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Page 3

by Jana Leigh

  This was really a long shot. So much time had passed; any one of the Chosen wolves could have been killed by now. He shook himself out of his thoughts and finished talking, and they moved off the stage to the hotel where they would wait. At least they had a dining room. He was getting sick of fast-food. It seemed like they were living on the stuff since this started. Quin and Jaden gave them plenty of money, but all of them were in a hurry to get done, and return home, so they did not stop for a long meal.

  “Well?” Devon said to his friend and Enforcer, Mike. They were in the middle of the street when he felt a tingle on the back of his neck. Stopping he looked around to see what was causing his uneasiness but saw nothing in the maze of people. Shaking his head, he began to walk again.

  “Some of the people looked about the right age, and they were shaking their heads. At least I think we should get a few people coming to see us. Not like the last place that had no one come.” Mike said and shrugged. “You know it’s a crapshoot anyway. Most of the wolves are too scared we are going to arrest them, so they don’t speak up.”

  “Yeah, I know. Before we go to the next Pack, we need to change our plan.” Devon sighed.

  “The inheritance thing was a good thought. At least they think we are handing out money.” Mike laughed. Mike stood before the table they had set up in the hotel lobby.

  After just asking for people who were born on the first of every month and not giving them a reason why. They learned that most of the Packs were scared of them, and wanted to know why they were asking. Devon figured if they sweetened the pot, they may get a lot of fakes and phony’s, but at least people would talk to them.

  Devon sat up straight when he heard someone clear his or her throat. He turned and looked at the line of wolves that had formed in the hallway.

  “Well, let’s get started.” Mike said and motioned for the first in line to come forward.

  After the first few people, Devon once again thought they were wasting their time. It sucked; they had to do all of this cloak-and-dagger shit. He pictured the people they were looking for to be the elite of the Pack. He thought they were going to find them in the leadership. That idea had been shot down. The Seer explained the Gods did not choose them because they were Alpha or Beta. They would each have special characteristics to contribute to the Council. He supposed it made sense, Quin was going to be the Alpha, and Jo was the White Wolf who was in touch with the emotions of the Pack. Devon was going to be the Beta to the Council, unless a stronger wolf presented himself, which he truly doubted.

  Lost in his thoughts, he almost missed what Mike was saying.

  “What was your name again?” Mike said and frowned down at the papers in front of him.

  “Reggie Tarken.” The man said and Devon looked up. Holy shit, he thought and looked the man over. He was tall and fairly good-looking for a man, but hell, his clothes shouted ‘gay’. He could not be farther from what he expected when they started this search. Devon just assumed the children from the Prophesy, would all have larger than life's builds like he did. This guy was little, sexy, but little. Hell, he hoped that whoever his mates were they would be able to protect the little guy.

  “Uh, that is, we need you to step aside for a few minutes.” Mike said scrambling to look through the papers.

  “Okay, my mother and father are right outside. They are the ones who told me to get over here as soon as possible. Shouldn’t they be in here too? I mean they are my parents. They should be here if there is an inheritance.” The man stammered.

  “Yeah, go ahead and get them.” Devon said, stood up, and looked out at the couple that was looking in the window. They nodded to him and he knew they had found one of the missing children. His eyes were drawn to the frowning small woman standing with the couple. She plainly was not very happy about what was going on if he understood the gestures she was making. There was something about her he was drawn to, and he felt the tingle again on the back of his neck.

  He noticed the older woman looking at her strangely and kinda pushed her into the larger man who was standing a little further back. Whoever it was, the older woman did not want her to be involved with what Reggie was doing.

  “Who is that?” He asked before he could stop himself.

  “Oh, that is my best friend Casey. She clearly is pissed my parents shoved me in here without asking questions. She thinks there is more to it than just inheritance.” He laughed. When Devon did not respond, he continued. “Or is there?”

  “Just, uh, take a seat Reggie, and we will check further. Do you have your parents first and last names as well?” Mike said pushing Devon aside.

  The more he looked at her, the harder he was getting. Devon could not explain his reaction, unless it was because they had been on the road for so long, and he had been without companionship for the last few months. Of course, there had been women along the way. Since hearing about his future though, he felt at this point he had to find his mate soon and sleeping with someone else was kinda like cheating. Even though he had no clue where or who his mate was.

  Mike pulled him away from the crowd and whispered. “Dude, snap out of it. I think this guy may actually be one of the ones we are looking for.”

  “What?” Devon said refusing to look away from the woman in the window.

  Mike frustrated pulled his friend’s face until he focused in him. “Reggie has the right birthday and year. I can’t find him on the list though.” Mike said slowly as if he was talking to a child.

  “Really?” Devon said suddenly remembering what they were here for. Devon skimmed the papers and frowned at his friend before looking back at the wolf who was wringing his hands with worry.

  “Duh, we need to talk to the parents.” Mike said.

  “I will get them.” Devon said pushing his way through the crowd, knowing when he got to the parents, she would be there.

  When he stepped out onto the sidewalk, her scent hit him. Holy shit, she was his mate. He quickly made his way to the four people. He did not see the older wolf standing to the side watching him closely until he stepped in front of him, blocking his mate.

  Devon stopped and growled lowly. “Move.”

  “Is she your mate?” the man said in a low voice.

  “Why do you care?” Devon said menacingly.

  “She is my daughter.” The older wolf said, and the words drew his attention away from the female to the wolf in front of him.

  “Sorry, yes she is my mate. I meant no disrespect, sir.” He replied honestly and then lowered his head as a form of respect to his mate’s father.

  “Well then, we have a lot to talk about. I am Jeremy Haines and that is my daughter Casey.” He said and slowly stepped back, but then leaned in a whispered, so only Devon could hear. “If Reggie is the one you are looking for, then Casey is as well.” Devon leaned back and frowned at the older man. How weird he would say that. Devon should have known this was going to turn out to be a cluster fuck when the man said that, but he was too focused on the little woman in front of him to care. She was perfect.

  Devon approached the woman, and almost groaned with his arousal at finally finding his mate.

  She was the most amazing creature he had ever seen. Small, petite, and not skinny, she had the kind of body that was made for loving. Devon thought about the women in the past he had been attracted to, curved and luscious. His friends often teased him about liking a fuller figure, but he always argued that women who refused to enjoy a good meal would not enjoy him in bed.

  “Excuse me.” He said politely then had to step back when the small woman swung around with her arms flailing in surprise.

  “What the…?” She said and Devon smiled at her goofily. She was so cute, Devon wanted to scoop her up and take her to his room.

  “Sorry, I need for you all to come into the hotel. We need to talk about some things.” He said, and almost laughed when the female glared at him, then when she realized he was talking to her as well, the frown was replaced by a stunned loo
k. Ignoring her for a moment Devon said, “Mr.

  and Mrs. Tarken, Reggie is waiting just inside the hotel if you would please join him.” Devon held it together until the older couple hustled off to find their son, then turned, and growled at his uncooperative mate.

  “Why? We were just talking.” She said looking at him suspiciously. “Stop getting all growly mister. I just want to know what you are doing with my best friend.”

  “Please, I will explain if you just come with me.” Devon said taking her hand and trying to sound patient, although he wanted to grab her and run to the nearest flat surface.

  Casey frowned up at the giant who was trying to pull her behind him. What the hell was going on? First Reggie’s parents all but pushed him into the hotel, demanding they tell the huge men his birthday, without any explanation of their weird behavior. Now, the Jolly Green Giant appears before them and tries to drag her into the hotel.

  “Wait.” She yelled and pulled against the man. “Where are we goin’, and who the hell are you?”

  Devon stopped and looked at the woman beside him. When she was pissed, her accent really came out. He loved the thick southern drawl and instantly his hard on became almost painful pushing against the zipper in his jeans. Fuck, he was going to have a zipper mark soon if he did not relieve it. He pulled Casey close to him, leaned down, and whispered in her ear. “Mate, we are going to find a place we can be alone and fuck like bunnies in about fifteen minutes. First, we have to settle a few things. I am Devon and you are Casey, and we are mates.” Casey gasped and pulled back slightly so she could look at the man in the eyes. This man was her mate; she thought stunned and looked around to see if anyone had heard what he said.

  Feeling the heat of embarrassment in her face, she looked at her father who was standing there looking at the pair and smiling. Well, shit. She leaned in and sniffed deeply and it hit her, his scent smelled like wintergreen, her mate.

  Devon resumed walking into the hotel pulling her behind him. She could not put two thoughts together, let alone pull away from the handsome rock that was attached to her side. She had dreamed of this moment. But at no time did she think her mate was going to tell her they were going to ‘fuck like bunnies’ in a short while. Wow, she hoped he would be a little more romantic in the future.

  Finally, they reached their destination. Casey bumped into the wall that was in front of her, and she made a noise. Devon looked down at her with a grin on his face. “Sorry, baby, give me a few minutes here, and we will get back to what we were talking about.” Casey frowned and said. “Wait a minute. Reggie is my best friend, and I want to know what the hell is going on.”

  Devon shook his head, kissed her gently on the forehead, and said, “We have to talk to him first.”

  Casey was about to protest when she heard Reggie say, “It is okay, either you tell her at the same time, or she will pester me until I do. It would make it easier all around if she was just here.” Devon nodded to the Enforcers, and they escorted the group into a small conference room off of the lobby. Reggie and his parents took one side of the table and Casey and her father took two chairs that were in the corner. Devon looked at the group and smiled. His mate and one of the Chosen in one night, he had gotten lucky. Now they could return to Denver a success. He hoped that the rest of the evening was going to go just as smooth.

  “So, Mr. and Mrs. Tarken, I assume you know why we are here?” Devon started and looked at the older couple.

  “Yes, but our name is obviously not Tarken.” The man said and he sighed when he heard the loud gasp come from his mate and her friend. The only two in the room which were surprised by this revelation, Devon felt like it was going to get ugly, really quick. Casey’s father even looked like he knew what he was talking about.

  “Okay, do you want to tell me why you changed your name?” Devon said and then leaned against the wall.

  “That was my suggestion, and I also am the one who has been helping them hide all these years.

  After the little girl was kidnapped, none of us wanted to chance the kids.” Casey’s father said and stood up. His mate looked at her father with a frown, and he knew this was the first time she heard all of this.

  “Jeremy, you know that is only part of the truth. We are the ones who ran and hid here. You came a year later.” Mr. Tarken said shaking his head.

  Reggie and Casey watched the exchange and looked so confused. Devon wanted to wrap his arms around his mate and soothe her, but he knew this was not the time. Sighing because this was going to take way longer than the fifteen minutes he had hoped it would, he stood up and motioned for Casey and her father to join them all at the table.

  “Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?” Devon said.

  Reggie’s mother looked at her son and smiled tearfully, “Honey, just remember that we love you, and we only did what we thought was best.”

  Reggie nodded and looked at his father. “Son, many years ago we lived in England. We belonged to the Council Pack. You know about them, we explained that, right? Well, on the day you were born, they came to us and told us you were special. They explained the spirits told the Council Seer, that our Pack was going to receive a wonderful gift. Twelve children born on the first day of each month were going to be the future of the Were community. They were going to be the new Council, and we would be able to live in the open with humans under their guidance.

  Each of you were Chosen because a special characteristic that you would hold. At the time, we were just so thrilled that you were chosen. Jeremy was placed as your guard and his family moved in with us. We lived in a wonderful little cottage for almost seven months before all hell broke loose. The leader of the Council's daughter who was one of the Chosen was kidnapped and killed. We were all stunned, Jeremy told us we needed to hide until the Council figured out what it was going to mean. I took your mom and you, and we left that night without even telling Jeremy where we were going. We came here because a cousin on your mother’s side had once passed through here, and said there was a new Pack forming in the United States. It took Jeremy a year to find us, and then he moved in next door and resumed his guarding. All these years we thought the Council would come for you eventually, but when they didn’t, we just assumed what the Prophesy was broken when one of you died. We thought it was smart to continue to hide in case someone wanted to harm you.”

  “Whoa,” Reggie said and looked at his parents then at Jeremy, who was looking at Casey. “So, Jeremy you are what?”

  Jeremy looked away from his daughter, looked down at the table, and took a deep breath before speaking. “I was an Enforcer in the Council Pack and one of your guards. I pledged to your father you would be safe. That is why I took you, to make sure that if anything ever came to light about who you were, I would be there to protect you. Casey, I am sorry, but there is a little more about this that you do not know.”

  Devon frowned and looked around the table. He thought Oliver the Council leader and the current Seer had told them all about what the Prophesy told them. He had a feeling he was not going to like what came next. Before that happened, he cleared his throat and said quickly.

  “Wait, before you go any further. I need to get this out on the table. Reggie, I know this is a lot to take in, but I do understand. My Alpha is one of the Chosen and Jo, Oliver’s daughter who they thought dead, was found just recently. I am also one of the Chosen. Quin is the Alpha, born January 1st, Jo in February is a White Wolf, and I am in August. I am the Beta of my Pack and will be the Beta of the Council according to the sequence. So, I see you are born on June 1st?” He said and looked at his parents for confirmation. His mother nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Wait a second, according to this paperwork….” Devon said frowning at the paper in front of him. Why had he not seen this before? He was sure Quin had not seen it, or they would have talked about it. When he looked again at the paper, he shook his head. Well, this was going to be a fun night. His only excuse that it was written in s
uch small letters that, he assumed it was an explanation of their powers. This was partly true, but it also showed there were two children born under the June moon. They balanced each other, but each of them also was given two mates. According to the paper, most of the twelve would be triads because of the special gifts they were given, they all needed a balance. “Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Tarken I think we are missing someone.”

  He looked up in time to see the three older wolves look at one another in panic. Mrs. Tarken was shaking her head, and looking at him pleadingly.

  “Could we have a few minutes with Reggie and Casey please?” Jeremy said and looked around.

  “No, if it involves my mate, then I will stay.” Devon growled he did not like where this was going.

  Reggie looked at Casey confused, and she had reached the end of her rope. What the hell was going on with all these secrets, and what did she have to do with this? “Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on and right now, or I am totally out of here!” She yelled.

  Reggie nodded and stood as if to follow his best friend if she decided to leave. “I agree, and by the way, nice mate.” He also smirked. Casey frowned at her friend and then at him.

  “I am not sure I am your mate yet, so do not get all high and mighty on me. Dad, what is going on? I mean, it is cool and all about Reggie. He is special, and it is high time that someone notices it. I, for one, forgive you for dragging us here under the pretense of starting over after mom died. Reggie is my best friend, and I like the Tarkens, just as I love you. They raised me as much as you did. I am sure there is a reason they needed to keep this a secret. But can someone tell me whatever the hell you are not saying because I can cut the tension with a knife, and it is driving me crazy.” She said softly.

  Devon did not know that at this point when Casey went from yelling to speaking softly, the explosion that was going to follow was really just a matter of time. She had a temper and she did not control it very well. He could tell they had pushed her a lot with all the explanations and dancing around the subject.


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