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In Embers (The Ember Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Madison Daniel

  Well, that’s it, that’s my speech. Now, go and find what,

  and who, makes you smile.

  I’m sorry I can’t be there to tell you this in person, but

  don’t feel sorry for me. Don’t spend your time crying

  over me. Live, Max. And love! And burn as bright as

  your fires will let you! I want to see your light from

  here, okay. Shine on, my boy.

  I love you, Mad Max.

  Oh, and take care of my record collection! Don’t let

  Kris near them, she has the worst taste in music!


  Goodbye, and God bless.”

  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  My eyes fought a tidal wave of tears and it took every ounce of strength I had left to do it. Frank was my anchor, my teacher, my protector. But most of all, he was the best man I had ever known. I missed him completely. I wished I could talk to him again. I wished I could hug him again. I waited for his ghost to show up, but it never did. I guess his electronic farewell would have to be enough.

  In my dark room I played the video message over and over until the sun came up.


  ~ Never Say Never: The Fray ~

  Hale Ko’olani Estate

  Tuesday - 7:31 p.m. - June 18th

  Outside the gate of theHale Ko’olani’s beautiful architecture Asia gently adjusted the top button on my collared shirt and kissed me softly. She knew this was the biggest evening in the troubled history of our love-triangle. She also knew this was the end. Closure, as she had said before.

  “Are you sure the girls will be okay by themselves while we do this?” I asked, in an excuse to back out of this trap.

  “They’re fine, and you know it. Safe and sound back at my fortress. You know it would take an army to get through my security there,” she softly scolded.

  “Okay,” I said. I gave myself a moment to calm down before Asia snuggled up along my chest.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” she ordered.

  I smiled a little. “You look beautiful, Asia,” I said, trying to slow my heart rate.

  She kissed me again and modeled her tight red dress as vibrant as blood. It fell along her shape with soft silk and accents of lace. “Mahalo. You look good enough to eat,” she tempted.

  “Is that so?” I groaned. My dark suit was casual but fancy enough for me to feel uncomfortable. I loosened the matching blood red tie and she traced my body inside my clothes with a wicked grin.

  “As a matter of fact, I haven’t seen you this dressed up since that one Halloween…remember?” she softly asked.

  We were in Paris and she made me dress in a tuxedo. Yeah, I remembered. “You bet I do,” I sighed. She knew I hated dressing up, and she was more than aware that I was close to leaving this shindig. How was I supposed to deal with Sam’s wedding, especially after last night.

  “Just breathe, Max,” Asia whispered in my ear. “After tonight, we can all move forward.” I nodded her way and took another deep breath. “Come on, handsome.” She smiled, and tugged me through the entrance to the garden.

  Sam’s family was already seated and waiting for the ceremony to begin. Kai’s family filled the other half of the seats, leaving no more room for Asia and I to sit anywhere. We politely waved to Sam’s parents and positioned ourselves at the back of the garden, shadowing its floral decorated walls. Detective Steele sat at attention across the garden. She winked at me with a look that said she was proud of me for showing up. The look reminded me of my Uncle Frank. I waved her way. My mother ran up to us and gave me a quick hug, and Asia a kiss on the side of her cheek.

  “It’s almost time, Son. Can you believe it?” My nerves rolled over in my stomach. “This will be a day we’ll never forget,” she announced, before running back to her seat a few rows away. That’s what I was afraid of.

  The sun began to set behind the arch of daisies and lace, sending my heart silent and still.

  “Here we go…” I sighed. Asia squeezed my hand tighter.

  Soft music began to play and Kai appeared from behind a corner at the front of the stage and positioned himself accordingly. He was covered in nervous sweat and wiped it away with a white handkerchief. Just then he saw me and waved it my way. It reminded me of a white flag.Was he surrendering? Quickly he tucked it inside his black jacket and settled himself. Everyone stood up and turned toward the side entrance. I held my breath and waited. The music continued but no one emerged. Another minute passed and the crowd grew restless. Asia looked at me and thunder rolled in the distance. I let out a nervous puff of steam and tightened in my stance.

  That’s when Madi entered with Sam a few feet behind her. Madi carried a small green pillow with two rings punched into the center of it. They were snuggly tied together with a lacy ribbon that matched the color of Madi’s dress. Her auburn brown curls were loosely tucked behind her head in a bun with beaded jewels tangled throughout. She walked slowly up to the alter and stole a glance back my way. Her big eyes smiled when she saw that I was here. She acted as if it was no big deal, but I knew better. It settled me for a moment but it didn’t last long.

  A hush filled the loving crowd as Sam came into view for everyone to soak in. Her makeup was flawless and her dress was just like her…breathtaking. She slowly walked toward Kai with a modest bouquet of Gerber daisies. She looked taller than usual because of the high heels she was wearing. She wore her hair down and let it fall naturally. I tried not to stare. I tried to look away, but it was no use.

  As Sam settled into her spot for the ceremony, she leaned over and kissed Madi on the cheek. I waited for her to look back and find me, but she never did. She locked eyes with Kai and smiled patiently. I felt my fires creeping up my chest dying to be released, but I fought them defiantly. Asia let her cooling electricity slide through my skin and it eased the temptation to catch fire and run away. At least for a moment.

  The music stopped when the minister appeared between the happy couple. He congratulated both of them and exchanged pleasantries with the audience. It was all too perfect. I started to feel weak in my legs. This was one of the worst ideas in the sad history of my bad ideas. I couldn’t watch Sam marry someone else. I closed my eyes and steadied my feet. It didn’t help much though.

  The minister went into his routine and walked Sam and Kai through every emotional detail of their wedding. Madi kept looking back at me with curious eyes and it made me feel a little better, even though the thought of her leaving for Seattle again was at the back of my mind and it filled me with hopeless sorrow.

  And if on cue, the minister asked the whole gathering if anyone objected to this blessed union of two souls. Sam’s mother, Rebecca, looked behind her and found my weary stare. She watched me hard and waited for me to speak up. I didn’t. From over Rebecca’s shoulder Kai looked at me too, and I almost ran out of the garden. His eyes pleaded with me to not make a scene. I closed my eyes and lowered my head. The minister continued with a joyous tone and asked them to exchange rings. Madi played her role as ring bearer perfectly and held up the pillow with a embarrassed giggle. I watched as Kai took a ring in his hand and turned toward Sam with a goofy smile. He nodded for her to do the same, but Sam didn’t move. She stared at the single ring on the pillow and held her breath.

  “Go ahead, my dear,” the minister encouraged her. She looked up at him in a quiet panic. Her hands were shaking and it locked me in place. I couldn’t move.

  “Sam…are you okay?” Kai asked, in a tremble. Sam just stared at the ring as fresh tears broke along the edges of her eyes.

  Madi reached up with one hand, still holding the pillow in the other, and said, “Mommy, what’s wrong?” Sam gently held her little hand and tried to smile but failed badly. Finally, her face turned my way and it looked as if she wanted to scream. She wouldn’t acknowledge Kai or the minister and continued to reach for me with her stare. As she fully broke down everyone turned slowly i
n their seats and condemned me with their faces. I stepped back, ready to run and hide. Asia awoke with anger and lightning cut down the middle of the sky and everyone jumped in shock. Her hand locked like a vice around my hand as the rain began to fall in giant drops.

  From the alter Sam mouthed one word, “Max.” Kai stepped in front her trying to block me from her view. Madi looked around confused. As Kai grew angrier, Sam pulled farther and farther away in sadness. Thunder pushed down on everyone and Sam’s pain instantly became determination.

  “Sam, what the hell are you doing?” Kai bellowed.

  Sam threw her bouquet down to the grass and screamed, “No!” With a shove she exploded past Kai, leaving him reeling and upset. Sam ran down the aisle with her breaking jade eyes still on me.

  “Max,” she exhaled. Her hand reached out and snagged me in it, ripping me from Asia’s grasp. Without slowing down she pulled me into the aisle and out the back gate. Asia followed in a rage, scooping up a crying Madi who was running right behind Sam.

  Through a simple maze of shrubbery and flowers, Sam pulled me faster and faster. Asia tried to keep up the pace, but Madi’s little legs kept her from catching us. Feeling dizzy and confused, I jammed my heels into the ground, making Sam stop her escape. She whipped around still latched onto my hand and pulled at me again.

  “Sam, what are you doing?” I asked, in a panic.

  “I can’t marry Kai…I can’t,” she sobbed.

  “Then don’t.”

  “I can’t let go of you, Max…I won’t!” she threatened. Her other hand stole my other hand and she pulled me closer to her. “I should have never left.”

  “Sam…what are you saying?” I gasped. Asia arrived at the same moment and the sky fell almost black with her smothering storm. Madi ran past me and slammed into Sam’s side, making her let go of me.

  “Mommy! Why are you running away?” Madi began to cry.

  “I’m so sorry, Madi-Bug, I wasn’t leaving you. I’ll never leave you,” Sam said, holding her with all her strength. “Mommy’s just not feeling very well right now.”

  “Are you sick?” Madi asked, and wiped at her tears. Sam looked up at me and started to cry harder.

  “Not exactly. Mommy’s just in love.”

  “With Daddy Kai?” Madi asked, confused. I hung my head in disappointment. Asia stepped in front of me, alive with hostility.

  “No. I’m in love with…” Sam whispered, but Asia cut her off.

  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Silver lightning lit the sky up like a spider web of fire. Asia stepped into Sam, being sure not to hurt Madi. I reached for Asia and she smacked my hand away in a fit. “No, Max! This has gone on too long! I’m finishing this.”

  The warning was backed up by a roar of thunder. Sam slid Madi behind her and pushed herself into Asia. Sam locked eyes with Asia and dared her to stop her. My heart stopped. All these years have led up to this moment and I was frozen in place.

  Asia jabbed a finger my way and cursed, “My world. My life. My Max.” Fingers of electricity slithered around her dress and arms. I stepped toward her, ready to settle her wrath when Sam’s hand stopped me.

  “No, Max,” she snapped. “I got this.”

  “I dare you…” Asia cursed. Sam pushed up on the tips of her shoes to get closer to her face.

  With a fist on her chest, she broke Asia’s death glare and found me. “My heart. My soul.” Sam then turned her head back to Asia. “My Max.”

  I stepped back, not sure what to say or do. Was this really happening? Were the two most important women in my life about to destroy each other…over me? Madi threw her hands over her ears and backed against the nearest wall of the floral maze. I wanted to pick her up, but I was too afraid to take my eyes off of Asia and Sam.

  Incredibly, Detective Steele ran up at that precise moment. She bullied past me and jammed herself in between the girls.

  “What the hell is going on?” she shouted. Asia tightened her stance and the storm grew wilder around us. Sam eased back an inch but never took her eyes from Asia’s. Her hands were in tight fists that pulled at the fabric of her wedding dress. Detective Steele looked over at me in a controlled chaos.

  “She started all this,” Asia scolded.

  Sam shouted back, “And I’m finally going to finish this!”

  Detective Steele shook her head in amazement. “Are you two serious? Sam, this is supposed to be the most beautiful day of your life…look where you are.”

  “This ends now!” Asia promised, with her powers growing stronger.

  “And you, Misses-Has-Everything-In-The-World-Including-Max, why are you so fired up? Is that not enough for you?” Detective Steele said, cynically. Her words made me shrink a little with embarrassment. All three of them looked over at me for a moment before returning to their fight.

  “You love him, and he loves you, she loves him, and he loves her…Jesus Christ! It’s like a silly teenage television drama!” her voice carried over the thunder.

  Asia stepped forward, “He chose me!”

  Sam answered back, “Are you sure?” They both looked ready to throttle the other.

  “Do you two hear how stupid you both sound! You’re ready to end each other…over a boy!” Detective Steele screamed my way. “Asia, you’re about to destroy the island. Sam, you’re about to throw away your family. For a boy,” she sighed, disgusted. “Now, I care a lot about this boy and have sworn to protect him, but this is just sad.”

  I tried to stand up to Detective Steele, “Kris, I don’t think…”

  “No, Max! They need to hear this. You need to hear this!” she warned, in her authoritative tone.

  Sam dug her heels into the wet grass and growled, “This isn’t about a boy, this is about a girl…this girl!” she declared, with a finger pointed at herself. Tears streamed down her face and she continued, “I’m not fighting over some boy, I’m fighting for me. Me!”

  I silently filled with heat and the steam exited my lips as I said her name, “Sam.”

  Asia came alive, “I fight because I have to. I am cursed! Look at me!” she moaned, and trails of white fire danced along her curves. “My storm knows no other way. I know only one thing…my truth.” Her wild blue eyes found me and she started to break in front of everyone. The skies settled themselves slowly.

  Kris hung her head in defeat and waved my way as if she was giving up. I turned from all three of them and found my burning hands greet me as I held them in front of my face. I tightened the flames in two fists and the fire faded away.

  This was it. It was time. Time to chose my path, my life. I knew of only one road to go down. The only destination. The only choice.

  With a frown, I turned back to face them all.

  “Enough. This boy has something to tell you all.”


  ~ Monster: Meg Myers ~

  The garden maze fell silent. No wind, no rain, no thunder, no breathing. I slowly walked up to Asia and Sam as Detective Steele removed herself with a comforting pat to my back.

  “Sam…Asia…this can’t go on anymore. I have to end this once and for all.” I took a deep breath and stepped closer. “Asia, I’ve never known a love like yours. It consumes me. It protects me. It is everything to me. I love you with every ounce of fire I have within me. Forever in flames.”

  Asia looked as if she would reach for me but she stopped herself at the last moment. She knew I wasn’t done.

  “Samantha, your love is eternal. You are my soulmate. My partner. My future. I love you because I have to. I love you because it’s true. Completely.” Sam began to weep and just as a smile started to form on her face, I stepped back and inhaled some much needed strength. Oxygen slid down my throat and I tried not to cry.

  “So, this impossible situation leaves me no other choice…”

  Both girls looked over at the other and then back toward me. Sam looked like she was ready to take my hand and continue our escape. Her eyes broke my heart. Asia
seemed to be crumbling in front of me. Her infamous jeweled eyes settled into a dim glow, and she wasn’t breathing anymore. In a choke of a whisper, I said…

  “I choose Madison.”

  Both girls froze in place as my words washed over them. I looked down at my daughter and held out my hand. She looked up at me with confusion and anger. She shook her head in a rush of emotions she couldn’t process at her age.

  “Madi, I choose you. There is only one person I can offer one hundred percent of my heart to, and that is you. It’s time for me to be a father.” I stepped up to Madi and kneeled down cautiously as she cried hard in surprise. “What do you say, Madison, can you forgive your dad?”

  She looked up at Sam who was still reeling from my decision. Asia hung her head in defeat and looked away from Madi when she tried to find her face. Quickly, Madi stared back at me.

  With a crack in her voice, she stuttered, “No.”

  “What?” I said, softly. She pulled from me, shaking her head back and forth. She was freaking out. She couldn’t process all this emotional drama. With a burst of red and black flames, her body covered over in sizzling fire. It immediately terrified her and she screamed, “No! No! No!”

  “Madison!” I called out and tried to grab for her. I missed her arm by only inches, and her seething flames ignited a spark along my fingers. She screamed even louder and turned to flee.

  “Madi, no!” Sam awoke, but it was too late. Madi ran at full speed in the other direction. Deep red flames cut through the air. It whipped behind her like a burning lizard tail, staining anything it touched with dark black soot. Instantly, I pushed forward, my hands coming alive too. Orange and blue fire dripped from my fists as I ran as fast as I could. Sam and Asia followed close behind, both of them calling to Madi.

  “Please, stop!”

  “Come back!”


  Madi rounded the last corner in the maze and shot through an open gate that led to the parking lot. I was almost to her when she slipped around the corner. The next moment was a blur as her horrified voice echoed and then stopped abruptly. In front of me was a large white van with blacked out windows. Two men in black hoodies tangled her up in a thick gray blanket with their strong arms, smothering her flames. Forcefully, they threw her into the shadow of the opened sliding door. Her screams muffled and horrified.


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