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Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Laura Pavlov

  We laughed. “Yep. Jett’s coming over in twenty minutes and we’ll walk over to the house.”

  “What I wouldn’t give to see Gray Baldwin as fraternity president. Ah… that boy in a position of power. I can’t handle it. Someone run me a cold shower. He’s so freaking hot. And now he’s got that face scruff making him all the sexier.”

  I rolled my eyes. Obviously Gray was good-looking. Quite possibly the best-looking boy I’d ever seen. But he was also arrogant, obnoxious, overbearing, self-centered, and annoying. That overshadowed his good looks.

  “Whatever. Trust me, he knows he’s all that. He doesn’t need anyone stroking his ego. I thought you were into the nerdy chemistry guy?” I asked.

  “Yes, Wallace and I are going to a party tonight. Just not sure it’s going to go anywhere because he told me he has to be home by ten p.m. because he needs to be up early to study. On a Saturday. Say what? That’s all sorts of crazy.”

  Addy and I fell back in a fit of giggles.

  “Are you going to talk to that Jaden kid?” she asked and everyone perked up as if me talking to a guy would be the highlight of their lives.

  “He’s all right. I think he’s a player.”

  “All boys are players, Gigi. At least until they meet the right girl. Don’t overthink it,” Coco said and Addy nodded in agreement.

  There was a knock on the door and Addy hurried over.

  Jett walked in and tugged her into his arms, and something in my chest squeezed. Something about the way he looked at her. It made me long for someone to look at me like that.

  He moved over to sit beside me on the bed and waved at the screen. “What’s up, Co?”

  “Hey. Looking mighty fine, Mr. Stone,” Coco said, causing us all to laugh once again.

  “I try,” he said with a shrug.

  He patted his lap and Addy came over and sat there.

  “All right, I’ve got to go throw my clothes on and get out of this robe so we can leave,” I said, blowing her a kiss.

  “Wear something hot, please, Gigi. Addy, make sure she puts herself out there,” Coco shouted, as I grabbed my outfit hanging on the closet door.

  “Got it.” I rolled my eyes at her. “All right. We’ll call you later. Love you.”

  “Love you,” Coco said, before ending the call.

  “I’ll be right back,” I told Addy and Jett before heading to the bathroom down the hall to change. I hated the community bathroom. When I stepped inside, Bailey was standing at the sink applying lip gloss.

  “Hey, Gigi. Are you and Addy going to the Sig Alpha party?” She flipped her long blonde hair over one shoulder and looked at me.

  “Yep. Jett just got here, so the three of us are walking over in a little bit. Are you going?”

  “Of course. Wouldn’t miss it. Those guys are so hot. Have you seen their president this year? Someone pointed him out on campus and Oh, my gawwwwd. He’s gorgeous. I’m going straight to the top, if you know what I mean.” She winked.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell her it would not be a huge feat. Gray got around. Sleeping with him would be as easy as swiping her meal card. He was a sure thing. And she was pretty, so I’m sure he’d take the bait.

  “Well, good luck with that. I’ll see you there.”

  I moved to the stall to change my clothes as she continued to talk.

  “Are you seriously changing in the stall? You’re so adorable and private. I kind of love it.”

  I rolled my eyes because I knew she couldn’t see me. I wasn’t about to just strip down in front of her. I barely knew the girl.

  I forced a fake chuckle. “Jett’s in our room with Addy, so I ran down here.”

  I stepped out of the stall and her eyes scanned me from head to toe as I held my robe over my arm.

  “Wow. You look great.” She nodded as if she were surprised. Um, thanks? “I mean, don’t get me wrong. You’re obviously stunning, but you usually just look so… I don’t know. Girl next door-ish.”

  She burst out in hysterical laughter and I walked toward the door. I wasn’t a fan. All of her compliments were backhanded. Addy and I had noticed it the first time we met her.

  “Thanks.” I made it to the doorway before she spoke again.

  “How serious are Addy and Jett? I mean, he’s really sexy too. And he’s the star quarterback. I wouldn’t mind a little time on the field with him, if you know what I mean.” She laughed again, but it wasn’t genuine, and I cringed at her words.

  “They’re as serious as it gets. You don’t have a chance.” I was surprised by how harsh my words came out, but grateful I’d put her in her place.

  “Down, girl. Asking for a friend.” She winked. “I’ve got my sights set on a certain fraternity president anyway.”

  I turned on my heels and left. I didn’t have time for people like Bailey. And she’d just showed me who she really was. She knew Addy was my best friend. And she wanted her boyfriend. And she wanted to sink her claws into Gray.

  Neither sat well with me.

  “Hey. Watch yourself with Bailey. She just basically asked if Jett would stray,” I said as I hung my robe on the back of the door.

  “That snake. She was asking me all about how long Jett and I have been together this morning. I should have known.”

  “Nothing to worry about, Ace. You’re tattooed here.” He paused to touch his exposed inked arm, before placing his hand on his heart. “And here. I mean, you gave me half of your PB&J in third grade. Who can compete with that?”

  Addy’s head tipped back as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “And of course it was organic peanut butter and jelly. Mama wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  He leaned down and kissed her, and I swooned just a little. I loved the way they loved each other.

  “Okay. Glad we’re on the same page.” Addy pulled away and fanned her face. “We better get going.”

  I glanced in the mirror one more time. My blouse left one arm exposed, and Addy had powdered on a little highlighter on my collarbone. It shimmered just a bit, and I ran my fingers through my long waves to give them some lift before heading to the door.

  “Let’s do this.”

  The dorms were in the center of campus, and Greek Row was only a few blocks’ walk. All of the sorority and fraternity houses lined one street, so it made it easy to move from house to house if there were multiple parties going on. At least that’s what Tiffany had told us. When we arrived at Sig Alpha, it looked like something straight out of a movie. People were scattered in the front lawn, and music boomed from the house. Gray stood off in the distance running a hand through his hair. It was longer in the front and shorter in the back, and it definitely worked for him. He didn’t have his typical happy-go-lucky look on his face. He appeared—stressed. I wasn’t used to seeing him that way. He picked up several red Solo cups and stacked them inside one another, before ushering people inside. He hadn’t seen us yet as we were still a few feet from the front porch of the Sig Alpha house. But Gray had always been easy to spot. He was tall, and he was larger than life. Always had been.

  “Wow. There are a lot of people here,” Addy said, and Jett and I nodded.

  Jett seemed completely unfazed. I was anything but.

  “Gigi,” a voice called out from the front porch. It was Jaden, and he waved us over. “Come on in.”

  Jett studied him and nodded. “He seems a little shady. Let’s go.”

  I laughed because Jett was as trusting as Cade and Gray. They thought all guys were bad news. I often fought the urge to remind them that they were also boys and could be equally as shady if they wanted to be.

  “Hey, Jaden. Seems like the party has started, huh?” I shouted over the booming music in the background. “This is my best friend Addy and her boyfriend Jett.”

  “What’s up, guys? Yeah, this party is the shit.
I pledged the best house on campus, what can I say? And you look fucking hot.” His eyes scanned my entire body and I shivered.

  Not in a good way.

  He didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was basically stripping me bare with his gaze. I could definitely tell he’d been drinking, because he hadn’t been this bold when we’d talked in class. We stepped inside the house and made our way toward the kitchen.

  “I don’t like him,” Jett whispered close to my ear and I nodded.

  Addy squeezed my hand as we followed him.

  “Drinks?” He handed a red Solo cup to Jett who turned him down.

  “No, thanks.”

  “You’re clearly not in a fraternity, because no one would tolerate that shit,” he said as he handed a cup of red juice to me and Addy.

  “I’m definitely not in a fraternity, you’re correct.” Jett’s eyes were hard, and he didn’t look happy as he scanned our cups. I knew that he wasn’t drinking so that he could keep an eye on Addy and me as this was our first college party. Sure, we drank a little bit in high school, but we were definitely not in Willow Springs anymore. Things were louder, larger, and more in your face here.

  “Drink up, ladies,” Jaden purred, touching the bottom of my cup and trying to get me to down it. Before I could stop him, the cup was slapped right from my hand, spilling all over the front of my blouse and splashing onto Jaden.

  “Get the fuck out of here, pledge. Don’t even fucking look at her, do you hear me?” Gray hissed, as I swiped at the front of my shirt. “Give me that.” He took the cup from Addy’s hand quite a bit gentler than he’d torn mine from my hands.

  “Sorry, Gray. I didn’t know she was with you.” Jaden’s words slurred as he took a step back, wiping the red punch from the front of his white T-shirt to no avail. Jett used his hand to cover his smile and Addy and I stared at one another with disbelief.

  “Now you fucking know. Go get a couple beers from the keg and bring them to me,” Gray said, before walking over to the counter and grabbing a few paper towels and heading back toward me.

  He started to wipe the liquid from my chest and my jaw dropped. He was cleaning me up like I was a freaking child. “Give that to me, you big buffoon. Could you have made a bigger scene? What are you doing?”

  “What am I doing? Keeping you fucking safe. Don’t ever drink fraternity punch. It’s too strong. Drink a beer if you need to drink something. And I’ll make a fucking scene whenever the hell I feel like it.” The look on his face was caveman-like, then softened a tad when he finished his tirade. “You’re welcome.”

  Jett barked out a laugh, and Addy’s lips turned up in the corners before I shot her a look and she straightened. “I don’t think you could do anything else to make this worse. Now I’m soaking wet, everyone’s staring, and you ran off the boy I was talking to.”

  “Is that so?” He crossed his arms over his chest, and the muscles strained against the white T-shirt. I’d seen Gray’s chest before out at the lake, and it was something one could write books about. All chiseled and tan and cut. I mean, if you were into that sort of thing, which I wasn’t.

  I most definitely wasn’t.

  “That is so, you big jackass.” God, he could piss me off without even trying. And why did he have to look so good when he was doing it? His green eyes danced with pops of amber and gold, and I found it difficult to look away.

  “First of all, that dumbass you’re talking about. He’s a douchebag.”

  “Yet, he got a bid to Sig Alpha, your fraternity?” I raised a brow in challenge.

  “He sure as fuck did. This house is full of douchebags. And I’m currently babysitting these fuckers, so trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to mess with that dude. I won’t allow it,” he said, leaning closer so his breath tickled my cheeks.

  Is he for real?

  I gasped in dramatic fashion. Coco would be proud. “You won’t allow it? You did not just say that.” The nerve. “Are you serious?”

  “Dead fucking serious, G.” He stormed across the room as I followed him with my eyes. He talked to a guy in the band, and the music stopped.

  What the hell was he doing?

  “Listen up. You see this girl here?” he shouted, and everyone turned as he made his way over to me and palmed the top of my head like a freaking lunatic. “If you so much as hit on this girl, I’ll punch you in the fucking face. Are we clear?”

  People laughed and nodded, and the music started to play again. Jaden walked over, balancing three red Solo cups as beer sloshed over the rim. All that confidence and swagger was gone. “Here you go, Pres.”

  “Don’t call me that, you dipshit. And stay the fuck away from her.” He offered Jett and Addy each a beer. Jett liked Gray and appeared to be very pleased with the ridiculous scene he had just made. My blood boiled as I took the cup from Jaden and forced a smile. He nodded before walking away.

  “How dare you speak on my behalf. Now no one is going to talk to me.” I seethed before taking a big gulp of the disgusting, warm beer.

  “Kind of the point.”

  “I’m leaving. I’m soaking wet, you just embarrassed me, and I’ve had enough.” I tipped my head back and downed the liquid before shoving the cup at his chest. “Thanks for ruining my night.”

  “Happy to oblige.” He smirked.

  I stormed out of the party with Addy and Jett on my heels.

  “Don’t be too hard on him. I think he’s just looking out for you,” Jett said, as we made our way back to the dorms.

  “He’s ridiculous. And annoying,” I huffed. And I hated how good he looked. Even when he was humiliating me, I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him.

  “I agree with Jett. He means well. He’s always been protective of you. He just doesn’t go about it the right way.” Addy chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

  I didn’t know if I was mad over the ridiculous scene he’d just made, or angry because a little part of me enjoyed it. I liked having Gray’s attention, and it made no sense.

  Because he drove me crazy.

  In the worst way.

  Chapter Four


  Dipshit number one was passed out on the couch with a half-naked chick, and I shoved at his shoulder. “Time to clean, pledge.”

  I’d had a shit night babysitting all of these assholes, and I’d barely slept. Thankfully, we’d survived the night without getting busted by the cops, or any unnecessary drama. Well, aside from the fact that Gigi wasn’t speaking to me. I could live with it. Especially seeing the dude who was trying to talk to her last night zip his jeans up and push to his feet. Dirty bastard. The thought that he’d been pursuing Gigi did all sorts of crazy things to me.

  “Come back to bed, baby,” the girl whispered, reaching for his hand. A used condom sat on the coffee table next to him and I cursed under my breath.

  Flush that shit in the toilet. Don’t set it on the coffee table where we all live. Which I’d like to point out, Jaden did not live in the house. He was a fucking freshman. A pledge.

  Not the king of the castle.

  “Clean this shit up. We don’t need your used condoms sitting on our table. Have some fucking decency.”

  He chuckled. “Sorry, Pres. Frat boy life, am I right?”

  I rolled my eyes. That ridiculous name was grating my nerves and he was a lot of things, but right was not one of them. I made my way through the house making sure everyone was working and doing their part. My phone buzzed and Cade’s name flashed across the screen.

  “What’s up, brother?” I said, my voice gravelly and tired.

  “You sound like shit. Rough night?”

  “Something like that.” I pointed to the ground at a bra that was lying on the floor and one of the pledges hustled over and tossed it in the garbage bag.

  “I just talked to Gigi. She wen
t to her first college frat party,” he said, and I could tell he was trying to keep the humor from his tone.

  I ran a hand through my hair. “Fuck. She’s pissed, isn’t she?”

  “You slapped a cup out of her hand and then told every dude at the party not to speak to her?” He barely got the words out through his laughter.

  “Damn straight. These shitheads are barking up the wrong fucking tree,” I hissed, pointing to the shitter as a few of the pledges huddled around the bathroom, afraid to go inside.

  They had zero issue making the mess, but they were hesitant to clean it up.

  No slacking on my watch, boys.

  I’d been a pledge once, and I’d paid my dues.

  “Thanks for looking out for her. You could probably tone it down a bit. We do want her to have a little fun,” he said, as a girl’s voice called out to him in the background.

  “No can do. Say hi to Camilla, douchebag. Talk to you later.”

  He was laughing when I ended the call. I found Ricky Turlington, one of the dudes I’d personally offered a bid to because he was smart and less douchey than the others who were currently dry heaving over the toilet. I fought back my laughter.

  “All right, someone else take a turn plunging. Follow me, Turlington.” He was eager to get the hell out of that shit show and he trailed behind me in the trek for the kitchen. Our cook, Francie, was none too pleased to find the kitchen in a less than perfect state this morning.

  “This is Francie. Make sure you’re always good to her when you’re over here, got it?” I asked before I paused to kiss the sweet older woman on the cheek as I’d run out of here when she’d arrived earlier this morning while I was trying to clean up the mess.

  “You’re lucky I love you, Gray,” she grumbled as she finished wiping down the counters.

  We were spoiled by this woman. She provided three warm meals a day, and she was a damn good cook. Not as good as Katie Jacobs, but much better than the private cook my mom had at her house. Francie kept two refrigerators that were locked in our oversized pantry, and that’s where she stored food that we weren’t allowed access to when she wasn’t here. It was the only way to keep the partiers out of our food. She walked out of the pantry with a platter and set it down in front of me and Ricky before lifting the foil to show us a massive pile of donuts.


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