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Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction Secrets for Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2)

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by Linda West

  Expect your money to leave your hands and bring you back more. Believe that more money wants to hang out with you. Learn to like money instead of fearing it. Talk to it, fall in love with it, and watch that cash bring home more of its friends.

  Play with your money. See it as friend, not foe, and tell it to go and bring back more of the same. Get those little buddies working for you and tell them to stick to more cash and bring it back.

  The point is we are afraid of money because most of the time we don't have enough of it.

  Change your relationship with money. Love what you have, and when you spend it, pretend it’s going out to seek more money for you, because things are magnetized to things that love them.

  Love brings everything you love towards you so love money.

  Now, do you see why the greedy ‘money lovers’ have so much? Unfortunately, many of those lost souls only love money. But you aren't a lost soul. You have room to love your wife, your kids, your cat - and some cash too, right?

  Love it, but not above all else.

  Money can't buy the number one thing everyone wants....

  and that is love.

  Well done. Let's move forward.

  Chapter 3

  Love Love Love

  The one thing that all my clients wish for is love. Now, love is a complicated thing. Ha ha. That’s the under statement of the year!

  When it comes to manifesting love, we very often have our sights set on a particular person.

  Preferably, we should be focusing on the feeling we want to have with a partner, and then magnetize that feeling in a person, to us.

  Love is a universal force on its own and goes hand-in-hand with divine timing. Thus, ‘true love’ is truly out of our human control.

  Some people ask me, “Can I manifest love?”

  I say “Yes, you can.”

  When they say, “But can I manifest love with the person

  I want to love me?”

  I say, “Sometimes.”

  But when they say, “Can I manifest true love?”

  I say, “I don't know. I haven't done it yet. :) Only kidding. Ha ha.”

  As far as true love goes, that's in God's hands.

  Here's an example from one of my clients and her experience using the 5-step process in her love life:

  In my private practice, I was working with a girl named

  Natalie. Natalie was devastated because she was having trouble in her love life. It was 6 AM and she was at my table, crying over her coffee.

  I knew this was going to be a tough case because she was already in such a low frequency, it was going to be difficult to manifest anything positive.

  She had recently gotten back together with an ex boyfriend. It had been six years since they had been apart and now he had recently initiated contact and it looked like things were moving forward again.

  They were going out on regular dates and talking to each other every day.

  Then suddenly, everything just seemed to stall. He no longer seemed interested in pursuing the relationship and rarely initiated any calls.

  Natalie was confused and sad.

  It was the holidays and now he was barely returning her texts and emails. She was desperate and didn't know what to do.

  The very first thing I did was attend to Natalie's frequency level.

  I explained to her that she was going to need to stop crying if she wanted to get any good manifestation going. She couldn't do it from the level she was at.

  Somehow, she would have to find a way to rally herself and pull herself up to a higher frequency.

  I explained to her that we needed to either dead and bury this relationship, in which case I would mourn with her; or she had better get herself into a ‘faith’ place, that would allow a better outcome.

  I started working with her in a movie form saying,

  "Let's just imagine him showing up at your house. He's been really busy. He has some great reason; how would that look? What would that sound like?

  When you feel it as real, then hold onto that feeling."

  Needless to say, coaching her up to a higher frequency of belief, even imaginary belief, was difficult at this point because she was so down. We did our best to work through the process and she left in high spirits and was hopeful.

  All throughout the day, she continued to call me crying, and I would continue to get her laughing, and then instruct her to imagine a good scene.

  I told her to imagine something she wanted to occur right now, even something surprising, like him suddenly showing up at her door or accidentally running into him.

  Maybe something would remind him of her and he would be prompted to call her and ask her on a date.

  Consequently, in the few minutes I worked with her, I could get her into a good frequency and thus, a believing place. Once she was in this better vibration, she would start to feel good again and I would say, "Okay, hold that."

  Unfortunately, right after I would get off the phone with her, she would call an hour later, in the same state of hopelessness and disbelief.

  As darkness fell, a worn out and defeated Natalie asked if she could call me one last time before she went to bed, because that was her most difficult time. I understood.

  At about 11 o'clock that night, she called me. I picked up the phone, expecting to have to console her once again, and instead, she sounded completely different. In fact, she was bubbling with excitement.

  I said, "What's up?"

  She said, "He's here.”

  I said, "What?"

  She said, "We are coming over!”

  Ten minutes later, Natalie and her lover were sitting at the same breakfast table she'd just been at that morning, crying over her coffee (and waking me up at 6 AM).

  Now, here he was, sitting with her at my table.

  Natalie's explanation to me, later, went like this:

  “Wow, what a coincidence! Seems he just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought of me and decided to just pop by at 11 o'clock at night and see if I was home...”

  Hmm well, yes, what a coincidence that she got exactly what she had been manifesting since that morning!

  Remember, I told you that when your wish comes through, very often you would be surprised? It's always a great surprise because it's a gift!

  Needless to say, Natalie was elated, he was smiling, and I was happy for both of them.

  Natalie had finally gotten what she wanted.

  Or, so it seemed.

  Yes, Natalie had gotten what she wanted in the moment.

  I knew that for certain, because he was sitting right in front of me.

  However, I also knew that love has an agenda that works outside all the universal laws, because it is a law unto itself.

  This wonderful reunion might have been the chance they needed to rekindle their romance, or it might have just been all the great white spirit could bring them, because this love wasn't meant to be.

  Sorry. I know this sounds harsh.

  I know if you care about someone, and you are hoping they will love you, that you want me to say, “I can help make that happen for you.”

  The truth is, I can help you.

  I can help you make the relationship better, closer, and even get a second chance. But I can't help you make someone love you if they aren't meant to.

  But that's okay. I assure you, we have all thought at one time or another, that the person we are fixated on NOW is the only one.

  If you don't have a love partner in your life right now, you will. You can't miss with love, for love is a destiny that we are all given. If love seems to not be present, believe that the pieces are falling into place so that the right person can merge with you.

  One of the best ways to ensure that love shows up in your life, is to love yourself first. Do this by taking care of you.

  I don't mean to go get all narcissistic and greedy and unthoughtful. I mean, make sure you feel good before you proceed in anything. Honor your feelings. By
doing this, you show love to yourself.

  Only let love and loving people around you. Begin to move out and away from low frequency people that make you feel bad or less than all you can be. Love doesn't hurt. Love emboldens and expands you into a ‘better you.’ Sometimes it doesn't move as fast as you like because love is a force all its own.

  Be assured, love is coming for you too.

  Love has its own timing and its own plan. Love is divine and perhaps God is love. Rest assured, love will find you.

  The truth is, Natalie did manage to have her ex boyfriend show up in her life and be with him that last time. And that was the last time that she saw him, because they never did end up reconciling.

  The moral of the story, and what we all can take away from this is; you can manifest something in the moment, but you can't manifest somebody having feelings for you that they don't really have.

  As I said, love is a divine force and thus, is often out of our hands.

  In the end, Natalie didn't get the relationship that she wanted with her ex boyfriend. But she did get to see him one more time, and that did bring her some sense of closure and happiness.

  Plus, of course she got the satisfaction of knowing that she can manifest things she wants, even the seemingly impossible.

  That said, rules are made to be broken and goodness knows, in love, anything goes. So yes, you can get someone excited to see you, and yes you can most likely get the date you want with someone, but making them fall in love with you? Well, I'd pray!

  Delightfully, Natalie's story does have a happy ending.

  A year later, Natalie met Troy, who is the man of her dreams. They are happily married today, and wow, is she happy it didn't work out with her ex!

  If you don't see how love could happen for you, guess what? You don't need to see it. It's coming for you, as much as you are looking for it.

  As hard as love may feel for you now, try and have faith.

  Stay happy and expecting.

  Remember how great it was for Natalie that her wish for the wrong man wasn't granted!

  Chapter 4

  Decide What To Wish For

  After about five years of manifesting for myself, and helping my clients manifest, I found myself at a standstill. I realized I was on glide. I didn't know what I wanted, and because of that, I wasn't manifesting anything new in my life.

  I felt stuck.

  I realized that very often, one of the hardest things about manifesting is deciding what you really want, and getting excited about it.

  This is because it's the excitement and love and passion for the thing that drives it towards you.

  We manifest things in our life that we love.

  Thus, even though this may seem very simple and obvious at first, we begin with the first step on our way to making our dream a reality, and the first step of our 5 step process, which is deciding what to wish for.

  Step 1 – Decide What to Wish For.

  The first step toward manifesting your dream is figuring out just what really gets you excited, passionate and in love enough to manifest it!

  There will be no luke warm manifestations!

  You manifest things you love.

  Figuring out what really makes you happy and what you really love might be the hardest part of the entire process of manifestation.

  Oh, you think that won't be so hard, huh?

  You say you're busting out with desires, ready to go?

  We'll, okay, let's try it...

  Let me ask you now, “What makes your heart sing?”

  Hmm. Did she just say, “sing”?

  Well, yes I did.

  Okay, I'm listening.

  What is it that you could bring into your life

  that would truly make your spirit and your heart happy?

  Did you get stuck on that one?

  Perhaps, did you stop yourself from believing you could get it? Or that other than paying the bills and your daily responsibilities, you couldn't put your finger on something you really wanted just for you?

  Let’s go there. If you're really in a topsy-turvy place, can't pay your bills or find any security, then the first thing you're going to want to manifest is abundance, security safety and contentment.

  These are valid wishes.

  Survival is first in the paradigm of importance.

  However, if you are getting along fine, and who wants to be just fine? - You want total BLISS! - I'm trying to push you into manifesting something amazing!

  When we were children, we had no problem figuring out what we wanted.

  Our dreams didn't get squashed. We just kept dreaming bigger and bigger.

  Somewhere along the line, we got told not to dream so big, or that it would be impossible to buy a castle, for instance. (My best friend's brother actually owns a castle in Ireland, so it’s not impossible).

  It’s impossible to become a movie star ( Did it, okay maybe ‘star’ wouldn't be quite the right word, but I did get paid to be in movies :)).

  It’s impossible unless you're rich to travel the world (but I’m currently doing that too).

  We tell ourselves it's impossible and we end up believing we can't attain our dreams.

  Inevitably, we stop trying to get our wishes and we stop believing.

  Believing it's impossible, we then stop wanting, dreaming and wishing. And then we don't get anything.

  Then our worst fears are realized

  because we are living un-magical lives.

  If you were truly satisfied with just paying your bills, going to work and muddling through the rat race, then you wouldn't be reading this.

  I can assure you that you will never have that life again. Miracles and magic do still exist, and you're about to tap into them. It's going to make you so happy!

  I don't want to drone on about my own life, but for some of you, it may prove helpful to hear some real life examples of the use of this and how it flows. Hence, I'm going to share one of my first manifestations that occurred when I first starting using this process consciously.

  Looking back, I realize how important being very precise is, when you send out your desires. If you wanted to call me, you would call ‘Linda West.’ If you dialed up ‘Laura West,’ you would be close, but you still wouldn't get me on the phone.

  It’s the same exact thing with manifesting.

  This is why, as we move along, I will continue to drum it into you, to be precise about what you want.

  In this case study, I received exactly what I dialed up.

  Date/Time/Event. I advise you to do the same; the more exact, the better.

  I had just started working with other people teaching this 5-step process and I was lecturing on my first book about frequencies. At the time, my son was five years old, I was recently divorced, and didn't have much money.

  I could barely pay the electric bill. And yes, those rock and roll riches-to-rags stories are true.

  This was previous to The Secret, so there wasn't much of a market for people interested in learning frequency attunement, or what later would be popularly known as ‘The Law of Attraction.’

  Despite the difficulties I was having just bringing up

  a child alone in uber expensive LA, I still found myself really wanting to learn how to surf. The ocean just thrilled me.

  I was a Buffalo girl and we only had rivers and lakes.

  The ocean was passionate, wild and mysterious. I couldn't believe those Californians were just riding all over it on surfboards!

  I fell in love with surfing and the ocean. I took lessons, I watched videos, and I floundered around in the waves as best I could.

  I wanted so much to learn how to surf but I just couldn't seem to get it. I was a gymnast my whole life so it was darn right humiliating that I couldn't master even beginner moves on my surfboard. Of course, in a gym you don't have sharks or waves that can kill you. What a thrill! :)

  When I got into the water, wow, the Pacific was really cold and the big crowds would
make me feel insecure. I just couldn't seem to learn and get good.

  I would avidly watch all the Roxy videos of the girls in bikinis in Hawaii at Waikiki surfing in front of Diamond Head. They looked so happy, smiling, jumping in the water with their warm little suits on and making it look so fun and easy!


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