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Victor Victorious

Page 8

by Cecil Starr Johns


  That night, for the first time in my life that I can remember, I dreamtof my father. Presumably, the excitement of the day had affected mynerves; but this dream was so vivid, that I can recall it even now: Iseemed to be in a vast, ruined cathedral, walking round and round,seeking some means of egress; and, finding none, sat down on the bottomstep of the stairway which led to the top of a frightfully high tower.

  I felt unutterably despondent, for I knew that outside everything Iwanted was awaiting me, and yet I could not name any one thing.

  Then I saw some one near me, and I called to him to ask his assistancein escaping; he did not answer, but just pointed up the stairway. So Istarted to ascend; it was weary work, as the steps appeared never toend, and I toiled laboriously up, up, ever up. Once I despaired andstarted to descend, but there stood my father pointing and smiling, so Iturned again and resumed my interrupted ascent. I was just about torelinquish it for good, when I woke.

  It appears strange to me now, when thinking of it, that my father neversaid a word to explain, and that all my effort apparently led nowhere.

  It was Bauen's entrance that had awakened me; and in a very short time Ihad dressed, breakfasted, and was once more ready for work.

  I found Mr. Smith in the great study, where the evening before I hadsigned so many papers; as we were alone we chatted in a friendly way,for I don't think ceremony was to the liking of either of us.

  "Well, Prince," I said, "the first thing I wish is for you to have thenecessary papers made out confirming you in that title."

  "It can wait, Victor."

  "Not a day, I wish it done at once."

  "Very well," he replied, laughing.

  "And now, I suppose, I have to incur danger of writer's cramp, eh?"

  "For a good many days to come, I am afraid."

  "You know I saw Ivan's wife last night?"


  "Well, she wanted, or rather she did not want to leave Rudarlia, so Iasked her to stay. Of course, her financial affairs will be my concernprivately."

  "I thought you would."

  "Are you against it?"

  "No. I think she is a good woman, and her life has been verymiserable."

  He smiled slightly.

  "How have I amused you?"

  "Because I knew last night, when you left me, that it was to comforther. Victor, my boy, you must not allow your pity to sway you always.In this case it is all right, but many times it is a fault, in a king.People attribute it to weakness, unfortunately."

  "Very well, I must remember, but I do so hate to see misery."

  "I know you do, Victor, but you must always think of the cause andeffect, especially the effect your attitude towards it may have. It isdifficult to be a good king and also follow the doctrines of Christ, forHis teaching was more for the individual life than for the king of anation, the people of which do not themselves follow His doctrinesstrictly."

  "True," I agreed. "It seems to be almost impracticable in the presentstate of the world."

  "And the longer you live, the more convinced you will be that the Gospelwhich has it that He said, 'I come not to bring peace, but a sword,' isnearer the mark."

  "Then must I be severe?"

  "No, but just. That is the greatest of all things, and will lead to thegreatest good of the people; not the greatest good of the greatestnumber, for that is a doctrine I do not hold with."

  "How so?" I said, for this remark had surprised me.

  "For this reason: the greatest good of the greatest number necessitatesthe sacrifice of the few; now it is my opinion that the minority are ofthe most good to a state, for as a rule it is comprised of the moreintellectual, artistic, and finer grades of mind. These people are thenatural leaders; and, if by legislation you injure that minority, you doharm in the long run to the majority, for the great mass look to the fewfor ideals. Mind you, I do not deny that, in some cases, injustice isdone by, and for the few, but those cases are, or ought to be, judged bya different scale of values."

  "Give me an instance."

  "An instance? Well, look at England. By taxing the upper classes,enough money is raised to miseducate the masses. The result is thatthose professions which depend more or less upon education are lowered,vulgarised, by the demand of vulgar minds.

  "Literature, which should be one of the great uplifting influences, isbecoming every day more and more adapted to the commoner mind, under thename of progress. Progress it is, but in the wrong direction, for itserves to bring all to a dead level of mediocrity; and I maintain that afew lofty minds, leaders in the world of thought, are infinitely moreprolific of true progress than smart mediocrity."

  I had paused in my writing to listen to my companion, for I had neverheard him in this vein before; but his arguments needed thought, and Itold him so.

  "Thought! why, of course they do. Think over them whenever you can;and, in thinking, apply the principle to all different cases."

  "I will; but just now I could not think clearly, for I fancy I hearsounds that indicate more cheering crowds outside."

  "A sound that Ivan never heard," said Mr. Smith.

  "And which reminds me, that I wish to see Prince Alexis before he leavesfor the frontier."

  "You will not, I hope, delay his departure," said my companion slyly.

  "On the contrary, I shall expedite it."

  "You wish to see him alone?"

  "If you please, when I have finished these," and I touched the papersbefore me. "But I wish to know what you think of this scheme of mine.There are, I have heard, a number of poor wretches in prison fornon-payment of taxes. I propose to release them at once, and ifpossible to place them back upon the land. To do this, it will benecessary to dispossess a number of people who bought the various farmsfor little over the sum wanted to pay the taxes.

  "Now these people took advantage of Ivan's overtaxation to invest theirmoney in property, which to my mind was not the State's to sell.Therefore, they made a bad bargain; but, as I wish to be just, I proposepaying them the purchase money, plus five per cent., plus a fair amountfor any improvements. That is my idea. What do you think of it?"

  Mr. Smith thought for some time.

  "I see exactly what you wish, but there are difficulties, very greatdifficulties. To begin with, you would have to create a number ofofficials to deal with each claim separately, which is bad, for anythingthat leads to a bureaucracy is pernicious in a monarchy; besides which,you will make enemies of the men you dispossess. Again, it will benecessary to sift to the bottom the reasons there were for the taxes nothaving been paid. It might also encourage the recipients of your favourto object to all taxation, whether just or not."

  "Your reasons may be sound," I said, "but I will try to upset them.First, you object to the creation of an army of officials. Now that isan extreme argument, I think, for there are records in each district ofsales of land, and these can be seen with little trouble. I proposedoffering a little extra payment to the permanent officials in eachdistrict, and doing the business gradually. To my mind, it is necessaryto know much more about the land and its productive qualities than wedo, for I have read reports dealing with the subject; so a few extra menwould not be amiss to inquire into our whole system of agriculture.

  "Secondly, you contend that I shall make enemies. I do not agree; thesepeople will get back more than they paid, for something which wasdistinctly in the nature of a gamble. Those are the two most importantreasons against; the other involves too much human nature for me toargue about until I have more knowledge of Rudarlians."

  "We are a Parliament in ourselves, Victor, and your answers need leisurefor contemplation. However, I see you have finished, so I will giveorders for Prince Alexis to be brought to you."

  "Thank you, Prince; don't forget about your title. I have just thoughtof a new role for you: Prince von Zeula, Bear-leader to the King."

  "It is a title that does me honour," he sai
d, and smilingly withdrew.

  Colonel Woolgast ushered in Prince Alexis, and stood as though heexpected to have to re-escort the prisoner.

  "I will ring, Colonel," I said, touching a small silver bell upon mydesk, "if you will remain within hearing."

  He cast an anxious glance at me; and the next moment I was alone withthe man to whom my coming must have been a terrible blow.

  "There is a chair behind you, Prince," I said.

  With extreme sullenness he took the seat indicated.

  My impression of the man did not improve with further acquaintance.

  For some little time we looked at each other in silence, he with looksfull of hatred and malicious curiosity, while I was quite franklyinterested in him. I wondered how anyone could, by vice, so debasehimself, until his very being radiated nauseating vibrations; moreespecially as he had thought one day to be a king, a person set on apinnacle for all to see, a leader and chief among men.

  I found that, whenever his eyes met mine they turned aside, cold andcrafty.

  "Prince," I said, "to you, no doubt, I am a very pernicious being, mostprobably you loathe me with all your heart. You think that I havecheated you out of a throne, yet consider a moment, and you must seethat it is not so. Ivan was never King, since I was alive; you werenever the heir. I presume you will not deny that?"

  "I do deny it. You are an impostor, I know it."

  "I am the King."

  "By might, not right."

  "By both, Prince: by right, on account of my birth which has been provedwithout shadow of doubt; by might, because the people of Rudarlia lovedmy father as much as they detested Ivan."

  "Your proofs, what proofs have you?"

  "That is the business of those who have them in their possession," Ireplied.

  "They will not satisfy me, however."

  "What would? Rudarlia? You would not be King for a month; people donot talk kindly of you, Prince, they liken you to Ivan, in your ways oflife."

  "What are my ways of life to you?"

  "Nothing, you have to answer for them yourself; but, if you hadsucceeded in gaining the throne, they would have meant much, not only tome but to all Rudarlians."

  "You mean?"

  "That there is only a certain amount of juice to be obtained from anyorange; Ivan sucked this one dry."

  "Dry? not so dry that I could not have obtained more from it."

  "I doubt if you could have obtained a penny. The people are ruined,absolutely. You would not have dared to tax the nobles, for you wouldhave made enemies of Ivan's friends."

  "Well, I am in your power, Impostor; what do you intend?"

  "You are in my power, you and your friends," I repeated this slowly andemphatically, for I had seen a look in his eyes that I did not like, thelook of one who stores up malice for the future. "I do not think youwould be regretted, whatever I decided to do, even by your friends inBornia, for instance."

  He leant forward in his chair, and lowered his voice.

  "See," he said, "let us understand each other. I know that you are animpostor, just a pawn in Zeula's game. I know you for the Englishmanwho wounded Goltz; so why keep up the farce? You will have to remainKing, of course, but there will be rare pickings. Now, I can help youif you consent to work with me. This is what I propose: you must insiston my having a good pension, and my debts paid. I, on my part, willkeep mum about you, and accept you as my sovereign; I never wanted to beKing, but I want the money badly. Who the devil would want to live inKarena? Not I for one.

  "Another thing, I will give you some ideas for putting on the screw; afriend of mine and I have worked out several ways, while awaiting Ivan'sdeath. What do you say?"

  I was too sick mentally to answer him, the callousness of hisproposition had almost numbed me. I was an impostor to him, and yet hewould sell what he fancied to be his birthright, for a pension andpayment of his debts.

  I groaned inwardly at what would have happened to Rudarlia under hisrule, and yet I was inclined to let him unburden himself of theseschemes of taxation. I fancy that my mind was fascinated by theloathsomeness of his, almost like a rabbit in the presence of a snake.I wished, however, to hear more, so, feigning an interest whichdisgusted me, I pretended to think over what he had said; and then I tooleaned forward in my chair.

  "You have interested me," I said, "in spite of your affirming that I aman impostor; but you must let me know more of your ideas. That isessential, for you will not wish me to speak to and consult Zeula, willyou?"

  I saw his evil face light up, and I read his thought: that I was willingto be his tool.

  "Is it likely that I should tell you, without security?" he asked, witha twisted kind of smile.

  "Why not? Your ideas would be no use to me without your aid; if Iplayed you false, you could always expose me, couldn't you? For, mindyou, it will be a dangerous game to play, Zeula is no fool."

  "Bah!" he snapped his fingers, "that for Zeula. He must do what wewant; he dare not let me expose the game, I have too much power."

  "Of course," I said, and wondered what this power could be. "And yet,until I know how to raise the money, I don't see how I can act."

  He pondered a moment, and then with an oath, burst out:

  "Very well then, I will tell you, but, by God, if you play mefalse!--but there, you dare not. Now listen. You and I must makeenough in ten years to satisfy us, as after that things will bedifferent, for this reason: Bornia."

  "What has Bornia to do with it?"

  "Everything. I am much in request at the Court." He chuckled. "KingGeorge has four daughters, and none of them married yet." He looked atme with a leer.

  "Go on," I said, "tell me the plan."

  "All in good time, Impostor, all in good time. Bornia wishes very muchto own Rudarlia."


  "Strange, isn't it? Nevertheless a fact, and they want it withoutfighting. That is where we come in. Every time an official dies orvacates his post, you will fill it with one of my friends--they will benaturalised, of course, to avoid detection--for each post so filled,Bornia will pay. Do you see?"

  "Yes, yes, go on."

  "We will work it, so that in ten years' time Rudarlia will be full ofBornians, even the army. Then what I should have done, and what you willhave to do, is to abdicate. Our officials will at once invite KingGeorge to occupy the throne. There, that is the big scheme. Now foranother. You did not know, perhaps, that there were minerals in thiscountry? There are, but not in paying quantities, on Royal land too.We will get some expert to boom the thing up to the skies; the noblesand shopkeepers will invest, unwisely but well for us, eh?"

  "Have you any more schemes?"

  "That will do to commence with, Impostor; when we have things fixed up,I'll tell you more."

  "Have you more as good as the ones you have told me?"

  "Oh, plenty. Well, what do you say?"

  "What do I say?" cried I, my temper getting the better of me. "I saythat you are the biggest cur unhung, that you have the vilest mind thatever man possessed, and that I feel disgusted with myself for everhaving even spoken to you. You low brute, listen to me. I am not animpostor, whatever you may think; I am the son of Merlin I. Hold yourtongue, or I'll forget that I am the King--silence, I say. I hadproposed to pay your debts, to give you a pension, as you did no harmyesterday, but now I tell you that not one penny do you get from me, youcur."

  I was standing over him; and he shrank back into his chair, his cowardlips quivering with fear.

  "Your Majesty," he quavered.

  "'Impostor' you called me a moment ago; you have changed quickly."

  "I did not mean it, your Majesty."

  "Good God! Haven't you one redeeming feature, are you such a cowardtoo?"

  He did not answer but looked at me imploringly.

  "You need not be afraid, I won't touch you. I hoped you would have onemanly attribute, but it appears you are absolutely despicable; you areso low in all your thoughts that
I almost pity you. Is there any way inwhich you could be helped to realise what a vile thing you are, Iwonder--I suppose not?"

  He still sat white-faced and quivering, and made no answer. As I lookedat him, I felt my loathing and disgust turn almost to compassion--he wasso hopeless, so contemptible. My anger, too, had passed.

  "How much do you owe?" I said.


  "How much do your debts amount to?"

  The crafty look returned to his face, and with it a faint expression ofhope.

  "My debts?"

  "Yes, how much would cover them?"

  "I don't quite know."

  "You know perfectly, tell me at once."

  "At least thirty thousand pounds. It is the Jews--it was fear of themthat made me think of the plans I suggested to your Majesty."

  "You need not lie to me."

  "It's true," he said eagerly. "They were pressing me hard, and I had toplot and scheme to raise the money."

  "And you thought that Rudarlia was yours to barter?"

  "I could think of no other way, and I knew that Ivan had had his share."

  "So you imagined you could finish her ruin. My God! how low you are. Isuppose the thought of trying to put her on her feet again never enteredyour head."

  "I was to marry one of George's daughters, and then, of course, I shouldhave done what I could."

  "She is well out of it; for I presume that, now, you will no longer be adesirable match?"

  "I suppose not."

  Again I caught a crafty gleam in his eye.

  "Prince Alexis," I said, "listen to me, you have a little, very little,of the same blood as mine; for that reason alone, I intend to pay yourdebts to the amount of thirty thousand, no more. Had you shown onespark of feeling for Rudarlia, I should have given you a pension. As itis, I shall not; but, that you may have a clean start, I will give youanother thirty thousand in addition. Take my advice and invest it; tryand live decently and honourably."

  He would have taken my hand in the extravagance of his joy; but Iavoided it. It was one thing to give alms to a blood relation, butanother to take the hand of a vile cur such as he was.

  I wrote then and there a cheque for the promised amount, and handed itto him.

  "You may refer your Semitic friends to me. The sum of thirty thousandwill not be increased by a penny."

  "And am I free to go when I will?" he asked.

  "You will be escorted to the frontier, and will remain on the otherside. Should you return under any circumstances, you will meet withdifferent treatment."

  I rang the bell, and Colonel Woolgast appeared.

  "You will conduct Prince Alexis to his room, Colonel, and return to meas soon as possible."

  I sat staring from the window waiting for his return. I was uncertain,in my mind, about the wisdom of the course I had adopted with Alexis.

  He was capable of any villainy, any crime, but I had given him the moneywith an object; I wished to gain time. It ought to last him for a yearor eighteen months; and much could be done between now and then.

  I had had suspicions before that Bornia had covetous designs with regardto Rudarlia.

  Well, we would see. Thank God, my stepfather had made it possible forme to do much, without fresh taxation.

  I was just thinking of the degraded spectacle Prince Alexis was, almostashamed of myself for having allowed him even to suggest the things hehad, when I heard a woman's voice raised in altercation with theguardsman outside the door. To my amazement she spoke in English.

  "I want to see His Majesty, I tell you."

  I heard the sentry explain, in Rudarlian, that it was impossible for herto have audience with me.

  The next moment the door was flung open and in flew the owner of thevoice. The sentry had evidently been fooled by a pretended retreat; andhad grasped a portion of her gown as she dashed past him. Zip!something had given way.

  "Fancy treating a lady like that; it's a shame!"

  It was as much as I could do to keep my face straight, as I signed tothe sentry to close the door.

  The "lady" was examining the back part of her skirt with an angryexpression on her face, taking no notice of me whatever; but havingrepaired the damage--presumably with pins--she looked round and saw mestanding near her.

  "Lord, your Majesty!" she cried, dropping on her knees.

  "You wished to speak to me, I believe."

  "Yes, please your Majesty."

  "Then supposing you take this seat, you will find it more comfortablethan the ground, I daresay."

  "Thanks, your Majesty."

  "Now tell me what it is I can do for you. I only have a very fewminutes to spare."

  She was a remarkably handsome woman, with a splendid figure. I wasstruck, too, by her pleasant smile.

  "It's like this, you know, the late King took a fancy to me, and inducedme to come here to Karena."

  "Wait a moment. To begin with, who are you, and where do you comefrom?"

  "I was in the Polly-Doddy troupe; Eliza de Vere, I call myself. Itisn't my real name, but it'll do. His Majesty saw me dancin', and mademy acquaintance. After a bit, I came along here, but the first thing Iknow is that I find myself in a Palace and him lying dead, and I've lostmy job with the troupe, and gone dead broke except for the few things Ibrought along with me. Then I hear as there's a new King, so I thinkI'll hop along and try to hook him, but I see your Majesty isn't one ofthat sort, so all I want now is to get away. God knows when I shall getanother job, don't suppose I ever shall, for I broke my contract to comehere."

  She stopped, for want of breath, I imagine.

  "Is that all you want?" I asked.

  "Yes, thank your Majesty, if you'll give me the fare home I daresay I'lldo. I can always get a livin'."

  "What would you like best to do?" I asked, for I was sorry for thisfrank, vulgar, beautiful creature.

  "If I had my wish, I'd live in the country. I was born on a farm, andI'd love a little place with chickens and a pig or two; that's what Ithought I could get out of the old man, but he's gone."

  "And supposing some one gave you that, would you be contented to live ina quiet, decent way without longing to be in London or some big town?"

  "Wouldn't I just? It would be just heaven to get out of it all. Youdon't know what my life is, or you wouldn't ask."

  I suppose I was foolish, but I was heart-sick at the thought of thiswoman going headlong to the devil, as I have no doubt she would havedone. So once more I wrote out a cheque; it was for a big enough sumfor her purpose, upon the interest of which she could live, marrypossibly, almost certainly, and rear splendid children, for England. Iblotted the slip of paper and handed it to her, with some few pieces ofgold.

  "Now," I said, "when you get to England take this to some bank andexplain to them what you want. They will advise you and invest it foryou. Don't trust anyone else; personally, I should advise you to keepsilent about possessing it. Marry some good man, and be happy, andsometimes say a prayer for the King of Rudarlia."

  She took the cheque, and wide-eyed, looked at it.

  "Is this for me?" she whispered. "You aren't kiddin' me, don't you wantanythin' for it?"

  "No; nothing beyond what I have mentioned, a prayer, when you rememberit, that is all; and now I must say good-bye and good luck."

  She seized my hand and wrung it.

  "God bless your Majesty. I'll pray for you night and morning, I will."And then the poor girl burst into tears, sobbing as though her heartwould break.

  It was at this juncture that Mr. Smith returned.

  Still sobbing, "Eliza de Vere" left the room, taking no notice of theindignant sentry.

  "Your Majesty has the knack of making friends," Mr. Smith said, with asmile. "Her thanks and blessings were most impressive."

  "Poor devil!" I said. "Some of Ivan's beastliness, only with her theworst effect was a broken contract, with the managers of some troupe ofdancers."

  "And you put matters right im

  "It was easily done."

  "How much did it cost, Victor?"

  "Nothing compared to a person's happiness."

  He shrugged his shoulders, but humorously; and then once more became thestern-faced man.

  "And Prince Alexis?" he asked.

  "Ah, in his case I have given him enough rope to last him a year or so,at the end of which time I shall be quite happy to hang him."


  "I also paid for knowledge that will be of great value to us; we musttake great care to know everything about all the officials we appoint."


  "It is lucky that I am alive, or within ten years Rudarlia would havebeen governed by George III of Bornia."

  "Ah! so that was the scheme, was it?"

  Colonel Woolgast was announced.

  "Colonel, I want one of your officers to conduct Prince Alexis over thefrontier. He must be one who can hear without hearing, and, speaking,say nothing. Above all he must be devoted to Rudarlia. Have you such aman?"

  "Captain von Essens, your Majesty."

  "Very well, if you answer for him; I would have asked you to haveescorted the Prince, but it would have done him too much honour, to sendthe Colonel of my Guards, and a General in my army. You will soon havethe pleasure of kissing my hand as I promised you."

  "I would do it now, your Majesty."

  "No, Colonel, we will stick to our arrangement."

  "Shall I give Essens the order?"

  "If you please, and, Colonel, there may be some officers under you whodeserve promotion. Send me in their names, and it shall be seen to, forI have no doubt that there will be vacancies before long in my Guards."

  "It shall be done, your Majesty."


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