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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 81

by John Hamer

  Who really cares what the value of ‘y’ is if 2x+3y=21, that the coefficient of linear expansion of brass is 0.0000187 or what Boyle’s Law has to say about the pressure and volume of gases? These facts in themselves bear no relation to the lives of 99.9999% of the population of the world and are only of limited value in themselves, even to those whose profession it is to actually put them to any practical use. If this knowledge was being used as a stepping-stone for the furtherance of human knowledge to the greater benefit of all, then fine, but unfortunately that is not the case. This knowledge is placed in our heads for one reason only and that is so that ultimately a miniscule proportion of those that learn it in the first place can take their places in the corporate world and help to swell the coffers of the parasites at the top by using their ‘education’ to dream up new money-making schemes or at least help participate in expediting them or the administration of them. For me, our current educational model can be likened to a huge game of Trivial Pursuit – art for art’s sake and education for education’s sake.

  Think about the subjects that could be taught in a different, more benevolent society where people co-existed through co-operation and caring for each other rather than having to fight and struggle on a daily basis simply to survive as is the case for most people. Children and young adults could be taught how to co-exist in peace, how to manage their lives in the most efficient yet caring way, how to run a household and its finances successfully and how to rear children properly as well as the spiritual side of life and how to look after one’s own physical and mental health using natural products. But of course, we are not allowed to learn these subjects, because they do not fit into the agenda of first and foremost, keeping us in our ‘little boxes’ and nor are they profitable to the Elite corporations earmarked as our future masters, slave-drivers and ‘benefactors’.

  Also, what better way of developing the next generation of system-servers than by forcibly removing them from their homes and parents in their tender, formative years and have them spend the next fifteen years becoming embedded inextricably into the warp and weft of the corrupted society in which we all now exist? Think about it for a moment… What were we taught at school that has any real relevance to the lives we now live, apart from basic reading and writing skills which could both easily have been taught at home? I concede there may be a few people who can possibly name something worthwhile, but I guarantee that this will only be in order to enable them to perform their corporate ‘roles’ for the most part and not life-enriching per se and I am certainly not in that category, personally speaking. This is also the reason that ‘home-schooling’ is under severe attack and is even being legislated against now in some areas. It just simply does not benefit our masters for anyone to be brought up to question the world and become a free-thinker in the way that home-schooling encourages its adherents to become. It is a much better solution for the Elite, that their ‘education’ be under the direction of the state, so that what is learned, or more accurately what is not learned can be controlled much more efficiently.

  The teaching of life skills and values to children by the majority of parents at home is now long-gone; thanks to incessant Elite distractions of various kinds and so the public education system is the sole arbiter of that today. Most of us work five or six days a week for corporations to earn money to pay our debts to those same corporations and our children go to school where they are taught the way of the state and learn to become cogs in the great machine (like us and our parents and grandparents before us) and expand the profitability of their masters. We must submit and obey but above all else, not ask questions, just depend on the system to instruct us as what to do, what to think and most importantly, what people think of us and what we need to do to gain acceptance in ‘society’. This is an anathema to our survival as a species. We must teach our children how to survive independently of the ‘system’ and we must pass on our own knowledge to them at every feasible opportunity. Once multi-generational knowledge is gone, this expedites and facilitates the re-writing of history and once that is achieved, people can be easily deluded into living a fantasy orchestrated by forces of which they know or understand nothing – exactly as is the case today.

  This is another reason why home-schooling is now frowned-upon and indeed is being legislated against in many areas. As far as our masters are concerned, it is far too dangerous for any child to be given a ‘real’ education whereby they might eventually see-through the current sham and actually start to think and act for themselves, instead of in the way proscribed by the state.

  “Education should aim at destroying free will so that pupils thus schooled, will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. Influences of the home are obstructive; and in order to condition students, verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. It is for a future scientist to make these maxims precise and to discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.” Bertrand Russell, ‘The Impact of Science on Society’, Columbia United Press, 1951

  So, what is really needed, according to the diktats of the Elite, is to test schools in their currently grossly under-funded conditions, apparently to verify what is already known – that many of them are ‘under-performing’. Once they are identified, they are targeted as underperformers and the ultimate solution is to shut them down.

  In reality, do you honestly believe that your so-called elected leaders care anything at all about the education of your children? They could not even care less about your local school's test ratings either. The truth, unpalatable as it may be to some, is that they never did care. Public education has never been about learning the curriculum offered and gaining an informed view of the world or an insight into the things that really matter in this world. Unsurprisingly, nothing in fact, could pose a greater threat to the Elite than an informed, free-thinking, logical and well-educated population. How fortunate it is then that free, state (or even private) education has never been about imparting real knowledge and truly educating children. It has always been about how that knowledge is delivered, the ‘process’ being the all-important factor.

  “Give me four years to teach the children and the seeds I have sown will never be uprooted.” Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

  Public schooling does not emanate from state ‘benevolence’ as they would deceptively lead you to believe. No, it arose as a necessary by-product of the Industrial Revolution, which was, in essence a process whereby archaic concepts such as ‘skilled labour’ and ‘craftsmanship’ were increasingly discarded in favour of mass-production by largely unskilled assembly-line workers, to facilitate efficiency and thus greater profits.

  Of course this then required a fundamental change in the make-up of the labour pool. What was thenceforth needed were masses of interchangeable labourers willing to perform mindless, unfulfilling, regimented and repetitive tasks day in and day out, year in and year out as well as a mindless obedience to authority, an ingrained awareness of the importance of punctuality, the ‘Christian work-ethic’ and a thorough socialisation of the values of the corporate state.

  The route to achieve the Elite aim of producing endless numbers of mindless, robotic workers, was thus through state education and the real truth is that state schools have never been ‘failing’, they have performed exactly as planned at the task for which they were originally designed. Naturally, they have failed to ‘educate’ children in the truest sense of the word, to produce students capable of independent thought and logical reasoning, but they were never, ever designed to do that. Now the concept of public education appears to be rapidly going downhill which is no real surprise. The ‘industrial age’ is more or less gone and we are now entering what is being branded a
s the 'information age’ and the western workforces are once again being transformed as all those industrial jobs that once needed to be filled with a steady influx of bodies, slowly but inexorably disappear.

  In other words, in the eyes of our corporate masters, state schooling has now lost its purpose and what this means for future generations is, to put it bluntly, they are no longer needed to generate Elite profits. The state no longer has a reason to condition our children for jobs that no longer exist and are no longer required in the modern, technological age and therefore the desire to impart ‘knowledge’ to them has disappeared as a consequence. Any still remaining jobs requiring repetitive, manual processes have now been farmed-out at starvation-level wages to slave labourers in China, Taiwan and India, to name but a few countries where this practice is the norm.

  The good news for our children is that they no longer need worry about becoming some random, insignificant cog in a huge wheel but conversely, the bad news is that the corporate-controlled state has no other use for them, either. We have all become or are about to become, to paraphrase the immortal words of the Elite stooge, Henry Kissinger, a generation of ‘useless eaters’.

  Children want to learn; in fact they are eager to feast on knowledge but by the end of fifteen or sixteen years of state education only the most dedicated and brainwashed still derive enjoyment from learning. The government education system will literally destroy a child’s interest in learning as it is indeed designed to do. In fact, many students, now used to such modern educational devices as the Internet and computers, are classified by the dinosaurs of the education system in conjunction with Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical cartel) as having ADHD ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’. These ‘abnormal children’, for some strange reason just cannot seem to handle out-dated, centuries-old educational systems since they already have access to much more interesting methods of self-learning. So, what do the authorities do with these ‘misfits’? They drug them to dumb them down and make them compliant and unresponsive whilst labelling them as a ‘problem child’ so that they can handle sitting in an uncomfortable wooden chair and reading uninteresting facts out of dingy old books all day long.

  If you are a young person wondering about your future, one of the last things you should consider doing is paying to go to a college or University. If your main intention is to learn however, there is no excuse for not doing so completely outside of any organised school system. Thanks to the internet the world is at your fingertips so take advantage of it before the governments begin to shut it down. And, of course, no school education can compete with real life experiences; travel is one of the best educations anyone can ever have.

  The Student Loan Scam

  However, education or more specifically further education or tertiary education is now being used as a cash-cow both for governments and for the banksters who enslave us, alike. Here is the gist of the plan:

  Step 1. Ensure that the benefits of a University or college education are aggressively ‘sold’ to the public by the expedient of substantially increasing the criteria by which candidates qualify for jobs in the first place. ie. Ensure that more and more jobs can only be performed by ‘graduates’ thus dramatically increasing the uptake of University and college places.

  Step 2. Lower the standard of examinations to ensure that more and more students pass them and thus qualify for tertiary education.

  Step 3. Gradually, in a series of small steps, increase tuition fees and thus by default the amount of money that needs to be borrowed by students in order to complete their courses. Significantly in Britain in 2011, tuition fees tripled literally overnight, thus ensuring that student debt to the bankers becomes an almost intolerable burden. Indeed, in the future, some students will never be able to pay back these manufactured debts.

  The effect of this is that many students, whether or not they actually graduate, will have debt burdens exceeding £100,000, before they start in employment and attempt to obtain mortgages. If repaid over 30 years, this debt represents a £500,000 windfall for the banks and in the event of default, even more. As a result, once entrapped in this way, escape will be nigh on impossible, the bondage will become permanent and future lives and careers will be impaired or ruined, before they even start in many cases.

  In Britain at least, there is currently a moratorium on repayments before a certain age and/or income level is attained, but not so in the US where Congress ended bankruptcy protections, refinancing rights, statutes of limitations, truth-in-lending requirements, fair debt collection and state usury laws when applied to federally guaranteed student loans. As a result of this abomination, lenders may freely deduct from salaries, income tax refunds, earned income tax credits, as well as Social Security and disability income to assure defaulted loan payments. In addition, defaulting may cause loss of professional licenses and status, making repayment even harder or impossible. How long before this insidious state of affairs comes to pass elsewhere, do you suppose? My guess would be ‘fairly imminently’, to be frank.

  As a result of this, for many people, permanent debt bondage is assured. In addition, no appeals process allows determinations of default challenges under a process letting lenders rip-off borrowers, often in perpetuity. The truth is that there now exists a conspiratorial alliance of lenders, guarantors, servicers, and collection companies enriching themselves hugely at the borrowers’ expense, thriving on extortionate fees and related schemes. It is essentially a government-sanctioned racket, scamming millions of indebted victims. Lenders thrive on bad debts, deriving income from inflated service-charges, default and collection fees. Today we have created a paradise for the unscrupulous lenders as default rates soar and people begin to drown in debt and student loans have become a dramatically increasing percentage of that overall debt.

  The end product of all this is that several education policy experts have predicted serious implications for future graduates…

  “If you have a lot of people finishing or leaving school [entrapped in] debt, their choices may be very different than the generation before them. Things like buying a home, starting a family, starting a business, saving for their own kids’ education may not be an option if they're trying to repay student debt. There’s much more awareness about student borrowing than there was 10 years ago. People either are in debt or know someone in debt.” Lauren Asher, President of the Institute for College Access and Success

  Many of them have their own personal horror stories about how predatory lenders, servicers, guarantors, and collection companies rip them off under a totally escape-proof system. In fact the entire scheme amounts to nothing more or less than legalised theft and enslavement, in fact in much the same way as the banksters treat their investors and steal from them with impunity.

  “About two-thirds of the people I see attended Universities. Most did not complete their programme, and no one I have worked with has ever gotten a job in the field they were supposedly trained for. For them, the negative (debt default) mark on their credit report is the number one barrier to moving ahead in their lives. It doesn't just delay their ability to buy a house; it gets in the way of their employment prospects, finding an apartment, almost anything they try to do.” Deanne Loonin, National Consumer Law Centre attorney

  Western society today is characterised by a combination of rising prices, rising poverty, unemployment, mortgage foreclosures, homelessness, hunger, student debt entrapment and despair, completely mocking the notion of a fair and equitable society. Instead we have a corrupt political duopoly, sucking public wealth into the already-bulging coffers of the super-rich, neglecting public want and needs, waging permanent war and driving other nations down the road of permanent war leading to tyranny and ultimately, ruin. Anyone attending a college or University in an attempt to ‘get ahead’ of the rest in the labour market will unfortunately be several years behind those who go directly into a job from school and what is much, much worse, will no doubt be in debt for the rest of their life.<
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  So-called ‘charities’ for the most part are nothing more or less than a means of extracting even more money from the masses to swell the already overflowing coffers of the mega-rich. We need to collectively realise that we are being scammed on a massive scale and every time we respond to the emotional blackmail emanating from these highly dubious institutions 24/7, we are no more contributing to a ‘good cause’ than we are in buying the corporate rubbish masquerading as ‘consumer goods’, which largely originate from the same sources, as the large charities are more often than not, simply a thinly-disguised front for propounding corporate policy and interests.

  It very much goes against ‘the grain’ to actually even attempt to write this section, such is the power of the propaganda directed at us, but write it and fight the internal conflict I must, if we are to put an end to this hoax. But firstly let me state for the avoidance of doubt, that I have nothing but admiration, except maybe tinged with a little sadness, for the millions that freely give what little spare time they have as voluntary workers for many of these utterly unscrupulous organisations. These people are some of the most selfless on the planet and yet they are being deceived on a monstrous scale by the Elite bloodsuckers who perpetuate this state of affairs without even so much as a mild attack of conscience.

  Whether we are being almost literally accosted in the street by someone thrusting a collecting box at us, or subjected to massive multi-million pound advertising campaigns in the media, the name of the game is indeed emotional blackmail of the most insidious yet persuasive kind. There is something innate in the human psyche (apart from those psychopaths who prey upon us) which engenders in us a need to show others that we are essentially, ‘good’ and ‘caring’ people and it is this desire that is subtly turned against us to perpetrate the hoax of charitable donations.


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