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When a Savage Falls for a Good Girl: A Crazy Hood Love

Page 4

by Tina J

  “Enough talk about her. Kalila, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.” I could hear the sadness in her voice.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They’re going up on the mortgage again and I can’t afford it. We’re gonna have to move into a one bedroom or in the projects.”

  “The projects?”

  “Yes, and the head of housing said he can get us over there in two weeks.” I was pissed because my grandparents raised my mother in this house. It’s been in the family for years. Not to mention, she just got brand new siding on it and renovated the entire downstairs. When I got a better job, we were gonna do the upstairs.

  “Ma, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You just graduated college and I didn’t wanna put no stress on you to work.”

  “Ma, I work part time at the motel.”

  “I know but it’s not the job you went to school for.” I went to the community college and worked on the side to keep money in my pocket. My mom did tell me to take a break for the summer but I didn’t listen.

  “I’ll start sending more applications out.” I sent a few out but nothing major because honestly, I didn’t wanna work in the corporate world yet.

  “It’s ok honey. As long as we have a roof over our head, we’ll be fine.”

  “What about Zahra?”

  “Please.” She waved her hand in the air.

  “Don’t tell me she said no.” I saw a tear coming down my mother’s face and wanted to go beat my sister’s ass.

  “She is about to have a baby now and doesn’t have it.”

  “Ma, I’ve seen her account. Kruz gave her tons of money. There’s at least two million in there.” This is another reason I hated my sister. She is selfish as fuck when it came to family but outsiders could get the clothes off her back if needed. Kruz adored her and kept her laced in all the expensive shit. Kept her bank account full and let her drive in the most expensive whips.

  “Ma, you can stay with me and Axel. Matter of fact, we can move here and I can help you with the mortgage.” And this is why I loved Rhythm.

  “I can’t ask you to uproot Axel like that.”

  “Why not? He loves coming here and I’m sure he’ll have no problem waking up to his favorite nanny everyday.” My mom started crying harder and both of us hugged her.

  “Are you sure Rhythm. I don’t want to get rid of this place but I don’t want to put you out either.”

  “I don’t mind. Big Axel helps a lot with his son and I hate living across from the motel anyway.” She shrugged and sat down across from my mom.

  “Do you have the mortgage for this month? I mean is it already paid?” My mom nodded her head yes.

  “Ok. I’ll give my landlord a thirty-day notice. I’ll be out before then but he can at least place an ad in the paper.”

  “I love you girls so much.”

  “We love you too.” I hated seeing my mom cry. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bank card.

  “Here.” I handed it to her.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s my bank card and you’re a co-applicant. It’s about ten thousand on it and…”

  “Ten thousand dollars?” They both asked at the same time.

  “Yes. I saved my school checks and my secret admirer gave me money. I never spent it and put it in an account. There’s about seventy in the savings account.”

  “Seventy dollars?” I gave both of them a look.

  “Seventy thousand.”

  “Oh my God Kalila. You better not be selling your body.”

  “I only sold it to him.” She sucked her teeth.

  “He was my first ma and I’m in love with him. He’s just stuck on having multiple women and I stayed around knowing this, so don’t flip out.”

  “It doesn’t explain why he gave you this kind of money.”

  “Anytime we would go away on vacation or he’d go away for business, he’d give me money to buy whatever I want. I thought he loved me but I think he’s tryna keep me from being with someone else.”

  “Kalila, you know just like I do how much he loves you.” Rhythm said and she’s right. I do know but until he says it out his own mouth, it is what it is.

  “Yea well, his love needs to be shown because what he’s doing ain’t it.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Anyway, mommy pay off what you can towards the mortgage and we can go from there.” The only reason why she even had a mortgage is because she took equity out to fix the house up and it wasn’t cheap.

  “Kalila this is your money.”

  “Ma, this is our money. Take it and tell me how much more you need.”


  “It’s fine mommy. Let me help you.” She nodded and hugged both of us again. She went in the living room, picked Axel up and took him in her room.

  “Let’s smoke.” Rhythm, grabbed my hand and we sat on the front porch rolling up.

  “Looks like we’ll be living like sisters now.” She finished rolling and lit the blunt. I stared at her and smiled.

  “Yup and we’re going out to celebrate.” She laughed and passed me the blunt. I had to come up with a plan and fast. My mother did not need to stress herself over bullshit. I hope karma gets my sister because she damn sure deserves it.


  “We about to shut the club down.” Kalila said when we stepped out. We both had on bodycon dresses with strap up heels. I borrowed some from her because Jamaica definitely laced her with nice shit. She did our hair and I did the makeup.

  In high school we tried our hands in cosmetology and loved it. We did girls hair and makeup for prom, eight grade dances and anything else they’d ask for. It was a hustle but we didn’t make a lotta money off it, therefore; we had regular jobs. We still have people call us during prom time though.

  “Girl, I just wanna have a few drinks and dance.” The line wasn’t that long but it was hot out and no one wanted to stand here.

  “We’re about to find us some men.” I told her and we looked at each other before falling in a fit of laughter. I had no one at the moment and she had a man afraid to commit.

  Axel was the last and only man I’ve ever been with. We were perfect together until three years ago. His attitude changed and so did the way he treated me. It didn’t start until he made a little bit of money. Isn’t that always how it goes with men? It’s not like he sold drugs and had mad money. His dad owned a car lot and he worked there all through school. I guess any money, is better than no money.

  He and I were middle school sweethearts and each other’s first sexual experience. You couldn’t tell us nothing about the other and we were already married in our heads with kids and a house. No relationship is perfect so of course, once we made it to the high school, the chicks became more aggressive. I can’t tell you how many arguments I’ve gotten into over him.

  I’m not a fighter but I will if need be. I never wanna be brought outta character and it seems like the chicks would do it on purpose. Axel would address each chick and let them know, never to say anything to me but it would go in one ear and out the other with them.

  When I found out about our son in my junior year, he promised to do better and get us a place. I admit he did get us a spot where I’m at now, but over the years all we did was argue and fight. It got to a point where we slept in different rooms and I only saw him in passing.

  Now he stays in a big ass house with his new girlfriend, Caroline. She’s expecting their second child and the two of us never say more than hello to one another. I don’t have a problem with her and as long as my son doesn’t come home stating she treated him wrong, I’m good.

  I felt bad for her because every time he comes to get my son, he tells me he’ll leave her if I take him back. I’d never put myself back in the same situation. He’ll never come home to me and go say the same words to her when picking up their kids.

  His mom is no better because she always says I’m the one who got away and no other woman will be good enough for him. She’s
even said it in front of Caroline.

  “Next.” Security shouted and stared at Kalila.

  “Why you standing in line?”

  “I don’t need special privileges.”

  “You better not tell him I let you stand in line.” She waved him off as he passed us our ID’s. For someone who didn’t claim Kalila, he made sure she didn’t have to stand in line.

  We stepped in and the music was blasting. People were everywhere and the bar was packed. Women were barely dressed and men lined the wall with drinks in their hands. You could see them watching and preying on who they’d try and take home.

  People were on the dance floor getting down too. The entire vibe was cool and I couldn’t wait to get a few drinks in my system and feel the same.

  “Let’s grab that table.” Kalila pointed to one these women just left. We took a seat and there were no waitresses in sight.

  “Stay here. I’ll go get drinks. I don’t want anyone taking our seats.”

  “They won’t because I’ll be here.” I turned and saw Zahra walk up with some chick she called her friend. I ain’t never seen her before but who knows with Zahra?

  “Who said we wanted you here?” I heard Kalila ask when I walked off. I pushed my way through the crowd and found a spot at the bar. I leaned in to ask for our drinks and someone stood next to me. I didn’t pay the person any mind.

  “Can I get two screw drivers and Malibu Bay Breezes.”

  “Sure. And you?” She pointed to the guy next to me and I turned to stare at one of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen. He was beautiful if I must say so myself. His swag was on point and if I were a ho, I’d fuck him in the bathroom right now.

  “Send the waitress to VIP with two bottles of Ace of Spades, Titos and Henney.”

  “Damn.” I said to myself and he must’ve read my lips.

  “Damn what?” His eyes roamed my body and he had to be impressed because he licked his lips.

  “Ummmm. I… was just…. ugh… nothing.” I turned my head and slid down a little. His cologne was taking over my nostrils.

  “Yo! Put lil mama’s drink on my tab.”

  “Oh no. That’s ok.” I grabbed the two twenties’ out my clutch and placed them in his pocket. He grabbed my wrist and put his mouth by my ear.

  “Never put your hand in a nigga’s pocket and save your money. I’m sure you need it.” I caught an attitude quick.

  “What? You think because you brought all these drinks it’s supposed to impress me.”

  “Not really because I don’t give a fuck if it does or not. I saw you sweating me, so I decided to buy your drinks.” My mouth fell open.

  “Sweating you?” He smirked because he knew just like I did, how handsome he was. However; he didn’t have to be so got damn arrogant.

  “You buying a few drinks don’t impress me.” The bartender placed the drinks on the counter.

  “Yo, let shorty pay for her own shit since she’s tryna show her independence. Peace.” He hit me with the two fingers and stepped off.

  “That’ll be fifty-two.”

  “Fifty-two dollars for four drinks?”

  “Honey you’re not in a cheap club.”

  “That means?”

  “It means you have to purchase a bottle of something. Since you didn’t, I gave you the cheapest thing on the menu; red wine.” She placed it on the counter.

  “There should be a sign up.” She pointed behind her and there it was. I took the drinks and asked her to watch the other ones until I returned. I couldn’t take them all at once.

  “Hey!” She shouted and had me lean over the bar to hear her.

  “Next time you see that man, try not to get smart. He’s not the type to let shit go.”

  “What is he a gangster or something?”

  “Nah. More like a savage who don’t give a fuck about killing you or your family in front of you.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Oh. Thanks for the warning.” She winked and walked off to help another customer.

  I glanced around the bar for the VIP section. I’m assuming it was on the second floor because security stood in front of the door. Women were up there stripping on the pole that was visible to anyone looking. I shook my head at the men smacking their asses and throwing money.

  “Who you staring at?” Kalila asked and took the drinks from me.

  “No one. I’m gonna run to the bathroom.”

  “Good. Stay away longer if you don’t mind.” I gave Zahra the finger and kept it moving.

  It was hectic getting in the bathroom and the women weren’t even using it. I sucked my teeth and pushed passed them in the mirror. I never understood why women spent more time in here than in the club. I stepped out and ran into a hard chest.

  “Not only did you insult me at the bar, you run into me.” Panic struck after hearing what the bartender told me. I’ve been around wanna be savages and never took them seriously but the way the bartender described him, he’s not someone I should take lightly.

  “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. Please don’t kill me.”


  “The bartender said you’re a savage and I better watch myself. Look. I got a son and he needs me. If you want me to leave, I can. Shit. I’m sorry for running into you.”

  “You good. What’s up though?”

  “Huh?” I was confused as to what he asked.

  “You tryna satisfy my need tonight?”

  “Pahahahahaha.” I laughed in his face.

  “It’s funny?” He slid his tongue across his teeth.

  “No disrespect but hell yea it is. I’m sure you have women at your beckon call but I’m not that type of girl.” He went to speak and I stopped him.

  “Before you say all women say that, I’m not all women and I mean what I say. Have a good night.” I moved past and thought he’d stop me but he didn’t.

  I made my way back to the seat and felt someone pull my arm. I saw Kalila’s face and her sisters.

  “What in the hell?”

  “Let me talk to you real quick.” The same guy from the bar and bathroom, gripped my arm and pushed me forward.

  “Why you grabbing on her?” Zahra stood and he told her to sit the fuck down.

  “Ummm excuse us.” He literally used me as a shield to move people out the way. I was embarrassed and the look of shock appeared on people’s face. I glanced at the bartender and she was shaking her head.

  When we stepped outside, someone pulled a black Tahoe with tinted windows in front of us. Instead of asking me nicely to get in, he pushed me in and told the driver to go around the corner. Hell yea, I was scared.

  “Now, what’s up?” The truck stopped and the street was dark as hell. I placed my back against the door and ignored him.

  “Oh yea.” He smirked, got out the car and I felt my body about to fall out. I almost hit the ground, had he not saved me.

  “What in the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Oh, you one of those ratchet chicks?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “I can’t tell.”

  “You don’t have to tell anything but if you must know, I try not to curse because of my son but sometimes people make you.” I gave him a fake smile.

  “And I don’t appreciate you dragging me out a club, yanking me out the truck and making assumptions.” I pulled my dress down and turned to look in the window to make sure my hair was ok.

  “What the heck is so important that I was dragged out here anyway? You said enough inside.” I crossed my arms.

  “Who are you?”

  “Are you serious right now?”

  “Yup. I know every bitch in town and I’ve never seen you before.” I rolled my eyes at him calling women bitches.

  “Look, whatever your name is. You don’t know me because I don’t come out a lot. I mind my own business, take care of my son and stay outta the streets. And you really shouldn’t refer to all women as bitches. It’s not very gentlemen like.” He gave me a weird stare.<
br />
  “What?” I shifted my weight to my left and put my hands on my hips.

  “Your name?”


  “What the fuck is your name?”

  “Did anyone ever teach you how to speak to a woman?” He chuckled.

  “My name is Rhythm.”

  “Rhythm? Like rhythm, and blues?”

  “Ha ha ha ha. Very funny but yes. I don’t know why my mother named me that before you ask.”

  “Well Rhythm you intrigue me and that fact you have no idea who I am and still popped shit, has me interested.”

  “Too bad. Your first impression was horrible and I don’t think I’d want a volatile man like you around my son.”

  “I’m just tryna fuck, not be a stepdaddy.”

  “Ughhhhhh. Take me back.”

  “Where you stay?”

  “No need to give you my address because you won’t be stopping by. My pussy isn’t up for sale. Sorry.” I shrugged and opened the door.

  “Pussy comes a dime a dozen ma and trust you ain’t all that.” I was offended. Not only did he pull me out the club but insulted me for no reason.

  “Then it’s no problem not exchanging numbers.”

  “Sure ain’t.” He moved me out the way, hopped in the truck and rolled the window down.

  “It shouldn’t be a problem with you walking yo smart ass back to the club. Peace.”

  “You mother…”

  “Ahh ugh. You said, you don’t curse.” He started laughing. I stormed off in the direction of the club. It literally was around the corner. I came strolling in front of the club and Kalila ran over. She began checking me over and asking if he hurt me.

  “Do you know who that is?”

  “No and I don’t want to. He’s rude as fuck and…” I stopped speaking when he walked out with two chicks on the side of him. He looked at me and winked. I flipped him the bird and he pretended to come for me. I jumped behind Kalila and she thought the shit was hysterical. Zahra on the other hand, had an attitude and I could tell she was upset over something.

  “Let’s go bitch so I can fill you in.” Kalila snatched my hand and we walked fast to her car.

  “Who in this black truck and why they stopped next to my car?”


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