Fateful Lightning: A New History of the Civil War & Reconstruction
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C.S. Congress, 151–52, 320, 322, 492
and emancipation, 357, 369–71
and finance, 361–62
and taxes, 365–66
and “twenty nigger law,” 365, 399
C.S. Navy, 302, 303
C.S. Navy: ships
CSS Alabama, 294–97, 309–10, 448, 463 (Alabama Claims, 310)
CSS Arkansas, 308
CSS Florida (aka Oreto), 292, 293, 295
CSS Louisiana, 308
CSS Mississippi, 308
CSS Stonewall, 298
CSS Sumter, 309
CSS Tennessee, 308
CSS Virginia, 303–9
C.S. Quartermaster’s Dept., 319, 365
C.S. Supreme Court, 365
Cuba, 62, 133, 286
Cumberland River, 187, 190, 195, 196, 203
Cumming, Kate, 395, 402, 525
Currier, Amos, 272
Cushman, Pauline, 395
Dabney, Robert Lewis, 87, 119, 271
Dallas, George, 126
Dalton, Georgia, 441
Dana, Charles A., 352, 353, 354, 421, 423, 439
Danville Quarterly Review, 137
Darwin, Charles, 416, 523
Dasher, Marsh, 374
David (torpedo-boat), 308
Davis, David, 104, 105
Davis, Garrett, 192, 493
Davis, Henry Winter, 456, 493
Davis, Jefferson, 23, 65, 120, 131, 137, 140, 151, 168, 187, 190, 192, 193, 203, 205, 209, 217, 250, 289, 297, 298, 318–20, 323, 326, 336–37, 339, 340, 342, 345, 348, 349, 352, 356, 377, 396, 402, 440–43, 445, 449, 470, 474–75, 476, 481, 489, 503, 526
as C.S. president, 359–61, 365, 369–70, 371, 372
Davis, Jefferson C., 384
Dawes, Rufus, 276
De Bow, James Dunwoody Brownson, 25–26, 130, 411, 504
and De Bow’s Review, 25–26, 30, 130, 408, 409, 410, 504
de Leon, Edwin, 288, 289, 298, 334, 517
de Leon, Thomas, 402
De Thouvenin, Louis-Etienne, 250
Declaration of Independence, 6, 93, 106, 234, 406, 407
Declaration of Paris (1856), 224–25, 282, 295
Delaware, 158, 175, 177–78, 228, 300, 517
democracy, 11–12, 112, 233, 391, 406, 407, 530, 532–33, 534
and “white man’s” democracy, 38
Democratic Party, 16, 17, 19, 51, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 84, 85, 86, 97, 99, 113, 114, 120–22, 126, 133, 141, 187, 211, 216, 218, 219, 226–27, 228, 236, 408, 448, 462, 489, 493, 497, 505, 506, 511, 419
and “Copperheads,” 228
and Peace Democrats, 448, 457, 463–464
and War Democrats, 314, 524
Denmark, 286, 298
Dennison, William, 183
Devin, Thomas C., 477–78
Dew, Thomas Roderick, 408, 409
Dickinson, Anna, 496
Divers, Bridget, 395
Dix, Dorothea L., 268, 402
Dix, John A., 134, 263
“Dixie” (song), 529
Dixon, Thomas, 527
Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 70–71, 72, 73, 76, 78, 83, 85, 86, 87–88, 89, 93, 96–98, 104, 107, 108–13, 114, 115, 120–21, 122, 123, 124, 126, 187, 226, 227
and “Freeport Question,” 110
Douglass, Charles, 472
Douglass, Frederick, 31, 36–37, 63, 67, 73, 117, 118, 180–81, 182, 381, 386, 472, 485, 486, 494–95, 497, 508, 530, 533–34
Douglass’ Monthly, 181, 183, 191
draft. See conscription
Drayton, William L., 299
Drewry’s Bluff, battle of (1864), 426
Drexel, Anthony J., 222
Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 530–31, 534
Dudley, Thomas Haines, 297
DuPont, Samuel F., 159, 300
Durham Station, North Carolina, 487
Eads, John B., 196
Early, Jubal A., 425, 448, 463, 468, 526
East Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, Department of (C.S.), 259
Ebenezer Creek, Georgia, 384
Edmonds, Sara Emma, 394, 395
Edwin (blockade-runner), 311
Effie Afton (steamboat), 189
Eldridge, William, 493
Emerson, Eliza Sanford, 90
Emerson, Dr. John, 89, 90, 92
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 405
Eminhizer, George, 248
Emmett, Daniel, 529
Engels, Friedrich, 255
English, William H., 116
Enlightenment, the, 10–11, 26, 98
Enrollment Act, 418, 459, 460
Ericsson, John, 306
Erie Canal, 189
Erlanger, Emile, 292
and Loan of 1863, 292, 299, 362,
Erskine College, 238
Essex (gunboat), 198
Etheridge, Annie, 395
Eustis, George, 287
Evans, Augusta Jane, 408, 411
Everett, Edward, 407
Ewell, Richard S., 335, 342, 343, 428, 477
Exeter Hall (London), 297
Farragut, David Glasgow, 210–11, 302, 308, 362, 444, 463
Faulkner, William, 528
Featherstonhaugh, George, 8
Federalist Party, 15
Ferdinand Maximilian, 292
Fernandina, 300–301
Fessenden, William Pitt, 55, 77, 84, 450, 454, 495, 501
Fillmore, Millard, 70, 72, 83
Finney, Charles Grandison, 45, 46, 261, 291, 297, 415, 416, 490
First Bull Run, battle of (1861), 154–55, 161, 238, 240, 246, 248, 276, 327
Fiske, Wilbur, 233
Fitzhugh, George, 23–24, 41, 51, 231, 393, 408
Five Forks, Virginia, battle of (1865), 475
Flanders, Benjamin, 455
Flanigan, William, 240
Fleming, William, 233
Fletcher, Henry Charles, 256
Florida, 129, 130, 217, 303, 366, 490, 497, 502, 511
Floyd, John B., 135, 198–99
Foote, Andrew 196–197, 200
Foote, Henry, 363
Forbes, Charles, 482
Force Bill (1833), 22
Ford, John, 481
Ford’s Theatre, 481–82
Forney, John W., 408
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 209, 210, 259, 349–50, 352, 355–56, 377–78, 442, 447
Fort Donelson, Tennessee, 198–99, 203, 204, 206, 354, 360, 363
Fort Henry, Tennessee, 198, 203, 204, 206, 354, 360, 363, 448
Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, 135–136
Fort Pillow, Tennessee, 208, 236, 378, 454
Fort Pulaski, Georgia, 29, 135, 159, 302
Fort Sumter, 135–37, 138–39, 155, 191, 405, 413, 532
Fort Warren, Massachusetts, 229, 289, 393
Fortress Monroe, 163, 176, 264, 489
Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 306
France, 232, 234, 238, 254–55, 263, 291–92, 409, 422
Frankfort, Kentucky, 193, 209
Franklin, Tennessee, battle of (1864), 447
Franklin, William Buel, 248
Fraser, Trenholm & Co., 310–11
Frederick, Maryland, 144, 170, 448
Fredericksburg, Virginia, 402, 426, 433
and battle of (1862), 252, 329, 332, 338, 339, 342, 344
and Marye’s Heights, 329–30
Freedmen’s Bureau (Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands), 384–85, 486–88, 492, 494, 495, 498, 503, 507, 510
Freeman, Elizabeth, 44
Free-Soil party, 67
Fremantle, Sir Arthur James Lyon, 261, 289–90
Frémont, John Charles, 86, 175, 176, 462, 464
Fugitive Slave Law (1850), 68, 72, 73, 74, 76, 451
Fuller, Margaret, 405
Fuller, William, 267
Furman College, 238
Gaither, Burgess, 370
Galena, Illinois, 197
Galveston, Texas, 286
Gamble, Hamilton, 191
Garesché, Julius, 351
Garfield, James Abram, 347, 416, 521, 534
Garibaldi, Guiseppe, 242
Garrison, William Lloyd, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 120, 140, 232, 453
Gates, Theodore, 262, 331, 334
Gaul, Gilbert, 529
Geary, John White, 80, 114, 116
Georgia, 43, 46, 50, 121, 129, 138, 159, 233, 241, 244, 302, 319, 326, 346, 352, 355, 356, 361, 363, 364, 365, 373, 399, 421, 441, 443–45, 467, 470, 480, 489, 490, 492, 497, 516
Georgia Soldiers Bureau, 319
Germany, 238
Gettysburg, battle of (1863), 275, 342–45, 346, 356, 422, 428, 442, 461, 480, 492, 521
and Little Round Top, 344, 407, 479
and reunions at, 532, 534
and Soldiers’ National Cemetery, 407
Gettysburg Symphony (Roy Harris), 530
Gibbon, John, 258
Gibraltar, 309
Gildersleeve, Basil, 261
Gillespie, Joseph, 173
Gilman, Caroline, 408
Gilmore, Patrick, 529
Gimball, William, 95
Gist, William Henry, 126
Gladstone, William Ewert, 291, 297
Glasgow, Kentucky, 209
Glassell, William T., 308
Glazier, Willard, 373–74
Glorieta Pass, battle of (1862), 389
“God Save the South” (song), 411
Golden Rocket, 309
Gooding James Henry, 379, 381
Gordon, John B., 480
Gorgas, Josiah, 321, 345, 362, 413, 469
Gorsuch, Edward, 73
Goss, Warren Lee, 243
Grady, Henry W., 524–25
Grand Army of the Republic, 523–524, 532
Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 63, 197–98, 200–201, 205, 206–7, 208, 210, 212–13, 233, 248–49, 314, 346, 350, 353–56, 381, 421–26, 428–36, 438–41, 444, 448, 449, 467, 469–70, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 481, 482, 488, 496, 498, 500–501, 505, 522, 530
and “Jewish order,” 382
as president, 502, 505, 506–7, 510, 511
Great Britain, 232, 234, 238, 317, 337, 531
and aristocracy, 289, 294–95
and blockade, 280–81
and Corn Laws, 289
and Foreign Enlistment Act, 293, 294
and neutrality, 283–85, 298
and Reform Act (1832), 289
and Trent Affair, 286–88
Greeley, Horace, 122, 155, 179, 383, 441, 506
Greensboro, North Carolina, 482
Grosvenor, William, 181
Guadalupe-Hidalgo, treaty of, 62
Guatemala, 292
Gurowski, Adam, 156
H. L. Hunley (submarine), 308–9
habeas corpus, writ of, 223, 226, 364
Hacker, Louis, 531
Hagerstown, Maryland, 448
Hahn, Michael, 382, 455, 456
Hale, R. C., 314
Hale, Sara Josepha, 392
Halleck, Henry Wager, 176, 184–95, 197, 198, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 210, 314, 334, 336, 346, 351, 353, 421, 422, 424, 430, 434, 435, 436, 438, 439, 444, 470, 487
Hamburg, South Carolina, 506
Hamilton, Alexander, 15, 531
Hamlin, Hannibal, 124, 498
Hammond, James Henry, 25, 39, 363, 408, 412
Hammond, William Alexander, 267–68
Hampton, Wade, 511
Hampton Roads, Virginia, 304, 305, 307
and battle of (1862), 304–7
and Hampton Roads Conference (1865), 474–75
Hancock, Cornelia, 402
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 264, 429, 430, 431
Handerson, Harry, 243–44
Hanifen, Michael J., 277
Hanks, John, 124
Hardee, William J., 147, 246
Harpers Ferry, Virginia, 141, 166, 170, 317, 321, 328. See also Brown, John
Harris, Clara, 481
Harris, Ira, 481
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 241, 421
Harrison, William Henry, 60–61
Harrison’s Landing, Virginia, 168, 169
Hartford, Connecticut, 413
Harvard College, 137, 234, 239, 407, 419
Hatteras, 309
Havana (Cuba), 279
Hawk, Harry, 483
Hay, John Milton, 160, 215, 217, 353, 430, 465, 502
Haydon, Charles, 244
Hayes, Rutherford, B., 510–11
Hayne, Hamilton, 408
Hayne, Robert, 21
Hedge, Henry, 405
Henderson, John B., 452, 453
Henry, Alexander, 139
Henson, Josiah, 30–31, 36, 72, 74
Herndon, William Henry, 100–101, 104–5, 465
Herschel, Sir John, 137
Hicks, Thomas, 144
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 117
Hill, Ambrose Powell, 328, 334, 335, 336, 343, 428, 429
Hill, Benjamin, 363
Hill, Daniel Harvey, 248
Hillbourne, Charlotte, 391
Hillyer, Francis, 334
Hinckley, Samuel, 235
Hindenberg, Paul von, 291
Hindman, Thomas, 368
Hinton, Richard J., 398
HMS Scorpion, 297
HMS Wivern, 297
Hodgers, Jennie (“Albert Cashier”), 394
Hofstadter, Richard, 173
Hoge, Moses Drury, 412–13
Holcombe, James, 39
Holcombe, William, 30, 41
Holden, William W., 367
Holly Springs, Mississippi, 212
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 235, 275, 535
Holmes, Theophilus, 361
Holsinger, Frank, 276
Holt, Joseph, 227, 228
Homer, Winslow, 529
Homestead Act (1862), 230, 520
Hood, John Bell, 267, 340, 442–44, 445–46, 447, 470
Hooker, Joseph, 330–34, 343, 355, 430
Hoover’s Gap, Tennessee, 251
horses, 315
Hostetter, John, 416
Houston, Sam, 60, 129
Howe, David, 418–19
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 117
Howells, William Dean, 416, 521
Hughes, Henry, 408
Hugo, Victor, 468
Humphreys, Andrew A., 426, 433
Hunt, Ezra Munday, 234
Hunt, Henry, 394
Hunter, David, 175
Hunter, Robert M. T., 363, 366
Hunton, Eppa, 435
Hurlbut, Stephen, 471