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Passion, Victoria 7: Duncan and Alec (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  “Change,” Duncan growled.

  Alec didn’t have to ask what that meant. With a nod at his brother he pulled his cock to the rim of Crystal’s arse and waited until Duncan did the same to her pussy. Duncan gave him another nod and then they began to fuck her at the same time, both their cocks moving in and out her tight holes, hard and fast, so she was either completely filled with them or nearly empty.

  Alec felt the first ripple of Crystal’s muscles and knew she was on the verge of climaxing. He felt the warning tingle of his own impending release at the base of his spine and looked over Crystal’s head to Duncan.

  “Do it. Now!”

  Duncan moved one of his hands from Crystal’s hips and slid it down between his and Crystal’s bodies. From the way Crystal tightened up and began to shake, Alec figured Duncan was either rubbing or lightly pinching the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of her slit.

  She threw her head back against his shoulder, gasped in a breath of air, and then screamed. Her body clamped down hard on Alec’s cock. She quivered and quavered, her muscles clenching and releasing around his cock, and she milked the cum right out of his balls. Alec roared as Crystal drew him over the edge into rapture with her, her arse squeezing and grasping spasmodically along the length of his cock. Duncan’s roar of completion soon followed his, and then Crystal slumped down against his brother and the only sound in the room was their heavy breathing.

  Alec looked at Duncan over the top of Crystal’s head, their eyes speaking to each other only the way really close relatives could. Alec was stunned at the rapture he’d just experienced with Crystal and knew that Duncan was, too. His heart was so full of love and joy he wanted to shout to the stars.

  Alec and Duncan had found the woman they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with, and as far as he was concerned she wouldn’t be going anywhere. Alec had started falling for her from the very first day. Each minute he spent with her he fell a little more, and what they had just shared proved to him beyond a shadow of doubt that she was theirs.

  Crystal had been a virgin, and in this day and age and at her age, that was very rare. Surely she wouldn’t have given them such a gift if she didn’t at least care for them a little.

  From the sappy look on Duncan’s face, his brother was just as much in love with her as he was. There was no way in hell they were letting her get away from them. He couldn’t ever let that happen. If she left them, Alec didn’t think he would be able to go on without her. He would give his life to keep her safe and do everything in his power to make her happy.

  Alec slowly and gently eased his softening cock from her arse, and when Duncan tilted Crystal’s face up, he saw that she was asleep. Her eyes were closed, her breathing was slow and even, and she had a satiated smile on her angelic face. There were also tear tracks streaking her beautiful cheeks, which caused Alec to become concerned. He hoped like hell he hadn’t hurt her as he made love to her. That was last thing he wanted to do.

  “Is she…”

  “Looks like we fucked her into oblivion,” Duncan said as he gazed down at their woman.

  “Shit, you don’t think we were too rough on her, do you?”

  “Nay.” Duncan always fell back to their Scottish brogue when he was feeling overly emotional. His brother brushed her hair back from her face. “I watched her the whole time. She was with us every step of the way, Alec. She passed out just as we started coming.”

  Duncan’s face was so full of love at that moment, Alec was glad Crystal wasn’t awake to see it. He knew if she had, she would run like hell in the opposite direction. He didn’t think she was anywhere near ready to hear what she meant to them. At least he didn’t think so. She was open with them about some things, but she was still holding back a lot. He had a feeling she was worried or scared about something, and as much as he wanted to ask her what was going on, he didn’t want her to feel like they were rushing her.

  Hopefully between him and his brother, plus a little more time, she would open up with them.

  Chapter Seven

  Crystal came to just as Duncan sat down in the large spa bath with her on his lap. He began to wash her body with the bath gel and a sponge. She felt totally wrung out and satiated. She didn’t want to ever move again. She laid her head back and rested it against Duncan’s shoulder and watched Alec move toward her through the narrowed slits of her eyes and then he got into the bath, too.

  “How are you feeling, darlin’?” Alec took one of her feet in his hands and began to massage it.

  “Like cooked spaghetti.”

  “Ha, well, that’s a good thing, baby. That means we did our jobs right.” Alec grinned.

  “If you had done any better, I’d be dead.” Crystal sighed and closed her eyes again.

  “Are you sore, darlin’?” Duncan squeezed her gently.

  “Yes. You can’t touch me again,” Crystal replied, and even she heard the slight hitch in her voice.

  “Why not, baby?” Duncan asked.

  “Because I can’t resist you two, and you both know it. God, if anything happened to either of you…” Crystal’s voice wobbled.

  “Why would you think something would happen to us, Crystal?” Duncan tilted her head up to his so he could see her eyes.

  “I don’t know,” Crystal whispered and couldn’t stop the tears forming in her eyes or from spilling over her bottom eyelids.

  “Yes, you do. Don’t lie to me, baby. Why are you worried something will happen to us?”

  “Let me up,” Crystal demanded and pushed Duncan’s arms away. She stood, but before she could step out of the tub, she was pulled back down onto Duncan’s lap. He turned her around so she was straddling his hips, facing him.

  Alec moved through the water to sit beside Duncan and Crystal, and she could tell by the frown and worry on his face that he was concerned for her. Alec’s eyes moved from her to Duncan and back again as if waiting for something. And of course he was. He was waiting for her to tell him why she was so scared. Even though she wanted to tell him and Duncan what was bothering her, to put their minds at peace, she didn’t want to tell them and have them look at her differently. If they knew about her deadbeat father and what he was capable of, Crystal was scared they wouldn’t want to have anything to do with her anymore, and she didn’t know if she could handle walking away from them.

  When she met Duncan’s eyes again and saw the implacable look on his face, she knew he wasn’t going to let her get away with her hedging or avoiding answering their questions. Duncan’s next words proved she was right.

  “I’ll sit here with you all day if I have to. Now answer the question, Crystal. What the fuck is going on?”

  “I think my apartment was trashed because of my father. I haven’t seen him for years. I didn’t think he knew where I lived,” Crystal explained.

  “Tell us the rest, baby,” Duncan commanded.

  “My father is a junkie. He used to beat on my mum until she got sick. I think she was just so battered and bruised and sick of the abuse she gave up her will to live, and willed herself to die. Then he started in on me. He would come home high. Because Mum was always in bed, if he wanted to beat on someone, he would beat on me. The day my mum was buried was the last day I ever saw my father.”

  “Jeezus,” Alec growled.

  “Fucking arsehole,” Duncan snapped and began to caress her arms.

  “We often had strange, horrid men coming to our house, taking anything they could sell, in compensation for money he had borrowed. I think he may owe a lot of money for his habit. God only knows who he borrowed money from this time. He always gave our address to whomever he borrowed from. But what if he knows where I live and gave my address instead? If they find me living here with you, they could come here and steal your things and trash your house. Or even worse, they could hurt you.” Crystal lowered her head onto Duncan’s chest and sobbed.

  She was so worried she could be putting them in danger. She was used to having her stuff taken and
a few things broken but the damage to her apartment had been the worst she’d seen. That was if it was the men her father had borrowed from. For all she knew her dad had gone to someone else and these bastards might handle her dad’s debt differently from his usual loan sharks. She’d never been threatened before either and every time she thought about that message which had been left on her mirror, she felt sick to her stomach.

  If these people found out she was living with Duncan and Alec and they got hurt because of that, she wouldn’t be able to live with her conscience.

  * * * *

  Alec looked at Duncan and knew his expression of fury mirrored his brother’s. He wanted to hunt down her father and beat the crap out of him for hurting his daughter. Then he wanted to find the men who had wrecked her apartment and rip them apart with his bare hands. He couldn’t believe how some people had no morals and would threaten and intimidate an innocent, defenseless woman.

  “Don’t cry, darlin’.” Alec rubbed his palm up and down Crystal’s back, trying to get her to calm down. Her crying was breaking his heart. “We won’t let anyone get to us, and there is no fucking way they will ever get near you. I love you, Crystal. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Crystal’s tears slowly dried up. She sat upright on Duncan’s lap, turned her head toward Alec, and looked at him with an expression of awe on her face.

  “You love me? Really?”

  “Yes, I love you, darlin’. You make our lives complete. We had just about given up hope of ever finding you. We knew there was a woman out there somewhere for us, someone to complete us and make us whole. We were about to sell up and move back to Bendigo.

  “Then we met you on that horrible night you crashed your car in front of us, and even though I hate it that you got hurt, it has turned out to be the best night of my life. We finally met you.” Alec’s brogue was thicker than usual, emotion making his voice hoarse, and when she looked into his eyes her expression changed from awe to joy. She looked back shyly at Duncan, and then without a word, she launched herself from Duncan’s lap and landed on Alec with a splash. She wrapped her arms around his waist, straddling his thighs, and he hugged her back. She felt so right in his arms, like he had come home for the first time in forever, and he hoped like hell she felt the same way he felt about her. Even though she looked happy and was hugging him tight, she hadn’t told him how she felt, and he was becoming a little anxious.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve meeting you both, but it was the best night of my life, too.” Crystal took his cheeks in her hands and stared into his eyes. “I love you.” She looked over her shoulder at Duncan and then back to him again. “I love you both so much. How I can love you after knowing you for such a short time is beyond me, but I do. I love you both with my whole heart.”

  “I love you, too, baby.” Duncan came up behind Crystal and gently gripped her hair. When he tugged on her tresses, she turned to look at his brother. Duncan leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, then pulled back again. “Now, we’d better get ready and go into the shop. We have work to do, sweetheart. On the way you are going to tell us everything about your father, and I’m going to get my good friends, Tom, Noah, and Zach, who just also happen to be cops, to do a little investigating as well. I don’t want you to worry about a thing. You let us handle this problem with your father. All right?” Duncan asked.

  “Okay,” Crystal replied then got up out of the tub and dried off.

  Alec sighed with relief. She looked so much happier and lighter, as if the weight of the world had been taken off her shoulders. He hoped to never see her so unhappy, scared, and upset again. He smiled at Duncan when she scurried into the bedroom to get dressed. Their woman looked downright eager to start work, and he loved that she would be living and working alongside them. They would have more of a chance to protect her and keep her safe since she would be working with them.

  * * * *

  Crystal, Duncan, and Alec arrived at the coffee shop an hour later. The delicious smell of coffee was in the air and it had Crystal inhaling deeply. Alec introduced her to their staff and then led her to the office in the back. She was glad to see a couple of desks with the latest computers for her to work on.

  “You can work on this computer, darlin’. This is more for backup purposes than anything else. If you need anything at all just ask one of us, all right?”

  “Thanks, Alec. Do you think I could get a cup…”

  Crystal stopped talking as Duncan entered the room with three mugs of coffee in his big, capable hands. He had two handles in one hand and another in his other. He had such large, sleek hands. Just seeing them as he carried the mugs got her panties wet.

  Duncan placed the mugs down on the desk beside Crystal and pushed one toward her then picked up the other two and handed one to Alec.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, baby, I’m gonna strip you naked and fuck you right here,” Duncan said in a thick, growly brogue.

  “Sorry,” Crystal whispered, lowering her eyes to her mug, her cheeks heating with embarrassment at being caught ogling him.

  Duncan moved closer to Crystal, tipped her head up to his with a finger, and leaned down and kissed her until they were both panting.

  “Don’t ever be sorry for wanting us, baby. I was fooling around, sort of. You get me so hard every time you look at me like that. I want to pick you up and bury my cock in your sweet, wet cunt.” Duncan looked at her with longing and then headed to the office door, mug still in hand. “I’m going to check on the supplies out front while I finish my coffee, and then I have an appointment. I want you to stay here with Alec.” He turned back to her, placed a light kiss on her lips, and then left the room.

  Crystal watched his tight arse flexing as he walked away and then remembered Alec was still in the room with her. She looked up and caught his lascivious grin, smiled in return, and got down to work. When she worked, Crystal totally zoned out from her surroundings. Nothing penetrated her concentration until she was finished or satisfied with what she was working on. By the time lunchtime came around, she had set up the template for the website. Now all she needed was a list of products and prices.

  She’d already had a website server picked out, and even though the cost would be a bit more than other servers, she knew it was the best one for the coffee shops online products, services, and needs. Crystal sat back in her chair, stretched out her tired, aching muscles, and looked around her. Alec was no longer working at the other computer in the office. She hadn’t even heard him leave and wondered where he had gone.

  Since she was getting hungry and could also do with another cup of coffee, she went to the office door and peeked out into the shop. The shop was a hive of activity as the employees were run ragged trying to serve the influx of customers. Crystal decided to see if they needed a hand.

  She had worked in a coffee shop part-time when she was still in school. She walked out and stopped one of the young women as she was about to take a tray of coffee and sandwiches to a table.

  “Hi, I’m sorry, but I can’t remember your name?” Crystal asked.


  “I was wondering if you’d like some help since it’s so busy in here. I can help out by making coffee and sandwiches if you and the others can ring up the prices on the register, since I don’t know how much anything is. I worked in a coffee shop when I was still at school.”

  “Oh my God. Yes, yes, yes. Please. We are run off our feet, as you can see. Any extra help would be greatly appreciated.” Amy hurried over to the customers with their order.

  Crystal walked over behind the counter and got to work. She made coffee and sandwiches to order, placed slices of cake on plates, and mixed milkshakes. She’d forgotten how much fun it was to work in a busy coffee shop. By the time the lunch-hour rush was finished, she was so hungry herself, her stomach was growling.

  “Crystal, you are unbelievable. I have never seen anyone work as hard or as fast as you do,” Amy complimente
d. “Thanks so much.”

  Crystal glanced toward two male customers sitting close to the counter drinking coffee and eating sandwiches. Though she hadn’t noticed them at first, Crystal felt the men’s eyes on her as she spoke with Amy. She quickly looked away, but not before she had seen what looked like a predatory gleam in their eyes. She began to feel a little nervous at garnering such attention and hoped they didn’t do anything like try to ask her out. She decided that ignorance was the best policy. Maybe if she didn’t take any notice of them they would realize she wasn’t interested.

  “Hey, no problem, Amy. I had fun. It brought back memories, you know.”

  “Why don’t you go on out back? I’ll bring you a sandwich and some coffee. You must be starving.”

  “Thanks. That would be great. I am rather hungry.” Crystal was just turning toward the office but spun back around when she heard her name being called.

  “Crystal Parrish?”

  Crystal turned toward the voice. One of the male customers was eying her up and down. He was tall, his head was bald, and he was built like a bodybuilder. He was one of the men she had caught looking at her a minute ago.

  “Can I help you? Do I know you?”

  “Sorry, I thought you were someone I went to school with. Obviously I was wrong.” He shrugged and sat down at his table again.

  Crystal turned away, walked through the door, and went back to work. She’d worked with two people who had the same first and last name at her last job, so she figured he must have known another Crystal Parrish. But she couldn’t get the rid of the nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  She got back to work, eating the sandwich and drinking her coffee as she thought about the best way to present the shop’s products for sale. She had asked Amy where Alec was, but all she could tell her was that he had an appointment. But luckily for Crystal, Amy had known where the product brochures were kept and had passed them over. Once she’d finished eating, she lost herself in work once more.


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