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Hunter's Treasure

Page 12

by Jill Shannon

  Hunter set a maddening pace when he felt her tight walls pulsating around him. Pumping into her one final time, he surrendered to the intoxicating fulfillment she granted him. Exhaustion sapping his strength. He collapsed, falling to the side, taking her with him. Holding her in his arms, he got his breathing under control. "Stay right here. I'll be right back." He rolled off the bed and made his way into the bathroom.

  Willow didn't think she could have gotten up if she wanted to. A pleasured smile lit her face as she stretched her arms above her head and shifted her deliciously exhausted body flat on the bed.

  Hunter returned, carrying a glass of water, two aspirin, and a damp cloth. When he handed her the aspirin, she sat up to also receive the water. "Take these; they'll help with the hangover tomorrow and any soreness you may have." Willow did as she was told while Hunter spread her legs and washed her clean from their joining. When he was finished, he tossed the cloth in the hamper then climbed under the covers, taking her with him.

  "After seeing my playroom and knowing how good the sex is between us, would you consider becoming my submissive?" Hunter threw the question out there, holding his breath for her answer.

  Her head resting on his chest, she looked up at him with questioning eyes. "Would it be a deal-breaker if I couldn't be your submissive?"

  Hunter knew once she experienced the relief of giving control of her body over to him, she would be able to understand sexual freedom. "No, Willow. It's not a deal-breaker. But I think if you give it a chance, you might be truly amazed at the pleasure you will receive from submitting." He let that sink in then told her, "We'll take our time. I just needed to know that you would be open to the idea." He went on to explain to her about safe words, as well as hard and soft limits, the uses of different floggers and crops, and about nipple clamps and spanking benches. He also clarified again the importance of a safe word. "We will go slow as long as I know you are willing to try. However, we have another matter to address right now." Gathering her in his arms, he reached over for the note on the nightstand. "Would you like to read it, or should I?" He waved the note Julie had given her in the air.

  "I'm okay with you reading it." Willow snuggled her head against his chest as he began to read.

  Willow, dear Charles is in trouble and needs your help.

  Willow sat up from her comfortable lounged position, looking him in the face. Instant concern for her boss flashed to hers. Hunter sat a little straighter as well when he continued.

  I'm not exactly sure what they are holding over his head, but Jax and Alex are blackmailing him. We would have never brought them knowing how much you dislike them, but Charles insisted they come, told me they had to come to bring a new boat back. Something is going on, and Charles is mixed up in the middle of it. I pressed him on the matter, and the only thing he would tell me was that he was doing this for our safety. If I could take this to the police, I would, but Charles told me specifically, no cops. You're the only person I know who I can trust with this. I know you care for Charles like a surrogate father. Please, I'm begging you to help us.

  Willow snatched the note from his hand, scanning over the letter with her own watery eyes. "That's it? How am I supposed to help them? She didn't tell us anything useful." Willow went to get out of the bed, but Hunter pulled her back.

  "It's late, and there is nothing we can do tonight. Tomorrow, I will see what I can find out." Holding her face in his palms, he told her, "We will figure a way out of this for them, trust me." He kissed her forehead then tucked her against his body. "Get some rest, princess; you are going to need it."

  She knew he was right, so she settled in next to him, but she couldn't stop thinking about the note. What could Alex and Jax possibly have on Charles? Why was the boat so important? What would happen if they did call the police? Questions only brought more questions until her exhausted mind finally shut down.

  Hunter knew the minute she gave her brain a rest and fell asleep. He was sure she was doing the same thing he was, questioning every possibility for Charles' situation. He hadn't wanted to promise her something and then let her down. But he also knew he would be able to find out more information than Willow could imagine. He would wait until he had something useful then figure a plan out with the Celtic Demons to help Charles and Julie. He looked down at the beautiful woman sleeping in his arms and knew there was nothing he wouldn't do to win her heart. Content with that thought in his head, Hunter fell asleep.

  Chapter 5

  Hunter woke up, entwined in legs, arms, and hair. She looked so beautiful. All inhibitions, worries, and fears were nowhere to be found, replaced by a blissful, satisfied, and bewitching smile on her face. It had been a perfect night; Hunter had explained the role of a submissive to Willow, and she had been very receptive to the idea. He had explained what hard and soft limits were and what he would expect from her as his submissive. Hunter told her of the pleasure he would receive from the freedom she would feel. Now, looking down at her serene face, he didn't want to leave her. What he really wanted was to tie her to the bed and never let her go. But if he had learned nothing else about Willow in the short period they had been together, she was loyal to her family and friends, an excellent quality Hunter couldn't help but admire in a submissive or an old lady. Untangling himself from her body, he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, mumbling, "You sleep, princess. I'm going to see if I can find out what kind of a mess Charles is in."

  He left the bed and picked a pair of jeans and a shirt to wear. Closing the curtains before he left the room, he headed for the kitchen. Tossing his clothes onto a chair, he made his way to the counter, and put on a pot of coffee. Next, he headed into his office, and turning on the light, he powered up his computers. Giving them time to sign on, he went back to the kitchen. Pulling two mugs from the cabinet, as well as sugar, he placed them on the counter. While he waited for the coffee to finish, he threw his clothes on. Coffee in hand, comfortable in his office, he went to work. First, gathering the basic information on Charles Andrews. He really had no information on Alex and Jax, but he wasn't too worried about that, though. He would extract their employment records when he dug into Charles' business. He knew the key player in this triangle was Charles. He would start there and see where the information led.

  Willow woke with a content smile on her face then grimaced when she stretched her sore body, feeling every muscle. Reaching for Hunter, she found his side of the bed empty and cold. Wondering where he was, she swung her legs off the side of the bed, silently thanking Hunter for the aspirin last night. Sitting on the bed, she realized the only thing she had to wear was her dress from last night. She allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkened room and made her way over to pull the curtains open. As she pulled them back, the blaring sun came beaming into the room. Closing her eyes, she turned away from the window, now wondering what time it was. Scanning the room for something to put on, she spotted a blue Killer Couture shirt resting on the back of the couch. Slipping it over her head, the shirt fell to her knees, and the short sleeve on Hunter was a three quarter on her. She giggled over the fact that the only things holding the shirt up were her breasts.

  She padded her way into the bathroom, cleaned her makeup off, and splashed some water on her face. Feeling the grit on her tongue, she searched the vanity for an extra toothbrush, knowing it was an invasion of his privacy. She did it anyway and prayed he'd understand. It didn't take much snooping to find what she was looking for. She brushed her teeth and went in search of Hunter. Following the delicious aroma of coffee, she spotted him reclined in one of the outside lounge chairs. She prepared her coffee, finding everything she needed lying on the counter for her, then joined him outside. "Want some company?" she asked, closing the sliding door behind herself. She balanced her coffee in her other hand. She added, "I hope you don't mind. I borrowed one of your shirts." She waved her free hand down the front of her body then flashed it up by her head, modeling the shirt for him.

  Hunter twisted his
head toward her voice, a smile forming on his face at the sight of her. "My friend in the UK would love to have you model his clothing line." Although the oversized shirt hung to her knees, he had never seen anything so beautiful. "Come sit with me," he invited, patting the seat between his legs.

  He spread his legs for her to sit. She handed him her coffee and nestled herself back against his chest. When she was comfortable, he gave her cup back to her. "Did you sleep well? I was surprised to wake up alone." She pouted her lips at him.

  "Yes, I did." It had eluded him until now that his nightmare had been absent from his sleep. He attributed that to Willow but would keep that to himself. She tilted her head so she could look at him. "You wore me out," he blurted out instead.

  "I did not." Willow slapped his arm playfully. "I followed all your instructions."

  "And I rewarded every one of them." He stroked the curve of her face with his finger. His cock started pulsing with an aching need.

  She settled back down, leaning her head against his chest, sipping her coffee, and softly said, "Yes, you did." Willow couldn't believe she'd had so many orgasms in one night. The one thing she could definitely say about Hunter was he knew what he was doing in bed. No man had ever taken the time or care with her the way Hunter did.

  They sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the quiet of the morning. When Hunter saw that she was finished with her coffee, he began, "I think I know what Alex and Jax are blackmailing Charles with."

  The statement got Willow's attention. "Continue." She shifted her body so she could look at him as he spoke.

  "I did some investigating while you were sleeping. Apparently, very early on in Charles' career, he got mixed up with some unsavory people, and he did some things for them." Hunter was trying everything not to ruin Willow's opinion of Charles. "Charles needed money to start his business, and the loan he took out came with certain requirements."

  "Stop hedging around and just tell me."

  "He ran guns for the Irish mafia." He exhaled the breath he had been holding. "Willow, it was a long time ago, and Charles has no ties to these people anymore. I called my mother to see what she could find out. She was not happy to hear that someone was using her organization to force another into doing their bidding. She's going to make some calls and get back to me." His mother had been surprised to receive his call after so many years.

  "So, that's what they are holding over his head." Willow looked confused. "But, if it happened a long time ago, why would it matter now?"

  "If it got out, it would ruin him. No government office would ever hire him again. Hell, they'd probably try to throw him in jail. Similar to our government, it doesn't matter if the incident happened two days ago or twenty years. He could do jail time."

  Willow was having a hard time reconciling what Hunter was telling her. Her sweet, pudgy, short, balding boss had been a gun smuggler. "Are you certain?" Hunter nodded, his head confirming. "Is that what they want him to do again, smuggle guns?"

  "We will have to speak with Charles to find out for sure. I also called Judge and Yankee; they want to meet with us back at the clubhouse." Kissing her soft shoulder peeking out from his shirt, he added, "But first, we need to get you some clothes. Don't get me wrong, I'd like nothing better than to take you back upstairs and spend the rest of the day in bed." His smile lit up his face at the thought in head. "But if we are going to help Charles, we're going to need the Celtic Demons." He picked up his phone on the table. "I'll call Abby while you're in the shower. She should have something at Misneach House for you to wear." He waited a minute for her confirmation. "If that's okay?" Dialing the phone, he said, "You're going to want to be wearing something other than your dress from last night when we talk to Judge and Yankee."

  "What's Misneach House?"

  "It's pronounced mish-nock. It means courage, spirit, and hopefulness. It's a women's shelter on the Demons' compound. It's not too far, so she can be here in five minutes."

  Willow looked a little confused. "Why would you have a women's shelter on the compound. Isn't that like an oxymoron?"

  Hunter stopped dialing his phone, thinking about what she had asked. In one building, they revered and protected the women within. While in another building, they cheapened and used women for their own pleasure. "You may have a point; however, the difference is the house mice in the club want to be there and understand the rules." He paused and then stressed to her, "And they are never abused. Viking sees to that." He told her of the day Abby had come to the Demons' beaten black and blue. The club had hunted down her dead-beat boyfriend and explained the finer points of taking care of a woman. Hunter pulled his attention back to Willow. "Abby made it clear to Judge that she wanted to remain because she had nowhere else to go. So, Judge hired her to be the house mom. She understands what they've been through and can empathize with them. Abby gains their trust and helps them believe in themselves. They all love her." Explaining further, "There are some club members whose own mothers and sisters have been in bad situations and needed to stay there until they were back on their feet again. Judge wanted the Demons to provide a safe place. I think it's his way of balancing the scale."

  Willow was a little stunned by what Hunter had explained. Everything she knew about the Celtic Demons Motorcycle Club came from Skylar, but Misneach House was never mentioned. She realized he was waiting on her for an answer about borrowing some clothes from Misneach House. "Yes. Yes, of course. I have no problem wearing hand-me-downs. Remember, I'm one of five; it wasn't until I was on my own that I finally bought actual new clothes for myself."

  Hunter nodded his understanding and smiled. He pressed the send button on his phone and waited. When it connected, he told Abby what he required and paused as Abby talked. Giving Willow a total body scan, he replied, "Forty D, large, and I'm thinking a medium or size nine for jeans."

  "Not bad." Willow was amazed at his accurate description. "But nothing flowery or pastel if that's okay?"

  Hunter passed her request on to Abby, "Thank you, Abby. We'll see you in a few." He hung up the phone. Shifting her off his lap, he rose from the lounge. He stood in front of her, taking both her hands in his as he guided her to her feet. "Go take a quick shower. I'll leave the clothes on the bed for you. Then we'll go meet with Judge and Yankee." Pulling her into his arms, he told her, 'Don't worry, we will figure everything out." Then he sealed his promise, kissing her.

  Willow was quickly reminded of the night they had spent together as Hunter's hands wrapped around her body. She felt safe in his arms, leading her to believe things would work out. Ending the kiss, she pulled back to look at Hunter, asking him, "You didn't mention anything about Jax and Alex. Did you find out the possible reason they are doing this?"

  Hunter entwined his fingers at the small of her back, holding her. "That one was a little more complicated. That's why we need the Demons. If it's okay with you, though, I would rather explain it one time. Go take your shower. When you're ready, we'll meet with them at the clubhouse." He dropped his hands away, allowing her to leave.

  She stood before him a moment. "Is it really that bad?" Concern and fear could be heard in her voice.

  "It could be. Go, get ready." Hunter waited until she was back in the house before he texted Judge, 'Be there soon. You might want to include Viking in this meeting. There's more here than I thought.' Eric 'Viking' Reynolds was the club's Sargent of Arms. At six-foot-six inches with sandy blond hair, everyone knew how he got his road name. His patch and position had both been well earned.

  Judge's reply, 'He'll be there.'

  Willow came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. Lying on the bed were a pair of black capris, a white sleeveless collared shirt, bra, and panties. She looked around on the floor for a pair of shoes but found none. She realized she would need to wear her sandals from the night before. Thankfully, everything Abby had brought fit her perfectly. She folded her clothes from the night before and carried them downstairs with her. "Please tell me we are taking the Au
di." She nodded her head to her footwear. "I forgot all about shoes."

  Hunter was dressed and ready to go when she came down, her voice gaining his attention. His eyes stroked her body like a loving touch, from her braided chestnut hair to her painted toes poking out of the four-inch wedge sandals, admiring her curves in all the right places. "You are so beautiful," he blurted out.

  Willow tilted her head to the side, a grin on her face. She told him, "That doesn't answer my question." She placed her stuff on the counter and made her way over to him. Wrapping her hands behind his neck, she quietly said, "But thank you for the lovely compliment." She pulled his head down and kissed him.

  As much as Hunter wanted to take her right back upstairs, he knew they needed to get to the clubhouse. Ending the kiss, he mumbled, "Remember where we were for later. Right now, we need to get moving. And, yes, we will take the Audi." Grabbing some paperwork off the counter, he noticed her clothes in her hands. "Would you like something to put those into." He glanced in that direction.

  Following his line of sight, she saw what he meant. "Yes, please. I wouldn't want to accidentally lose my bra or panties at the clubhouse," she commented in a playful tone.

  "Exactly my point," he growled, handing her an empty gym bag. The thought of someone finding either object did not sit well with him. He waited for her to put her belongs in the bag then asked, "Ready?" She gave a head nod, and they were off.

  While they made the short ride to the clubhouse, Hunter explained a few things that Willow would need to understand about club rules. He clarified it was a rare occurrence that a woman was ever permitted to know about club business. Yet, on those special occasions, specific codes still needed to be kept in place. That when she was in the office, she was not to contradict Judge in any manner and wait to be spoken to. He asked her to hold her questions and thoughts until the end, and if they hadn't been answered, to ask then. He pointed out that it was a respect matter toward the club and not a 'put a woman in her place' matter. She accepted his terms with the understanding that she wouldn't be kept in the dark about how they were going to fix her boss' problem, that she wanted to be a part of the solution.


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