of the reduced oxygen reaching the brain and would have been unable to function at all let alone drive a car or even stand up. Dr Alistair Hay, an expert in carbon monoxide poisoning, agreed and could not explain why Paul showed no signs of the considerable symptoms that should have been evident.

  “I find it difficult to rationalise everything. A blood-carbon monoxide level of 20% and a high blood-alcohol level suggests this would be someone with a much slower reaction time, certainly be someone who would be slowed up in the way he did things, would probably also be somebody who was in some pain, but none of those things appear to be evident from the pictures that we see of him. It’s a bit of an enigma.”

  There is a lot more to know about Henry Paul. His best friend, Claude Garrec, told the ITV documentary that Paul had contacts with the French and foreign intelligence services and maintained them throughout his time at the Ritz. This is no surprise because the intelligence agencies recruit the security men for the top hotels and the Ritz, with its VIP clientele and reputation for espionage and arms dealing would have been a prime target. Paul certainly had unexplained sources of income. He earned only around £20-25,000 a year at the Ritz and yet he was a keen pilot with 605 hours of flying time at about £300 per hour. He had a string of bank accounts; there were two in a bank outside Paris and three further accounts, plus a safety-deposit box at the Banque Nationale de Paris near the Ritz. He had three accounts at the nearby branch of Barclays and one current and four deposit accounts at the Caisse d’Epargne de Paris. In the eight months before the crash, sums of £4000 were paid into an account here on five separate occasions. In total he had £122,000 deposited in his accounts (1.2 million Francs) and no one knows from whence it came. Then there is the question of where Paul was in the three hours between 7pm when he went off duty and 10pm when Dodi called him on his mobile phone and ordered him to return to the Ritz. His whereabouts in this period are a mystery, a very significant mystery at that.

  To understand how the Elite operates requires detailed research over a vast array of interconnecting subjects, everything from ancient history, especially relating to satanic and occult symbolism and ritual. The Earth’s magnetic grid, the power of the sun, the banking system and mind control are all elements that influence their beliefs and thinking and this needs to be borne in mind before one can begin to understand the ritual sacrifice of Diana. All the mainstream journalists that have produced articles and documentaries about the crash are operating under a disadvantage because of their lack of knowledge of the occult and thus it renders the whole story a mystery because of course they are of necessity dealing with only half of the picture and only with information within their own ‘five sense’ reality. This is true of all major events throughout history. They can only possibly be viewed and analysed using the reality thought and believed to be true and in working within this restrictive ‘five-sense’ reality are unable to comprehend that there are organisations operating within organisations which provide a methodology by which one single force may control apparently unconnected agencies such as British and French intelligence, the Paris Police, judiciary and medical services and most importantly of all, the inquiry investigating the cause of the crash.

  In Britain there was an ‘investigation’ into the death crash by John Stalker, the former deputy-chief constable of Greater Manchester Police in which he dismissed all notions that Diana was murdered. Ironically, Stalker claimed, quite rightly, that he was the victim of a conspiracy to remove him from the police force after he identified a policy by the Northern Ireland police, the RUC, to shoot people they believed to be terrorists and ask questions later. This was the so-called ‘shoot-to-kill’ policy.

  Pushing aside every suggestion of conspiracy to kill Diana, Stalker asked; “Why would the French want to cover up the murder of an English woman?” The answer to that is as stated earlier and that is that all seemingly unconnected agencies are intrinsically connected at the top levels. Operatives at Stalker’s level do not understand anything bar the illusory outer-circle knowledge within Freemasonry, nor do they understand the true nature of the ‘Crown’. However, to be fair, Stalker did ask some very pertinent questions about the crash and its aftermath; “…why was the Fayed security around the princess reduced to one wholly inadequate man with no back up? Why did the police not appeal for help from the public? Why was there no post mortem-autopsy on Dodi Fayed’s body?” I would offer this answer to Mr. Stalker – simply because it is but a small part of an overall conspiracy of such magnitude that it absolutely and utterly dwarfs the conspiracy perpetrated against you when you were removed from office.

  I have already broached the subject of mind control within this book, because understanding its widespread deployment is essential in order to understand the occult knowledge and the potential for it to be used in such operations by the subtle programming of its subjects’ minds.

  In the three hours Henry Paul went ‘missing’, this programming could have been instilled within him without his knowledge and it is therefore probably no coincidence that Henry Paul drove into the 13th pillar in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris. The elite networks (in which Fayed played a major role) were working through many seemingly disassociated yet co-operating agencies to ensure that Diana was in Paris that night, because at its foundation, the plan was to perform a specific satanic ritual for which the timing and circumstances and the place of death had to be arranged in intricate detail. Diana was under Fayed’s security web for much of the time leading up to the crash and all of the time during the last few days.

  All her conversations were heard and monitored throughout the Fayed bugging system, so if Fayed was, as he claims, himself a victim of the Elite, why does he not publish them? During those missing hours, Henry Paul, the asset of British and French intelligence would have had the final piece of his programming jigsaw inserted into place in addition to the programming already in place. Diana’s ritual death was arranged from the very top of the Illuminati, via the Royal connections but Fayed for all his wealth and apparent power and influence is nothing more than a lowly minion, carrying out his role as dictated by the Illuminati and was probably never aware of the full consequences of his role, save possibly through hindsight after the event.

  The Mercedes delivered to the rear of the Ritz Hotel had itself been ‘stolen’ some weeks earlier – before the Diana Dodi relationship began, stolen from Etoile Limousines and when it was recovered from this alleged theft it underwent extensive repairs. It had supposedly been standing outside the exclusive Taillevent restaurant when the driver’s door was flung open and the chauffeur pulled out by three Arabic-speaking men with handguns. (Those awful Muslims again!) The vehicle was missing for two weeks and when it was found, the wheels were missing, the door ripped off and the electronic system and equipment controlling the braking system had gone. This car would have been written off by any insurance company, but of course this was the cover for the extensive Elite-controlled repairs which would install remote-control and much other electronic wizardry (Boston brakes technology?). Fayed controls the Etoile Limousine company which supplied the vehicle, is it
surprising therefore that the French authorities refused the offer by experts at Mercedes to examine the car after the crash?

  When Henry Paul reported back for duty that night, he seemed his normal self to most observers. The programming lies deep within the psyche until the arranged trigger is deployed which would have activated his excessively fast driving and route change. The ‘Boston brakes’ technology relating to remote control has already been described and it would certainly make sense that this was the real cause of the precision 13th pillar direct hit with the loss of brakes too. The white car, which was parked in the tunnel, and not travelling in the same direction through the tunnel, emitted a vivid white flash. This, I would strongly suggest is from where the remote control was being operated. The cover story for the white flash was simply that ‘the paparazzi did it’. It was deemed necessary for the car to hit the 13th pillar because this marks the centre of the ancient spot of worship to the dark aspect of the goddess, Hecate. Diana even had a strong aversion to the number 13; she would not allow a thirteenth lot in her dress auction at Christies in the June immediately before she died.


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