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Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3)

Page 8

by Dakota Trace

  “Say I agree to this, Kaleb. What exactly do you expect out of your submissives?”

  “You.” His tone grew hard. “The correct question is what am I going to expect from you, Alyce. This isn’t about my past subs. Each Dom-sub relationship is unique. What I might ask out of a submissive like Sabella is entirely different than what I will ask of a sub like you. Try again.”

  She shifted uncomfortably, but conceded his point. “Fine, what will you want of me, Sir?”

  “I could do without the attitude, but at least the question is right this time.” Kaleb shifted her, arranging her legs so she was straddling his hips.

  She nearly whimpered when the hard length of his erection nestled against her cleft. “Sir!”

  “Alyce?” The silky dominance in his tone sent shivers down her spine, almost daring her to object to his move.

  She gritted her teeth, determined to not rise to the bait. She could do this without being distracted by her hormones. “So spill. What would my rules be?”

  A bark of laughter escaped him. “Such a feisty thing. You remind me of a kitten at times, Alyce.” His fingers trailed over her hip to brush across her bottom. “But I’ll let it go this time. I normally have three rules. But for my feisty kitten, there will be four. The first, I’ve already eluded to. I control my submissive’s orgasms. You won’t be allowed to come without my permission.” He studied her as if waiting for her to protest.

  She wasn’t about to tell him it wouldn’t be an issue. Obed had beaten any ability to climax out of her. “Fine. You control my orgasms. Got it.”

  He narrowed his eyes, but continued. “Second rule…I expect to hear from you each day. Preferably just before you go to bed. By doing so you should fall asleep thinking about me. The second best thing to actually holding you all night.”

  She cocked her head, trying to ignore the excitement pooling in her stomach at the idea of such a man in her bed. “Text or call, Sir?”

  “Call, preferably. But I’ll accept a text if your daughter is being particularly difficult. Either way, I expect to hear from you.”

  “Okay. Call before bed. I can do that.” She took a deep breath. “Next?”

  “Third rule requires no physical action from you, but goes directly to intent. Never lie to me. That includes lies of omission. As I said before, without honesty there can be no true submission.” A mixture of pain and anger filled his tone. “I once had a sub who lied to me constantly. If you break or ignore this rule, it will be the deal breaker. Everything will end and there will be no do-overs. Understand?”

  She gave him a solemn nod. Obviously, whatever woman had lied to him in the past had truly fucked him over. “No lies, Sir.” Placing her hand on his chest, she idly stroked the taunt muscles and waited for him to relax a bit. “And the last rule? The one you said was specific to me?”

  He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. “You are superwoman, kitten. Or at least you try to be. I can imagine you rarely take time for yourself since you’re so busy taking care of your daughter and the realities of everyday life. And while I admire your determination, even applaud you for it, I think sometimes you get so wrapped up in being a caretaker; you forget to take care of yourself. So the last rule is that each day you are to do something for yourself. Take thirty minutes to do something selfish - something you enjoy but don’t do for others.”

  “You mean like taking up a hobby? I really don’t have time for belly dancing classes, Sir.”

  “It doesn’t have to be something that requires you to completely rearrange your schedule for, sweetheart. It could be as simple as vegging in front of the fireplace with a book you want to read, but not required for your studies. You need to make the time to take care of the whole you. It doesn’t even have to be at the same time each day. Morning, noon, or night. Thirty minutes for Alyce alone.”

  “Okay. I think I can do that…” A random thought popped in her head. “But how are you gonna know…”

  He smiled. “I’m gonna trust you to do it. But if it makes you feel better, send me a pic. In fact,” He lifted his hips off the settee. It was all Alyce could do to not moan as the move pressed his sex tight against hers. She nearly whimpered when he fished out his phone, and handed it to her. “Put your number in here for me.”

  “My number?”

  He nodded. “How else am I going to answer your questions? With your daughter and my schedule, some of our Q and A sessions will have to be by phone.”

  “Okay.” She fumbled with the phone, looking for his contacts list. “I can do-” She gasped when his fingers found her right nipple. Her eyes flew from the screen to his face. “What are you…”

  He continued to toy with her, rubbing smaller and tighter circles around the tightening nub. “What did I ask you to do?”

  “But…” she gritted her teeth as the erotic pain spiked and headed south. She resisted the urge to squirm against him.

  “But nothing. Consider it your first order. You wanted to explore the power exchange between a Dom and his sub. I’m just giving you what you wanted.”

  She gasped when he pinched the tip twice - each time a bit harder. “I…crap.” She couldn’t help herself; she tried to wiggle away from the building pressure and inadvertently rubbed her clit across his cock. The flare of the resulting pleasure broad-swiped her, causing her thighs to tremble. She squeezed her eyes shut at the ease with which he drew a response from her body. It shouldn’t be like this.…

  “Quit squirming.” The hard tone had her stilling on top of him. “Open your eyes, Alyce.”

  She bit her lower lip but obeyed.

  His gaze glittered with desire. “There will be no orgasm for you tonight.”

  “What?” She tried to figure out what orgasms had to do with anything. She was supposed to be putting her number into his phone not…

  “Consider it a consequence for trying to run from me tonight. I had planned on witnessing your pleasure tonight, but your actions deprived us both. But I’ll be damned if I deny myself the feel of your body against mine.” He trailed his fingers across her sternum to her other breast. “Now finish putting your number in, before someone comes looking for us, now that the demo is over.”

  She gave a jerky nod. “Yes, Sir.” With trembling fingers, she did as he asked and tried desperately to ignore the building ache his caresses brought. And here she’d thought after her divorce, she was done with long sleepless nights due to pent up sexual need.

  “Good girl.” His praise did little to sooth her as he took back his phone. In fact, it made her wonder if she’d just made a deal with the devil.


  Thank you for your order.

  Staring at the confirmation on the screen in front of him, Kaleb smiled. It was done. He’d just placed a special order for his new submissive. Delightful toys meant to push her very limits before allowing her sweet release. He leaned back in his chair with a sigh. In the three weeks since he’d taken Alyce to the club, he’d been stockpiling items he hoped to one-day use to drive her out of her head and into his arms. With her following his rules, particularly his ‘no orgasms’ one, she should be ready - soon.

  A niggle of doubt crept in, pushing out his sense of accomplishment. Unless of course, she wasn’t following them. He pushed back from his desk, agitated that the thought had even crossed his mind. Just because she was from the same class of society, didn’t mean she was cut of the same cloth as his ex. She called each night as requested, answered his questions, made sure she was taking time for herself, something he could tell was helping her just by the new bounce in her step. And after meeting Anissa, he’d glimpsed a side he was sure few saw of his little kitten - her softer side. Her daughter meant everything to her. It was evident in every touch, every softly answered question, and each time she stroked her daughter’s dark curls. She loved Anissa, and by introducing him to Anissa, she was risking quite a bit. Especially from her ex-husband.

  So why did he feel as if he was mi
ssing something? That there was something off in their power exchange. Was it because she hadn’t asked him for release? He shook his head. After all their late-night conversations, and her continuing honesty, he still had a hard time envisioning his kitten asking him for anything. Even when he flat out offered. As self-contained as Alyce was, it would take a good deal of time and coaxing to get her to acknowledge her own wants and needs, let alone get her to verbalize them. From what she’d told him, her ex was a real piece of work and had wanted to control every single thing in her life. Which was why she’d shied away initially from his offer.

  But why hasn’t she at least hinted at it? Rubbed against me the last time we saw each other? Any other sub would’ve given me some subtle cues even if they didn’t outright ask me. Because no woman likes to be denied her own pleasure. He tipped his head back. Unless, she’s never experienced…

  He frowned. No - it couldn’t be something so simple. She’d been married, had a child. Surely her ex, had given her pleasure. What woman would stay with a man who didn’t satisfy her needs sexually? Immediately an image of image of Alyce popped into his head. Of how she’d stood before him in this very office, chewing on her lower lip as she struggled with her need for a spanking. At the time, he’d thought she wanted a chance to experience a taste of erotic pain, but was hesitant to ask a virtual stranger. But now, he wondered if it was because of a deeper underlying fear. Or a hang-up leftover from her damned ex.

  A low growl escaped him. If she truly had never experienced pleasure, or had some kind of hang-up about it, it would make their exchange less than fulfilling for him. He didn’t mind showing her how hard he could make her little pussy orgasm, in fact it made his cock hard, but the idea of having to get inside her head to figure out why she couldn’t…well, he wasn’t a fucking shrink. But the idea of never seeing her beg for the pleasure he could give was abhorrent. He owned her orgasms, by her own volition. He’d be damned if she never gave them to him.

  Even if I have to work for them.

  The chirp of the bird song clock the kids had given him, made him smile. Alyce would be picking up Anissa in less than thirty minutes. He thanked the heavens he’d convinced his little sub that enrolling her daughter in Bella’s new after school special needs art class would be good for her daughter. It gave him the perfect excuse to see her every school day when she dropped off and picked up the girl. And a chance to test my theory. A simple finger down her spine will be G-rated enough she won’t be able to protest about her daughter being in the room. Anticipation surged through his system. Restless, with the need to move, he shoved back from his desk. That’s when he heard it. Raised voices. A man’s voice, then a child’s.


  Protective instincts surged forward. He hit the stairs at a run.

  * * * *

  “No, Daddy!” Anissa jerked hard, throwing her weight backwards as she tried to free herself from the man who was trying to drag her from the main room. “I don’t want to go with you! Momma said I didn’t have to! Let go of me!”

  “Knock it off! You’re embarrassing me.” The tall, dark haired guy dressed in a worn chambray shirt and faded jeans growled. As Kaleb drew closer he could see the dark shadow that graced the other man’s jaw. Coupled with his close-set eyes and broad forehead, it gave Anissa’s dad a smarmy, unkempt look which was completely out of place for such an urban place as Napa Valley.

  “Sir, unhand her. Can’t you see you’re upsetting her?” Next to him, Bella looked tiny as she tried to free Anissa. Kaleb wanted to rip his head off when he saw Anissa’s damp cheeks. The asshole had made Alyce’s daughter cry!

  “Damned crybaby.” The man muttered, raking his hand through his over long hair. “I keep telling Alyce that my daughter needs to grow a tougher skin.”

  Bella took a deep breath. “Regardless, Sir, I can’t let you take your daughter if you’re not on her approved pick up list. It’s youth club policy. Parents expect us to keep their children safe while they are here.” Bella said in a soothing tone, even as she continued to tug the girl back toward her.

  “And I’m her goddamned father!” He jerked hard on Anissa’s wrist, sending the girl into a new set of hysterics. She began screaming and pulling hard against his grasp, her eyes, so similar to Alyce’s, welling with fresh tears. A rumble of discord built in Kaleb’s chest, as he battled the need to rip the man’s throat out. Anissa’s father or not, the man shouldn’t be hurting his child, let alone scaring the girl this way. Didn’t the fucking fool know manhandling an autistic child was a recipe for disaster? Time to intervene…and do gross body harm if the fool refused to stop his actions and listen to reason.

  “Excuse me. Mr. Svoboda?”

  “What?” The man snapped.

  “I need to ask you to let Anissa go, while we discuss this.” He forced a smile. He didn’t plan on discussing anything with the man, other than getting his hands off an innocent twelve-year-old and the hell out of his center. He lowered the pitch of his voice, in an almost placating tone. “I understand you love your daughter. But you’re scaring her. Give us time to calm her down, then we’ll talk.”

  Obed turned his gaze to him, taking in the tan chinos, polo shirt, and name tag which declared his position as the youth club manager.

  “Talk? Your employee flat out refused to let me take my daughter home.”

  Kaleb forced himself to keep smiling. “We have rules, ones which the State of California insists we have to follow, Sir. I’d like nothing more than to be able to resolve this peacefully - without upsetting Anissa more.”

  “We’ll talk?” Suspicion filled Obed’s tone.

  Kaleb nodded. “Of course. Just let Bella take the child to my office and we’ll come to a satisfactory solution to this situation. Perhaps we can contact her mother and see if you being left off her pickup list is an error.”

  Obed glanced from Anissa to Bella, and then reluctantly released the child. “Go with your teacher, girl.”

  For a second, Anissa seemed uncertain, obviously still caught up in her meltdown. Then her tear soaked gaze landed on him. “Mr. Kaleb?”

  He barely had time to brace himself before he found his arms suddenly filled with the body of a gangly pre-teen. “Whoa…shhh.” He kept his voice soft, his arms loose as he tried to sooth the sobbing child. Every instinct urged him to hold Anissa tight but the last thing he wanted was for her to feel trapped. What was it Alyce had told him to do when this happened? Not box her in, or did she need the weighted blanket her mother had brought to the center when she’d enrolled Anissa?

  “Don’t let him take me…”

  Anissa’s broken plea as she wrapped her slender arms around his waist answered the question. His arms automatically tightened as he held the sobbing child. Keeping a neutral expression was hard, but Kaleb managed. He turned to Bella.

  “Go grab her blanket, Bella. It’s in the supply closet.”

  “A fucking blanket! That’s how you’re planning on calming her down?” Obed glared at him and started to reach for Anissa again.

  “Enough, Mr. Svoboda, or we’ll never get your daughter settled down.” Frustration rode Kaleb hard as Anissa trembled even more violently against him. It was all he could to keep from decking the son of bitch in front of him. “If her mother swears it works, I’m willing to try it.”

  “I can’t believe you’re buying into that new age shit. A swat on the ass is all she needs.”

  Anissa stiffened at the threat.

  “Shhh…there will be no hitting…” Kaleb spoke softly, almost directly in her ear. Alyce warned him about talking too much during a meltdown. Soft phrases, low tones were essential or it would only make the situation worse. Her daughter needed isolation and her blanket during an episode. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Bella with the blanket. Thank God!

  He held out his hand and wordlessly took it from Bella. It took a bit of maneuvering but he managed to get it draped over her shoulders. Alyce had told him, for it be effective he�
��d need to wrap Anissa completely in it. It would not only help ground her, it would also prevent her from either harming herself or anyone else if the meltdown escalated. But if Anissa was frozen or resistant to tell her daughter…

  “Burrito-time, sweetheart.” He waited to see if the phrase would work or not. Her mother swore it would. A two-word phrase would let the girl know he wanted to wrap her up in her blanket much like the spicy filling of her favorite food.

  As she continued to cling to him, her nails digging into his chest as her tears soaked the front of his shirt, the feeling of helplessness filled him. Was this how Alyce felt? A new sense of pride filled him as he realized how patient his little sub had to be to deal with her daughter. He continued to stroke her hair with one hand, ready to repeat the phrase in thirty seconds as Alyce had recommended, when Anissa’s arms loosened enough he could pull the blanket between their bodies.

  Thank fuck. It’s working. He moved quickly, pulling the weighted material around her slender form. As the blanket engulfed her, a cross between a shaky sigh and a hiccup escaped Anissa. She was trying to come down from the meltdown. A wave of relief washed over him. Alyce had told him Anissa usually came down quickly from too much stimulus if the proper steps were taken.

  Don’t forget praise. Even if she’s destroyed half the classroom, tell her you’re pleased with her. Disciplining can come later after the meltdown is over. Any show of anger will only cause the episode to continue or escalate.

  “Good girl…” he brushed his lips over the edge of Anissa’s ear, while making eye contact with Bella. When she stepped close enough to hear him without him raising his voice, he spoke softly. “We’re going to take her up to my office, where there’s no outside stimulus. Once she comes back down, there’s a glitter time-out bottle on my desk.”


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