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Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1)

Page 17

by K. E. Young

  "But you caught Dagresh last night. Lady Sara should be safer…"

  Kaio tiredly flapped one hand in disagreement. "Something Dagresh said before he realized we weren't his men is bothering me. There's more going on here. Sano will interrogate him today to see if he can find out anything more."

  "You caught Dagresh?" I hoped it was true. Dagresh's plans for me had terrified me even more than Fanul's.

  Kaio's smile was warm as sunshine. "Yes, My One, last night while you were sleeping."

  The rush of relief made me light headed. "Oh thank the Goddess! He's the one who made me desperate enough to escape. Oh Gods, Kaio, what he did to that poor little girl… Her screaming went on and on as he skinned her and fed her blood to the shadow thing. Afterwards, Dagresh fed some of my blood to it and I could feel it in my head. Dagresh said he would be ready for me at the next red moon. I was more terrified of it than I have ever been of anything in my life. Even more than when I realized Carlos would burn me alive."

  I looked up at them to find Kaio and Calum both wide-eyed in shock.

  "A valbore." Calum's words were almost inaudible.

  Kaio looked grim. "That explains a few things. I find it hard to imagine any sane man would summon one though."

  "What's a valbore?" I didn't truly want to know, but it was better than letting my imagination run amok.

  Kaio pulled himself stiffly to his feet. "It's similar to a demon except it's smarter — and angrier. We are almost certain the Accusers used demons to create them. They created them as assassins who could get through the Mage-King's defenses but they miscalculated. They couldn't control their creation."

  He was too calm. Why wasn't he terrified? Maybe he thought it was something else?

  Calum took up the narrative. "Valbore don't have a physical body and aren't kept out by walls. They are full of rage and hunger and kill indiscriminately. They manifest claws and fangs at will to capture and feed on their victims." It was clear Calum was frightened. His description matched what I had met more than Kaio's had. "The stories say the valbore can get in your mind and force you to walk right up to it so it can rip out your throat. Whenever someone summons them, they kill everything they can reach until the Dragonlords arrive to fight them. Only magic can stop them."

  Kaio pulled me against him, resting his chin on my head. I could feel the tension he kept out of his voice and it occurred to me he wasn't as indifferent as he seemed.

  His voice rumbled against my ear as his hand stroked my hair. "The Mage-King chronicles state there were ten or eleven of them created but we've only ever fought one at a time. I can't imagine what it was like having to fight that many of them at once. The Accusers allied with the last Mage-Kings to seal them away in pockets of ahaynu outside our world, one at a time. The valbore were a danger to them all. The demons wiped out almost two-thirds of the people and animals living on this side of the Blue Sea before they were locked away. Stories say the eastern winds blowing over Drakken reeked of rotting flesh for months. Since the passing of both the Accusers and the Mage-Kings, an occasional madman tries to draw one back. It never ends well."

  Kaio stiffened. Releasing me, he took a step back. His brow creased briefly in a frown then he looked down at his feet. "The Drakkeni have fought them for centuries. Our dragons make us immune to their mind control and we have enough mages to defeat them consistently, unlike everyone else. The last time was twenty-four years ago, in Vallen. My mother bore me the day my grandfather, Emperor Rex, faced it."

  He looked me in the eye. "Hundreds of dragonkin died that day. Dragos lost his father to that valbore. He was three weeks old. It injured Uncle Rhal and Grandfather died trying to save him. Rhal was never strong afterward. My father served as regent until Rhal recovered enough to rule. Two weeks ago, Rhal died and his son Urash, at last, became Emperor. Urash is nineteen years old."

  Kaio paced. It was the sole outward sign of agitation as concentration set his face in stone. "It looks as if Fanul and Dagresh were feeding it souls with magical ability. He probably felt he didn't have to worry about us hunting him as long as his victims were women. If we hadn't been here, they would have continued until the valbore was strong enough to escape. If you hadn't been strong enough to break free and get away we wouldn't have any idea what was happening."

  I shook my head in denial. "Dagresh, not Fanul. Fanul was a lackey. Dagresh argued with Fanul after they fed the girl to the shadow. I was a little blurry but I heard everything they said. Fanul had wanted to feed me to it but a mage said I was too strong and it could break free immediately. Their preparations weren't complete. Then another man with deep red hair told Dagresh to feed some of my blood to it so I would be its steed later. Dagresh called him Master. Anyway, during the argument, Dagresh said he was the Hand of the Master and Fanul would follow orders if he wanted to live to be king here. What did he mean by steed?"

  Kaio blanched. His expression told me he didn't want to explain, but he would do it anyway. "There are stories from the Accuser Wars. After the first valbore attacks, The Mage-Kings put protections in place to block them, Traps that took any being of magic without a soul and tied their magic to the center of the world, locking them into place like an insect in tar until the Mage-Kings could lock them away. The trap didn't affect humans because they have souls." He wiped a hand down his face as he took a seat on the bed.

  "The valbore found a way around it. They took control of a person and hid their being in the body and soul of the one they rode. The valbore had to be well fed though. Otherwise, hunger drove them to devour their 'steed', and the body died leaving them at the mercy of the trap again. While riding the person, the valbore appears to have full access to their memories and abilities."

  I thought furiously. "Are their prisons made the same way as the traps? Would they be able to get out if they rode someone?"

  Kaio looked thoughtful then shook his head. "I'm not sure it matters. To ride someone, the valbore would need to be well fed and if it was, it could break free. It is possible the trap was an element in the prison's making though. I'll see what I can find out."

  I'll give him credit. He didn't sugarcoat it. I knew that monster was the worst thing that could ever happen to me, but I had hoped that with Dagresh and Fanul out of the picture it was over. Now I wasn't so sure. I didn't feel so safe anymore. Dagresh had been almost ready. It meant the valbore was almost strong enough to break free. It had drunk my blood and while I couldn't feel it now, the memory of it in my mind terrified me. From what Kaio said, the Drakkeni could fight it — at a cost. Would Kaio himself be one of those fighting it? Would they be enough? I didn't have a dragon to protect me from mind-control. Could it take control and summon me to it, like an evil pied piper?

  I was still staring at my feet wondering if I would have to look over my shoulder for valbore or their servants for the rest of my life when Kaio folded me in his arms again. "We can defeat Valbore. They have broken free before. We have always defeated them. We cannot destroy them, but we can lock them away again. Word of a valbore has ended wars. Disagreements mean nothing to the dead and the victims of the valbore are worse than dead."

  Cannot be destroyed? That felt wrong. Stars can die, why not a valbore? Everything made can be unmade, everything born can die, and there is nothing exempt from entropy. Even the universe would end someday. Therefore, the valbore could be destroyed. I just needed to figure out how.

  He nuzzled the top of my head. "I'll notify Dragos. I wish we had known before Arhis left. The Emperor will send whole troops of mages and soldiers to help. We need to keep you safe for a little while longer. If it looks as if it's about to get dangerous I'll pick you up and carry you to Drakken myself.

  "Meanwhile, you need breakfast and a bath before the seamstress arrives. Promise me you won't overdo it, all right?" He waited for my nod before continuing. "Speaking of breakfast… Calum, where is the maid?"

  Calum shook himself from his horrified reverie and pasted a businesslike expression on
his face. Evidently, the discovery of a valbore had more of an impact on him than it did on Kaio. "After the maid carried your tray back to the kitchen last night she didn't return and no replacement has taken her place. I was tense when the false squad arrived because she didn't return. I knew you wanted a maid to watch Lady Sara until she healed."

  Kaio's arms tightened slightly and I heard a quiet growl. "I'll ask Durra about it. Could you ring for someone on your way out? Breakfast and Durra if I'm occupied."

  "Yes, my lord. Thorn should be here soon and the next squad of marines comes on duty in an hour."

  "Thank you, Calum."

  After Calum left, Kaio pulled back and looked down at me with a small smile. "My One, it seems you will have to wait for a maid to arrive to help you with your bath. You're not up to bathing by yourself yet. I noticed you were still stiff and you winced when I took you in my arms. I'm sorry for causing you pain."

  "Don't worry. It didn't hurt much. It surprised me is all. I'm still not used to men being kind." I took a deep breath in surprised realization. "Kaio, I find I enjoy being held by you. It's comforting somehow, but I have a lot of experiences to get past. As for the bath, I feel icky. I didn't get time to bathe after I got away from Fanul. Do I have to wait?" I desperately wanted to get clean. I hadn't had time before leaving the palace so Fanul and Dagresh's leavings were still there and it stank. Less obvious was the scent of incense from Dagresh's ritual on my skin and in my hair. I wasn't at all sure it was something I could wash off though. It could be my imagination.

  His eyes were serious, worried about me. "You're still recovering. You need someone to help."

  The idea of being clean had me in its grip. "Could you do it? We'll be married in a few days anyway. I may not like the way people look at my scars, but I have to get used to the way you look at me anyway."

  He looked sad. "As you wish, My One, but remember, the Goddess took your old scars, and new ones have not yet formed. The new ones will be minimal and will not affect your beauty in the slightest. You are still beautiful."

  What he said bothered me. Dragonlords weren't supposed to lie. I wasn't beautiful.

  He must have seen something in my face and his voice was firm. "Sara. I'm telling you the truth. I have always found you lovely. Perhaps it is only my opinion, but I do. My dragon will not let me lie to you."

  It was a new idea. No one had ever found me beautiful. I remembered my father saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," so was it possible he really thought I was beautiful? I could trust the dragon, couldn't I? Everything I heard said dragons were uncompromising. They were honorable, trustworthy, incorruptible, and they did not lie. Ever. I thought over everything he had ever said to me, even before Fanul. He had never said I was ugly, never said I was stupid, or worthless. My thoughts whirled. Could he be right? Just a little bit? With a start, I realized I had been standing stock still staring at his chest for a long time. I was grateful he was patient enough to let me think it over.

  His expression was worried when I looked up at him. "Sara?"

  I sniffed as tears threatened again. "Don't worry. It's a new idea for me. I've never been beautiful to anyone before."

  He stroked my cheek. "Always, My One. Did you want that bath now?"

  Once again, I felt grateful, this time for a timely change of subject. "Yes, please. I can still smell them on me and I hate it."

  He smiled. "Sit down and rest for now. I'll get a bath started for you. I fear the soap I have doesn't smell of flowers though."

  "That's okay. I always thought flowers smelled better in the garden than on me anyway."

  I sighed as I sat on the bed. It was clear I was healing faster than I was used to, but I was realizing what Bedin meant about me needing to eat more. I had been up for a handful of minutes and I already felt out of energy. Kaio was puttering about and had opened the drapes. Despite the snow, the garden looked inviting. I knew I wouldn't be going out today though. The idea of a heavy cloak on my back and shoulders made me wince. Maybe another day.

  After a few minutes, Kaio came to fetch me. The tub was steaming and I suddenly couldn't wait any longer to get clean. Kaio helped me out of the robe and nightgown, then made me wait as he removed bandages from my back and thighs. The wounds on my back stung sharply, but the bone-deep ache was absent. I sank into the hot water with a blissful sigh.

  Kaio chuckled. "You sound as if you've received your heart's delight." He dipped a pitcher into the water and supporting the back of my neck, poured it over my hair to wet it.

  "I have. I've wanted a bath ever since Dagresh grabbed me and took me to Fanul." Kaio fingers were magic as he massaged a soft soap into my hair. I grabbed a washcloth, soaped it up, and started on my arms.

  Kaio's voice was softly calculating. "I've been thinking about that. You told me he came up behind you, drugged you, and took you to Fanul. How did he get you out of the palace with no one seeing him?" He signaled me to tip my head back and rinsed my hair.

  "I don't know. I was sitting in the library facing the door so I could see if anyone came in as I always do, but I must have missed him somehow. He came up behind me and held a cloth over my mouth and nose. It was damp and smelled… sickly I guess. I woke tied up, dizzy, blindfolded, gagged and slung over his shoulder. We were somewhere underground. It was cold, damp, and smelled of mold, old urine, and something else, as if an animal had died somewhere nearby. It echoed. Eventually, he went up a long flight of stairs into Fanul's mansion."

  Kaio froze for a moment then sighed in resignation. "I feared that might be the case. I'll investigate while you're with the seamstress. Tip your head back. I don't think your hair got clean the first time."

  I willingly obliged. Anything for another one of those incredible scalp massages. "I'm not surprised. I don't even want to think about what may have been in there."

  Kaio laughed. "Then I won't tell you what color the water was when I rinsed. Once we finish your bath, I want you to stand in the tub while I rinse you again. A maid helped me clean you up a little before the healer arrived but we couldn't do an adequate job. We focused mainly on your wounds."

  I groaned. Now that was embarrassing. I hadn't wanted to think about how I had gotten undressed. "Please tell me someone can change the sheets before I have to get into bed again."

  He chuckled. "Yes, My One. And a fresh nightgown is sitting on top of the cabinet over there."

  I was silent for a moment, trying to decide if I dared to ask. "What does that mean? My One. You've said it twice now."

  His fingers slowed. "Ah… My One. The dragon will only choose a mate once so when man and dragon are in accord and both love her she becomes the center of their world. A dragonkin will say 'My One' to the woman he and his dragon love. Most never get the chance to use it. Usually, either the man loves her and the dragon accepts her, or the dragon loves her and the man doesn't. Then there are the cases where neither the dragon nor the man love, they merely accept."

  I absorbed this in silence as he finished my hair and rinsed it. He took the idle washcloth from my fingers and began gently washing my back and shoulders. I hissed when the cloth caught. "Forgive me," he murmured.

  I waved it off. "It wasn't bad. I suspect you've been gentler than the maid would have been." He started washing my legs and I tried not to flinch when his hand reached the top of my thigh.

  He froze and I looked at him in question. "Sara, you can trust me. I will never harm or force you. I want to help."

  Didn't he understand I knew that? My reaction wasn't on purpose. "I know and I'm sorry. I'm trying but it's been so long since…"

  He cradled my cheek. "Hush, I know. For you, I will be patient. You've spent so long working to survive, it's hard to give those survival reactions up. Some of those who returned from Vallen still suffer battle curse. It takes time, but it will go faster if I keep reminding you that your war is over. You don't have to focus on survival. You can live the life you should have had. Try to remember you're not alone

  It gave me something to think about as he cautiously scrubbed my feet. I had never thought of what I had gone through as a war. It fit though. So, what I had to deal with was years of PTSD. For whatever reason, I had never thought of it that way. The therapists had said nothing. Maybe if I had told them about the nightmares… I hadn't trusted them either.

  One of my foster homes had been with a family where the man's brother was living with them. He had been a soldier in Vietnam and suffered from PTSD. He went to the local Veteran's hall every week because he said they were the only ones who understood. Sometimes he took me with him. He was the one who helped me with the nightmares. Thinking back on it now, I could see that he understood better than I did what was happening to me.

  Kaio finished his ministrations and helped me to my feet. Then he poured pitcher after pitcher of fresh warm water over me to rinse. I could see what he meant. The water in the tub was an ugly gray-brown that left bloody streaks and a ring in the tub as it drained.

  He helped me out and wrapped me in a towel then sat me down. He towel-dried my hair, rubbed a woody scented oil into the ends, and then combed out all the snarls. When it was smooth, he deftly braided it and helped me into a clean nightgown. I irreverently wondered if all dragonlords received training as ladies maids. Somehow, I couldn't picture the High-Lord braiding a woman's hair.

  A tray was waiting on the table when we exited the bathroom and I needed no urging to sit down and dive into it.

  8: Trust

  Kaio: 32nd of Hunting, 3837

  With Sara safely occupied with her breakfast, Kaio went looking for Durra. He found the man waiting impatiently in the outer room.

  "My lord, I am very busy…"

  "Where is the maid?" he snapped. "I thought I had made it clear she was to have a watcher with her at all times until she heals enough. I just helped her with her bath because there was no maid and she couldn't bear to have Fanul's stink on her any longer. It's a good thing she is to be my mate or what I have done would be inexcusable. Did last night's message that I require a seamstress get relayed at least? The wedding is in a week and she needs a proper gown for it."


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