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White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5)

Page 25

by Autumn Jones Lake

  Z taps my hand to get my attention. “Rock, after what we learned from Mariella, there’s no doubt. These guys have got to go. Ain’t a decent human being in that crew.”

  “We’ll discuss it more when I get back. I want everyone to stay on alert. Even though I’m out, and the charges were dropped, it doesn’t mean they’re not up to something else. This was some sneaky, fucked up shit, that took thought and planning. Things we’re not used to seeing from Vipers.”

  “They gotta be hunting Mariella down,” Dex says.

  His words bring me to my next item. “Mariella. What are we doing with her?”

  Surprisingly, Teller’s the one to speak up. “She wants to stay. After the shit they forced her into, she’s more than happy taking over our household stuff. Plus, she’s sort of bonded to Trinity.”

  Wrath throws a look at Teller, then turns to me. “Trin’s not one-hundred percent on board with turning her stuff over, but she likes Mariella. Thinks she’ll be okay.”

  “We can trust her?”

  Z nods. “I think so. She’s a sweet girl. Real shy.”

  “Great cook,” Murphy adds. “When Trinity lets the girl touch her kitchen.”

  The guys chuckle over that. Trinity’s run that kitchen with an iron fist for years. I imagine turning it over to someone else isn’t making her too happy.

  “I can trust every one of you to leave her alone? She’s under our protection and that’s it.”

  It doesn’t escape my notice that everyone but Teller agrees. I point down the table at him. “Are we going to have a problem?”

  “No,” he answers.

  I turn to Wrath. “Trin’s made it clear we don’t expect anything else out of her?” I’d rather not repeat past mistakes.

  “Yeah. Hope did too.” He lowers his voice. “It made more of an impression coming from Trinity.”

  “I’m sure it did.” My focus returns to the rest of the guys. “Where we at with GSC?”

  “All good,” Z reports. “They were surprisingly supportive. You know, as long as we kept the weed coming.”

  Wrath picks up Z’s thread. “Yeah, he offered us some valuable intel when we needed it. Made extracting Mariella a fuck lot easier.”

  I can’t help wondering what Loco will ask for in return one day.

  The guys give me a report on the last few drops with GSC and I take my seat. Sparky gives me an update on his current plan and two future projects he wants to work on.

  When he finishes, I’m still considering whether I want to bring up the last item on my list.

  “Prez?” Z prompts.

  “Izzard. What went down?”

  Wrath and Z exchange looks. “Why don’t you tell us,” Wrath finally says. Bold move, fucker.

  “Don’t know. He took a dislike to me from the morning I processed in. Took some shit from him. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

  Wrath’s getting more and more pissed and I catch him shaking his head.

  “Now, since you guys didn’t know that, what made you decide to take action on him? And what happened? He ran his mouth about Hope, but I figured he was bluffing.” Was praying like fuck he was bluffing.

  “He disrespected, Hope,” Wrath says. His mouth flattens into a grim line. “We couldn’t let that stand. Then the day of the bail hearing, Hope said you had a black eye. Figured it had to be him.”

  “Broke his motherfuckin’ fingers,” Murphy spits out. “Cried like a little bitch.”

  I take a second to absorb that. My gaze drills into Wrath again. “How specifically did he disrespect Hope?”

  “He gave her a pat-down that morning. Used it as an opportunity to grope her.” He drops his head, staring at his hands. “I couldn’t see what was going on from where I was, but I should’ve gotten her the fuck out of there the minute he started hassling us.”

  I lean back, wait for my rage fog to clear, and don’t say anything for a few minutes. “Did he know where the payback was coming from?”

  “No,” Teller answers. “We didn’t know if he had buddies on the inside who’d get to you. We went in masked, didn’t say anything. Broke his fuckin’ hands, knocked him out and took off.”

  Turning to Wrath, I ask, “You a part of it?”

  His face’s all sort of pissed-off when he answers. “No. Couldn’t risk him recognizing my big ass.”

  This surprises me. It was a good call even though I know it must have killed him not to be a part of it. “Smart thinking. Who else went?”

  Z, Ravage and Dex raise their hands, but Dex’s the one who speaks. “Swan helped us lure him to a motel. He’s one sick, twisted fucker.”

  That does not surprise me.

  “All right. We can talk about what to do with him when I get back. Anything else?”

  “Prospects been staying here,” Wrath says. “We make them stay in the basement with Sparky and Stash, though.”

  Sparky raises his hand. “Yeah, about that—”

  All of us laugh.

  “What do we think? How’d Hoot and Birch do? They’re both coming up on two years of prospecting. Time to vote?”

  Murmurs of approval go around the table. Z speaks up. “They both stepped up big time. Axel too, but I know he’s not ready yet.”

  “All right, we’ll talk about that when I get back.” I point to the door. “Someone go tell them to join us.”

  Dex lets the prospects in and they automatically move to the back of the room.

  “Good to see you back, prez,” Birch says. Hoot and Axel make similar comments.

  “Good to be back. So, I hear you prospects have been staying up here. What the fuck’s that about?” I joke to lighten everyone up. In the back of the room, Hoot, Birch and Axel stand a little straighter but keep their mouths shut.

  Z lifts his hand to speak. “They were a big help. When Butch and Iron Jim had to take off, prospects took over door duty at CB—”

  “Big hardship hanging out with the strippers,” Murphy comments.

  My mouth twists into a smirk and I nod at Axel. “How’d Heidi take that?”

  “Not too well, prez.”

  Everyone in the room bursts out laughing. Even Teller.

  I glance at Murphy, pretty sure I know how Axel got assigned to CB. “We won’t have you back there, kid. Lord knows there’s plenty of shit to keep you busy here.”

  Wrath grins like a devil. “I got some trees that need clearing.”

  “Thanks,” Axel says.

  “Don’t thank him yet, there’re a lot of trees out there,” Z jokes.

  I don’t think Axel minds one bit.

  “Any other business I should know about?”

  I get a bunch of negative responses, but no one stands yet, waiting to see what else I want to say. “Love every one of you. Thanks for everything. I heard the clubhouse was pretty dismal in my absence, so celebrate tonight. Wrath’s got something he wants to do, so hang in the living room for a few before going off to get fucked up.”

  Guys chuckle and stream out into the living room. Z and Wrath stay behind.

  “Need anything, bro?” Z asks Wrath.

  “Nope. All good.”

  Z pulls me in for a quick hug and pounds on my back. “Missed you. Glad you’re back.”


  Z leaves and shuts the door behind him, which is fine because I need a moment alone with Wrath.

  “What’s on your mind, prez?”

  My mouth curves into a grin. Brother already knows I got a few questions for him. “Be honest now. Hope did okay?”

  “Yeah. I mean, she was sad, no doubt about it. But she kept busy. Looked after all of us. Harassed Glassman in her polite lawyer way when the rest of us wanted to rip his head off. Didn’t give us any grief.”

  “This thing with Izzard?”

  “Rock. I’m so sorry. You don’t—”

  “I know what a fuckin’ dick he is. I don’t blame you and I’m not mad at you.”

  “Lying to you fuckin’ killed me. But I knew�

  “Yeah. You did the right thing.”

  “She shook it off. But I don’t know.”

  “I’ll talk to her. Now, Hope mentioned Trinity had a hard time?”

  Wrath runs his hand through his hair, which automatically makes me think it was bad. “Yeah, you know with her dad—”

  “You realize I’m not even ten years older than her and only two years older than you, right?”

  I get a hint of a smile out of him. “What can I say? You’re a father figure to everyone. It’s all that wisdom of experience.”

  “Whatever. Go on.”

  “Nothing. She struggled and because I was busy watching over Hope, I didn’t realize how hard she was taking it at first.”

  Now it’s my turn to run my hands over my head. “Fuck, man. I’m so sorry. Once those cuffs snapped on my wrists, I panicked. I didn’t know what the fuck might be coming for the club. I trust you more than anyone, but I didn’t mean you had to—”

  “It’s fine. We worked it out. Hope set me straight,” he chuckles and shakes his head.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Come on, man. You know what type of club Trinity grew up in. What do you think their solution was for an ‘ol lady when her man was locked up?”

  It takes a second for me to puzzle out and when I do my face must turn murderous because Wrath backs up a step. “Trust me, Hope thought the idea was disgusting. She told me to quit bugging her and take care of Trinity.”

  That’s my girl.


  Wrath runs his hands through his hair and seems to be considering what he wants to share with me. “Having Mariella here has brought up some stuff for Trin.”

  “I can imagine,” I answer quietly.

  “She went through a rough patch. But we’re working through it.”

  “You need anything?”

  “Yeah, introduce me to your contractor.”

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “I think getting her out of the clubhouse will help.”

  “Yeah, I can understand that. You ain’t building next door to us though.” I follow it up with a grin, so he knows I’m messing with him.

  “Please. I don’t want to be within screaming distance of you two sex-crazed monkeys.”

  I huff a laugh out. “Same.”

  “No, seriously, I know it’s gonna take a while, and you need to get yours finished before the wedding—”

  “Ah, fuck. Can you have Z call Jasper? Get him and his crew up here as soon as possible.”

  He nods. Then pins me with a thoughtful expression.

  “Spit it out.”

  “I won’t lie, Rock. Z and I expected her to bolt at first. Never figured she’d tough something like this out when I first met her. But she kept throwing herself into the club in her own way.”

  “Good. That’s good.”

  “Her faith was stronger than her fear. Kept planning your wedding. Held her head up high. After that bullshit hearing, she was spitting mad when she came out of the courtroom. Judge said some fucked up shit to her, but she shook it off. Let Glassman have it when she thought he was disrespecting your relationship. She never doubted you.”

  I’m having a hard time swallowing over the lump in my throat. There’s so much catching up Hope and I have to do.

  “She may not be a typical old lady, but she’s a good one,” Wrath finishes.

  “Thank you.”

  “You got it.” Wrath turns and springs his cabinet open.

  I watch as he pulls out Trinity’s vest with his Property of Wrath patch on the back and all our officers’ patches on the side. Finally. “Ready to go claim your own ‘ol lady?”

  “Fuck yes. God damn.”

  Can’t help chuckling at that. “She’s not a typical ‘ol lady either.” And I’m not referring to her club girl days.

  “Nope. But we’re not exactly typical bikers either.”

  “Amen to that, brother.”

  I’m twitchy as a motherfucker when Rock and I step out of the war room. My gaze darts around the room taking in my brothers, the prospects, couple club girls. Then my eyes lock onto Trinity. Laughing in the corner with Hope. Love seeing her more at ease and not running around fetching drinks and shit.

  “Can you fuckers all pipe down for a second?” I shout over the noise. Silence descends on the room. Turning, I curl a finger at Trinity and motion her to me. She hurries over with a big smile, until she sees what’s in my hand.

  Then she stops dead in her tracks. That’s fine. Took so fucking long, she probably figured I was full of shit.

  I take the last few steps to her, curling my hand around her hip in case she decides to bolt and sink down to my knees in front of her.

  “Wyatt—” she protests, looking around the room. “Everyone’s—”

  “Everyone’s gonna hear me claim you and patch you,” I answer. I raise my voice so the whole clubhouse hears. “You all might have heard I claimed Trinity as my old lady.”

  I get a lot of whistles, shouting and catcalls in return.

  “And everyone knows when Kings claim a woman, the officers vote on her too.” I hold out the cut to Trinity and her honey eyes meet mine. The corner of her mouth trembles and her eyes gloss over.

  “So I got the votes and my girl’s getting my patch, and you’re all here to witness it.”

  The room erupts into sounds of congratulations as I stand, pick her up and kiss the fuck out of her. “Will you wear my patch, baby?”

  “You know I will.”

  I set her down and help her into the vest. “Thought I was full of shit, didn’t you?”

  “No. I knew there was a lot—”

  I cut her off with another kiss, lifting her into my arms where she belongs, not giving a fuck about the noise around us.

  “Finally!” Rock shouts and I can hear Hope shushing him.

  When I set Trin down, my hand squeezes her hip where my star’s inked into her skin. “My tat, my patch, now you just need a ring.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “Oh, in that case—”

  She slaps my chest, throwing off the uncertainty that seemed to settle over her. “You know what Wrath wants, Wrath gets,” she says with a sweet laugh.

  “That true?”


  “Good. Kiss me.”

  She doesn’t hesitate, throws her arms around my neck and plants one on my cheek. “I’m so proud to officially be yours,” she whispers and I think it’s the sweetest thing she’s ever said.

  “Someone throw a bucket of ice water on those two!” Murphy shouts and I turn to see, yes, the little fucker’s talking about Trin and me.

  “You got a death wish, bro?”

  He tilts his head toward the door. Toward the garage. Fuck. “Yeah, okay.”

  I glance over to where Rock’s got Hope basically pinned to the wall. Ain’t paying attention to anything except his woman. “Looks like that bucket of ice water’s needed somewhere else,” I grumble.

  Trinity chuckles. “Leave them alone.”

  “He wanted to hit the road, and it’s getting late. Murphy’s got a surprise for them.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  She rushes over and yanks Hope away, making me laugh my ass off at the expression on Rock’s face.

  “Murphy needs you outside, prez.”

  His gaze shoots to the door where Murphy’s waiting and he nods. When he reaches Hope, he bends down and tosses her over his shoulder like the caveman we all know he is. She kicks and squeals as we follow him out the door. “Put me down before you hurt yourself.”

  Trinity snickers. “Now she did it.”

  Rock pops her on the ass and she yelps. “I can not believe you did that in front of everyone!”

  “I’ll do it again, sass-mouth.”

  Everyone else is waiting in the garage, so not as many people witnessed it as Hope thinks. Still funny as fuck.

  Trinity slides her hand into mine and I glance down
at her. “You want some of that?”

  She peeks up at me. “Later.”

  “Later you’re gonna wear that vest and nothing else for me while I fuck the hell out of you.”

  “Oooh. If you’re nice I might add something else you’ll like,” she teases, while batting her lashes at me.

  Hmmm. Maybe I can see the bike when Rock and Hope get back.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Trinity scolds, yanking my hand and dragging me into the garage.

  Rock’s so stunned, he almost drops Hope when he sets her down inside the garage. “Murphy, what—?”

  Yeah, the kid did good.

  “Oh my God. Murphy, it’s beautiful,” I blurt out.

  Rock still seems to be forming an opinion. Murphy’s tense as he waits for Rock’s approval and I worry what will happen if he doesn’t get it.

  “Sweet tourer. You’ll be the coolest old man in the retirement community,” Z jokes and punches Rock’s arm.

  “Fuck off,” Rock growls.

  Murphy folds his arms over his chest, but not before giving Z the finger.

  “He’s been working on it all summer, Rock,” Wrath says.

  I trace my hand over the raised back seat. “I love it.”

  Murphy grins and relaxes a notch.

  “You do the paint?” Rock asks.

  “No. Bricks helped with it.”

  My eyes seek Bricks out. “I love the color. It’s so pretty.”

  The guys hassle Rock over that. But it is pretty. A deep, sparkling forest green. No LOKI logos anywhere, and I kind of miss the ever-present skull wearing its crown.

  The guys discuss a bunch of mechanical-bike stuff that goes right over my head. All I care about is the back rest with the cushier seat and the passenger floor boards. My poor ass had not been looking forward to a long trip on Rock’s bike.

  After it seems they go over every single last shock, air filter, and fender, Murphy skirts the edge of the group and makes his way to me. “Do you really like it?”

  Somehow I sense he’s seeking my approval more than Rock’s over this project and a dull ache flashes through my chest. Because I’m the touchy-feely type, I wrap my arms around him. While he hugs me back, I meet Rock’s eyes across the room. His nod and half-smile reassure me. He knows I care for Murphy the way I would a younger brother and isn’t concerned about the display of affection.


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