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Shain: Immortal Forsaken Series #6 (Paranormal Romance Novella)

Page 6

by Verika Sloane

  He didn’t deserve it, but he had needed it. Feeling her body, fresh and soft, hearing the sounds she made while he licked her skin…

  He tripped and fell to one knee in the snow, losing a log.

  “Can I just make it to the gods-damn house?” he snapped. Thinking about last night was making him a klutz.

  Oh, but she’d been so warm, beautiful, wet, and tight. It took every ounce of immortal strength and every molecule of his resentment not to surrender back. He’d given her his body for her pleasure, but he wouldn’t give her anything more.

  And she’d noticed.

  Her jade eyes had shimmered with tears in the dying light of the candle when he drew back without a word and left her.

  She didn’t know that after he’d closed the door, he marched to the other bedroom, buried his face in a pillow, smothering a yell of regret.

  Up the back porch steps, tired, he dropped the firewood on top of the others, and went in.

  It wasn’t until he stepped in that he realized he’d become a little delirious, too.

  Kimber was in the living room in her cheesy pink sweatshirt, YouTube blasting on the TV. She was dancing and singing to an ’80s music video. Shaky, he tried not to smile while his heart longed to join her.

  It was something they used to do, reminisce every era of music. The twenties to the seventies by record player, eighties by music video, nineties by cassette tape. She knew every lyric and he taught her every dance. Hours would go by before they even took a break.

  Pissed off he couldn’t join her, and remembering why he was determined to punish her longer, he kicked the door with his heel a little too hard, slamming it.

  Kimber, startled, turned around, then used the remote to turn off the TV.

  It was then she appeared to notice his ill state and rushed toward him, concern in those gorgeous eyes. “Omigod. Look at you. You were out there way too long.”

  He leaned a hand on the counter to keep his balance. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re pale.”

  “I’m a fucking vampire.”

  Her eyes glowed yellow with irritation. “You’re a fucking idiot. Come lie down.”

  He briefly shut his eyes at the pain. “Just give me a minute.”

  “Do it,” she demanded. “Or I’ll drag you over there myself. I’m definitely stronger than you are right now.”

  True. If she wanted, she could. “Fine.” He went to the sectional and threw himself upon it, reveling in the cool leather under his skin.

  Kimber went to her knees beside him. “You need blood.”

  Her nearness was rousing him, even with him sick as a dog. “Yeah,” he acknowledged, voice hoarse. “I have some in the freezer.”

  “That will take too long to warm up and I…” She glanced back at the kitchen. “I was never good at getting it the right temperature. Remember?”

  Of course he remembered how frustrated she became when her attempts at warming stock blood failed. It’d been adorable as hell watching her hold a measuring cup, flick a lighter and circle the under it, stick in the temperature gauge and watch the mercury. Too hot. Not hot enough. And her, cursing like a sailor…

  He turned his face away and pressed his lips together to smother the smile threatening to form. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “No, you’ll take my vein.”

  He abruptly met her gaze.

  Yes, yes, by the gods, yes, it would taste so good. Her hot, honeyed blood. His licked his lips, his hunger making his mouth water for it.

  She gathered her blonde hair and bound it on top of her head. Just as she started to turn, he stopped her. “It’ll hurt. You know it will.”

  Bloodlust was a constant craving. Even though his kind had learned how to manage it so they weren’t killing humans for it anymore, the need was no less insatiable when the craving ignited. He looked at the beautiful line of her neck and flinched, sick at the thought of puncturing her.

  He couldn’t do it.

  The only thing more delicious than human blood was shifter blood. Because they were immortal too, drinking their blood was like a shot of adrenaline. It revived, it renewed, and it also could make a vampire or vampiress unable to stop. At times, it had the power to turn the most disciplined vampire into an addict. One of the many reasons shifters hated them and isolated themselves.

  Kimber pushed to her feet and faced him. “Shain, I can handle it,” she said, as if he’d insulted her. “You need it. I have it. Take it.”

  His teeth lengthened. By the gods, he would.

  He sat up with a nod, giving in, spreading his legs for her to sit down between them.

  When she bent over to sit, he snarled at the sight of her naked ass. Why wasn’t she wearing the leggings? Or even a pair of his boxer briefs or something?

  The moment her ass was between his legs, his dick stiffened, and he dropped his head back, so drained, yet so aroused. Drawing her close, he could hear her pulse beating erratically, smell her own arousal…and a tinge of fear. Why? He’d never hurt her. Ever. Yet, he was about to. Vampire teeth were so sharp, some said it was like being cut by the finest scalpel. No pain at first, but eventually, the breathless kind.

  Gods, but he didn’t want to hurt her, even though he’d fed from her multiple times in the past.

  She wriggled a little between his legs, probably noticing his iron erection between her cheeks. “Shain, what are you waiting for?” She tilted her head to the right. “Please.”

  Eyes burning, he gathered her close, and tugged away the sweatshirt’s collar. He’d meant to be gentle, but the bloodlust had spiked his need, and the sound of her jugular pumping pushed him over the edge. Locking his arms around her suddenly, he clamped on, the first hit of her blood a relief like no other.

  She stiffened and cried out, digging her nails in his knees.

  He wanted to release her, stop her pain, but couldn’t. One swallow, two. A third. The power of sweet, sweet blood doing its magick.

  She arched away from him, locked in his embrace, her ass making his cock throb.

  Eyes rolling in the back of his head, he loosened his hold, his right hand gliding over her breast, caressing a thigh, doing whatever he could to soothe her while he drank.

  Slowly, he found his way to her sex, and leaned back on the sofa, taking her with him for a better angle. Kimber whimpered, relaxed her body on his, spreading her thighs and adjusting her hips up for him.

  He parted the soaked folds, the wetness of her forcing a groan as he dug his teeth in deeper. Kimber’s response was a cross between agony and ecstasy, and he was glad he couldn’t see her face, or else he’d stop before he’d gotten all he needed. Instead, he used his fingers to circle and strum her pussy, amazed she could be so turned on while a man actually fed on her. By the gods, she was exceptional.

  Her cries turned to sounds of shock and pleasure. She covered his hand with hers and pleasured herself with him, guiding the pace, making him work her harder. Perhaps it helped her forget the pain.

  Swallowing, he closed his eyes, starting to feel better, the UV poison leaving him.

  It wasn’t just blood. It was her blood. What he needed, what he’d always needed. She didn’t just heal him; goat blood could do that. She created him. Nurtured him.

  Broke him.

  That was how powerful she was.

  He took his final swallow, but didn’t release her neck, teasing her engorged clit as she panted and dug her nails into the leather.

  “Oh, god…” she breathed when he gave it a little pinch.

  Her cries grew, and just when Shain thought he’d come in his pants while her ass rubbed up and down on him, he inserted his fingers in her, feeling her pussy clamp around them. Kimber cried out, shuddering.

  His next thought was to push her on all fours and fuck that sweet pussy to hear her do it again, but something inside him hadn’t healed.

  They should’ve been doing this all along; that day should’ve never happened. They should’ve been here
, in this cabin, taking care of each other, loving each other, dancing in the living room together. She never should’ve left him or allowed him to go on believing another man had been making her come like that, that another had taken his place.

  He removed his teeth, some blood sliding from the corner of his mouth.

  She whimpered, lightly touching fingers to her neck. The girly pink sweatshirt was stained with her blood.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  The puncture wounds were already closing. “Mm-hm.” She moved away to sit next to him.

  Where the fatigue and illness had been, heartache settled. “Thank you,” he said, meaning it, but bereft.

  He started to get up and she caught his hand. The way she looked up at him ripped a seam of his heart.

  “How do you feel now?” she asked.

  Like I’ll never forgive you, even though I still love you beyond words. “Better, but think I should go lie down.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “No. I’d rather be alone.” He brushed a finger along her smooth cheek. “Feel free to keep dancing to the music.”

  He turned away before he could see the hurt in her eyes or disappointment in her features, but he felt it coming from her. Hard. And so he hardened himself against it, shutting her out, claiming another victory he honestly didn’t want. With the back of his hand, he wiped the excess from his mouth.


  “What?” he asked without stopping.


  He slammed his eyes closed, reaching the bottom of the stairs.

  Don’t say it. Don’t say those words. It won’t help.

  “I’ll be here. If you need more.”

  Gods damn it. Why did she have to be so sweet?

  He nodded and made his ascent to the second bedroom, closing the door, much too keyed up for any kind of nap. He half-opened the window to let the cold air in for a while, not in the mood to make an ice bath. However, he was still a little weak, and rest wouldn’t be the worst thing. Hands behind his head, he thought about their last perfect day, before their worst…

  Three Years Ago


  There were moments when Shain wished he had the power to stop time.

  He opened his eyes to see Kimber standing naked in front of the penthouse window between the two blackout curtains, the daylight outlining her body and fair hair like a halo. She did this once in a while when she couldn’t sleep through the day, and it saddened Shain. A reminder of how she yearned for the light.

  No matter how many times she swore she loved living for the night with him, he knew, deep down, Kimber ached for a day at the beach, an afternoon in a vineyard, a walk at sunrise. Yet, she didn’t complain. Any resentment—or longing—she kept inside. Except in moments like this.

  His cell phone lit up the dark room with a notification. He started to reach for it.

  Kimber whipped around, closing the curtains with a gasp. “You’re up,” she exclaimed, before rushing to the bed and jumping on him.

  The cell phone tumbled to the floor, forgotten, as she lifted the sheet from his body and climbed on him with a giggle, pulling the sheet over them.

  His shiya. His world.

  Shain chuckled as she sprinkled his face with kisses, ending with his nose. “Good morning.”

  “How long have you been up?”

  She stretched on him like a cat, resting her palms on his chest with her chin on top of them. “Not long.” Her green eyes sparkled with mischief.

  He ran a hand down the silky skin of her back. “It’s our last night in the city.”

  “It’s only noon. You’re already dismissing the day.”

  “Oh, I haven’t dismissed anything. What’s the report, weather girl?”

  “Clouds coming in right on time. It’s a little windy, though.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “Why won’t you tell me what we’re doing?”

  “Because you get downright pissy when I spoil the surprise.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Lie,” he teased, tickling her.

  She wriggled, trying not to laugh. “That’s not true. Stop it.”


  “Tell me!”

  “No again.”

  “Shain!” she cried out as he moved on top of her.

  They rolled back and forth on the bed, her squealing and him laughing, each trying to dominate the other. Sometimes she gave in, and sometimes, she didn’t. Her immortal shifter strength nearly matched his, despite being petite in comparison to him. If he showed even just a little more dominance when she wasn’t in the mood to play, she’d growl so sexily, and it turned him on like no other.

  It was when her eyes glowed amber that he knew the play had turned to foreplay. One of the reasons he loved her so ardently. Light and playful one moment, aroused and wanton the next.

  She climbed on him, raking her fingers in his hair, hips flush with his, amber fire banked in her eyes. Nothing could ever be more stunning. She’d once told him her wolf could demand sex beyond her human control, take over, and need it now. The animal spirit inside her loved and need the ever-lusting spirit in him. They were, in all ways, soul mates. Against everything they were taught, commanded, and believed in, their souls found each other and completed one another.

  When her lips touched his, like always, his lust and love collided, rendering him powerless. Whatever she wanted, whatever she needed. His lust spiked, his teeth dropped, and their mouths opened and combined tongues, a ravenous need to fill her overtook everything else. It always felt desperate, like the time before, and the time before that. Like every time.

  He closed his eyes as she slowly sank on his cock, wet and tight, moaning with every inch down.

  “Kimber…” He wrapped one arm around her waist, the other up in her long hair as she nibbled on his ear.

  Up and down she moved her hips, slowly, mewling in his ear. Her moisture saturated his cock, her inner walls gloving and clenching his throbbing cock. So good, so perfect. Jaw clenched at the power of his lust, he dug his fingers in her ass and rose his hips up, wanting to be deeper. She changed the pace, faster and faster, crying out and riding him until they were both moaning their pleasure.

  “I love you,” she whispered, shuddering on him.

  He grasped her face. “No man has ever loved another more.”

  Later, while she showered, he checked his texts, pleased to see the photos the decorator had sent. Thumbing through them, he was near bursting to show Kimber, but knew to get the full impact of her happiness, she had to see it in person. Not on lousy text photos. Though, the photos were pretty amazing. Even so, it wouldn’t do the cabin justice.

  When he no longer heard the water running, he turned his back to hide his smile while he looked through the last of the photos, and sent a message to the decorator that it was exactly what he’d envisioned.

  “Ready,” she said.

  He turned around.

  Speaking of a vision…

  She wore a floor-length, silk black dress with a scoop neck and spaghetti straps. Timeless, elegant, and unlike anything he’d ever seen her in before.

  “Well?” She turned around. “Say something.”

  He slowly grinned. “Let’s go before I tear it off you.”

  Under the awning in front of the hotel, they waited for the car to pick them up, the clouds thankfully thick, but a little sparse.

  He tugged her coat’s lapels closer. “Warm enough?”

  “I’m fine. If we’re taking a car, that means we’ll be out for more than an hour,” she said with apprehension.

  “It’ll be okay. I know what I’m doing.” He brushed his fingers down the side of her face, marveling at what he had, even though he’d given up a lot of things to have only her. That was just it, they’d been things—cash, properties, contracts. Trivial matters. Love was what mattered above all.

  A niggling at the back of his neck began. Masking his concern f
rom Kimber, he slowly glanced over his shoulder at the cars crammed in the street. Someone was staring at them. Hard. The light up ahead changed green. Slowly, an old Thunderbird cruised along, the driver inside locking eyes with Shain.

  His pulse kicked and he tensed, moving to look over his other shoulder as the Thunderbird rolled by. His hands involuntarily tightened on Kimber’s arms.

  “Shain?” she asked.

  The car turned a corner.

  Who the hell was that?

  “Mr. Trevyn,” said the bellman. “Your car has arrived.”

  The unease dissipated at the delight in Kimber’s eyes when the chauffer greeted them with warmth and opened the door. Shain forcefully shook off the weird moment. If he didn’t, Kimber would sense his tension, and that could possibly ruin the perfect afternoon he had planned.

  They got in and enjoyed a bottle of champagne for the long drive in traffic toward their destination.

  “What is this place?” she asked later when they pulled in front of a glass structure.

  A woman stood outside, hands folded in front her, a soft smile.

  “Hello again, Ms. Christy,” he greeted, pleased to see the “Closed for a private event” sign on the door.

  “Welcome to our humble sanctuary.” Ms. Christy opened the door and gestured for them to precede her. His eyes were already starting to feel sore, despite the sunglasses he had on.

  “Most folks who want the place to themselves usually request to have it earlier in the day, not later,” the woman remarked in the lobby. “You can hang your coats here.”

  Kimber looked at him, sensing his pain, worry in her eyes.

  “I’ll keep mine on if you don’t mind,” Shain said with a smile.

  “The inside is temperature-controlled with a fair amount of humidity. You won’t be cold, I assure you.”

  But the UV rays still poured down through the glass, and the coat and suit combined provided the best protection. “Thin southern blood, Ms. Christy,” he joked.

  “Ah.” She winked at him. “Ready, dear?”

  Kimber nodded with a shrug. “I’m not even sure what I’m ready for.”


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