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My Liege of Dark Haven

Page 15

by Cherise Sinclair

  Her nipples had tightened to aching points just from the mere touch of his wet finger. Even worse, she was damp already from thinking about…what might happen after the battle. “You’re a sick man,” she muttered.

  His eyes lit with laughter. “Turn around.” He painted a target on her bottom, yellow alternating with blue. As the sunlight dimmed further, the circles started to glow.

  “One more.” He ran his blue-coated finger across her lower stomach, down her upper left thigh to the right leg, and back to her stomach. A circle around her groin. “Spread your legs.”

  No way. No painting on my…crotch.

  A stinging smack hit her thigh, and she jumped.

  “That wasn’t a request, pet.”

  A quiver built in her stomach as she opened her legs. She felt odd, like an object or animal. Smaller. But excited as her choices fell away. He wouldn’t let her sit on the sidelines as she usually did. He’d force her to participate fully.

  He drew a circle from the top of her mound to the creases between her thighs and pussy. “Good. Stay in that position so it dries without smearing.”

  After washing his hands in the bucket provided, he returned and eyed her with satisfaction. “That gives me a few nice targets.”

  DeVries’s laugh rolled out. “Much more fun than the range.”

  Abby’s brows drew together. “You know how to shoot?”

  Xavier’s small smile was worrisome.

  “We go to Simon’s range every week,” deVries said.

  “Oh, lovely.” There went her chance at a foot rub. She sighed and muttered, “Nos morituri te salutanti.”

  DeVries scowled. “If you’re cursing me, little girl, do it in English.”

  “It’s what gladiators said before they got slaughtered in the Roman area,” Xavier said. “We who are about to die salute you.”

  “In that case, you have exactly the right mind-set,” deVries said.

  As deVries walked away, Xavier went down on one knee in front of Abby’s open legs.

  “What are you doing?”

  “The air’s getting cold. I’m going to make sure you stay warm.” He grasped her thigh, holding her still. His other hand slid between the folds of her pussy.

  “Xavier, no!”

  He chuckled and pushed a finger up inside her, and she squeaked at the shock of his ruthless entry. He’d slid in so easily that he must have noticed… Her face heated.

  “Yes, it’s obvious you’re excited, pet. I’m pleased.” His hand tightened on her thigh in warning when she tried to move away, but with his finger inside her, she was well anchored. His thumb made slow circles around her clit, occasionally brushing right over the top, and her excitement rose.

  “Stop,” she hissed at him as her knees started to wobble.

  “Don’t worry. They’ll fire the starting pistol before you come.” His thumb pressed harder. “Probably.”

  The pressure in her center started to build and—

  The gun fired, startling her. As Xavier released her and rose to his feet, Virgil announced, “Bottoms, you have a two-minute head start before the pistol sounds for the Tops. Run!”

  Run? With my breasts bouncing and—

  Xavier smacked her bottom, and she jolted forward, then kept going. Ahead of her the other bottoms ran, their bright, glowing patterns bounding like a herd of multicolored zebras. Abby veered onto the far right trail, and the scent of pine rose around her as the shadowy forest surrounded her.

  The trail was wide and flat with narrower paths branching to small open areas. She slowed and entered one. A rope guarded one side, preventing access to a wooden deer silhouette several yards away. The clearings must be the firing ranges for the black-powder guys. Maybe she could hide? No, being punished by everyone sounded ghastly.

  Under a tree, blankets had been piled in a heap. Her heart gave a hard thud as she realized they were for use after the battle. Oh. My. The Tops weren’t planning to collect their prizes in the privacy of a bedroom. She swallowed hard.

  Then her eyes narrowed as she stared at the quilts. Virgil hadn’t mentioned anything about being sneaky. Yes! Even as she ran forward and grabbed a blanket, the sound of the pistol split the air.

  “We’re at war. Tops, defend your territory or suffer defeat,” Virgil yelled.

  As shouts, whistles, and a rebel yell sounded, Abby wrapped herself in a light quilt and checked her body. Not one glowing paint strip showed. Ha! I’m going to win, Xavier. As she turned to leave the clearing, she noticed a smaller path leading to the next firing range. If there were more shortcuts, they’d be far safer than using the big trail.

  Heavy footsteps pounded through the forest. A scream sounded and a shout of jubilation. “Your mouth is mine!”

  More shouts, shrieks, scrambling sounds. A chill ran up Abby’s spine. It sounded like a war zone. Do not go on the trail.

  Sneaking toward the next shooting area, she spotted Logan in an orange dungeon monitor’s vest. He grinned at her blanket-swathed form, touched his brow in a mock salute, and returned to the main trail.

  She let out the breath she’d been holding. He wouldn’t give her away.

  Another clearing. She paused.

  A submissive was trying to hide behind a tree, but her glowing white collar was like a beacon. With a start Abby recognized Lindsey. She started to step forward—

  A stream of glittering liquid hit Lindsey between the breasts, and she let out a shocked scream.

  Low and rough, deVries’s voice came from the shadows near the firing point. “I’ll be looking for you afterward, little girl. In case you can’t tell, that was the brown.”

  Swearing under her breath, Lindsey scrambled back onto the trail, and her white collar disappeared.

  DeVries strolled across the clearing, slowing long enough to glance at Abby and say, “If Xavier catches you with that blanket, you won’t sit down for a week.” The Enforcer’s shadowy form moved away in total silence.

  Abby realized she was shaking uncontrollably, her heart hammering. This wasn’t a healthy sport at all. She really did feel hunted. Like prey.

  Would Xavier be mad? Her chin came up. Too bad. She’d just make sure he didn’t catch her. But to her dismay, the far side of the clearing lacked another shortcut.

  Trying to be as silent as deVries, she moved onto the main trail. The paint designs of the bottoms stood out vividly; the Doms were dim shapes moving through the trees.

  Well, if a Top didn’t get close enough to see her wrapped up, he wouldn’t know she was a bottom. Be bold. Act as if you belong here.

  She stalked forward and barely dodged out of the way of a racing pair. The Domme swore as her shot missed.

  Abby kept going. She turned one corner.

  As she stepped around another, her blanket was ripped out of her hands. She yelped and spun.

  “I’m not sure if that’s cheating or incredibly smart, but it’s over now.” Xavier gripped her chin and kissed her firmly. “You know, you’re so fair-skinned, you glow even without paint.” He stepped back, and liquid splattered on her right breast.

  Shot. He’d shot her.

  “That was the blue pistol. Next is the brown.”

  “Di te perdant,” she swore and heard him laugh. She dashed away, back muscles taut, tensed in anticipation of another spray of liquid.

  She couldn’t hear if he followed. As her pulse roared in her ears, she stepped behind a tree and tried to catch her breath. More screams. A man cursing. A smack of flesh and a yelp. Maybe someone else had found the blankets.

  Behind Abby, lights appeared, one by one, swinging high above the trail. Someone must have hung glow sticks in the trees and now was bending them to make them light.

  Virgil must be preparing to end the war. Time to go. She sure didn’t want to get punished for being late. She stepped onto the trail, started to run, and got hit with a full stream of paint right on her bottom. Cold, cold liquid trickled down the backs of her thighs.

one was brown.” Xavier’s deep voice came out of the shadows. “Run, pet.”

  Growling under her breath, she darted away, trying to support her bouncing breasts. Brown. Anal sex. Her behind felt as if it were puckering in protest.

  She passed two exhausted submissives and a Dom who almost shot her in reflex, before taking refuge completely off the trail. The debris on the forest floor dug into her feet despite the thin-soled shoes. An unseen branch scraped her leg painfully. Two shadowy forms went by, and from the height of one, she had a feeling it was Xavier. She was now behind him. Perfect.

  Through the scant underbrush, she advanced toward the lighted clearing. Most of the nearby balls had been tossed into the wading pool or lay around it. She needed a way to get a ball without getting killed. Maybe if she approached from the other side?

  Xavier had only shot her twice. Knowing him, he’d have to try for a third. I can do it.

  She winced as branches tugged on her hair and scratched her arms, and perversely the small amount of pain made her even more aroused and wet. She might feel like prey, but her body wanted exactly what Xavier intended, and everything seemed to tantalize her senses. Even pain.

  Slowly she worked her way around the tree line to the far side. Staying hidden and using a stick, she maneuvered a ball close enough to pick it up. A soccer ball. Honestly, who thought up this idiotic game?

  As she held the cold plastic to her chest, the blue paint on her breasts smeared it. That color meant oral sex. She’d never been fond of giving blowjobs. Yet the thought of taking Xavier’s cock in her mouth, knowing he’d not let her move away, how he’d make her take it deeper, was just plain hot. Feeling her pussy getting swollen and slick, she rolled her eyes. If this continued, she’d be running bowlegged.

  A stage filled the far side of the huge clearing, and the calculating Doms had put the wading pool in the center of the area. She had to get closer. Very, very quickly.

  Taking a firm grip on the ball, she charged across the open space, zigzagging in the proper soldierly manner. Nothing happened. Fixing her gaze on the goal, she increased her speed…and spotted Xavier off to one side, a pistol in each hand, like an old-fashioned gunslinger.

  She zagged. Zigged.

  Red hit her crotch. No! Almost there. She raised the ball to throw.

  Black splashed onto her left breast.

  THE SURGE OF triumph was fascinating, and Xavier grinned as Abby stopped dead, staring at the black dripping down her breast onto her stomach.

  “Very colorful, Xavier,” Logan called from the stage where a mixture of Tops and bottoms were standing. “Looks like you’ll enjoy your win.”

  He planned to. Xavier crossed to his little submissive and curled his fingers around her soft upper arm. Although she glared at him, he felt a tremor run through her at his touch. Anxious and excited. Perfect.

  Virgil greeted him as he led her up the stairs. “To keep the prisoners from escaping while the battle concludes, we have a variety of immobilization devices,” he said. “Use how many you think best. Once she’s restrained, clean the paint off her—otherwise you’ll both glow in the dark.”

  Xavier glanced around. On one side were a couple of large dog cages, one already occupied. A three-rail fence ran along the back of the stage. The neck-high railing held chains and collars; the chest-high one had ropes with breast clamps. From the lowest railing, boards extended every few feet, and each had a condomed dildo bolted to it, sticking up and ready for use. “Interesting arrangements.”

  Virgil grinned and nodded at his own submissive, who’d been both collared and clamped. She scowled at him. “Some wouldn’t agree,” he said mildly.

  “Narrow minds.” Xavier closed his hand around Abby’s nape, pushing her over to a board with a thin, short dildo.

  She tried to pull away.

  “Now, you decide, pet,” he said gently. “You can politely put your cunt on the dildo. If you give me trouble or glare at me, I’ll put you on it…and it will be in your ass.”

  Her eyes grew so big he almost relented. But the lights on the stage also showed the redness of arousal in her cheeks and lips. Her nipples were spiked and tight. She might think she didn’t want to be displayed, but it excited her at the same time. And since she had no choice—except which orifice—she’d enjoy the experience without feeling guilty.

  She swung a leg over the board.

  “Wait.” Before she could lower herself, he ran his fingers through her puffy folds. Very, very wet. His cock hardened to the point of pain. “Well, this shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

  At her small sound of embarrassment, he nuzzled her hair. “Abby, the point of the games is to arouse little submissives—and their Doms. I’d worry if you weren’t excited.”

  He kept his hand on her pussy, opening her labia and pushing down on her shoulder. Taking the control away from her. Her breath hitched as the dildo entered her, but he’d chosen one with a small shaft. If she’d been more experienced, he would have picked something she’d have to work at—something like what Lindsey would receive, if he’d read deVries’s intentions correctly.

  DAMNFINITO. STANDING ON the stage, Lindsey scowled. She should have been faster. Sneakier. The Enforcer had shot her twice, and Mitchell had gotten her once. Two men. Excitement shivered through her, accompanied by a big pinch of worry. DeVries didn’t even like her, so why had he shot her?

  As if summoned, the sorry-ass bastard strolled over. “Time to get you situated.” He tilted her head up, studying her face for a bone-quivering moment. “You’re a pretty one, all right.”

  A compliment?

  Before she got over the surprise, he tangled his hand in her hair and pulled. “Come along.” She tried to drag her feet, but deVries hauled her across the stage as he would a whipped hound dog.

  When he stopped at a board with a dildo sticking up from it, she stiffened. “You’re not fixin’ to put me on that thing.”

  In answer, he pulled a packet from his pocket, ripped it open with his teeth, and squirted lube on the condom-covered shaft. “Not all of you. Just your asshole.”

  “My—” She stared at him, appalled.

  “You’ve had anal sex before, little girl, and I intend to fuck you tonight. Might as well start getting you stretched out a bit.” The reasonableness of his answer was belied by the hard, hot look in his eyes. He did intend to take her tonight, and he wasn’t known for being gentle about it.

  She shivered as electricity sizzled along her nerves like summer lightning. “I’m not up to your speed, remember?”

  “I’m not going to whip you, Lindsey.” His hand in her hair loosened, and he combed through the strands, stepping close enough that her almost nonexistent breasts brushed against his shirt. He bent and whispered in her ear, “But I am going to fuck you, long and hard.”

  Her insides melted like butter under a summer sun.

  Mitchell walked up. “The dildo going in her pretty ass?” With a firm grip on Lindsey’s ankle, he lifted her leg over the board so she straddled it.

  “Seemed right.” The Enforcer nodded to her. “Down.”

  Her knees locked. “No.”

  “Oh yes. Definitely yes.” DeVries put an arm behind her and his hand in front. “Hang on to me, and we’ll help you out. Mitchell, open her up.”

  Her hands closed on his thick forearm. He had light hair over the dark tan, and her fingernails dug into iron-hard muscles. She felt Mitchell spread her butt cheeks, and heat started to smother her reluctance. Two men were touching her.

  As she bent her knees, the tip of the dildo entered her asshole, encountered resistance. Too big. She tried to surge up.

  “Breathe, little girl. You can go as slow as you want…as long as you keep going.” DeVries pinned her between his arms. In the floodlights, his eyes were the gray of steel and openly amused. “Don’t even try to tell me you’re not excited as hell.”

  She was, damn him anyway. As she relaxed her knees again, the shaft pushed in, burning an
d stretching despite the slickness. “Uuuhhhh…” It went deeper. Deeper.

  By the time it was completely in, she was panting, and her abused hole throbbed in complaint.

  DeVries lifted her chin. “Does it hurt, little girl?” he whispered.

  She nodded.

  “Good. Does the pain make you hotter?” His hand gently fondled her breast, and shivers ran up her spine at the unyielding look in his intent eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Lindsey. I’ll know.”

  Sweet Jesus, he already knew the answer. She was so wet, she could feel the slickness on her thighs. The burning nerves in her bottom aroused her far more than she’d ever thought possible. “Yes.”

  “Good to hear.” Still on one knee, Mitchell chuckled and squeezed her ass cheeks, adding to the sensations.

  “I like that answer.” DeVries pinched her nipple, just enough so the light pain merged with that in her ass—and heat and need flared higher inside her. “You’re going to submit to us, Lindsey. Both of us at once,” he murmured. “My cock will stretch that tender little ass even more, and I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Abby stared as Xavier came over with a bucket of water, a spray bottle, and a sponge. “What are you doing?”

  “Cleaning you up.” He handed over a bottled water he’d stuck under his belt. “Drink this while I work.” After spraying her with lavender-scented soap, he scrubbed her down, rubbing hard enough over her breasts to have her squirming on the dildo.

  “I see you went way off the trail.” Xavier said in a hard tone, turning her bloodied leg to the light.

  Abby froze. He was angry. Was he going to yell at her? Now? “They didn’t say we couldn’t.” Her voice shook.

  His face gentled. “Relax, pet. I’m only unhappy at seeing you hurt. There were no rules about staying in the cleared areas.”

  Oh. He carefully cleaned her various scrapes and got a bandage from Rebecca for her leg. She felt…cared for. How could her fear turn to squishy softness so quickly? Sipping her water, she watched as Virgil announced the winners.

  Two Doms won for their creative artwork and chose toys from a basket of prizes. The first Dom to “kill” his submissive got a prize. When the first submissive to throw a ball into the pool was announced, he did a graceful dance across the stage to select a vibrating cock ring.


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