Sorority Girl Pledge Time
Page 1
Cheryl Dragon
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Sorority Girl Pledge Time
Cheryl Dragon
This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Published by
Loose Id LLC
1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924
Carson City NV 89701-1215
Copyright © December 2007 by Cheryl Dragon
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.
ISBN 978-1-59632-590-6
Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader Printed in the United States of America
Editor: C. B. Calsing
Cover Artist: Marci Gass
Chapter One
Every inch of my body wanted to break the rules, but I reminded myself of the history of this sorority. My mom and grandmother had belonged. My great-grandmother founded it with her close friends. My mom had her heart set on another generation in the Tri-Pi’s.
However, I couldn’t think about that when I was Ashley James, freshman pledge, currently sorting through Simone’s dirty bras.
Truthfully, I didn’t mind laundry, and Simone was the president. She had good taste, with panties that had lots of lace and satin bits. This chore certainly topped cleaning the bathrooms, Blanca’s chore this week. Blanca Perez remained the one big downer of pledging Tri Pi sorority, even worse than the pledge hazing. I never dreamed Blanca would attend the same college, much less pledge the same sorority, as me.
In high school, Blanca and I couldn’t stand each other, and nothing had changed over the summer. Blanca was blunt, from the wrong side of the tracks, and had screwed my boyfriend during prom. Why she had it out for me, I didn’t know. I’d never done anything to her, but she seemed to have a perpetual chip on her shoulder.
Okay, in high school I had the edge by being a popular cheerleader from a rich family.
Now, we were equals -- both pledges desperate to get into the best sorority on campus.
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According to my mom, I should be relieved. In the old days, the school administration didn’t regulate hazing, and it was a lot crueler. More public humiliation, but Mom wouldn’t elaborate further.
I still thought that pledges doing nothing but cleaning every moment they were not attending class or a sorority function was crazy. Doing the cleaning in nothing but a bra and panties would be humiliating for some. We were on display, but I’d convinced myself it was nothing more than a bikini, and the big sisters who teased me just felt jealous of my figure.
All the pledges had the same dress code, so I refused to obsess on that.
I needed relief. I took a load of delicates out of the dryer and put a new load in. Relief, definitely. It haunted me as I folded. Pledges couldn’t date…no sex. It was hard enough to adjust to college and pledging, but no sex was just too much.
I knew it was supposed to promote sisterly dependence and attachment. The lecturing on the pillars of the sorority still rang in my ears. Unfortunately, none of the sisters seemed inclined to help me break the rules. At night, I did my best to self-service in silence, but we eight pledges shared a room. Way too limiting.
The old washer started to rock in the spin cycle, and I leaned in. The temptation fueled my need. I looked around. The basement of the house was dark and empty. No one would know. Except to do laundry, the girls never came down here. Moving my folding aside, I hopped up on the washer and maneuvered so my slit was right on the edge. I got the effect even with my panties on. I moved and leaned my hips into the motion so my clit got a full blast. Intense vibrations drove me harder. With both hands balanced just right, I wanted to free one to give my nipples some attention. They were very sensitive, and it made me ache when I thought of the neglect. One leg stretched down the side and the other extended across the top of the washer as I rode holding on with both hands.
Masturbation remained a last resort; I’d never enjoyed it as much as sex with others.
But today, I couldn’t deny the desperation!
Sorority Girl Pledge Time
I leaned back and freed one hand without falling. My left nipple twinged as I twisted it, and the stimulation shot right to my clit as the spin cycle worked my pussy. “Yes!” My body shook with an orgasm and rubbed against the cold metal. Slowly, I began to refocus. I could easily get off again, but the best cycle was over.
Then I realized someone had walked in.
Simone had found me.
“Get off of there.”
My face burned; I’d been caught. I climbed down and made sure things were covered.
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? Does this show I have your loyalty? Dedication?” Simone’s voice rose as the junior closed in on me.
“No. I couldn’t help myself.” I was seriously screwed!
“Couldn’t help? What else did you do? Use my dirty clothes as some sex toy?”
My head popped up. “Of course not. I wouldn’t violate your personal things. I just had time between loads and the vibrations…” It was worth it. Whatever Simone did short of banning me from the sorority -- the machine gave me a bit of satisfaction.
“Well then, if a nympho like you can’t handle our simple rules or control yourself, then we’ll have to dismiss you as a potential sister.”
“No, please! I deserve sisterhood.”
“You don’t want to be a sister. You can’t put us first. Give the sisters a few weeks to teach and test you. That’s all we asked.” Simone reached out and pinched a firm nipple, still hard beneath my purple and pink bra.
I tensed at the act, but she offered more of what I really needed. I wanted more as my nipple throbbed. Simone rolled my nipple. A moan came from my throat just loud enough.
From Simone’s eyes, I could tell she’d heard it.
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“Then again, maybe you want to be closer to your sisters so badly your energies are wasted?”
“What do you mean?” I tried to shake the sexual haze. None of the sisters had hinted at lesbian tendencies, but they separated the pledges during hazing time. My summer fantasies had yet to pan out as I’d hoped. “I’ll do anything to be a Tri-Pi. I got weak, but I can do better. I swear.”
Slowly, Simone smiled and looked me over, turning me. “I’m sure you will, with a little help. Finish up my laundry and come directly to my room. No cleaning up or changing your clothes. Understand?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
She hadn’t kicked me out yet. The halls bustled with girls this time of the evening.
Blanca would see me go into Simone’s room. I’d wash out, and Blanca would make it in the sorority.
What would I tell my mother if I didn’t earn my sisterhood? Mom and Grandma were already talking about se
eing the pin and secret initiations. Fail a long family line? I couldn’t let that happen.
* * * * *
The normal path from the basement to Simone’s private room ran right beyond the main hall of bedrooms. Luckily, I had found the backstairs. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door to the prez’s bedroom.
“Come in,” Simone replied.
I entered, certain I’d be packing my bags and moving back to the dorm in minutes.
After depositing the clean laundry on Simone’s dresser, I stood and waited.
Simone, dressed in a blue tank and gray shorts, typed on her laptop. She didn’t look mean, but she could get me kicked out with no comment. The other girls followed her
Sorority Girl Pledge Time
without question. Simone’s looks weren’t intimidating: pale brown hair to her shoulders, clear skin, long legs, and a great set of fake tits. The sisters talked about them behind Simone’s back. Her face was nothing special, but the package meant Simone had plenty of guys after her.
Just when I started to leave, Simone closed her laptop and turned in her chair. “Find the back stairs?”
I smiled slightly. “Yes.”
“Good.” Simone inspected her laundry and then turned back to me. “Do you want to stay? Play by our rules?”
“Yes. Very much.”
“For your mother? You got an immediate invite because of legacy, but your connections don’t earn you an automatic in. Not in this sorority.”
The tone made me think before I spoke. “No, not for my mother. I like the girls. It’s a great place, and I want to be here.”
“But you can’t handle a little rule following. I bet you got anything and anyone you wanted in high school. This isn’t your little high school.”
I kept quiet.
She moved closer. “You don’t want to admit you’re spoiled. You don’t like the cleaning.
You hate hard work.”
“I don’t mind my share of work. All the rules…it’s just hard to follow every one.” I bit my lip.
“Without the sex,” Simone filled in.
I nodded. The smell of her perfume aggravated my already aroused state.
“I understand.” Simone put a warm hand on my shoulder. “I do. I remember what it felt like. Pledging triggered a nightmare of sexual frustration. It’s not our fault, really. Our
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bodies crave sex. We just have a stronger sex drive than the others, and this place seems to bring it out in us.”
I liked the spark I got off of Simone’s hand. A warm body felt like heaven. “The freedom from parents.”
She laughed. “Don’t disappoint me now, Ash. I have such high hopes for you. Parents’
eyes never stopped me -- or you. Did they?”
“No.” I looked away.
“How would you like off the cleaning detail?”
“I’m out?” My spirits dropped.
“No, not out. Different detail. Most pledges get cleaning. A few get other duties. Up to the big sister they were assigned. I can arrange it. Are you interested?” She ran a hand over my hair, and the subtle message became clearer.
“You’re into girls?” My excitement mixed with nerves. I’d kept my Sapphic side unknown to most in high school.
“Aren’t you?”
My eyes hit the floor. There hadn’t been any advertisement. Simone didn’t exactly fit my type, but I found her attractive. And I needed the stimulation she offered.
“You are.” Simone pressed her hand to my flat stomach and slid one lower over my damp panties. “I think you need to get out of these.”
It wasn’t an order. She offered me a choice. Out of the sorority or sex toy detail for the prez. I looked at the swell of Simone’s cleavage, and my pussy grew wetter. No more cleaning and regular fucking with a hot girl. I should’ve followed my instincts and got caught sooner!
I spread my legs and pushed my panties off with a smile. Before I could reach behind, Simone unhooked my bra and let it fall.
Sorority Girl Pledge Time
“I love naturals when they’re so firm, and your nipples feel so puffy. What do you like?” Simone studied me, the naked pledge.
“I like big breasts.” I didn’t lie. Curves were my weakness. A great ass and rack and I fell hard. Of course, flattering Simone fell into my hazing now.
“Good girl.” Simone stood in front and gave me an approving nod. Then she stepped closer, barely an inch away from kissing me. The anticipation felt like torture. “You’re not playing with me? You know your way around a girl, right?”
Without a word, I slipped a hand down Simone’s shorts, and right on target, got my middle finger deep in the prez’s pussy. It earned me a gasp and a smile. I softly ground the heel of my palm into her wet mound, massaging the clit and inner folds while my finger pressed deeper. I really liked this sorority.
“I know how to pick my pledges.” Simone wrapped a hand on my neck and pulled me into a firm kiss.
I returned the kiss, Simone smelled like soft perfume, but her hard body challenged.
The kiss deepened, and Simone bucked against my hand. I threw myself into the feeling. No way could I survive without pleasure from girls.
The arousal overloaded me as I realized it was actually happening. The president of the sorority kissed me, her wet pussy rolling into my hand. I’d never feel this desperate again.
My tongue stroked Simone’s slowly and then teased in all directions.
Reaching between our bodies with my free hand, I softly ran it over Simone’s large breast through the thin gray shirt. I’d never touched fake ones before, but the unique sensation turned me on. They defied gravity. My hand couldn’t encircle it until my fingers were much closer to the nipple.
Simone leaned into the touch, and I took the hint, pinching the nipple between my fingers, rolling it until Simone’s hips lifted suddenly. I toyed with her pussy and enjoyed the power. Putting her needs first, I did my best to ignore my own dripping slit and aching
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breasts. I couldn’t think of a better way to earn my sisterhood. Simone would come first, but I knew she’d ease my need. I definitely belonged here.
Suddenly, Simone pulled her head away and tugged the shirt off. “At least you told the truth about fucking girls. You like eating pussy, don’t you?”
I didn’t blush this time, only nodded and licked my lips. It’d been far too long.
“Then you should get going.” Simone pressed a hand to the back of my neck.
I didn’t need to be told twice and sank to my knees, pulling Simone’s shorts down as I went. Sliding two fingers deep into Simone, I wanted to dive in but knew Simone was still judging me. My skills had yet to be assessed.
I took a deep breath, inhaling Simone’s scent. I licked my lips and pressed slow, open-mouth kisses on the outer lips of her pussy. She shaved clean and the lips glowed red from the work of my hand. I changed from kisses to tonguing her lips and opened the slit. Slowly, I pumped fingers in Simone’s pussy, making my sorority prez groan.
“Fuck, don’t be a tease, pledge.”
“Am I a disappointment?” I looked up and flashed her hurt eyes with a pout.
“You have displayed a lot of talent. Up on that washing machine -- blonde hair wild, your little body humping. I can’t get that picture out of my head. Don’t play with me.”
Simone’s harsh tone was tempered by the upturned corners of her mouth.
“I’m sorry. I just haven’t tasted anything so good in a long time. I want more.” On my knees, I knew I had a certain amount of power to play with, and it only added to my arousal.
“You just warmed up, so get your pretty little mouth back where it belongs.” Simone’s hand fisted in my hair and tugged me back to her pussy.
I had no intention of arguing, so I tongued around her clit until Simone tightened the grip on my hair. My tongue directly pressed to Simone’s har
d pleasure point. Rolling my tongue in waves, I heard Simone groan. The smell of her pussy and taste of the warm juices made me want to pull her down into a sixty-nine, but I had to perform for now.
Sorority Girl Pledge Time
Introducing a third finger into her throbbing hole, I felt Simone grip my fingers tightly. Her clit stood hard, and I turned up the pace of my tongue to a fast flicking. Simone fucked my fingers and panting in short breaths.
“You little pledge slut. Eat me.” Simone shuddered and bounced on my hand and mouth.
I worked my fingers slowly as Simone came down from the climax. For fun, I bit at her pussy lips and licked off the juices. It was the first time in the sorority house I’d felt like I knew exactly where I wanted to be. Access to more girls would be good. I wondered if Blanca would run from the house if she knew what Simone and I enjoyed.
“Not bad, pledge.” Simone looked down at me.
“Thank you. Your pussy is amazing.” I went with grateful flattery and meant it as I removed my fingers and licked them clean.
“It likes a lot of attention, but I get bored easily. Do you think you can keep up?”
I frowned. Was she kidding or twisted? “I’ll do my best. I’ll try anything you want.” I craved variety. One naked girl wasn’t enough fun for me. I didn’t need any certain fetish, but I couldn’t wait for regular sex.
“Lots of girls say that and freeze up. They go back to cleaning.”
I didn’t care who else Simone might have tried from my pledge class. I wanted this sort of fun for four years. “I trust you.” Technically a lie, but not a complete one. Nothing Simone did scared me yet. Nothing about Simone made me nervous. “I like to play. Try new things.”
“That’s good, but you can only play with me. No other girlfriends or boyfriends.”
Simone ran a hand down my face. “Got it?”
With a smile, I got off my knees and licked her breasts. “I got it.” Sucking a nipple in my mouth, I proceeded to lick every inch of the double D’s.
“I do like your eagerness, and it comes with a talented tongue.” Simone’s fingers toyed with my nipples.
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I groaned loudly.