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Kelly Exposed

Page 18

by Viktor Redreich

  I cried out as my orgasm came. Blanche changed from fucking to sucking, eagerly swallowing all I had to offer.

  My energy waned, and quickly. The need for sleep crashed into me like the heavy body of a jaguar slamming down on a hapless fawn. I pushed Blanche away and, ignoring the other students, I headed back into the dorm and shut the door.

  “She really put you in your place, Blanche!” someone crowed.

  “It’s about time!”

  “Guess you’re not going to be the most popular girl for much longer.”

  I sat down on my bed, preparing to fall over into sleep. The door opened and Blanche stumbled in. I got a good look at the damage I had done to her. She bore bruises, and scratches from where I’d clawed her clothes off, and her thighs were wet from her many helpless orgasms. The emotional damage was even clearer to see. Her entire posture was different, her body crumpling in on itself. She approached me with her head down, her face puckered with shame like a scolded dog. Like a bitch about to submit.

  I held back on the need to sleep for a little while longer. “What?”

  Blanche got down on her knees in front of me and put her hands on my knees. “I’m sorry, Kelly. I acted horribly. I think I needed to lose that fight.”

  I snorted and pushed her hands off. “You really did. You’re lucky I’m exhausted or I’d be throwing you out of here on your ass.”

  She shuddered and whimpered pathetically. “I was jealous that you started to outshine me. I’m sorry. I take back everything I said. Please, let me be your friend. Let me make it up to you?”

  “What do you have that I could want?”

  In answer, she crouched lower and started to lick my pussy. Her tongue was so gentle and that was exactly what I needed. I crested to a gentle climax. Sleep finally came over me, blissful sleep.

  But just before that, I dimly registered the wind had picked up and it was starting to rain.

  Chapter 24

  Brains are for boys

  A resounding boom awoke me. I lifted my head and blinked, my eyes crusty and bleary. I untangled one arm from Blanche and rubbed my face. “What was that?”

  Blanche stirred around. “What was what?” she murmured. She shifted around on the mattress, moving away from where she’d been cuddled so close to me. I didn’t recall her climbing in with me but it made sense. I’d fucked her bitch attitude into submission; like all people who tried too hard, she was going to grab onto the person who got one up on her.

  Another boom rocked the dorm room and this time I was awake enough to recognize the sound. Thunder, sounding like it was right overhead.

  With a soft electrical squeal, the school broadcast system turned on. Carly’s voice came on over the loudspeaker, urgent and sharp.

  “Attention all students. Attention all students. Please note that tropical storm Nova has been upgraded to a Category One hurricane. As forecast, the hurricane has changed course and is approaching the island. All roads and public facilities have been closed until further notice. Nova is expected to linger near the island for the next few hours. For your safety, all students are asked to proceed directly to their dorm rooms and stay there until the all-clear is given. We will provide further updates as necessary.”

  Blanche looked at me and bit her lip. “What should we do?”

  “Shut up,” I whispered. Carly had only paused for breath.

  “On a somewhat lighter note,” she continued, “ground staff and visitors are stranded here with this. We should all do everything we can to make them feel welcome. Some of you will be required to share your dorm rooms. I’m sure you can all find ways to spend your time productively. Thank you. Be safe.” There was static, then silence.

  I got up out of bed and pulled some clothes out of Blanche’s bag. The shirt I chose was too big and my breasts were visible through the neck hole. I didn’t care.

  Blanche followed my lead and also got dressed. She waited to dig into her bag until after I was finished.

  I headed out into the hall ahead of her. Some other students had already done the same. We all exchanged looks. I knew I had questions and could see everyone else did, too.

  Before any of us could say anything, the silence broke. The door to the dorm building burst open and a parade of soaking-wet students barged in. More than one umbrella had been turned inside-out by the force of the wind.

  Simone paused in the middle of the hall and spread her arms, looking down at herself. Others looked to her to see what was causing the traffic jam preventing them from getting to their rooms.

  “My shirt is ruined,” she said. She sounded almost calm about it, though everyone there knew how much she loved that shirt. She had gotten it specifically to show off during Sports Day and hadn’t shut up about it since. It really was a lovely shirt, a fine woven white material. Well, it had been a lovely shirt. Now it was a soaked, shriveled ruin.

  Simone looked up at everyone and her face crumpled. She started to sob, her fear escaping as simple petulance over the ruined shirt. I brushed past everyone and hugged her wet body tight to my own. “It’s okay,” I told her, knowing she wasn’t really so upset about the shirt. She was just scared.

  Looking around, several others were also in tears and being comforted by their classmates. The wind was picking up, howling, smashed debris against the walls of the school with such force it felt like we were inside of a drum. The rain slashed violently through the air, thundering down upon the roof. Thunder roared right overhead. Some girls screamed and dove into their rooms. The lights flickered and went out for a second before snapping back on.

  I pushed Simone into the arms of her roommate. “We should all go to our rooms like Carly said.”

  No one heard me, the sound of my voice lost beneath another ferocious crack of lighting.

  The doors to the building slammed open again and more people flooded through, ground staff and visitors alike by the looks of them. One of the men at the front of the new group cracked his knuckles and licked his lips. He raised his voice to be heard over the storm. “We’re supposed to stay with you. Who’s gonna open their room to me?”

  I hung back a little to watch the proceedings. In the time of crisis, everyone seemed to unanimously agree to use sex to combat their fears. Pairs and groupings formed right away and soon there was a chorus of moans to rival the thunder. A few professors had come into the dorms along with the ground staff, and they passed around bags to everyone couple of rooms. I received one and peered inside. Dildos, strap-ons, fancy chocolates…

  Not exactly survival gear.

  There was a brilliance to all of this, in a way. By giving everyone something to do and treating the storm as less serious, the professors were helping us to get through it.

  I handed the bag over to another student and took a look around to see who I might have a chance with. In the not-so-distant past, I’d have been trying to rally the other girls to stand strong on their own but right then, I didn’t feel like so much of a feminist. I had just spotted a man I knew, somehow still on his own even though the tales of his hue cock had taken on legendary proportions. If Zion was a god, then this man was a demi-god.

  Jamie, the gorgeous ebony janitor. He had paid such close attention to me even while fucking another woman.

  As I watched him, his eyes landed upon me and lit up with fire. A smile broke out across his face. He started toward me.

  My pussy started to get wet just from his approach.

  Another student grabbed onto Jamie’s arm and spoke to him, her voice lost in the din. I turned away, disappointed. I’d have to be content with my roomies. I usually was, but now I was sad that I’d be stuck with them.

  A hand dropped onto my shoulder. “Where do you think you’re going, baby?”

  His voice sent a tremor down my spine. I looked up into Jamie’s blazing eyes and caught my breath. “That other girl…?”

  He draped his arm around my shoulders and pulled my body flush to his, letting me feel the pressure of his hard-
on. “I showed her my buddy and told her to make him happy. I want you. I’ve wanted you since I saw you.”

  “You’re teasing me,” I murmured, resting my hand on his chest. He wore a white tank top and cutoff blue jeans. He must have gotten hot while working so hard, despite the cold the storm brought. His skin looked especially rich and chocolatey when contrasted against the paleness of the top.

  “No,” he said. He put his arm around me and drew me into the dorm room. Blanche followed after us. I was about to be annoyed with her neediness when I noticed she had a professor in either hand -but it wasn’t their hands she held. She took them to her bed.

  Jamie sat down on the carpet and pulled me into his lap. It was the most comfortable seat ever, despite his hardness jabbing into me from beneath.

  I rubbed my face in his neck. “What do you mean, no?”

  He slid his tongue around my ear, making heat shimmer in my blood. “I mean I’ve wanted you since I saw you, like I said. No teasing. You were so demure, but damn, was there a fire inside you. I been wanting a taste of that.”

  The lights flickered again. I flinched and burrowed into Jamie’s chest. A professor poked his head in through the doorway long enough to set up a couple of candles before disappearing again.

  The lights went out fully and didn’t come back on, though the lightning flashing through the windows in the dorms provided intermittent visibility.

  “I’ve got you,” Jamie purred.

  I stroked my hands over his chest and helped pull off his wet tank. His muscles were so defined and he looked so strong and capable, like he could easily lit me and protect me from anything. I imagined him as a wildman, sleek and naked, battling a jaguar into submission with his bare hands, all to keep me from harm. As a wildwoman, I would surely reward him with sex.

  Jamie watched me. I blinked out of my imagination and lifted my face to his. His profile was so beautiful, especially with the amber candlelight chasing patterns over his skin.

  He stroked the side of my face with his knuckles. “Want a distraction?” he purred. “I can do something to make you forget all about what’s going on outside.”

  Thunder roared. My breath caught in my throat, but not from fear. I licked my lips and leaned forward in his lap, pressing my clit on his bulge. “I’d like that,” I said softly.

  In a flash of lightning, I glimpsed Priscilla and Caroline on the bunk on the other side of the room, with a man sandwiched between them. Then Jamie began kissing me, his tongue thrusting into my mouth, tangling and twisting with my own, and I stopped caring about what my roomies were up to. I grabbed Jamie’s strong face in my hands and gave him my tongue. Jamie’s fingers threaded into my hair. He pushed my head back and dominated my mouth, his lips claiming mine, pulling hard. His tongue thrust in and out. It was the sort of kissing wet dreams ought to be made of. I lost my breath, my breasts heaving against his chest. Each thrust of his tongue and each suck on my lips, I felt all the way in my pussy.

  Jamie yanked my oversized top down around my waist and started sucking on my breasts. Each pull with his mouth resonated deep inside me, pulling at my core. I moaned and stroked his shoulders. His hand disappeared down my pants, his fingers finding my clit with practiced ease. He rubbed me while still sucking my nipples. My hips began to squirm, my pussy dripping with need.

  “Jamie!” I cried out, my ass clenching with oncoming spasms.

  He swirled one finger into my pussy. My eager muscles grabbed at him and tried to pull him in deep. A flash of fire went through me, desire and impatience blending. As good as this felt, I wanted his hard cock to fill me and touch every part of me at once.

  Before I could say anything, Jamie sensed my need and undressed me. I helped get rid of the rest of his clothes. As soon as we were both naked, I pushed him onto his back and straddled him.

  I gasped as I sank down on him, wriggling my hips to help with the process. He was even thicker and harder than I had imagined, and it felt even better inside my tight, warm pussy. With a final push, I took all of him inside me. I threw my head back and cried out in pleasure. He was shaped exactly right to hit all the best places inside me.

  Jamie tossed his own head and groaned out. “Fuck yes! Ride me, Kelly!”

  I leaned over and braced my hands on his defined chest. I rocked and bounced on him, and he screwed hard into me. He reached up and massaged my bouncing breasts. I thrust my hand between my legs and rubbed the hell out of my clit.

  It had to have been a coincidence, but it seemed as though our uninhibited actions served as the catalyst for everyone else. Everyone in the room started to fuck harder and moans and dirty talk rose, filling the air and very nearly blocking out the sounds of the storm.

  As I writhed on top of Jamie, I felt a sudden gust of hot breath on the back of my neck. Someone positioned themselves behind me. A hard, thick cock pushed against my ass. I moaned and leaned forward even deeper over Jamie’s hot body, lifting my ass up. The cock surged into me. I gasped out loud at the sensation of fullness. The two men bucked against me, fucking me, rocking me back and forth between their bodies.

  A massive orgasm took hold of me. I squeezed my clit hard between my fingers to make it all the more intense. Two voices lifted in twin roars and hot cum burned into me from two directions.

  Thunder snarled even louder than the shouts of the men buried inside me but I was beyond caring. I had gone somewhere else, to a plane high above the storm. I felt detached from it all, as if my mind had been fucked from my body. The intensity of the storm was increasing, I could tell, from the pounding of the harsh rain and the explosive bursts of energy ricocheting across the valley sky. It matched the intensity of the group sex going on in the dorm, and in all the other dorms.

  Then, I dropped back down inside myself, gasping, all the clarity of before gone and replaced with a lustful haze. Hard hands gripped me and I went eagerly to the man grabbing onto me, spreading my legs. Cum dripped from my pussy, mine and Jamie’s. The man buried himself inside me, and I felt Jamie move away to someone else. The mingling continued for hours, a frenzied fuckfest unlike anything even a pornstar could imagine. Just when I thought I had run out of energy, when my pussy couldn’t handle another pounding, someone else came to me and reignited my desires with a kiss, a skillful touch, an exploratory tongue.

  I was on my hands and knees, devouring a professor’s pussy, getting drilled in the ass by a gardener’s cock, when I heard the sound. That it was so quiet was the only reason I heard it. Had it been any louder, it would have blended into the cacophony of fucking and storming. I kept arching back against the cock inside me, kept eating out the pussy in front of me, the actions so automatic and instinctual now I didn’t have to pay attention to what I was doing. And I wasn’t paying attention. I was listening to that faint ringing.

  I turned my head and saw it there, under my bed. A soft green light pulsed on the side of the device, the only working electronic signal in the entire room. It was the phone Alora gave me. I had hidden it away as soon as I returned to campus that day. I had hidden it to keep it a secret from my roommates, and to keep it out of my sight so I wouldn’t obsess over it.

  It had worked, because I had almost totally forgotten about it. The only time I recalled its existence was at night, and then I felt it under there, like that fairytale about the princess and the intrusive pea beneath her mattress.

  Now the phone served as a reminder that I didn’t belong here and shouldn’t be enjoying this debauchery.

  But who was calling?


  Why would she call in the midst of a storm? She was supposed to reach out to me when I could leave and this storm was the exact reason I couldn’t go anywhere!

  A wrong number?

  The professor grabbed my hair and yanked on it, sending pain through my scalp and down my spine. “Don’t stop!”

  I hadn’t realized I’d stopped. I shoved my tongue into her wet depths and resumed with ferocity to make up for my lapse. Still,
I wasn’t as in to it as I should have been. My pussy felt like sandpaper. The pounding in my ass, painful and rough and hard, did nothing for me.

  I was losing sight of who I was. What if I had been wrong? What if it was really too late and I could never go back to normal? What if this was who I really was? A slut?

  What was right and what was wrong? I just didn’t know.

  I needed to think. This wasn’t a good time for thinking but I absolutely had to. I was a feminist, wasn’t I? I was a good girl, right?

  The phone stopped ringing.

  I struggled to regain my wits but it was a fight I wouldn’t win. The lapse of pleasure had been only a temporary thing and I couldn’t push back against the surging wave of its return. An orgasm took hold of me, scrambling my brain cells as my body shook and my pussy clenched.

  Slut. Slut. Slutslutslutslut.

  Who was I?

  Hands grabbed me, passed me on. A set of female students surrounded me, their faces all so familiar. They were all of the girls who proclaimed to be my biggest fans, who were enamored by me and sought to get my attention at every turn. I was placed in their center and they did as they pleased, luxuriating in finally having as much of me as they could take. I was licked, sucked, fingered, stroked. I had lost control of my body and its wanton needs. All I could do was take and take and take, seemingly without limits.

  Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes but I didn’t have the strength or presence of mind to stop the fucking. I didn’t think I could bear it if it continued, but neither could I bear it if it came to an end.

  I continued to take multiple cocks. I continued to grind my pussy on other pussies. I continued to soak up being the center of attention because, for the first time in my life, everyone wanted me.


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