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Hunter's Treasure

Page 7

by Jill Shannon

  A huge smile was plastered on Luca's face as he approached her in the lobby. "So, how was your ride with the hunky biker? Seeing him again any time soon?" His eyebrows rose up and down as they started walking to the elevators.

  She smacked him and said, "This is all your fault. If you hadn't left me with him at the fundraiser, I wouldn't be getting up at the crack of dawn to be ready by nine." She stopped walking as a thought hit her. "Oh, crap. He's going to come here instead of my parents' house. I never told him that we would be staying there the rest of the time we're here. Plus, I have no way to get in touch with him."

  "Oh, Chica, I'm so happy for you. Is your sister going to like that you're dating one of her man's brothers?"

  "We are not dating; we're hanging out. And, no, probably not. It doesn't matter what Skylar thinks. I like him." Willow started walking again, contemplating how she could get in touch with Hunter. "I know, I can call Skylar. She'll know how to reach him."

  "Did you invite him to your party tomorrow?"

  "Yes, but it was to prove a point, and he accepted." Still a little stunned at how quickly he had accepted, covering her mouth with her hand, she chuckled.

  The two stopped walking, and Luca looked at her. "What?"

  "I think I broke his nose." She snickered after she said it.

  "And…he still wants to take you out tomorrow? He's a keeper."

  "Yes, why do you say that?"

  "Because I don't know if I'd be that forgiving if our roles were reversed." He swung his arm around her shoulder. "Well, then we better get you changed and grab your bags. We need to get you to your parents' before your chariot turns into a pumpkin, 'princess'." He said the endearment in air quotes.

  She smacked his ribs as the elevator doors closed. "You're a jerk."

  Hunter stopped at the gas station around the corner from the hotel to fill up his bike. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he texted Judge. You with Skylar? He put his phone in his pocket again and filled his tank. When he'd pulled his bike to the side, he reached for his phone once again.

  Yeah, we're at the Drunken Lass. What's up? Judge responded.

  Keep her there, okay? I'll explain when I see you. About fifteen minutes. He knew taking the highway would cut his ride in half.

  See you then, was Judge's return text.

  Hunter put his phone away and got on his bike. If he smoothed things over with Skylar tonight, there wouldn't be any fireworks tomorrow. Hunter had always attacked any situation head-on, and this was no different.

  True to his words, he pulled into the parking lot of the Drunken Lass fifteen minutes later. Parking his bike, he headed for the door. As he was walking, the people he passed began to stare at him. When he got to the door, Dancer and Bong were walking out. As Dancer saw him, he pointed to his face and shouted, "What the fuck happened to you? Were you jumped or something?"

  He hadn't been able to pop his nose back into place, so the bump on the bridge of his nose was getting bigger by the minute. It dawned on Hunter then why everyone had been staring at him. "No, a little chestnut-haired ball of fire," he commented, walking past them toward the bar in front of him.

  Bong turned to Dancer, saying, "You can leave if you want, but I have got to hear this story."

  "Damn it, Bong. You know I told Rita I'd be home early tonight." Dancer stood in the doorway; indecision played across his face. Looking to the parking lot, then at the bar, back and forth until he made his decision, "Fine, but after he tells it, we're out of here, or I'm telling Rita it was all your fault that I'm late." Dancer let the door swing closed, following Bong back to the bar.

  Hunter drew the eyes of almost every patron in the Drunken Lass to him. After Dancer's loud mouth, everyone wanted to have a look. When he got to the bar, Judge had a shit-eating grin on his face, "She smashed you in the nose with her head?"

  "How did you know that?" Hunter was surprised by the question.

  "Willow called to find out how to let you know she wouldn't be at the hotel in the morning but at her parents', and she had a nice long chat with Skylar, who would now like to see you in her office. But before you go, let me fix this for you." Judge grabbed hold of his nose and yanked it back into place.

  "What the fuck?" Hunter shouted, holding his nose in his hand again. "That shit hurt, no fucking warning?"

  Judge handed him a cloth napkin, to help with the blood, and a bag of ice. "If I'd have told you it was coming, it wouldn't have been as much fun." Judge smiled. "Now, I have no say in your love life, but I will warn you. If your relationship begins to affect my relationship, I'm not going to be happy. Am I making my point clear?" Hunter gave a quick head nod before placing the ice on it. "She's waiting for you; maybe she'll go easy because you're injured," Judge said, looking at the smiling faces of the men around him.

  An uneasy feeling filled the pit of his stomach. "Why is everyone smiling at me like that?"

  "Because, brother, now all of the Celtic Demons have been on Skylar's shit list at one time or another." All his brothers toasted their drinks to him as they laughed. "We might have to change your road name. You're not so saintly right now!"

  Hunter waved his hand at Judge as he headed to the office. "It'll be fine." Trying to build his inner confidence as he approached the door, he took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Counting to ten, he knocked on the door. Hearing Skylar yell, "It's open,” he turned the handle and opened the door. Skylar was perched behind her desk that rested in the center of the room. A window was positioned to the right, while filing cabinets lined the opposite wall, with smaller ones behind her. The walls on either side of the door had television screens of the bar, parking area, and the outside patio. In front of her desk were two chairs. He stuck his head in and asked, "Can I talk to you?"

  She moved her hand, indicating he should take a seat. "Oh, and close the door."

  Holding his hands out in front of him, he began, "Skylar, let me explain before you say anything." He'd started to talk before he reached the chair.

  She let him sit before she said, "You don't have to tell me a thing; my sister already did."

  Hunter's stomach sank; he had wanted to be the one who spoke with Skylar first. Now, she had already formed her opinion. "I like her, Skylar," Hunter tried to explain.

  "Did she do that to your face?" Hunter nodded his head, holding the bag of ice on his nose. "Well," she stood, shouting and smashing a book onto her desk, "you look like shit."

  Hunter flinched when the noise of the book hit his ears. "Thanks," he said, hanging his head.

  She came around the desk and whispered in his ear, "I couldn't be happier that you like my sister."

  Hunter's head shot up in surprise. "What?"

  Skylar sat smiling at him in the opposite chair. "My sister had a bad experience a few years ago. I couldn't ask for a more standup guy to help her get over it."

  Hunter was very confused. "If you want me with her, why did you just yell at me?"

  "Because everyone in that bar thinks that's what I'm going to do. So, rather than disappoint them, I make a show of it." She gave him a smug smile.

  "So, all the time you yell at Judge, it's all an act?"

  "No, some of those are very real, but when one of you assholes start shit in my bar, they all think they will have to deal with a crazy woman. Plus, out of all the Demons, besides Reed, you're the one I trust most."

  Hunter relaxed back into the chair, taking in what she had just said to him. "So, let me get this right, you're okay with me dating your sister?"

  "Are you kidding me?" Skylar yelled sarcastically. In a softer tone, she told him, "Yes. Saint, as an outsider and a woman, I get to observe. I don't know about your past, because Reed doesn't talk about any of his members. I do know you were a military man, and I attribute your actions to what they taught you. Nonetheless, I've seen you with your brothers, watched you around the clubhouse, noticed how you treat the house mice. Yet, there's something else you have. You are gentle, kind, and you honestly
care about things. You're level headed, intelligent, and still have common sense." She put her hand on his arm. "Your parents must have been very proud of you as a child." Suddenly, she stood from the chair, and standing over him, she told him in a hushed tone, "But if you hurt my sister, I will cut off your balls and put them on display on my filing cabinets. If you get my drift." She stood back with such an evil look on her face that Hunter actually put his hand over his crotch.

  Hunter had never really spoken about his childhood to anyone. His parents might have been proud of him now, but not as a child. He kept those thoughts to himself and looked at Skylar. He now understood why all the Demons held her in such high esteem. It wasn't just because she was Judge's old lady, but because she had a motherly, nurturing way about her that they all needed. "I definitely get your point; I have no intention of playing around with your sister." He got a devilish look on his face. "Unless, of course, it's mutual."

  Skylar slapped his arm as she walked back to her chair behind the desk to sit. "Yuk, you can keep that information to yourself."

  Hunter smiled, then told her, "I will try to live up to your high standards of me. Are we done?" He started to rise from the chair.

  "Yes, Willow wanted me to let you know she will be at my parents' house in the morning. She didn't have any way to get in touch with you. You really should exchange numbers," she suggested. "Do you remember how to get there?" she inquired.

  "Yes, on Heritage Court, last house on the left. You had a barbeque there last year."

  "Yup, that's the one. Her party starts at five at the Drunken Lass, so whatever plans you have for tomorrow, work them around that." Hunter was making his way to the door, "Oh, and she loves the ocean. You might want to keep that in mind when you buy her birthday present."

  "Thanks for the tip. We good here?"

  "Yes, we're good. Saint…" She waited until she had his attention. "You might want to ask one of the house mice to put some cover up on those eyes before you pick her up." Skylar smiled. "She really did a number on your nose. She tends to have accidents like that."

  Bringing the focus back to his nose made it start hurting again. "I'll see what I can do." He put the bag of ice back up to it.

  "Oh, and one more thing." He had opened the door by now. "Sometimes Willow can't get out of her own way to see what's right in front of her. Be patient."

  "Thanks, Skylar. I will. I have the patience of a 'Saint'." He smiled and closed the door behind him. As he did, he heard a loud thump on the other side of the door, making him jump again.

  He walked over to where Judge was seated at the bar. "She chewed your ass out! I heard the book hit the door. You sure you want to get involved with her sister?"

  "As sure as I was when I wanted to be a Demon." He picked up the bottle of beer Judge had ordered for him, drinking half of it down in one gulp. "There's something special about her. When I'm with her, she quiets the voices in my head."

  "Must run in the family," Judge told him, tipping his own beer to his lips. "The right woman will do that," he added. Judge knew some of the demons Saint was talking about. He had a few of his own.

  Hunter finished his beer, and placing it on the bar, he told Judge, "I'll see you tomorrow at her party. I got an invite." He smiled, remembering Willow's face when he had accepted. "Right now, I need to get some sleep. I'm taking her riding in the morning."

  "You might want to sleep with the ice pack strapped to your nose," Judge told him and laughed again.

  "Fuck you, Judge," Hunter threw at him. "Before I hit my rack, I'm going to go close out the receipts for tonight and put together the donation check. You need anything while I'm there?"

  "No, but text me the final number for the fundraiser."

  "Got it. I'll leave both the deposit and the check in the safe. Can you get the deposit to the bank tomorrow, since I won't be around?"

  "Yeah, I can take care of the deposit, but when the check is delivered, it will be with as many members as can attend."

  "I'll set something up with the hospital for later this week. As soon as I confirm it, I'll send a mass text to everyone. Sound good?" Hunter questioned. As secretary, these were some of his responsibilities.

  "Yeah, I'm good with that." Judge finished his beer. "I'll catch you tomorrow."

  Hunter headed toward the doors of the bar as more people stared at him. He knew his eyes would be black tomorrow, but he didn't care. He was starting a new chapter in his life, which included a clumsy, chestnut-haired, blue-eyed princess. A satisfied smile formed on his lips as he reached for the handle of the doors.

  Chapter 3

  Hunter woke the next morning, having slept better than he had in the past two months. Maybe it was because the stress of the fundraiser had eased. It could have been his visit to talk to Rodney. But if he had to put a wager on what had really helped him sleep so well, he'd lay odds it was the thought of getting to know Willow.

  The smile on his face changed immediately to a look of disgust when he saw himself in the mirror. It was funny in a way; he had no real pain in his nose, but his colorful eyes told a totally different story. Purple-rimmed eyes stared back at him as he said to himself, "Maybe Skylar was right. I should get a house mouse to put some cover-up on them."

  By the time Hunter made it downstairs in the clubhouse, it was almost eight-fifteen. He hoped when he got there, one of the house mice would still be around. Mac was behind the bar when he walked up to it, and he asked, "Mac, you seen any women around here this morning?" He had surveyed the area as he had come down the stairs.

  Mac placed a to-go cup of coffee on the counter. "I think Abby is in the kitchen. Besides her, I think you're shit out of luck." He then added, "Oh, and by the way, nice shiners."

  "Thanks for the reminder," Hunter barked back at him as he moved toward the kitchen doors. Finding Abby washing some dishes, he asked, "Morning, Abby, do you have anything that can help with this?" Abby dropped the pot she had been washing, startled by Hunter's voice. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized quickly.

  Abby had come to the Demons for help a couple years ago because of an abusive boyfriend. Standing about five-foot-four, with brunette hair and green eyes, she was a very attractive woman. The Celtic Demons set Abby up at Misneach House. The building had been established as a safe place for abused women on the grounds of the compound. Typically, the Demons would help the women get back on their feet then set them up in an apartment when they were ready to leave, but Abby didn't want to leave. So, Judge had agreed to take her on as the house mother. Now, she ran the shelter and helped out around the clubhouse.

  Abby smiled at him then said, "It's okay, Saint. It wasn't so much your voice; it was your face. What the hell happened to you?" She started drying her hands on a dishtowel.

  "I had a run-in with a hard head."

  "Well, come over here and sit down. I have some cover-up in my purse." Hunter sat in the chair and let Abby work her magic. "Here," she said as she handed him a mirror.

  "Holy crap, you're really good at this. You would never know these were the same black eyes they were ten minutes ago." Realizing that what he had said sounded very insensitive, he added, "I'm sorry, Abby. I meant it as a compliment."

  "I understand, Hunter, but you're right. Abused women generally know how to cover things up well." She handed him the tube of cover up. "Here, take this with you. You might need to touch it up later in the day."

  Hunter looked at the tube in his hand, "Are you sure you don't need it?"

  "Nope, I always carry an extra one in case one of the women needs it."

  "Thank you, Abby. I owe you, but I gotta run. I'll talk to you later." He made a mental note to order a few cases of cover-up for the shelter, so Abby didn't have to foot the bill any longer.

  Hunter left the kitchen. Walking through the main bar area, he headed for the door. "She did a good job; you'd never know," Hunter heard from Mac.

  "Yeah, I know. Put a note on my desk to order cover-up, will yo

  "You got it, Hunter. Have a good day."

  Carrying his coffee, Hunter made his way over to the garage slash warehouse. Entering the security code into the pad on the wall, he opened the door. He placed his coffee on the workbench then walked to the cabinets on the far wall and pulled the doors open, removing the attachable touring pak trunk for his bike. The passengers' backrest pad had built-in speakers secured in this accessory. After he put it on the bike, Hunter picked up a rag, wiping the dust off the mural that continued the battle between the Samurai and the fire breathing dragon. This day had been a long time coming for him—the day he finally had a good reason to put it on. Hunter rarely needed to ride with it, but with Willow riding behind him, he knew she would be more comfortable. Especially because, today, the ride wouldn't be thirty minutes long.

  When he was done, he finished his coffee, throwing the empty cup in the garbage. Then he mounted his bike and started it, letting the deep rumble of the engine rev while it warmed up. He glanced down at his watch, seeing he only had twenty minutes to get to the Lawson home. He pulled the bike out, hitting the button to close the door as he rode out.

  The ride to the Lawson house seemed to take longer than the fifteen minutes it actually took. When he got there, Luca met him in the driveway wearing flip-flops, shorts, and a short white bathrobe. Hunter gave him an odd look. "She's a nervous wreck. She won't admit it, but she dragged me out of bed at seven am to model outfits. I haven't even had coffee yet; this is the best you're getting."

  "What did she decide on?" He was praying it was at least a pair of jeans and boots.

  "The first thing she put on. However, I'm to ask you if she can bring a pair of shorts and sandals to change into?"

  "Yes, that would be advisable, also a bathing suit."

  "I'll let her know. You need anything? Oh, and whoever did your makeup is very good. You'd never know you had two black eyes." Luca smiled.

  "Yes, she is good, and no, I'm good." Hunter got off his bike as Luca walked back into the house. Opening the trunk, he shifted some things around to give her room to put her things. He heard the door close, and without lifting his head, he said, "Tell me she needs another five minutes that's really going to turn into a half-hour?"


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