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Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3)

Page 24

by K. C. Wells

  “What were you doing with it in the first place?” Jon demanded.

  Another sigh. “Sniffing it.”

  He blinked. “You were… sniffing my underwear?”

  Chaz nodded. “I’ve only had this one for a week. I did wash it.”

  Jon couldn’t resist. “Did it smell that good?”

  Chaz rolled his eyes. “Oh, Lord, the first jock smelled amazing, and the—”

  He gaped. “How many of my jocks have you been doing this with?”

  Chaz shrugged. “A few?” He stared at Jon, his eyes wide. “They smelled of you, an’ it was such a turn-on, and—”

  Jon held up his hand. “It’s okay. Stop diggin’ that hole.” Chaz heaved a visible sigh of relief, and Jon chuckled. “I suppose I should be flattered.” A thought occurred to him. “How long have you been doing this?”

  “Since before Kendis came to the bike shop that day, an’ you drove him home.”

  Jon sagged against the pillows. “That long?”

  “I told you. I’ve had the hots for you for a while. Of course, then I thought I was fantasizin’ about a straight guy.” Chaz’s eyes sparkled. “This is way better.”

  Jon laughed. “You know how to make a guy feel good about himself, don’t you?”

  Chaz preened. “That’s what I’m here for.”

  A thought crossed his mind. Jon inclined his head toward the bathroom. The shower was still running. “What did you whisper to Kendis the other day? To get him to change his mind about the mirror?” He’d wondered about that more than once.

  Chaz grinned. “Like I said. I pointed out some of the benefits.” When Jon narrowed his gaze, he laughed. “I just asked him how it might look to be on his back, lookin’ up at the mirror, and watchin’ my ass as I plow into him.” He shifted a little closer, lowering his voice. “Or watchin’ when I lean back, an’ he gets to see my cock slidin’ into his hole. Course, it works both ways. I get to watch him fuck me too.” His eyes sparkled. “Sounds like a win-win to me.”

  Jon resisted the urge to pull on his shaft. “Kendis is right about you.” When Chaz cocked his head to one side, Jon smirked. “You are watching way too much porn.”

  Chaz cackled. “Ain’t no such thing as too much, only not enough.” He glanced around the room. “Where’s the bear?”

  “In my closet. And he’s stayin’ there,” Jon added as Chaz got up from the bed. His heartbeat raced when Chaz walked into the closet. “Leave him there!” He held his breath. Don’t let him look. Don’t let him look.

  Chaz’s loud snort told him his prayers were in vain. He appeared in the doorway, holding the bear, and grinning. “I got a little confession. When I saw this bear in the store, I just thought it was cute, and you’d get a laugh out of it. Wasn’t till later that I remembered the porno I’d just watched, where this daddy gives his boy a teddy bear—with a fleshlight up its butt.” He smiled triumphantly. “Well well well. Looks like I’m not the only one who watches porn around here.”

  Oh God.

  Then it hit him. “You watch Daddy porn.”

  “Duh.” Chaz arched his eyebrows. “I guess you do too.” He dropped the bear and sauntered over to where Jon sat. Chaz bent down until his lips were brushing Jon’s ear. “But just so we’re clear? You may be the hottest Daddy bear I’ve ever seen, and watching you come last night an’ just now was better than any porn I’ve ever seen, but…” He looked Jon in the eye. “You are also one amazing man. Everything Kendis said about you this morning, when you thought I was asleep? He nailed it. I know who I want to come home to, and it sure ain’t Del.” Chaz kissed him lightly on the lips.

  Jon was still buzzing from that when Chaz walked into the bathroom, humming happily.

  Between Chaz and Kendis, they gave Jon something he’d never had before, and badly needed—balance. They’d also added a new dimension to his life, because a naked guy was standing without a care in Jon’s bedroom, another was in his shower, and Jon was sitting there with a limp dick after getting a stellar blowjob.

  Didn’t see this coming. But he had to admit, he didn’t want to go back to the way things had been. If this is how life is gonna be from now on? Jon grinned to himself. Bring it on.

  Then he pushed aside such thoughts. The day lay before him, with its mundane tasks of shopping and cleaning. Time enough when those were done to think about more sensual pursuits. And with those in mind, he supposed he’d better add some necessary supplies to the shopping list.

  Then another thought occurred to him, one that sent a pleasurable shiver down his spine. There’s something I need to do today. Something I never thought I’d need to consider.

  Something new—and important.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Friday Dec 29

  Jon caught the sound of a car pulling into the driveway and smiled. “I guess Kendis got his car back at last.”

  Chaz laughed. “He was gonna pick it up after work finished today. About time too.” He peered at Jon. “What’s for dinner?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.” Chaz’s question reminded Jon there were things they needed to discuss, such as the practicalities of sharing a house. Jon and Chaz had gotten into a routine, but obviously that needed to change. All three of them would be working, so that meant sharing the bills. Not that Jon expected Kendis to pay much; a trainee mechanic didn’t bring home a huge salary.

  The door opened and Kendis came in, grinning. “Well? Did it get here?”

  Jon played dumb. “Did what get here?”

  Kendis rolled his eyes. “The bed. The new bed. You said it was coming today.”

  “Oh, that.” Chaz sighed heavily. “When we opened the boxes, they were full of broken pieces. We sent ’em back.” Jon tried to keep a straight face.

  “You’re kidding me.” Kendis’s voice was heavy with dismay.

  “Yeah, we are.” Chaz’s eyes gleamed. “You are way too easy.”

  “It arrived this morning, and we’ve put it together,” Jon told him.

  Kendis left the room in a rush, and Chaz chuckled. “I think it’s so cute he gets excited over a new bed.”

  Jon bit back a smile. “Yeah, it’s almost as cute as watching you get all excited about opening a new box of cereal.” He thought they were both pretty fucking adorable. He finished putting away the dishes from lunch, and followed Kendis from the room, knowing Chaz wouldn’t be far behind.

  Kendis stood beside the bed, stroking the headboard. “It’s beautiful.” Then he noticed the dresser and his eyes widened. “It matches the bed.”

  “Tomorrow, you can start emptying all these boxes and putting your clothes away.” They were the only things Kendis had managed to pack during the week, but it was a start.

  Kendis grinned. “Yes, Daddy.” Chaz snickered at that. Kendis looked around the room. “I still think it’s gonna be a squeeze, the two of us in here, but you know what? I don’t care.”

  Chaz walked over to him and looped his arms around Kendis’s neck. “So what if it’s gonna be tight in here?” He grinned. “I like tight.”

  Kendis groaned. “Do you have to make everything sound like it’s about sex?”

  Chaz’s eyes sparkled. “Everything is about sex.” He looked at the bed from headboard to foot board. “There’s gotta be some sort of law about christening a new bed.”

  Jon had wondered how long it would take him to come up with that idea.

  Kendis stared at him. “I only just got here, and already you’re talking about—”

  Jon chuckled. “I think I’ll leave you two to it.” He headed for the door.

  “You got somewhere you gotta be, or something?”

  Jon turned around. The pair of them were already kneeling up on the bed. He laughed. “I swear, I didn’t even hear you move.” He peered at Kendis with a grin. “You been practicing to be a ninja like your momma?”

  “Don’t you wanna stay?” Chaz asked softly.

  Talk about a stupid question. He yearned to stay, but Jon was
not about to make assumptions. Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it. “One of us needs to get dinner started,” he joked.

  Kendis held out a hand to him. “Come here.”

  His heartbeat speeding up a little, Jon walked slowly over to where they knelt.

  Kendis smiled as he looped his arms around Jon’s neck. “Now say good evenin’ to me properly.” And with that, he took Jon’s mouth in a gentle kiss.

  Jon lost himself in the feel of Kendis’s lips against his, the smell of him, the soft moan Kendis gave when Jon explored him with his tongue, his arm around Kendis.

  “I’m missing out here,” Chaz groused, and Jon suddenly had both arms full as they took turns to kiss him. He shivered as first Kendis, then Chaz kissed his neck, then they swapped, and Chaz kissed Jon eagerly.

  “If the phone rings, don’t answer it,” Kendis murmured. “And it’s my turn.” Chaz gave way to him, and Kendis claimed Jon’s mouth in a kiss that took his breath away.

  Jon had no intention of going anywhere near his phone. He tugged Kendis closer, stroking down his back until he reached the swell of Kendis’s ass. Kendis’s breathing hitched, and he rocked against Jon.

  “Ready for round three?” Chaz murmured against Jon’s neck.

  Jon stilled. “Round three?”

  Chaz pulled back a little and flashed him a wicked grin. “Round one was the other night on the couch. Round two was yesterday morning’s blowjob. Round three?” He reached down and cupped Jon’s crotch, squeezing his semihard cock, and heat washed over him. Chaz leaned in, his lips brushing against Jon’s ear. “Round three is where you get to fuck us,” he whispered.

  Breathing just got a little more difficult.

  “You do want to, don’t you?” Kendis whispered into his other ear, and then there were two hands on his dick. Jon’s jeans got a bit tighter. Kendis chuckled. “I’m gonna take that hard-on as a yes.”

  “And we’ve got plenty of supplies,” Chaz added. “I went shopping yesterday.”

  Okay, that got his heart hammering. Looks like I need my phone after all. “Look, can you both stop feelin’ me up for a second? I need to talk to you, an’ I can’t think straight when you do that.”

  Chaz withdrew his hand so fast, it was like he’d burned his fingers.

  Kendis chuckled again and pulled his hand away. “There’s a reason why you can’t think straight, y’know. Just sayin’.”

  Jon gave him a mock glare. “Smartass.” He took a moment to breathe. “Okay. About the supplies… What if… we don’t need ’em?” He pulled his phone from his pocket and found the page, holding it up for them to see. “I went into town yesterday. To the Medical Center. Got a little test done. This is the result.” He smiled, but his heart was pounding. “Guaranteed bug free.” Jon put the phone back in his pocket.

  Lord, Kendis’s eyes were huge. Then he turned to Chaz. “Don’t we need tests too?”

  Chaz arched his eyebrows. “You been with someone else?” His lips twitched.

  Kendis hit him hard on the arm. “As if you have to ask that.”

  “Ow!” Chaz rubbed at the spot. “Well, you got any nasties you haven’t told me about?”

  “Do I need to repeat myself?” Kendis glared at him, holding his hand up as if to hit him again.

  Chaz’s eyes glittered. “Then we ditch the condoms,” he said simply. “No complaints from me.”

  “As if,” Jon muttered. He addressed Kendis. “And if you want, we can all get tested together.” He liked the sound of that. It had a ring of commitment to it.

  Judging by Kendis’s smile, he liked that too.

  “Now can we get started?” Chaz pleaded.

  Jon laughed. “What did you have in mind, Chaz?” Not that he wasn’t as eager as they obviously were. His heart was racing, and his blood was heading south on a mission.

  “Starting where we left off yesterday.” And before Jon could say a word, Chaz’s agile fingers freed the button on Jon’s jeans. He pulled down the zipper, and shoved them past Jon’s hips. Jon’s dick sprang up, hard enough to smack against his belly.

  Chaz glanced up at him, his eyes glittering. “That is one gorgeous cock. Think it might need two of us though.”

  Kendis chuckled. “Double team him. I like that.”

  They crouched in front of him, Chaz licking along its length, while Kendis sucked on the head. Then both of them were sucking on his shaft from both sides, and he had to grab onto their heads to steady himself.

  Holy fuck, that felt incredible.

  Chaz paused and glanced at Kendis. “Suck his balls.”

  Kendis grinned and shifted lower, his tongue lapping at Jon’s sac.

  “Oh my God.” Jon shuddered before groaning at the feel of Chaz’s hot wet mouth as he took Jon’s dick deep. “You keep that up, an’ I’m gonna come any second now.” He cupped Chaz’s head lightly, resisting the urge to hold him there, to fucking bury his cock in Chaz’s throat. Jon let go long enough to strip off his sweater and throw it aside. Chaz hummed appreciatively, his mouth full as he reached up to stroke Jon’s belly.

  Then he pulled free. “Wait!” Chaz stripped off his jeans and sweater, threw them to the floor, and then he was once again in Jon’s arms, kissing him, while Kendis slowly sucked one of Jon’s balls into his mouth. Christ, talk about overload.

  Chaz broke the kiss. “Lemme get the lube.” Kendis released Jon’s sac, and gave the head of his cock a hard suck, before removing his own clothing.

  That was enough to set Jon’s stomach fluttering. He pushed his jeans down to his ankles and impatiently kicked them off. The visuals were stunning. Two beautiful naked men on the bed before him, both sporting erect dicks that pointed to the ceiling, and his own cock was so hard, it felt like he could drill through concrete with it.

  Chaz yanked open the drawer, removed the bottle, and thrust it into Jon’s hands. Then Chaz got on all fours, facing away from him, spreading his knees wide. He twisted to glance at Jon over his shoulder. “You been studyin’ your lessons?” He was grinning, the little shit.

  His heart pounding, Jon slicked up a couple of fingers, and slowly, so fucking slowly, he slid one into Chaz’s hole.

  Chaz lowered his head to the mattress. “Oh fuck, you have,” he said with a sigh.

  “Kendis,” Jon said urgently, unable to tear his gaze away from the mesmerizing sight of his finger buried up to the knuckle into that tight little hole. “Get on your back under him. Suck his dick.” Fuck, Chaz was so warm inside.

  Kendis flopped onto his back and wriggled beneath Chaz until he was in position. Jon knew the second Kendis took him in: Chaz groaned and rolled his hips. Jon pushed in deeper, and then all three of them were moaning as Chaz rocked back and forth, sliding his cock into Kendis’s mouth, then pushing back onto Jon’s finger.

  Chaz grabbed Kendis’s ass, raising it into the air, then dove in, forcing a groan from Kendis’s lips. “Gonna loosen up this ass with my tongue,” Chaz said, his voice a little raw.

  Jon wished he’d bought mirror tiles for the ceiling, because dammit, he wanted to see. He finger-fucked Chaz’s ass as Kendis moaned around Chaz’s dick, and all the while Chaz worked that hole with his tongue.

  Getting him ready for us. Jon fought hard not to come right there and then.

  Chaz broke off from his ass play to look back at Jon. “Now, Jon. Want you inside me.”

  Lord, Jon wanted that too. He squeezed lube onto his cock, smeared it along its length, then rubbed the head over Chaz’s hole.

  “Oh, you tease.”

  “Not teasing,” Jon fired back at him, his heart racing. “Just enjoyin’ the view.” It was glorious, his glistening shaft between Chaz’s creamy ass cheeks, Chaz’s knees wide, ass tilted high to present him with that little pink hole. He held his cock around the base to steady it, then pressed the head against Chaz’s puckered entrance.

  With a sigh, Chaz pushed back a little, until the head popped through the tight ring. Jon grabbed Chaz’s cheeks,
his thumbs digging into the firm flesh as Chaz did the work, moving back and forth. Kendis had halted, his hands on Chaz’s waist, and Jon realized he was watching the scene from below.

  “How does it look?” Jon asked.

  “Fucking amazing.”

  “All the way in,” Chaz demanded.

  Jon pushed and finally slid home, his cock buried in Chaz’s body. “Fuck, that’s tight,” he grunted. It was also the most delicious feeling ever.

  “Lord, you’re even thicker than he is,” Chaz groaned. He reached down to tug on his dick. “Just keep it slow until I get used to it?”

  Kendis scrambled out from beneath him, knelt on the bed, and stroked Chaz’s ass. He leaned in for a kiss, and Jon gave as good as he got, lost in the dual sensations of Kendis’s tongue and Chaz’s hole as he rocked back and forth, picking up a little speed.

  “Does it feel good?” Kendis asked him between kisses.

  Jon rolled his eyes. “It feels like heaven.”

  “Is it my turn now?” Kendis whispered. He glanced down to where Jon’s slick cock slid between Chaz’s cheeks, moving faster now. Kendis moaned. “My turn,” he repeated.

  “Christ , I wanna fill both of you,” Jon groaned.

  “Then stop,” Chaz told him. Jon pulled free of him and Chaz turned his head to stare at Kendis. “Climb on my back, your legs wide,” Chaz instructed him. “Jon? You’re gonna double dip.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Kendis lay on Chaz, his chest pressed against Chaz’s back, his legs spread. His sac rested on Chaz’s ass.

  Chaz sighed heavily. “Fuck me, then Kendis, then me again, then—”

  “Okay, I think I got it, Teacher,” Jon said with a chuckle. He added more lube to his dick.

  “C’mon,” Kendis said with a soft whine to his voice. “Wanna feel you inside me.”

  Fuck, Jon wanted that too.

  He guided his cock to Kendis’s hole, holding his breath as he carefully pushed into him, watching the dark skin stretch tight around his girth, until he was all the way in.

  “Oh my God, you’re fucking huge,” Kendis groaned.


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