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A Surprising Fact About Love: Small Town Romance (Silver Ridge Series Book 4)

Page 15

by Karice Bolton

  “Why do I feel like there’s more to the story?” Ashley’s eyed Sylia.

  “Isn’t there always?” Sylia turned around and started down the hall. “I have to get Esther changed, or we’ll never make it to the Norths’ on time.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “Nope,” she hollered over her shoulder, and Ashley stared after them.

  Well, life went on. The Finns were busy getting into their own routine, as they should, so she needed to concentrate on making the most of her days left in Washington. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and texted Austin.

  I think I might make it up early.

  He quickly texted back.

  That would be great. I’m done with work. I’ll meet you out front.

  Ashley reached for her keys, wallet, and jacket and quickly said her goodbyes to Esther and Sylia before heading out to her car. She couldn’t ignore the giddiness running through her at the thought of seeing Austin. It had been years—no, not even years—since she felt this kind of thrill from being around someone. All Austin North had to do was look at her in a certain way, and she could barely keep upright.

  And his kisses.

  His kissing was out of this world and only drove her crazier for something she might never get.

  At least one night with Austin North.

  She groaned at the thought of missing out when she realized she’d already made it to Silver Ridge. She slowed down as she turned onto the main street in town before turning off to head up to the resort, which was a little village in itself.

  The moment she turned into the hotel’s drive, she spotted him. His presence alone was commanding, and it was impossible not to notice how attractive Austin North was as he stood at the entrance to the lobby of his resort.

  His resort?

  It was so crazy to think that she was seeing someone who owned anything, let alone a resort.

  Her eyes connected with his, and the familiar zap of electricity ran through her. It was hard not to be in awe of the North brothers. They were all extremely attractive, but there was something about Austin that made him stand out. His unshaven square jawline only accentuated his crooked smile, and his eyes that warmed when he saw her pull into the drive made her feel like she was on the best rollercoaster ride of a lifetime, and she let out a happy sigh.

  Between his beautiful blue eyes, wide shoulders, and jeans that hugged his trim waist and muscular thighs, she wondered how in the world they’d ever connected.

  Sure, they hadn’t slept together yet, and at this rate, maybe never would, but she was a turtleneck-wearing, barely-any-makeup-covering, messy-hair kind of gal. And that was on a good day.

  She pulled up to the valet and climbed out of her car, stretching her leg out so that Austin wouldn’t notice her limp. Packing up the last of the boxes and carrying everything to the car, and then to the post office, had made her leg ache a little more than usual.

  “Stunning, as usual.” Austin smiled, walking toward her as one of his cars pulled up behind hers.

  She glanced down at her outfit that she carefully planned that did not cover up much of her. She’d picked out a black silk camisole that she wore under a black cashmere cardigan over some charcoal slacks. Since she thought they were having dinner at the resort, she assumed that wearing something cooler would be fine. Maybe she was wrong.

  “Are we not staying here?” she asked as she saw a mischievous look dart through his gaze.

  “Actually, there’s a family dinner at my mom’s house, and I thought you’d like to come. Autumn and Joel are bringing the baby and . . .”

  His words drifted away as excitement and nervousness collided in her belly. She loved babies, and she loved Austin’s family, but it felt extremely awkward since she had no idea what they were. Friends? Not Lovers. Not a couple. Not—

  Austin’s arm circled her waist as one valet drove her car away and Austin led her to his.

  “The one time I don’t wear a turtleneck,” she grumbled. “I feel so vulnerable.”

  He laughed, and she felt him squeeze her closer as she wondered what tonight had in store. As he helped her into his car, she felt her phone buzz, and she debated about checking it.

  When he climbed into the driver’s seat, her phone buzzed again, and she pulled it out to check. The words escaped her lips before she had a chance to stop them.

  “Oh, no.”

  Austin had already turned onto the road leading away from the resort.

  “Is everything okay? Do you need your car or—”

  “It’s the Givenses in Virginia.”

  “Yeah?” Austin prompted.

  “They want to see if I can come out a little earlier.”

  “How much earlier?” he asked, clearing his throat.

  She noticed him clutch the steering wheel a little tighter.

  “They want me there in two days. They’re even paying a bonus to make it happen.” She let out a low sigh and stared out the window.

  Ashley knew this was going to come sooner or later, but she liked the idea of it being later rather than sooner.

  “Wow. Do you have to go?”

  She sucked on her lip for a split second. “I think it would be a really good idea. It sounds like they’re kind of in a lurch.”

  “Doesn’t it kind of put you in a lurch?” he asked, turning on a road Ashley had never been down before.

  “Yes and no. I did happen to pack and mail the rest of my boxes today.”

  “Can I ask something personal?” he asked, pulling the car over in front of a sprawling home.

  “Sure.” Her eyes connected with his.

  “I did notice you limping today, just a little, but does it hurt?”

  She drew a sharp breath. She’d expected him to ask about going out to Virginia or maybe even staying, but not about her limp. It shouldn’t matter, but for some reason, it did. Austin was an active guy, and she was a really active woman, but there were limitations somedays, and she never wanted to discuss those.

  Because . . . this non-fling was supposed to be about fun and nothing else. They were supposed to have slept together here and there, and then she’d be off and running.

  Instead, what had happened was that she felt closer to Austin than anyone in a long time, and vulnerable.

  Even more so with this question.

  “Yes. There are days that my leg aches. Mainly my joints.”

  “Why don’t you ever say anything?”

  “I don’t want to be a downer.”

  “Why would you be a downer?” His brows furrowed together, hating that she thought she couldn’t be honest.

  She shrugged. “It’s hard to explain.”

  “Try.” He reached for her hand, and she craved his touch.

  “There are times when it hurts. Sometimes, like today, it’s because I probably overdid things with carrying, lifting, and more carrying.” She looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but concern. “And other days, I have no idea what makes my limp worse. I think what can make it look worse is that I’m limping so that it won’t hurt. I’ve kind of learned how to walk to avoid the pain on bad days.”

  “Did it hurt at the rink?”

  “I think I was too terrified to have it hurt.” She paused. “And I was freezing to death, so it was probably like having ice packs all over my body.”

  He laughed. “At the gardens?”

  She blushed, not realizing he’d seen her. She’d thought she’d done such a good job of hiding things.

  She nodded, frowning. “To be honest, I don’t know why things are hurting more.”

  “Have you thought about going to the doctor?” he asked, still holding her hand.

  “Yeah. I’ve given it some thought, but life gets in the way.” She laughed. “But I’d actually made a mental note to get a referral when I get to Virginia to get to the bottom of it.”

  “Good.” He squeezed her hand. “But I want you to tell me if you hurt.”

  “Why?” Ashley frow

  “So I feel more connected to you,” he said simply as he put the car back in drive and turned down the long driveway to the house Ashley had spotted. “See that tiny little cabin in the woods about an acre away from this monstrous house?”

  “Is that your mom’s house?” she asked. “How do we get there from here?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “No, that little cabin is mine. I live at a condo on the resort most of the time, but I built that a couple of years ago. Actually, I didn’t build it. My brother, Kyle, built it.”

  “It looks awesome and not so little.” She glanced at the large house in front of them. “Well, maybe tiny compared to this, but still pretty large.”

  He chuckled. “It’s my home away from home.”

  “Well, maybe if I’m lucky, someday, you’ll show it to me.” Ashley laughed, knowing the chances were pretty slim now that she had to leave for Virginia early. “Your mom’s house looks enormous. That’s hers, right?”

  “It is. She’d initially started building a small home, as she termed it, and then she kept adding on rooms. We will never stop teasing her about it.” He laughed, parking in front of one of four garages. There were cars parked in every direction on the expansive driveway.

  Ashley laughed. “Well, at least she has great taste.”

  “And more money than she knows what to do with.” Austin rolled his eyes, and she loved him for it. He was so down-to-earth, and getting that text from the Givenses only made tonight more difficult.

  She actually didn’t want to leave. But she’d signed a contract, and her word was all she had.

  “This must be some family dinner.”

  “We have a lot of family.” He smiled, and Ashley’s stomach knotted.

  “You okay?” Austin asked, tipping her chin toward him.

  She nodded, and before she had a chance to respond, his mouth touched hers, and she wished she wasn’t falling for Austin North.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Oh, darling.” Austin’s mom opened the door and brought her son in for a hug, quickly followed by a kiss on both cheeks. “I’m so glad you and Ashley made it tonight.”

  She took a step back and clapped her hands together. “Especially since you’re the guest of honor.”

  Austin saw Ashley’s eyes widen to the size of saucers, and he held in a chuckle as the crowd behind his mother yelled, “Surprise,” to Ashley’s astonishment.

  “Surprise!” Austin joked after everyone began to wave and come over. “Sylia and Peter wanted to throw you a going-away party.”

  “I gather that.” She laughed, spotting Sylia and Peter wrangling their kids on their way over to hug her.

  “You didn’t think we’d let you leave town without a little something, did you?” Sylia asked, hugging Ashley with Esther tied to her hip.

  “Wow. I just—” Ashley began.

  “Plus, we thought maybe a house full of Norths could convince you to stay.” She smiled, and Austin slipped his arm around Ashley. The thought of not getting to do this again nearly tore him up.

  “Actually, the Givenses texted her on the way over and asked her to come out early.”

  Sylia hissed. “You’re kidding. No.” She shook her head. “No, that’s awful. Why can’t they wait their turn?”

  Peter walked over and glanced at his wife. “What’s wrong?”

  “The Virginia family want her out there early.” Sylia nearly sulked, and Austin realized how much the Finns would miss Ashley too.

  It was just so obvious. Ashley Malone was meant to stay in Silver Ridge.

  Or, at the very least, Cherry Hill.

  Yet, she was set to leave.

  “That’s ridiculous.” Peter waved his hand in the air. “They can’t expect you to do that.”

  “I already texted back that I would.”

  “That doesn’t sit well with me. Where’s the respect? They should respect your time. You are, after all, having to upheave your entire life clear across the country. What does the contract say?”

  Ashley laughed, loving that Peter Finn was so protective.

  “I’m sure your wife could find something to get me out of going early, but since I’m going to be living with them for at least a year, it’s probably best not to start it off on the wrong foot.”

  “Smart thinking.” Austin laughed, pulling her in a little closer as his mind spun in circles.

  Austin had a plan, and it involved a little more time, and now, that wasn’t an option. The thing he’d most wanted to do with Ashley Malone was no longer some abstract concept. He needed to make her fall for him before she left town or there’d be no hope.

  He was sure of it.

  Austin spotted his brother Joel holding his infant daughter, Briella, and his chest tightened with the realization that he might not ever get to share something as special as growing a family with Ashley. It had been something he’d refused to believe over these last few weeks.

  “Shall we go visit Briella and her overly-protective parents?”

  “I’d love to,” Ashley agreed, nodding and waving in their direction.

  Ashley already even fit in with his family. Oh, this drove him nuts. Why couldn’t she see that she belonged here with him?

  With them?

  “Hi, Ashley.” Autumn hugged her just as I let her go, and Ashley hugged her back.

  “You look amazing and so . . .” She glanced at Joel. “Alert.”

  “He’s got night duty at the moment.” Autumn wiggled her brows. “And I feel like a new woman with about thirty extra pounds, but I don’t care. I kind of like the extra padding.”

  “Me too, honey,” Joel said, hugging his little girl. “It’s in all the right places.”

  “Shh,” Autumn joked. “Not in front of Briella.”

  “Hey, we’re so sorry to hear you’re leaving.” Dina bounded over to the group with Sam behind her. “But you’ll be coming back, right?”

  “It’s even worse.” Austin drew a breath and attempted to push away the crazy anxiety that was rushing through him. “She’s leaving early. Two days.”

  “What?” Sam’s expression fell. “You’re kidding? Why?”

  Ashley frowned. “I guess they needed me early or something.”

  Austin and Sam traded worried glances. He’d told his brothers how much he’d fallen for Ashley. They could all see it. They knew.

  They knew she was the one.

  “Is there any way you’d reconsider? Anything we could do to make you change your mind?” Dina asked, glancing at Austin nervously. “A free wedding dress?”

  Ashley looked at me, confused.

  “She designs wedding gowns.”

  “Oh, wow.” Ashley smiled. “That’s amazing.”

  “No pressure, though.” Dina laughed. “Well, maybe a little. I’ve never seen Austin so . . .”

  “Mature?” Joel laughed.

  “Relaxed?” Sam tried.

  “Nice?” Autumn chuckled.

  “So, I’m an old immature ogre? Is that the gist?” Austin laughed, shaking his head.

  It was true. Ashley had been good for him. He hadn’t been so obsessed with work. He’d let the employees do their jobs without him peeking his nosy head into their departments, so he was sure they were happy about that. But the truth was that he liked his employees and only stopped by so he could chat with him. It had always kept him busy and his mind from . . . well . . . being lonely.

  And Ashley somehow took care of that by merely existing. Just knowing Ashley was out there somewhere helped, and he hoped it would be the same when she was in Virginia, but he certainly planned on visiting.

  A lot.

  Austin saw his grandmother making her way over with a plate full of food. She’d already hit the buffet table.

  “Ashley, so good to see you again. Sylia should be happy. I brought a blackberry pie from the store.” My grandmother smiled and took a meatball from a toothpick.

  “She’ll be in heaven, and I must confess, so
will I.” Ashley kissed Austin’s grandmother on the cheek, and Austin wished he could stop her from going.

  But that wouldn’t be fair. This was what she wanted. This was the life she’d chosen. He’d only hoped that he could show her an option before it was too late, but sometimes, fate had a surprise in store.

  “So, what’s this I hear about you leaving early for Virginia?” Austin’s grandma asked.

  “The family I’m working for has asked me to come early, and I agreed.”

  Grandma North shook her head. “A shame. A real shame.” She took another bite of her meatball. “Do you want to go early?”

  The question seemed to surprise Ashley, and all ears perked up to listen.


  Austin swore he spotted a bit of sheepishness in her.

  “Um, actually, no, I don’t really want to go early, but it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Hmm.” Austin’s grandma moved onto a marinated artichoke. “Sometimes, the right thing is actually the wrong thing.”

  “I just don’t want to let them down. I’ve already agreed to a year with them, so what’s a few days more? I’m worried they’ll think I’m not very agreeable, and I take pride in giving someone my word. I want to be thoughtful about their needs.”

  “That’s a good quality to have,” Grandma North agreed. “Except when it interferes with your happiness. It’s not very thoughtful of them to have you uproot everything in your life because they want you a little bit early for their convenience. I must say, it worries me about the type of people you might be working for.”

  Austin noticed Ashley’s smile growing as she nodded in agreement. “It actually concerns me too.” Ashley looked at the food table. “But a year isn’t that long.”

  “Oh, honey.” Grandma North looked at Briella and then back at Austin before turning her attention to Ashley. “A year is everything. Look what little miracles can be brought into the world in under a year. Lives change. Seasons change. A year is a lot to give up.” She dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “But I’m sure Sylia and her firm can get you out of the contract if it turns out they’re real creeps.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” Ashley laughed, looking relieved as Grandma North started nosing her newest grandbaby.


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