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by Jana Leigh


  The Beta’s Double Trouble

  By Jana Leigh

  Published by JLK

  Smashwords Edition

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  © Copyright 2011 Jana Leigh. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author From the Author: Thank you to all those who have sent encouraging email and messages. You can check out my web site: I would like to thank my husband and the man whom I will always dream about. You are my inspiration and my fantasy, without you, I would not have done any of this.

  Jana Leigh


  Devon sat in a chair across from his Alphas and sighed heavily. Cami, the Alpha female, was hiding a smile behind her hand. His Alphas, Quin, and Jaden did not even try to hide the smirks that were on their faces. Devon thought for a brief moment about killing his Alpha, but then realized he would have to take over his job, so he sat back and considered maiming him instead.

  The man could still be the Alpha with one arm. Devon grinned as he continued in his thought pattern.

  “Devon, you can’t run away from your destiny. You heard the same thing we did. You have to find your mate, get her knocked up, and then we must find the rest of the missing wolves from the Prophesy. Something is coming, and we have to be ready. You know better than anyone the Rogues have stepped up their attacks. They are working for whoever the heck is trying to stop the Prophesy from coming true. The papers said that once we were all together and had found our mates, we would be able to live in the open. Someone does not want that to happen. They would rather use their power to control humans. We are working against the clock. They are looking for the rest now.” Quin said.

  “Did you just say knocked up? Is that what you are going to tell your little ball of fur? ‘I knocked mama up, that is how you were conceived, and of course it was all with love.’ Freakin’

  ass!” Cami, his mate, yelled. “Let me tell you something buddy, I hear you say that again, and you will be celibate for life, and sleeping on the couch for the next thirty years!”

  “Shit, now look what you made me do. I am getting sick and tired of this conversation, Devon.” Quin growled and ran his hands through his hair. He knew that tonight was going to be a long night if he did not get his woman to forgive him.

  “I know that, I think we should find the remaining nine wolves from the Prophesy and see where we stand. I will find my mate after we have found the rest of the Chosen. You are the one who opened your big mouth and got yourself in trouble.” Devon growled. The only thing that would make him smile later is thinking about his Alpha having to grovel and get back in Cami’s good graces. Devon knew from experience how she carried a grudge.

  “Why are you putting off the inevitable Devon? Quin, don’t think I will not take advantage of you being in the dog house either. A night alone with our little mate will make me a happy man.

  I love it when you get in trouble.” Jaden asked and smirked at his mate while looking at his other mate as she stomped out of the room.

  Devon growled again and looked at his friends. They were perfect together. He wished it would be this easy to find his mate and be happy. All wolves wanted the peace and happiness that they received when they joined with their mate. Devon was just a little leery about finding his mate, what if she was tiny, like their Alpha’s mate. He was worried his mate would be intimidated by his size and strength. He was big, standing at six feet seven and built like a football linebacker.

  Devon was the Beta of the wolf Pack and thus the second in command. Devon never thought beyond his responsibilities. He was feared among the Packs in America, but that was his job.

  Betas of the Pack were the protectors, they commanded the Enforcers and protected the Alphas, not that Quin, or Jaden needed it. They were legendary in the Werewolf community for their strength and fierceness. The Denver Pack was the most prosperous and strongest in America.

  When they came here ten years ago, they were part of the Gevaudan Pack from Europe. Quin's parents were the Alphas of that Pack. They were well respected in Europe. When the werewolves in America began to multiply, the Council heard that Rogues were becoming more and more prevalent; they decided that someone must come to America and develop a hierarchy.

  Quin had volunteered, and Devon being his friend, had offered to come as well.

  Werewolves that were born did not manifest themselves, unless they were around other wolves.

  Since most of the werewolves who did not want to accept their other half immigrated to the United States; it was only when their descendants visited Europe that they would change. Not understanding what was happening, they would return home to find they were a Werewolf. The Council sent people to America to help explain and show them the way of the wolf. It had worked for a time, but without constant influence, it was a matter of time before some of the people that were shifters, slipped through the cracks.

  Wolves that were born changed when they hit puberty if they were around shifters, or they remained dormant until they were exposed to a shifter. They needed guidance, and help, when this happened or the urges would consume them. Changing a human to a werewolf was not as simple as one might think. There are two different types of bites, one for mating, and one for changing. When a wolf bites his mate, he releases endorphins, which make them orgasm. If a wolf tries intentionally to change someone, then a serum is released that will change a person at the full moon. Not all wolves can release the serum to change a human. Only those who were born a wolf can do it, and unless trained, they did not know they could not change someone, and could end up killing them by accident. Cami, the Alpha mate, thought there should be a book entitled ‘Wolf 101’ for all newly discovered wolves or changed wolves.

  Some of the Rogues made wolves and never told them they could not change others, which caused a lot of accidents when they continued to bite people to turn them at a full moon. Many people had died because of the injuries, and it could have been prevented. This was how they could track the Rogue Packs. Animal attacks had increased over the years. As sad as it was, it did do them a favor, by being able to follow their trail through the attacks.

  They worked hard to develop and show the Packs in America how a Pack behaved. So far, they had been able to settle more than fifty small Packs around the country. If it were not for the Rogues, things would be going very well. Most werewolves wanted to find their mates and live in peace. They did not want to use the fact they were superior to humans as an advantage. The Rogues were different. They wanted to use their power to influence and control humans. They felt they were superior, and because of that, should be allowed to take what they wanted from humans. Money and power can be a great motivator.

  When Quin and Jaden found their mate and became the first Triad Alpha group in centuries, they should have known something was up. The Rogues, of course, tried to stop them from mating and leading, but so far, the Rogues had by been unable to get close to them, after the first failure.

  Then one of Devon’s Enforcers, Tey, found his mate, a White Wolf. They had been given the surprise of their life. Jo, Tey’s mate, was the long lost daughter of the
current Council head. She was the second in the Prophesy, and had not known she was even a wolf let alone a special wolf.

  It was then that they had discovered the Prophesy had been true, and they were still able to see it come to fruition.

  Standing in the back of the room, no one notice that he had become pale and sweating, until the current leader of the Council, and Jo’s father announced that Devon was one of the Chosen. His friends had turned to him and grinned while he quietly had a panic attack. Devon’s parents told him when he was young that he was destined for great things, what child did not want to hear that? He thought they were talking about his size and the fact he was born to be a Beta. Devon knew that in a fight it would be close between him and Quin. That was why he was Beta, he was strong enough to take over if anything happened to his friend, but he would never challenge his Alpha. Quin was too good at leading the Pack and to be honest Devon never wanted the headache of being an Alpha.

  They had been discussing a plan of action for weeks, how they were going to find the Chosen, and how they were going to protect them once they did. Devon had resisted actively finding his mate for many reasons. Most important being, he knew if he found his mate, he would move from the position of Beta of the Pack to a member of the Council. One of the things they had decided was the new Council would not be in Europe. They were needed in America to establish order and peace between humans and other Were. Since Quin was Alpha of the Denver Pack and would be the leader of the Council, they would have the new Council here in Denver and the Pack would be called the Denver Council Pack. Even with the new responsibilities, Quin trusted everyone in his Pack, and knew the Pack would grow when the word leaked out about the changes that were coming. Except for Quin’s parent’s Pack, the Council Pack in Europe was the biggest in the world, wolves tended to be drawn to the leading Pack.

  Once they were out in the open, the Were community would be able to live with humans in the open and without fear of recriminations. The only problem was, at this time, someone did not like the fact that they would come out to the public. The Rogues felt, that if they continued in secrecy, they would be able to use the humans to take the power they needed to rule. Rule the human world, and the Were community, it was a recipe for disaster, and the fight was just beginning.

  The Seer had produced all the papers the previous Seer, who, because of the attack and kidnapping thought she had failed. She had taken her own life as an offering to the spirits to make up for her supposed failure. The Seer had written everything down, to explain the entire way the new Council was supposed to be made up. The spirits gave each of the Chosen a gift that coincided with the astrological signs they were born under.

  Quin, born in January, was the leader of the Council. Being a Capricorn, he was regarded as the zodiac's top. His gift was being the Alpha Triad and thus having stability and strength needed to lead the Pack and the Council at the same time. The Triad is needed to balance both duties, because they are of equal importance. Cami, the female Alpha, had a strong personality in her own right. Jaden, the other wolf in the Triad, was also an Alpha. Before coming here, he had been planning on setting up his own Pack somewhere close to here. When he arrived and discovered that he was mated to both Cami and Quin, he had been ecstatic. They had decided over the last few weeks that Jaden would be the Denver Pack’s Alpha, while Quin would be the Council Pack Alpha. They would share the responsibilities, but it made it easier on both Packs.

  Jo was born in February. She was an Aquarius, the humanitarian. She was a White Wolf and had the ability to feel the entire Pack and Council, and send emotions to calm and reassure others. Once she gave birth to her child, she would receive another gift; none of them knew what it was. She was the emotional balance needed for them all. Tey, her mate would call it a curse as well as a blessing. He was the one who had to hold her when she was overwhelmed with emotion, or try to calm her down when she was high on excitement. He had done a wonderful job so far, but taking care of the Packs emotional well-being was a full-time job. Tey had to be with her always, the Pack had lost one of its best Enforcers.

  Quin and Jaden had decided to ask Quin’s brothers, Darien and Gregg, to join the Enforcers, and when Devon found his mate, they would take over as the Beta’s of the Denver Pack. They were going to share the title, since they were looking forward to adding a huge amount of wolves to their Pack. Both men had a fearsome reputation in Europe, and Quin was happy when they both decided to come and help with his Pack.

  The next was the child born in March, Pisces. This child would be the visionary of the group.

  They would be the one who had the ideas and ability to see what the future held for the Pack.

  Though they had the Seer from the European Council Pack, they were destined for so much greatness; the spirits had felt they needed a wolf who would be their Seer. This person would see the very future of the Council, and the wolf whom Quin wanted found first. After reading the papers from the previous Council, they also figured that she would be the hardest to find.

  Then, the child born under the April constellation is an Ares. This child will be the one who will be the liaison between the humans and the Were. They will travel all over the world promoting the harmony that is needed for both races to co-exist. There were more shifter than just Werewolf, and making the decision to come out into the open was going to be difficult. It was going to have to be planned with all the communities.

  After April is, of course, May, the Tarsus. This will be the spiritual adviser and historian of the Council. This Wolf will confer with the past notes, and make sure the Council is not making the same mistakes the previous Councils made. They will record our history as it happens, and make sure that everything was written and documented for future generations.

  The child born in June is one of the most unique among the zodiacs, Gemini, the twins. They will be the only ones who share a month, and will share the seat on the Council. They will be the financial managers of the Pack. Because of the responsibility, and the task being so vast, this gift was given to two children. The current Council had amassed a great fortune, and the Denver Pack was extremely prosperous. They needed to build more room for the new members of both Packs as well as making sure that each member was taken care of. Quin and Jaden would never allow for any of their Pack to want for anything. It would take a team loaded with financial people to normally run the funds from a Pack. The twins were going to be in charge of the group.

  The next child is born in July, a Cancer. They are the overseer of mates. Their gift allows them to see who is supposed to be mated, and who is not. They are also the protector of the mates, should anyone force a mating or abuse a mate, and they are the ones who will deal with it. It was not tolerated in the Denver Pack to hurt a mate. They had heard stories of other Packs that used their females as slaves, and refused to do anything like this. The overseer of mates for the Council would have a big job trying to clean up the mess in America. Quin and Jaden spent half of their time calling the Alphas from other Packs around, and reporting mate abuse that they heard about.

  Devon was born in August. He is the Leo, the leader of the Enforcers of both the Denver Pack and the Council Pack, the leader of their army, a natural protector. Should he wish he could challenge Quin, of course he would never do that because he did not want the headache. He was perfectly happy being the Beta. Devon was going to be the leader of all the Betas. He would set up training for them and make sure that they were doing their job, as well as making sure the Enforcers were doing their job. He was like the military leader in the United States, the highest ranking General in the Were community. If there were a war with the Rogues, Devon would be leading it.

  Next in line is Virgo, the child born in September. This will be the medical advisor. They will work with the human doctors to understand the physiology of the Were, and will be the trainer of the Were doctors. There were subtle differences in the makeup of Were's. The Denver Pack had a doctor, and he was a good one. Doc had
been with Quin since he started this Pack, but there were too many shifters for the one man to help and know about, thus the need for a medical advisor.

  The child born in October, Libra, will be the Pack builder. They will be in charge in the establishment of a new Pack and knowing what is going on in each of the Packs and report to the Council. Once the Council was officially moved to Denver, they were sure to be an influx of Packs starting in the United States. Many of the Packs in Europe had small Packs in the States but Quin knew that they would grow, and be much larger than they were now.

  The next is the child born in November, the Scorpio. They are considered the oldest of souls and will be the consultant with the previous Council, use them as a resource, should the Council need them. There was much to be learned from humans, and other Were’s, and Quin wanted the old Council to be advisors, but they needed someone appointed to help with organizing them.

  Finally, the child born in December, the Sagittarius, they will be the liaison between the other shifters and the Council. They knew there were other shifters, all with different hierarchies, and this person will be the go between for the groups. Devon had been surprised when he learned there were more species in the Americas than where he had grown up, and he had yet to meet any. Most of the shifter community kept hidden, even from fellow shifters. Once they became public, it would be a huge job to organize all the different communities. Quin mentioned that he would eventually like to have some of the other shifters on the Council as advisors.

  Once Quin and the rest of the elders of the Denver Pack realized the new Council was going to be so important, they immediately started planning for the new people that would be arriving.

  Currently, they only held four city blocks in the Denver area. The Alpha had already bought bordering blocks and was looking for someone to head erecting the new buildings. Devon recognized the names of a few of the Werewolf shifter families who bid on the job.


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