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Hunter's Treasure

Page 23

by Jill Shannon

  Willow was all set to retaliate, but Hunter beat her to it. "Listen, asshole. You should be thanking her, not berating her. If it wasn't for her knowing you were blackmailing Charlie, we wouldn't be here to save your sorry ass. So, shut the fuck up and listen for once in your life."

  Alex took a step back when Hunter defended her, realizing that he really had no choice but to accept their help if he wanted to get out of this alive. "Fine. Since you know what's happening, what do you plan on doing to get us out of this?"

  "Well, let's start with where are the rest of the women?" Maggie asked.

  Alex looked toward the tall, imposing woman. "They are below."

  "Tell me you didn't shove them into those little storage boxes Charlie had installed?" Willow questioned.

  "No, I couldn't bear the thought of them being stuffed in them," Jax answered. "Willow, I swear we had no idea what Zapatero was going to have us transport. I would never have agreed to this."

  Never wanting to see anything but the selfish woman Jax had always portrayed herself to be, Willow softened her feelings toward her. After hearing about what had happened to Jax and Alex, she had a little more compassion for them. "We know, Jax. I just wish you had gone about this differently. Instead of blackmailing Charlie, which ruffled the feathers of Maggie, here." Willow pointed to the tall redhead standing by the two large men. "She wasn't happy to hear you had chosen one of her long-time friends." Willow needed to point that out to them.

  "Who the hell is Maggie?" Alex sarcastically asked.

  "She is the one who is going to get your sorry ass out of this mess." Maggie's brogue was boldly heard.

  "And how the hell are you going to do that?" Alex demanded.

  "I'm going to offer him a deal he has wanted for a very long time," Maggie smugly replied.

  "But there is no guarantee he'll accept. And," Alex stressed further, "if he does, that doesn't mean Jax and I will be free of him."

  "Yes, it kind of does." Hunter spoke up. "You see, Maggie can make any deal with Zapatero, and he will accept. That is if he has any regard for his personal family as well as his cartel family." Maggie stood glaring stone-faced back at Alex. "You see, Maggie is not only my mother, but she also runs the most powerful mafia in Ireland," Hunter finished as he moved to stand by Maggie.

  They all watched as the blood drained from Alex's face as he realized how disrespectful he had been to her. Fearing for his life, he pleaded with her, "I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you." He looked at the group of people around him. "I should be thanking you all. You see, it's always been Jax and me. We never trusted anyone enough to give them a chance." His eyes darted to Willow. "I'm not normally such a prick, but this whole blackmail thing was all we could think about. Like Jax said earlier, we sold our souls to get away from Zapatero." His eyes flashed to Maggie's icy grey ones. "What will your cost be?" They all heard how defeated Alex sounded. Moving from the devil, he knew, to the unknown left the door open for her to name her price.

  Judge had updated Maggie on all the details they knew about Alex and Jax when she had arrived on the Black Rose. So before Maggie spoke, she had already made up her mind to go easy on them. "Laddie, if I didn't know your story, you'd already be sinking to a watery grave. However," she quickly added after seeing the panicked look on his face, "because my son has asked me for my help, not you, and you are apparently a part of the deal, you will remain breathing for the time being." Maggie nudged Hunter in the side, her attention turning toward him and Willow, who had quietly joined them. "You know what my price is. I expect to have it handed to me in less than one year. Am I making myself perfectly clear?"

  Willow's stomach dropped. She had never considered that she would now be indebted to a very powerful woman involved in organized crime.

  Hunter took her hand in his, calming her nerves before he answered his mother, "In front of all these witnesses, you have my word that if it is possible, you will have your payment early." He knew exactly what his mother wanted, and with Willow by his side, he believed it was possible.

  Willow had no idea what they had both agreed on, but she had a year to figure it out. Right now, they needed to address the situation in front of them. Nothing had been settled with that Zapatero guy yet. He could still demand something unforeseen. "Okay, now that that's settled. Can we get back to contacting this guy?" she asked.

  Maggie turned to Willow. "Have no fear, my dear. We will be in contact with him very soon."

  "We have an idea for a plan, since Maggie believes the only way to do business is face to face." Viking began laying it out, "Luca and the women will remain on the Black Rose."

  "B-but…" Luca stuttered.

  "No buts. You need to get these women to safety if something goes wrong." Now realizing the importance of what he was being asked to do, Luca nodded his head in agreement. "The rest of us will stay aboard the Dark Horse and continue on as if nothing has changed. When we are at the meeting location, we will get Zapatero to come and inspect the shipment. Once he's on board, we will sit him down with Maggie. And the rest will be up to them," Viking concluded.

  "Well, we better get moving if we're going to be there on time," Alex announced. "We need to get the women on your boat and be on our way." Looking at Jax, he told her, "Take Willow and," he hesitated, looking toward Hunter's mother, "Maggie?" His voice sounded like he was asking her if it was okay to call her that. They could all see Alex relax a bit after he received a confirming nod. "Go below and bring the women up so we can transfer them."

  Jax led the way while Maggie and Willow followed. In the meantime, Viking spoke to Luca. "Board the Black Rose, and we will pass the women over to you."

  Yankee stopped Luca before he left. "Take good care of my baby. And if anything does go wrong, I want you to tell Angel I will always love her."

  Luca understood the importance of both requests. "Have no fear, Yankee. You will be back at the helm in no time. And you'll be able to tell Angel yourself." Yankee was about to interrupt him when Luca put up his hands to stop him. "But if anything does happen, I will deliver the message."

  Judge took a moment to talk with Willow after the women were loaded onto the Black Rose. "Willow, Yankee got me thinking. Would you do me a favor?" She looked at his face, filled with what Willow considered regret. "Tell Skylar that even though we didn't always agree on everything, she was the love of my life, and I wouldn't have wanted anybody but her."

  Willow screwed up her face at how sentimental Judge was being. "Ewe, tell her yourself when we get back. Nothing is going to happen." Judge started to argue with her, but she cut him off. "Besides, if you really love her that way, put a freaking ring on her finger. Then at least my parents will get off her back." She gave him a smug smile then turned to Hunter, and pulling him by the front of his shirt down to her, she gave him a kiss to remember.

  "What was that for?" he asked, pleasantly surprised when she moved back, ending the kiss.

  "Just a reminder of what you have waiting for you when you return."

  "I'll keep that in mind," Hunter teased.

  "You better." She untangled her fingers from his shirt and boarded the Black Rose with Luca and the other women. "I'll see you when this is all done," she told him confidently. Then, standing by the rail, she graced him with a beautiful smile and a wave of her hand.

  The boats separated, and she watched as Hunter and the others floated away toward a meeting with Carlos Zapatero, a known cartel boss who was also known to be unpredictable. She stood by the railing and said a silent prayer to God to keep them all safe.

  Chapter 9

  Luca and Willow had made the decision to stay in the area where the Dark Horse had left them. They had agreed to wait in the area for a few hours before heading home. Alex had explained it would take them about an hour to get to the meeting place. When the Dark Horse had pulled away, all communication ceased. Willow knew then that Hunter had disabled the listening device he had planted. Luca had extinguished or covered all the lights on
the Black Rose. If they were going to wait, he had told her, it was best to do it under the cover of darkness. So, she kept searching the black night in front of her for some sign they were returning.

  As the agreed upon time approached, Luca joined her at the railing. "We need to get moving, Chica?" He left the words hanging between them.

  Willow's head swiveled his way. "Five more minutes. Please, Luca?" she pleaded.

  "Five more minutes, Willow," he grudgingly agreed.

  They stood together, searching the black horizon. Once the time had elapsed, Willow turned to Luca feeling defeated. Holding back the tears that wanted to flow, she gave in. "Start the engines, Luca. We need to get these women home." She turned from the rail, needing a moment to herself.

  She hadn't taken ten steps when Luca shouted, "Is that a light out there?"

  Willow stopped short and rushed back to his side. "Where?" Following Luca's line of sight, she confirmed she did see something. However, she held a reserved amount of doubt. "We do nothing until we are sure it's them."

  Hailey had joined them at the rail. Seeing a concerned look on Willow's face, she asked, "Are you okay?"

  The two swung their heads to acknowledge her, and at the same time shouted at her, "What do you see out there?"

  Confused by their question, Hailey looked in the direction they indicated, her eyes squinted. "I see some light. I'm not sure if it's getting closer or moving away." Willow slapped her hands on Luca's shoulders, and vice versa, jumping up and down doing a happy dance. "I said I see the light. That doesn't mean it's not that creep Carlos."

  Willow and Luca immediately stopped jumping. For a brief moment, they had both forgotten that fact. Luca stepped back and started to walk in the direction of the helm. "I'm going to prepare for departure. Just in case." Glancing in Hailey's direction, he said, "Go check on the women and make sure none of them have turned on a light or moved a curtain."

  "What should I do?" She had given all control to Luca. She had been too worried about Hunter to focus on what needed to be done.

  "Keep watching the light." Luca made his way back to the helm. He had decided to open the lines of communication, just in case they were trying to contact them. Then Luca waited, watching the light get brighter. As the light began to close in on them, he had an overwhelming need to start the engines but held firm to the hope it was the Celtic Demons returning.

  When the lights were almost upon them, a familiar voice came over the radio, "Black Rose, if you are still there, let us know. Everything is good."

  That was all Luca needed to hear to turn on the running lights of the Black Rose, lighting the boat up like the Fourth of July.

  "Follow us back," Yankee's voice commanded.

  As soon as the lights had been turned on, Willow ran to the helm, breathing heavily. She overheard Yankee's orders. "Is everyone okay?" she blurted out to Luca. He held his hands up in question. "Well, ask them. You know I need to know."

  Luca smiled at her hysterics. He hadn't seen his friend this desperate for a man in all the time he had known her. He slowly picked up the mic for the radio to make her request. "Is everyone still breathing over there?"

  Hunter's voice came through bold and strong, "A few bumps and bruises, but everyone is fine, Luca. Please let Willow know?"

  "You already have, Hunter. We'll see you back at the dock." Luca watched the anxiety seep from Willow's body.

  Willow had never really believed in love at first sight. Yet, since the first time she had laid eyes on Hunter, her body had felt a storm of new emotions. Her mind couldn't concentrate on anything but him. She knew the elation she felt was the final wall crumbling. She had fallen in love with this man. And nothing anybody said or did was going to change her mind or her heart. Her only concern now was if she could be the submissive he needed.

  The trip back to the dock felt like forever for Willow. When they arrived on shore, there were six men sporting Celtic Demons' cuts to meet them. Luca maneuvered the Black Rose into her slip while Willow threw the mooring lines to two of the men on shore. The other four boarded the Black Rose, moving to the starboard side to help secure the Dark Horse to the Black Rose. According to the one called Dancer, Judge had arranged for the prospects to help transport the women to Misneach House. They could reside there until they got in touch with their loved ones. Or, if they had no place to go, they could stay as long as they needed.

  One by one, the crew from the Dark Horse joined those on the Black Rose. They helped with transferring the women to shore. Hailey had chosen to stay on board, as she needed to know what had happened to the asshole who'd tried to enslave her and the others.

  Dancer was still waiting for Judge, while the other Celtic Demons waited on shore with the women. "Make sure Cindy gets to the hospital as well as any of the other women who need medical attention. Have the prospects help Abby get the rest of the women settled in at Misneach House. Once you're done, head to the clubhouse. Tell whoever is tending bar, your first shot and drink are on me. That goes for the other prospects as well."

  The prospects all thanked Judge for his generosity. Each one of them knew he didn't need to reward them at all. Being able to prospect for a Celtic Demons' patch was reward enough for them.

  This, however, seemed to awaken the women's gratitude as well. They each turned to the crew of both boats, thanking them for saving them from a life of slavery. Once they were finished, the prospects corralled the women and left the dock, getting into the waiting vehicles.

  Willow couldn't contain the overwhelming need to run to Hunter the minute his boots hit the deck. Flying across the wood floor, she leaped into his arms, eliciting a grunt from him. She pulled her head back to see the slight grimace on his face, telling her that he was hurt. She immediately released her grip and started a search of his body with her hands. Her face was filled with concern as she started blurting out questions. "What happened? Where are you hurt? Why did you let me jump on you if you were hurt?" Her hands had reached his ribs, and his body's reaction told her she had found his injury.

  Hunter jerked his body away from her groping hands, hurting himself more than if he'd just let her touch him. "There was a moment of confusion when Carlos and his associates joined us. Things got a little out of control. I didn't see a chair being slung my way. If it wasn't for Liam, more than just my ribs would be broken." He gathered her face in his hands, moving her focus to his face. "And I let you jump on me because no matter how bad I hurt, you are the only medicine I need." He leaned his head down, his lips touching hers, sealing off anything she was about to say.

  The minute his lips touched Willow's, all conscious thought left her mind. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him for the air in her lungs. Wanting nothing more than to stay in his arms, she had the presence of mind to remember they weren't alone this time. Mumbling against his warm sensual lips, she asked, "Can we come back to this later when we're alone?"

  That was Judge's cue. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm heading to the clubhouse for a drink." He paused as he jumped to the dock then continued. "Then, I'm going to find Skylar." He sent a knowing smile toward Willow. Looking toward Liam, he told him, "Come up to the clubhouse. I'll get Doc to look at that shoulder." Before he could leave, Yankee and Luca halted his progress, letting Judge know they'd also join him.

  All the while, Hailey and Viking had been eyeballing each other but glancing quickly away when their eyes met. Yankee had noticed his brother's attraction for the petite blonde, yelling over his shoulder, "Viking?" He waited to gain his brother's attention. "Why don't you bring Hailey? You can buy her a drink and tell her all about what happened." Yankee's feet hit solid ground. Turning toward Luca, he slapped his hand on his shoulder. "By the way, you did a great job taking care of my boat. Drinks are on me." He patted Luca on the back and steered him toward the clubhouse with Judge, totally ignoring Viking's response.

  Yankee's question snapped Viking out of his daydream. He looked at Hailey. "Are y
ou feeling up to hanging out with a lot of loud, obnoxious, drunk bikers? Or would you rather I just take you home to your parents?" He knew she had been through a traumatic incident, and he didn't want to put any more stress on her.

  The timbre of his voice vibrated through Hailey's body. She knew she should tell him to take her home. She knew her parents were worried about her. Yet, the thought of walking away from this man made her feel very alone. She swallowed, trying to generate some moisture to the back of her throat. Then she replied, "I should call my parents. I'm sure they are really worried. But I really want to know what happened." What Hailey really wanted was to be held in those bear-like arms.

  Trying to help her forget some of the past few days, Viking extended his hand to her. "Would you care to join me for a drink? You can call your parents, and I'll tell you what happened while we wait for them. How does that sound?"

  Hailey was elated. She would get to spend some more time with this gentle giant. She also knew if she called her parents right away, that time would be cut short. "Okay, but if my reunion with my parents interrupts, promise me we will get together again so you can finish." That was Hailey's subtle way of telling him she'd like to see him again. She knew she would need to speak with a counselor about what had happened to her. However, she also knew spending time with Viking couldn't hurt.

  Without hesitation, Viking responded to her, "Have no fear, Hailey; you will be seeing a whole lot more of me. If that's all right with you?" For the first time in a long time, Viking was nervous about a woman's reaction.

  The blush covered Hailey's face, knowing he wanted to see more of her. "I think I might like that, Viking?" Her voiced raised as if asking him if that's what she should call him.

  "Viking is my road name, but my given name is Eric if you feel better calling me that?"

  Before Hailey could leave, she walked over to Willow. Grabbing her into a bear hug, her voice filled with emotion, she whispered, "Thank you, Willow. Had you and your friends not been there tonight, I probably would have died."


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