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Page 29

by Laurie Roma

Darius and Malik both smacked the back of his head.

  Reva laughed. “No, you can’t go with them. That’s the whole point!”

  “Where is the Xenon?” Roman asked. “Maybe he can save the station since he missed this last part of the fun.”

  “Torren is currently chasing down an Alliance shuttle the Simi stole before we arrived on The Delta Station.”

  His eyes widened. “Why would they want one of our shuttles?”

  She shrugged. “I am sure we will soon find out.”

  The doors to the command center opened, and Megara rushed out this time. “Cancel that rescue request. You have to come see this!”

  Amari and Roman glanced at one another, then transported themselves into the command center. Staring out of the wide window, they watched as the small blue, brown, and red planetoid grew bigger the closer they got to it. Soon, the stars faded into a haze of clouds as they entered the atmosphere.

  “What exactly are we looking at?”

  “You mean, besides watching our own deaths approaching for the third time today?” Tavius asked dryly. “Some fucking peace summit this is.”

  “There is another ship out there,” Megara said, excitement in her voice. “Can’t you feel it? They’ve been slowing us down.”

  “I don’t know what I feel besides distrust for anyone we don’t know approaching our space station. This hasn’t worked out too well for us today,” Seth commented.

  “I can transport everyone to our vessel,” Amari offered. “Or I can...” she turned to stare out the window again, “...just let them do the saving this time.”

  Roman put his arm around Amari’s waist, holding her close. “Who are they, mate?”

  “My friends, Jade, Zarik, Kayn, and Rycor Vyper, have arrived for their visit.”

  A few seconds later as the space station broke through the cloud cover. Standing in a sea of green and brown vegetation were four Dragon Warriors, only they didn’t look like any of the Dragon Warriors the others had ever encountered before. The female and three males had dark purple hair and glowing green eyes, and each of them held up a hand, palm out, as the space station came to a stop a few feet from them.

  On the other side of the glass, Jade raised a brow. “Looks like we missed all the fun.”

  Roman sighed. “Sweetheart, I think that vacation is going to have to wait.”


  “Are you sure about this decision?”

  Roman and Amari stood in the center of the main chamber in the Hall of Regents facing the eleven governing members of the council. The full panel would have been twelve if Roman had been participating as a regent, but that would have defeated the purpose of the meeting they were having there.

  So much had changed during the weeks since the Ministry of Nations meeting on the Delta Station. The known races were on high alert after the Simi attack, and they were left with more questions than they had answers. It felt as though they were collectively holding their breath, waiting for their opponent’s next move. They had no way to track the Simi’s ships, and whatever deadly game they were playing still remained a mystery.

  That made them a far greater threat than any they had faced before.

  Who the hell were the Simi, and what were they after?

  The attack on the Delta Station had come out of nowhere, but it was safe to say that the Simi had been hanging around watching for longer than anyone knew. A Simi ship had been the cause of Ivy Blackthorn’s crash landing onto Xenthian, and they had proven themselves a dangerous enemy by using their silver blood as traps on different planets.

  It was an efficient means of gathering information.

  Unfortunately, Elder Torren Blue hadn’t found the Alliance shuttle, but a new friendship between the Dragon Warriors and the Xenon had been forged. Roman still wasn’t sure about the male, though, his opinion could have been clouded by jealousy. It was petty, but he didn’t like how closely Amari had worked with Torren to take down their enemy. Still, he trusted his mate when she said there was more to the experience than even they knew. Elder Torren Blue had to be saved from the Simi because the future of countless lives would depend on him.

  After leaving the Delta Station, Roman had traveled to Tartarus with Amari and her friends. Once there, he and the Vypers had been welcomed into the combined Nazira, Rego, Tor, Volis Tesera family with open arms. It had been a nonstop party every day, and he had seen how the constant barrage of people had worn Amari down. She loved them, but it was uncomfortable for her to be around them all the time.

  Roman wanted to take that quiet vacation with Amari. Where the two of them could spend days without a single scrap of clothing or conversation, only using the more intimate method of speaking in each other’s minds. He wanted to lay on a beach with her, feeling the warmth of the sun on their bare skin, and he wanted to fly through the sky in their dragon forms under a hundred different moons.

  That wasn’t to be yet.

  When they decided to go to Earth to build a temporary home, Amari and Roman hadn’t been surprised when Eden had wanted to go with them. It had been unexpected when Jade Vyper had also wanted to travel to Earth with them. They had only been back a few days when Roman had requested the meeting with the rest of the Council of Regents.

  It was time for him to officially give up his seat.

  “I’m sure about my decision,” Roman said clearly. “I’m not even human anymore, so it would be unfair of me to continue to sit on the governing council. Since we have decided to stay in the Capital for a while, I would be happy to act as an advisor if anyone would like to speak to an outside source.”

  Regent Everett Marks scoffed. “Why would we need to speak to an outside source?”

  “It’s just an offer. My decision is final. I want more time with my family,” Roman said, glancing at Amari.

  “And do you have an idea for who would take your seat?” Regent Adira Singer asked.

  “That was the other matter I wished to speak of in front of the council. I would like to nominate someone to take my seat.”

  “You can’t do that,” Regent Marks sputtered.

  Amari stirred at his side. “I really do not like that male.”

  “No one does.” Roman sighed, then spoke slowly. “I can nominate whoever I want. Does that mean you must vote for that person? No, it doesn’t. However, before the council, I would like to nominate Jax Spartan.”

  Jax, who had come as a witness to the meeting, blinked. “Wait—what? Me?”

  Ignoring him, another regent said, “We already have a Spartan on the council. That would be a conflict for us.”

  “Actually, while we are talking about this I should mention I plan on retiring soon as well,” Regent Ian Spartan informed them.


  Ian held up a hand to stop Jax from saying more. “I too want to spend more time with family, which means I will be going to New Vega more often. I would also like to spend more time helping my chosen with the family business.”

  Adira smiled. “Well, that makes things simple. We will not be voting on this today. However, if Jax were to take his father’s place, do you have another recommendation for the second empty council seat?”

  “Honestly? I recommend someone younger.” Roman continued speaking over the insulted complaints. “You need someone on this council who is closer to the officers. Someone who can be a voice for them.”

  “That does make sense, but there is the chain of command we must follow.”

  They spoke for a few more minutes, then Roman called a stop to the meeting. He could tell Amari had put herself in a trance to combat the boredom she felt, and he wanted to get her back to their new home.

  “It is not boredom, mate. It is bafflement that there needs to be so many meetings to decide other meetings where they will vote to have new members for more meetings,” she said as they walked out of the room. “It is tiring.”

  “Sweetheart, that is the definition of boredom to you.”

man!” Jax called as he ran to catch up to them. “Sorry, can I have a minute? I have no idea what to say but thank you for your vote of confidence.”

  “It might not happen yet,” Roman told him honestly. “You are young for this position, but that’s part of the reason I hope they choose you. You were just made high commander, but you have history here as the commander of the Capital. You know a lot of people and have a lot of connections. If you are chosen, all I ask is for you to be a champion for the officers. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t. I’d like to speak with you about this again when you have some free time.”

  Roman laughed. “Sure, but that free time is definitely not today. If you are made regent, I would like you to back me on requesting a promotion for Matt Malloy. I think he would make a good high commander if you leave a vacancy.”

  “You’ve got it. Serra wanted to know if you’re coming to the party this weekend.”

  Amari nodded. “We will be there for the rain.”

  Roman laughed. “You mean the shower.”

  “Aye, that.”

  He lifted Amari’s hand and pressed a kiss to the center of her palm as they walked out of the building. “Shall we transport, fly, or would you rather walk for a bit?”

  “We should stroll.” She smiled at him as they walked through the courtyard toward the sea, used to the people who stopped and stared at them. “I just like the word.”

  Taking her hand in his, he gave it a playful swing. “Strolling it is, then.”

  “I am surprised that your Regent Marks did not complain about our home again,” Amari commented. “If anyone were to be replaced on your council, it should be him.”

  “What else can he say? You created an island that wasn’t there a month ago, and we built a castle on it. If he doesn’t like seeing it, he can just stop looking.” Roman stopped at the edge of the water and looked out at the black castle looming in the distance. “It is an impressive sight Then again, so is our home on Tartarus. Where do you think we should go next?”

  “Nowhere but home today.” When he turned to look at her, she winced. “I am afraid our alone time will have to wait a little longer.”

  He groaned. “Who is visiting this time?”

  “Oh, just my mother and fathers.”

  “Just—” Roman choked on the word. “Maybe we should just go back to my quarters here in the city. I can meet them tomorrow.”

  “Since they are in our courtyard waiting for us, I do not think that would be wise.”

  “Well, shit. I’ve been practicing, but I expect you to keep them from killing me when I have to prove myself worthy of you with my sword this afternoon.”

  “I vow I will. Although, they would never harm the father of our youngling.” She brought their combined hands to her stomach.

  He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “Do they know?”

  “Nay, they cannot sense it yet, but I plan to tell them today when you need a break from the battlefield.”

  “How did I get so lucky?” he murmured, as he did every day they were together. “How can I love you more today than I did yesterday?”

  “Fate favored us, mate. And our love is written in the stars.”

  Amari was his home, his strength, his love, and in several months, they would be given the gift of life. Fate had given him everything, and though there were dark days ahead, she would always be his light.



  Laurie Roma lives in Texas, and mainly writes contemporary, romantic suspense, and sci-fi romance. She can usually be found tapping away on her keyboard, creating worlds for her characters while she listens to music. Of course, her playlist depends on her mood...but then again, so does her writing. She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached at

  For all titles by Laurie Roma, please visit

  3013: THE SERIES




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