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The Courtship of Julian St. Albans (Consulting Magic Book 1)

Page 40

by Amy Crook

  Julian giggled. "This way I don't have to be his consort if we decide we don't want to do that, and he doesn't have to be head of the St. Albans household."

  "A fate to be avoided at nearly any cost," said Alex, patting Julian's hand where it rested on his arm. "Julian would've been worth it, though."

  Ana chuckled. "And now we see why you got to stay the boyfriend," she said, going back behind her desk.

  Julian grinned. "I know, right? And he doesn't say that stuff unless he means it."

  "It wouldn't do either of us any good to lie about it," said Alex. "Otherwise, we'd just end up stuck in a situation almost as miserable as the one we saved you from."

  "I helped save myself," Julian clarified. They'd talked a bit, last night, about Julian's feelings regarding Willoughby and the knife he'd left in the man's side, and Alex was pleased that Julian felt little guilt for defending himself with whatever had been at hand.

  "I'd read that, too, stabbed him right in the gut," said Ana with bloodthirsty approval. "Too bad they're pretty sure he's going to live."

  Alex laughed. "He won't like prison much, I expect." Someone like Willoughby would be fitted with an anti-magic charm, probably a cuff or bracelet similar in some ways to the cold iron shackle that Duckworth had used on Con. It seemed fitting, but Alex did wonder what might come out the other end, should Willoughby escape a life sentence.

  He was spared from anything more when Ana's phone lit up, and she answered it, then gathered Alex's chart. "Back you go, are you bringing him, too?" she asked curiously.

  "If he wants, he's welcome," said Alex, looking to Julian.

  "Please," said Julian, smiling shyly. "I want to hear about when you'll be better and how to take care of you."

  Alex melted a little and gave him a smaller kiss than he really wanted, which seemed to amuse Ana rather than offend.

  "Then come on, Doctor's waiting," she said, leading them back to the exam room.

  Dr. Chesterfield was indeed waiting, and he chatted amiably with Julian while Alex changed into one of the silly gowns for his examination. Chesterfield talked more as he examined Alex, explaining everything he was looking for to Julian and then chatting with Alex about his leg and general state of health.

  "All right, you go get dressed while I correlate your data," said Chesterfield. He'd taken a number of readings with obscure medicomagical instruments, and sat down at the desk to put together a profile of Alex's magical health after he'd repeatedly exhausted his personal resources.

  "And no helping," teased Ana, who'd stayed to help with the examination.

  "Spoilsport," said Julian with a false pout; he and Ana got on like a house on fire, and Alex felt ridiculous pride that Julian had come so much out of his shell.

  Alex went and got changed, emerging to find that Julian had charmed Ana into going with him to the staff lounge to get tea for all of them. "We'll move to my office for your results," said Dr. Chesterfield, standing. "I'm basically done, I want to run a few things through the computer in there."

  "Excellent, there's better chairs in there," said Alex with a grin, gathering up both their coats and following the doctor to his office. "I'm in for more potions, I assume?"

  "Oh, yes," said Chesterfield, wryly amused. "Different ones, I think, you've got some interesting spikes that I want to even out."

  "Well, I'd hate to be boring," said Alex wryly. He took a seat without being offered, as he was starting to feel the pull of that exhaustion, though both Julian and his cane helped to support him, in very different ways. He had pretty much decided to keep it as an affectation even after he no longer needed its physical support, because the grounding magic built into it had proven very useful indeed.

  "Just let me run these numbers, they'll be back with tea in a minute," said Dr. Chesterfield, sitting at his computer already distracted by the interesting puzzle that was Alex's health.

  Alex just relaxed, eyes closing, and he was surprised to be kissed back to himself a short time later. "Mm, that is the best medicine ever, thanks," said Alex, taking his teacup.

  Julian sat next to him. "You looked so peaceful I hated to bother you, but I figured you could use a pick-me-up."

  "Just for that, I'm going to take you to lunch somewhere ridiculously posh," said Alex teasingly, leaning in for another kiss. Ana hadn't stayed, apparently, though there was another cup of tea steaming next to the doctor.

  Julian grinned, "Good, I deserve a treat."

  "And here I thought I was the treat," said Alex, taking a sip of the tea and finding it far superior to the awful stuff they usually got out of the machines.

  "You're more than a treat," assured Julian with a soft, sweet smile and an even sweeter kiss.

  "You're also definitely suffering magical exhaustion," said Dr. Chesterfield, looking amused as he turned back to them and sipped his own tea. "You've got a few areas still almost healthy, mostly to do with sensing, and your healing magic isn't nearly as bad as I'd feared, but I don't want you doing any spell work beyond activating your wards until you've had another week's worth of potions and another set of tests."

  "Yes, Doctor," said Alex. "But it's okay to listen to things, still?"

  Dr. Chesterfield nodded. "As long as you don't take another case until I've cleared you for duty, yes, you can use your magical senses as normal."

  Alex relaxed, because he'd worried about that, a bit. It was instinct for him to listen just a little, all the time, and he'd have had a hard time giving that up. "I can do that, then."

  "I've sent your prescription down to the apothecary here, but it's a custom item, so you'll have to go donate a few drops of blood and then come get your potion after lunch. This one should be daily, rather than at meals, anyway." Dr. Chesterfield smiled wryly. "I have to say, I didn't think your case would give me such interesting things to look into when it was brought to me."

  Alex laughed and said, "Well, I'm glad to have kept up your interest, I know your time is very valuable."

  "As is yours, I suspect," said Chesterfield. "I'm certain your expertise is just as much in demand as my own."

  Alex grinned, surprised. "It is, in its way, though I don't have the same infrastructure you do to bring me clients," he said, waving his hand to indicate the hospital. "Do let me know if you need an amulet, though. Or a murder investigated."

  Julian giggled. "He's quite good at the latter."

  "So I hear," said Chesterfield. He stood and shook hands with them. "Just head down to the apothecary, they'll be waiting to take their sample."

  "Thank you again, Dr. Chesterfield. I'll see you next Tuesday, then?"

  "Yes. Potion before you come," instructed the doctor. "Ana or someone will get you set up."

  They said goodbye and headed out, making the appointment for the afternoon and then heading down to the apothecary, where Alex gave a small blood sample, this time taken from his arm. Lunch was expensively delicious, the potion tasted as awful as ever, and Jones was happy to ferry them back and forth. The afternoon was spent at the Agency giving statements and Alex's bill, which didn't get so much as a blink from Smedley despite the impressive total. There was a lot of teasing and congratulations and then false sympathy when it got around that the engagement was off, and all in all Alex felt more at home after all that had happened than ever before.

  ~ ~ ~

  "Emmy's invited us out to tea," said Julian, where he was lounging in Alex's reading-chair in the work room. It had been a couple of weeks, and after getting a clean bill of health and then constructing some new parts, Alex was ready to repair Horace today. "She wants us to meet this mysterious new beau of hers."

  "At least we know it's not Willoughby," said Alex teasingly. He was hunched over his workbench, carefully removing and replacing Horace's bent beak with a new, improved model in a sturdier metal. Several of the feathers being replaced were actually perfectly good still, but Alex wanted the upgrades to be symmetrical, adding a bit of a pattern to both wings rather than just looking li
ke a patch job.

  "We're going, right?" asked Julian, reading through the rest of her letter. They'd gotten in the habit of corresponding that way, and Julian was excited to send Horace with their reply today.

  "We're going, now go answer her while I finish this or I'll never finish," said Alex, but his tone was gentle. Julian was a welcome distraction in Alex's life, especially now that he lived with Alex most of the time.

  Julian came and collected a kiss, then closed the door so Alex could work in peace. Alex re-struck his tuning fork and this time it was easier for him to listen to the threads of Horace's music and work in harmony with them. It seemed like no time at all before he'd changed out Horace's old parts for the new ones, and had the little bird sitting on his shoulder, chirping happily in his ear.

  "Thanks for being patient, old friend," said Alex. He gathered up the pieces, whole feathers set aside in a box to be made into something new and the broken ones stripped of their enchantment and set aside in a different box to bargain with Con at a later date. He'd also finished Con's pendant this morning, using the setting to emphasise the heart-shape rather than changing the natural stone and giving the glow spell an added little hook that would beat in time to the wearer's heart. He emerged with Con's pendant in his pocket and Horace on his hand, pleased to see Julian was still writing at the desk.

  "All done," said Alex, giving Horace a little boost.

  The bird launched himself off Alex's finger with a joyful trill, flying over to settle on Julian's shoulder and rub his head against Julian's cheek affectionately. "Oh, you're all better!" said Julian, kissing the bird's head. "You look quite handsome with your new colours," he said, admiring the silvery shimmer of beak and feathers against Horace's old bronze finish. Horace helped by holding out a wing, then hopping down to the desk to show off, strutting quite vainly.

  Alex laughed and came over to stroke the bird's head. "So, I'm forgiven for letting you get hurt in the first place?" he asked.

  Horace nipped his finger affectionately, just a gentle tug of his new beak, and then trilled a swell of gratitude to Alex for keeping Julian safe.

  Alex smiled and stroked Horace's head again, then kissed the top of Julian's hair. "He says I have to keep you, because he's really yours now, anyway."

  Julian laughed delightedly. "Oh, is that so?" he said, pulling Alex down for a kiss before turning back to the bird. "Well, Horace, to you feel up to taking Emmy a letter?"

  Horace trilled happily and moved off the papers, hopping back up to Julian's shoulder to wait for him to be finished.

  "I'm going to call Con to give him his pendant, along with the brownie that he said might be able to get the dents out of the fridge, okay? We've got no plans tonight?" said Alex, heading for the kitchen.

  "Sounds good," said Julian distractedly, already back to his letter.

  Alex conjured two little butterflies and gave each a name, Con for one and Brownie Nat for the other, as instructed, and sent them off through the kitchen window and out into the world. Then he put the kettle on, figuring they'd want tea no matter what.

  The kettle had barely boiled when the doorbell rang, and Alex took a moment to set a full pot to brewing before he answered it. "Con, I wondered if you'd be nearby," said Alex with a grin. Next to the little earth sprite was a much bigger faerie, a cheerful brownie in proper clothing, his skin brown as a nut and grin only a little unsettling. He came about halfway up Alex's thigh, and Alex smiled right back. "And you must be Nat?"

  "Aye, that I be," said the little fae. "May we come in?"

  "You may enter as guests, with guest-rights and restrictions," said Alex formally.

  "Yes, yes, I accept," said Con, clearly impatient with Alex's formality.

  Alex chuckled and whistled Con in through the wards. "And you?"

  "I accept as well, good Mage," said Nut, waiting to be let in. The two little beings headed straight for the kitchen, and Alex chuckled and followed.

  "Tea's steeping, the kettle's just boiled, but there's bread and honey," said Alex. The butterfly fairy was curled up in its plant, which it had been diligent in getting Alex to care for properly. It had chosen to stay in Alex's flat rather than go live on the St. Albans estate, so Alex made sure there was always fresh bread, milk and honey for its upkeep.

  "You've got me bauble?" asked Con casually. "It's the last day of the moon."

  "I do, I'm sorry it took so long," said Alex. He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it over, having put it on a short bit of chain. "See if that'll fit over your head, I want to make sure the beating spell is working right."

  "Oh, now that is a lovely bit o' work," said the brownie appreciatively.

  "It'll be right pretty on my lass," agreed Con, slipping the brass chain over his head and letting the stone rest against his chest. Its glow began to beat in the fast cadence of a small-hearted creature, making Alex smile. "There you are, it'll keep her heartbeat while she wears it, and otherwise just glow."

  "It's a bargain well-met," said Con, taking it off and making it vanish. "Now, you said something about tea?"

  Alex laughed and set about being a proper host, and just as he was pouring the tea Julian came in with Horace. "He's all ready to go, did you want to do the honours?"

  "You fixed yer little bird!" said Con, surprised.

  "Of course I did, he saved Julian twice over," said Alex, accepting the construct from Julian and whistling to it, making sure the spells were watertight and well-powered. "He's got bright new plumage now, too."

  Horace preened, showing off his feathers.

  "I don't suppose you've got a use for his old, broken bits," said Con, interested as Alex had known he would be.

  Alex grinned, then launched the bird out the window. "That would be another bargain, now, wouldn't it?" he said.

  Nat laughed and slapped Con on the back. "Ye were right, little sprite, this one is clever and honest both."

  "Alex is a good man," said Julian proudly, stepping close for a kiss before sitting for his own portion of tea and treats.

  "I can readily fix your refrigeration machine," said Nut, barely glancing at the damage, "but it seems to me that you need a permanent house-fairy."

  Julian looked delighted. "Oh, to help out, like in the stories?" he asked.

  "Aye, lad, cleanin' and cookin', and fixin' a thing or two as well," said Nat. "I'm not much for cookin' but my lady makes a wonderful meal, and it seems you've enough wherewithal to support the pair of us."

  "I suppose it's the wards that keep you from just moving in?" said Alex, chuckling.

  "He don't want to end up accidentally squashed," said Con with a chuckle. "With you magic types, it's best to bargain outright."

  Ales grinned and sat, satisfied that Horace was flying true. "That's very true, what sort of terms are you thinking?"

  They worked out a bargain that suited them all, and Alex even gave Horace's old broken beak to Con as a finder's fee, which made the little sprite glow with pride. There was a bit of avarice as well when he saw nearly half a wing's worth of broken feathers in the box, too, and he declared as he left that he'd be on the lookout for information worth the valuable baubles.

  Alex included Nat in the wards, bringing out his flute so he could make it specific to Nat, and then the brownie headed off to tell his lady-friend the good news. They'd find a little corner of the house to make their own, likely in the laundry room, and take care of all the little household tasks that Alex and Julian were both a bit useless at.

  "Well," said Alex, shutting the door and locking it, "We'll have some news for your sister tomorrow, too."

  Julian was beaming, his face full of wonder. "You have the best home," he said, kissing Alex sweetly. "Magic everywhere!"

  Alex grinned and gave him a second, rather hotter kiss. "I think it's about time we made it your home, too, don't you?" Julian had been living out of overnight bags, but Alex thought it was high time they made room in his life for Julian permanently, since Julian didn't seem to
feel they needed a bigger flat.

  "I agree," said Julian, melting into Alex, hands beginning to roam beneath Alex's clothes. "But we can furniture shop later."

  "Did you have something else in mind?" asked Alex innocently.

  Julian giggled, and then proceeded to show Alex just exactly what was on his mind.

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex let Julian dress him up, though he put his foot down on either of the coloured suits, which is how he ended up in the pale yellow shirt. Julian allowed him to forgo the cravat, so he wore the heirloom yellow diamond as a lapel pin to match the cufflinks, along with the black suit with its matching pinstripes.

  "I have fond memories of you in this suit," said Julian with an impish grin, straightening Alex's collar.

  Alex pulled Julian close for a lingering kiss. "I hope to give you fond memories of me out of this suit later," he teased.

  Julian laughed happily and swirled around. He was wearing his own finery, a lovely suit in a rich rusty red with embroidery like fallen leaves and a matching shirt in soft gold. He'd left his own cravat behind and worn his amber pin just as Alex did, giving Alex a few fond memories of his own.

  "You're so warm and handsome," said Alex, catching his hand and turning the spin into a dance that pulled Julian in close for another kiss. "I'm a lucky man."

  "We're both lucky," said Julian, and then he caught sight of the clock. "Oh, and nearly late! Come on, you big peacock."

  "Peacock?" protested Alex, laughing. "I'm not the one who made me wear this." But he was following Julian out anyway as they gathered up their things, including a little guesting-gift from Saveur, and headed down to the waiting car.

  Emmeline had sent the St. Albans driver along for them, though Victor was still more than happy to loan Jones to Alex whenever he needed it. Apparently Alex having won Julian despite the cancelled courtship had given the Benedict name a certain cachet among the people that Victor cared about. Not to mention that young Sharpish was coming along nicely as a secondary driver for the estate.


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