Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #1

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Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #1 Page 5

by Esther E. Schmidt

  This point in time right here proves how we were always meant to be together. Thrown into our bond hot and wild, everything at full speed causing months of no intimacy with the havoc running our lives, and yet we manage to pull through; to hit pause and relish in our closeness once more.

  “I love you so damn much, woman,” I mutter and nuzzle her neck.

  A sweet as hell giggle slips over my skin. “That’s the euphoric high of your orgasm doing the talking.”

  I fist her hair and pull her head back to look in her eyes when I tell her, “That’s what made me add the ‘so damn much’ part. ’Cause you know I love you unconditionally, no matter what.”

  Her gaze falls to my mouth. Licking her bottom lip she replies, “It’s the ‘so damn much’ part that’s unconditionally for me. Now kiss me before we turn completely mushy, because I’m liking the high we’re still riding.”

  “Woman,” I growl. “Give me a second and you’ll be riding my cock.”

  I swear she mutters, “Such a hopeless romantic,” right before I crash my mouth to hers.

  I wasn’t joking. My dick is still buried in her sweet pussy and I might have coated her with my cum once, but it’s not enough. There’s an instant awareness flickering in my brain of the fact we didn’t use a condom. And since Queenie was born she’s been breastfeeding her so she hasn’t used the pill.

  Realizing we could be trying for a second child is making me hard as fuck. My woman always looks gorgeous but there’s something primal in seeing her swollen belly, filled with our child while she’s standing barefoot in our kitchen.

  Her hips shift and she easily lifts herself up and down my hard length. She places her forehead against mine, making this moment more intimate. Our eyes are locked as our bodies melt into one where we’re slowly riding toward a shared release.

  Tiny gasps flow from her lips, heating mine. My arms are full as is my heart. Fucking for the sake of getting off is a fleeting moment while this? This is batteries recharging to keep on living for a lifetime of closeness.

  We relish in the warmth and pleasure until Bee throws her head back and comes all over my dick. I grab her hips to take over the movements and thrust up a few more times to seek my own release. Utterly spent we take our time to catch our breaths before we finish our shower and head into the bedroom to put on some clothes.

  “Mind if we order some takeout?” I question as we plant our asses on the couch.

  Bee flips on the TV. “Pizza for sure.”

  “Pizza or lasagna, because you always say pizza but end up ordering the cheese thing.”

  She grabs my phone from the table and hands it to me. “Yes, I want the cheese thing.”

  I place the order and we snuggle close to watch some mindless TV until our food is delivered. Food we lazily eat in front of the TV without any interruptions. I’ve made it clear with Wyatt he’s in charge tonight and since Queenie is with Bee’s parents, this really is our night.

  And instead of going out, having dinner at an expensive restaurant, watching a movie, or going dancing…we stay in. We lounge on the couch and relish in each other’s closeness and the serenity of our relationship. Full throttle. That’s how we went into our relationship but this right here is hitting pause and feeling every beat of our heart.

  And she is my heart when I glance down and see her sleeping on my chest. I turn the TV off and swoop her into my arms, carrying her into our bedroom and gently placing her in our bed. I snuggle close and let sleep claim me too.

  Waking up the next morning with Bee draped over me is starting my day with a smile. Normally one of us has to get up to take care of Queenie, and most times I rise the second my eyes are open to get a head start on everything I need to handle. Yet now I stay enveloped by my woman.

  “What time is it?” Bee croaks, her voice thick with sleep.

  “Time for morning sex,” I huskily reply.

  She pinches my damn nipple, leaving me to grunt and launch into a counter-tickle-attack. She’s wheezing and demanding me to stop, but her body feels too damn good underneath my skilled hands. Both knocking on our door and the ringing of the doorbell drags our attention away from each other.

  Jumping out of bed, I reach for my jeans and slide them on. Behind me Bee dashes into the bathroom while I head downstairs, muttering, “Hold your fucking horses, I’m coming, dammit.”

  I open the door to find Wyatt standing in front of me. He strolls past and starts to ramble, “I’m with my back to the wall while I know this fucker drowned his kid. Can I shoot him without handing over the evidence? Fucking hell. I did tell you the fucker is starting a new family with some other chick, right? What if she gets pregnant, huh? And what if in a few years something is up and he wants to start over again? Will he pull the same trick and dispose of that one too?”

  “I need coffee before I answer any of your questions.” A sigh rips from me at the same time Bee picks up her backpack and lets it drop on the couch.

  “I’ll make us some,” she says and directs her attention at Wyatt. “Can you tell me some of the details about your case? If Archer is okay with me hearing them that is. We could throw some ideas around, it might trigger your brain to see things differently.”

  “Prez mentioned you’re at our disposal, right next to Ganza.” Wyatt shoots her a grin and the both of us watch her face light up.

  Fucker. I haven’t had a chance to tell her that little fact yet. Her eyes collide with mine. I place my hand on her lower back and guide her into the kitchen.

  Once alone I tell her, “I handed some tasks over to Wyatt yesterday, and I might have texted him late last night about adding you to the team. This way Ganza will have some breathing space too since I now realize one person handling the massive load adds more unnecessary pressure. I did mean to tell you about it. And the way you reacted yesterday I figured I didn’t need to know your answer since you enjoyed diving into the case I gave you.”

  I watch how she falls into a routine of making coffee. The way her hair sways through the air with every move makes me want to bury my fist in it to guide her head toward my dick while she opens her sweet lips and–

  “You have sex on your brain instead of work,” she whispers underneath her breath as she shoves a mug with steaming coffee in my direction.

  “It’s not just my fault,” I fake grumble.

  She places her hand over my heart and pats my chest. “I wasn’t complaining, but for now we need to work and I have to pick up Queenie later today. Hopefully we have some time for a re-run later tonight.”

  “Woman,” I rumble. “All we need is a few spare minutes. Between your parents and mine we will have a night to ourselves soon enough to take our sweet time. We have our priorities straight again. And even if we managed to knock you up last night, we will be alert not to fall into a rut next time around.”

  Her eyes widen once more. The corner of my mouth twitches. “Who had only sex on the brain last night, huh? Right. But I probably should have mentioned that too.”

  I place my coffee on the counter and cup her face. “Are we good?”

  She gives me a soft smile. “Yeah, we’re good.”

  I can’t resist and take her lips. She groans into my mouth and I know I have to stop otherwise I’ll rip her clothes off. And we’re right back to sex on the brain.

  “I think it’s good we get some distance between us.” She laughs with a knowing twinkle in her eye.

  I grab my mug and Bee carries one in each hand too as we head for the living room. She hands one to Wyatt and we take a seat at the table. Bee reaches for her laptop and fires it up.

  “I have a few hours before I pick up Queenie. Let’s hear it and I’ll see what I can help with, okay?”

  Wyatt nods and starts to rattle out the details. I lean back and sip my coffee while I admire my woman. I should have pulled her into club business sooner, even with the shift in leadership and added danger.

  When I look at her now, I know the angle of wanting to keep he
r safe and her never complaining about anything prevented me. Hell, we just fell into a routine and that right there is where comfort lets you flow a safe and steady line.

  It’s both good and bad since it’s a safe zone but it’s also a loop. Living a challenge adds spice and gives a new view on everything. Yeah, I’ll make damn sure the safe zone stays intact, but the spice we just added–mainly the hot sex–is most definitely something we won’t do without ever again.



  “Wait, the street you mentioned…did you get any visuals?”

  “Yeah, Ganza did a check but nothing caught the angle from the river where it happened.”

  “What about the recently added cameras? Wasn’t there a crime spree and a property…I don’t know what or who…it was in the news with all the…hang on,” I mumble to no one in particular because my brain is running overtime.

  I know the area Wyatt mentioned and also know exactly what traffic cams and especially what security cam is directed at the spot the father was at with his son. It’s such a weird place for a father to take his son, not to mention the time he was there.

  I mean, it was almost ten at night, the three-year-old kid should be asleep and he was supposed to bring him back to his mother before dinner. All of it screams this man murdered his son but there’s no proof and if we can find anything, they might classify it as an accident.

  Hacking into the system of the property I remembered added extra cameras, I find the correct date and time and turn my laptop. It’s a feed Ganza must not have known about since it’s only been added recently and not listed with the others. We all watch how the man is holding his kid and walks toward the river. I know how it ends. I do not want to see it happen so I turn my head.

  “Motherfucker,” Wyatt says in awe. “Where the hell did you pull that video from?”

  I stand and grab my mug; I need a refill. “I know the area. There were several break ins and I remembered a news article about some new, added security. A separate system from the others, it was in all the papers.”

  As I head for the kitchen, I hear Wyatt repeat, “It was in all the papers. Who knew? Because we sure didn’t. Fucking hell, this is all we need.”

  “I’ll send the details to Ganza, he can take over, right?” I don’t wait for a reply but disappear into the kitchen to get more coffee.

  “Why are you escaping when you’ve clearly kicked Wyatt’s case right open?” Archer says from behind me.

  I hold my mug in two hands while I slowly face him.

  “Cases like those give me the chills. That little kid didn’t stand a chance. He trusted his father because that’s the way it’s supposed to be. All I did was remember something I read about added security cams.”

  Archer reaches out and brushes his knuckles along my cheek. “Such a tiny thing, such a huge difference. He’s going to jail, Bee. You did great.”

  “I don’t feel great.” I place the mug on the counter.

  “When my parents got together, Broken Deeds MC was right in the middle of a case with missing children,” Archer starts. “My mother was the one who blew the case wide open. You, doing this just now? It hits me right here.” He slams his fist against his chest. “Add last night to it and I feel as if my world shifted once again, Bee. It also gives me the knowledge this is how we move forward. And, yeah, these types of cases suck big time. But someone has to stand up and be there for that little soul and fight for justice. You did that, Bee. You.”

  He slams his lips over mine and kisses me hard. Pulling back, he whispers, “I’m so damn proud.”

  My cheeks heat and I wrap my arms around him to pull him close.

  “Come on, let’s show Wyatt out. He has enough to handle it from here. I’ll join you when you head to your parents to pick Queenie up, okay?”

  I give him a smile. “I’d like that. Even if I have to reschedule with my mom since she wanted to go to the mall and check out the store where I bought my new jeans.”

  “If you want to go, I’ll tag along or pick you up at the mall when you’re ready. I can take Queenie with me if you want to have your hands free for shopping.”

  My smile grows bigger. “It’s okay, I’d rather reschedule.”

  There’s no way I’ll give up extra time with Archer. He’s busy enough as it is and when he gives me an option to do things together I sure as hell grab the opportunity with both hands. Besides, my mother will understand.

  Time flies and Wyatt is off to close his case. We, on the other hand, head to my parents to pick up Queenie–and swing by both the clubhouse and the tattoo shop so Archer can handle a few things–before it’s late in the evening and our daughter is safely sleeping in her bed.

  Archer is writing a report on his laptop when I place a beer on the table next to him. Her gives a grunt and keeps his eyes pinned on his work. I grab my laptop too and take a sip of the chilled Baileys I brought for myself.

  Archer notices my drink and lets his gaze collide with mine. He raises one of his eyebrows and I know exactly why he’s giving me this look; I haven’t had a drink in over a year. The last one was right before I was pregnant and with breastfeeding I didn’t touch it either.

  I’ve never been much of a drinker, but I do like the taste of Baileys and right now I need a little sip of this deliciousness to relax. I simply shrug, take another sip, and fire up my laptop. Archer gave me all the access I need to do formal checks instead of hacking.

  Sure, I can still hack into systems if needed, it just adds to the paperwork he needs to fill out. I guess that’s also why he flipped a bit when I was randomly hacking into systems to check hunches.

  Normally I wouldn’t see Archer filling out reports since it’s easier for him to stay at the clubhouse and handle it in his office. But he’s determined to change the way he handles his time and I’m not complaining one bit.

  Even if he’s not really spending time with me, he is however in my company–sitting across from me and shooting heated glances every now and then–while doing the work he normally would wrap up elsewhere.

  It will take some adjusting since he’s now home and not within reach of his brothers at the clubhouse. And it shows by the stream of messages and calls. Archer shrugs it off by telling me the brothers will get used to it too. Besides, Wyatt is always at the clubhouse and he’s the VP; dividing tasks is what they are supposed to do.

  “Would you like another one?” Archer’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

  His voice carried a hint of laughter and sarcasm. My eyes quickly bounce between my glass and the time on the corner of my laptop, noticing I’ve been working for over an hour without taking a sip.

  “I don’t like it chilled,” I mutter and grab some of the papers, enthralled by the case because I think I finally found a link.

  “I know,” Archer says and it’s voiced in a way where I get the idea he wants to ramble some more.

  He might have finished his report but I’m so damn close and it makes me grumble, “Leave me alone, I’m so damn close.”

  “If I’d known you get grouchy taking cases I wouldn’t have–”

  He’s smart enough not to finish his sentence when I shoot him an angry glare. Archer nudges my glass. I swoop it away and take a sip, letting the sweetness hit my tongue.

  “I think I’ve found the connection. Let me show you,” I tell him.

  Archer grabs a chair next to me and drags it closer. I turn the laptop slightly and flip through all the tabs I have open on my screen. He blinks a few times and gives a little shake with his head. I repeat my actions but this time point out the times in the system which logs, and shows, what file was opened by which computer at what time.

  “Who is it?” Archer asks, his voice turning angry.

  “I don’t know. I was about to figure it out but you interrupted me,” I grumble and continue to track down the IP address and the access codes that were used to glance at the criminals who all ended up dead.

“There,” I state with satisfaction, and point at the name.

  “Hmmm…sounds familiar. Hang on,” Archer muses and pulls out his phone. “Baton, does the name Woolerton ring a bell? Right. Yeah. No, that’s all I need for now. Can you tell Wyatt we need a full table in church tomorrow morning? Thanks.”

  He hangs up and places his phone on the table. Picking up my glass he hands it to me and shoves my laptop slightly back.

  “Can you print screen the info and send it to Ganza? Then you can turn off the computer for now.”

  I stare at him while taking a few sips of Baileys. His face doesn’t give anything away and I reluctantly place the glass on the table. I take a few print screens, write a quick note, and send the info to Ganza. Shutting the laptop down, I grab my glass again and keep my eyes pinned with his.

  Archer stands and eventually says, “Woolerton is Sven Rucklands’ partner. This just turned into a fucking shitstorm since my gut tells me this is not a fucking coincidence.”

  Holy shit. “You’re kidding me. Do you think this is somehow linked with Galen? Sven was with him the night he was murdered and now we found out Sven’s partner went through all the files of the men who ended up dead.”

  His face turns grim. “Hence the shitstorm.”

  Archer’s phone starts to ring at the same time someone starts to knock on our door. Archer answers his phone while stalking to the door. Wyatt storms inside but sees Archer is on the phone.

  He heads toward me and whisper hisses, “Is it true? I was sitting next to Ganza when you sent him the stuff you found.”

  I nod but can’t reply because Archer growls, “Galen was murdered, and not by that homeless dude. I just fucking know it.”

  Wyatt rubs his neck. “How are we going to handle it?”

  “My old lady and Ganza are going to dig deeper and get everything there is to find about the both of them.”

  Wyatt nods at Archer’s words but there’s still something besides this I stumbled onto and I have to ask, “Archer, you know I asked to contact some people, right?”


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