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Banded Together (Rebel Walking #2.5)

Page 6

by Storm, Hilary

  "You're going to be my brother today!"

  "Yes I am, pretty girl!" I notice the flashes of the camera and see Ivy turn back to the house to focus.

  Then I see her. Everything else fades away and my focus is completely on my woman. She did this to me the first day I met her and now, over a year later, she still does it to me. Ivy moves around and begins taking pictures of Eaven when she starts to take the steps one by one.

  Her smile captivates me and makes me so proud that she is walking toward me. What did I do to deserve to be this happy? I know I've messed up in the past, but somehow I know I got this right.

  Our eyes lock and we don't lose the connection the entire time she makes her way to the sand. Her father leads her hand into mine and she begins to lightly brush me with her thumb. It’s crazy how everything in the world is non-existent in this moment. I see her and only her. I watch her lips and know they are mine forever.

  The ceremony moves very quickly and all of a sudden we are asked to say our vows. I have no idea what I'm going to say, so I hope I can actually speak when he asks for mine.

  I pause in awkward silence when the preacher asks for my vows. There are many words going through my head, but it's total chaos. Taking a deep breath, I look deep into her eyes and let the words flow.

  "Eaven Bennett, your eyes are glowing and I'm going to make it my personal responsibility to make sure they remain that way. Your lips are smiling and I promise to do everything it takes to keep that beautiful smile on your face. Your heart is beating very fast and I hope to always have this effect on you. Your hands are warm and I will forever walk beside you in life, hand in hand, to make sure that never changes. Ev, you have made my life complete and I will do my best to deserve you one day."

  Tears roll down her cheeks and she has to compose herself before she begins her own vows. I work hard to focus on what she's saying. I want to memorize this moment and ease her through speaking the words her heart wants to say.

  "Talon Walker, I love you with everything inside me. I knew the first day I laid eyes on you that you were the one for me. I promise you my heart. It's yours to take care of and I trust you to shelter it for many years to come. My heart only beats for you and I can't wait to walk through life with you. All of this is because you already deserve me."

  The preacher says a few words and I can’t repeat any of them. I love this woman and she is seconds from saying 'I do' to me. I get her ring and wait for her words to come so I can slip the ring on her finger once and for all.

  Her breathy "I do" moments later has me impatiently diving in for my kiss. The preacher clears his throat and everyone begins to laugh, but Eaven joins me for a very nice display of affection. She even nibbles on my lip when she finally pulls away. I look at the preacher, who is amused, whether or not he should be.

  "May we continue, Mr. Walker?"

  "Yes, please hurry!"

  He takes that request and makes it official right after I say the same words. She slides my ring on and I decide right then that I'll be getting one a little more permanent very soon.

  "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride....again." Now this kiss is more like you'd expect at a wedding. Except, I'm not going to lie, my hands roam around her waist and a little lower to pull her in tight for the hug I'm used to getting.

  "I love you, Mrs. Walker."

  "I love you, Mr. Walker." I lean down and lift her into my arms. Carrying her down the aisle and into the lake house for our quick reception is my only goal.

  The cake turned out badass. It looks like a drum set and there is entirely too much cake for the friends we have here, but it was necessary to make it like this. I decide to be nice and clean up all the frosting I smear on her lips. It's my pleasure to get rid of the mess I made.

  We move outside for the music and more pictures. Once the band is done playing and it's time for us to leave, I ask for Luke to go get her surprise.

  Our friends and family gather to wish us well on our honeymoon. I can't wait to take her away for a few days. I have flights that leave tomorrow for a resort that she has no idea about. Our bags are packed and ready to go.

  We decided not to do the traditional bubbles or rice that’s found at most weddings. There is only one thing fitting to send us off.

  Taron begins to hand out the shot glasses to every single person here. Each one is filled with their choice of tequila of course, or sparkling juice for anyone who chooses to skip out on the hard stuff. Taron and Ivy meet us at the shore and everyone gathers around us.

  "Little brother, you chose the perfect girl for you! We all knew from the beginning that we'd one day be here to celebrate your love for each other. Ev, you have no idea how happy I am to have you in his life. You brought my brother back to us and for that I'll always have a special place in my life for you. You are an amazing woman who we are very proud to have as a Walker. Ivy, do you have anything to add?"

  "I didn't realize we were doing sappy toasts. I'm not used to being on the spot like this. But really, Ev, you have been more than a sister to me and I'm so proud to have been a part of your journey this far in life. Who'd have thought that day in sixth grade that you'd find your best friend in the bully trying to pick a fight with you. I love you for everything you've become and I know we are in no way finished being in each other's lives. Taron, you are so lucky to have my friend's heart. I know you will cherish it always and take care of my girl. I know this, because I'll hunt you down if you don't. Lift your glasses to Mr. and Mrs. Talon Walker!"

  The shot glasses are all lit up and glow in the dark and just the sight of all of them in the air is badass. They all wait until we tip ours back before they drink up.

  "Thank you for coming! We will see everyone soon!"

  Luke is arriving in the boat I bought for Eaven. I had stored it at the neighboring lake house. This is how our first date started and I want us to have our own memories. The confusion on her face brings out only smiles from mine.

  "Mrs. Walker, here is our new mode of transportation."

  "Talon, this is crazy. You bought a boat?"

  "Yes I did. I want us to have our own." The surprise on her face is so worth all the trouble it took to get everything together.

  I lean over, lift my bride and walk her down the dock away from all of our family and friends. Luke meets us on the dock and knows better than to detour me from my plan to leave.

  "Have fun out there!"

  I walk us onto the boat before I set her down. The view of all the lights from the shot glasses catches my attention so I have her turn to see.

  "Talon, I love this. This is absolutely perfect."

  "I have plans for you, Mrs. Walker, that'll make it perfect."

  "Really? Exactly what do you have planned?"

  "Remember our first kiss?"

  "Yes. The body shot on the lake."

  "We're definitely doing that again tonight." I point to the lettering across the back of the boat.

  "Oh my God, Talon. You named the boat 'The Body Shot'?"

  "Yes I did."

  Sneak Peak of 'No Strings Attached' (Rebel Walking #3)


  Shit, how am I supposed to walk away from her? I just want a little taste. Not to mention she is forbidden and I'm not supposed to go there. That's just a recipe for disaster and almost a promise of what's destined to come.

  She licks her lips and looks at me through her sultry eyes, and all but demands me to touch her. My attention follows her hand as she runs her finger across her lips, dragging the bottom one slightly as she begins to move her hips with the beat. Shit, I can't take anymore. Her fingers run over her chest and I notice the hardness of her tits pressing through her shirt. She focuses on each nipple knowing that she is torturing me, circling each and watching my face for a reaction that I'm holding back on purpose. How far will she take this?

  I give her a small smile when her hand moves further south. My eyes move with her fingers and I'm pretty sure my
lungs are not moving the entire time she unbuttons her jeans. A moan escapes my throat when her hand disappears inside the zipper. She lays her head back against the wall and spreads her legs a little wider and continues along the path of my destruction.

  I lean back on the wall behind me and brace myself for what she may throw in my direction. She is fucking sexy as hell right now and there is no way that I'm walking away from her tonight. I'll face the Walker brothers another day. Fuck them! They should see her right now. I don't have to answer to them anyway.


  My first acknowledgment is and will always be my husband. He absolutely supports me in all of my journeys and I could never do any of this without him. My three kids give me reason for living everyday and making them proud of their mom is so important to me. My husband and my kids are my everything and its because they love and support me that I'm able to follow my dreams.

  Writing a novel isn't all about the author giving up their time to write about the characters. Family members and friends sacrifice time with the author to let the story be told. For that reason I'd like to thank the people in my circle for understanding my drive and ambition to make this happen. I can't name these people for privacy reasons, but I hope you know who you are.

  Tynna - there is absolutely NO WAY that I could do all of this without you. You have always been there to jump in and help me in every way possible. Our friendship grows everyday and I'm so happy to have you on my team!

  Jules - You inspire me and crack me up every single day! I love that you get me, because some people would run and hide with some of the stuff I've told you! Not you! You laugh and join in on the crazy!

  Tiffany (aka Red, aka Nazi) - Holy hell, my book would be crap without you cleaning up my messes! Who'd have thought a phone call six months ago would have sparked everything we have going now??? There are so many things to thank you for and I know the future will only add to that list!

  Christine - How did I ever run across you??? Oh wait, it was hilarious and I'll NEVER forget it! Everyday you push me out there and I love you so much for it! I know this PR relationship will only grow from here and I can't wait to see what the future holds, but it's your true friendship that I value most.

  If this were the Grammy's they'd have pulled my ass off stage, but it's not! Like I said there are so many people who work with an author to get it out there. Bookfabulous Designs did an outstanding job on the cover and will be doing the entire Rebel Walking Series! Laura is fabulous and I'm so glad she gets my vision! Ashley, babe, our trains are traveling so fast, and I'm so proud of how far we've come in just a few months! I know it's only going to get better from here! What happens when Detroit meets Oklahoma? Ash & Hil! I have to thank my street team for their daily promoting and constant words of support! There are so many bloggers that I could never name them all. Thank you to each and everyone of you for always showing me love!

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