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Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3)

Page 16

by Dakota Trace

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Kaleb’s soft curse had Alyce swinging her head around. In the middle of drive leading up to Bella’s home stood her ex. Leaning up against his SUV, Obed blocked the drive. Her happy bubble burst.

  “Call Bella, kitten. Tell her what’s going on.” Kaleb kept his gaze on the other man. “Then I want you to lock the doors behind me. He’s not getting near you or Anissa.”

  Knowing that there would be no convincing her dominant otherwise, she obeyed, her fingers shaking as she dialed Bella’s cell. The moment her friend’s bubbly voice came on the line, she turned to check on her daughter while she quickly explained the issue.

  “I didn’t think that this would be an issue, Bella, or I’d never agreed to bring Anissa to you….”

  The other woman cursed. “Fuck that! I’m not about to let that bastard scare me into not spending time with my favorite student. Who the hell does he think he is? For fuck sakes, my master has a black belt. Does he want to get his ass kicked?”

  “Momma?” Anissa’s voice rose in panic. “Why is Daddy fighting with Mr. Kaleb?”

  “Damnit.” Alyce spun back around to see Obed swinging at Kaleb, who ducked and returned the punch. “Call the cops, Bella. My ex just attacked Kaleb.”

  “Ethan is on his way out. He’ll break it up-”

  Something glinted in Obed’s hand, and Alyce’s heart leapt in her chest when he hit Kaleb across the temple with it, not once but three times. Her dominant fell to the ground, blood streaming down his face. Obed moved again, this time giving Alyce a clear view of the item in his hand “Shit, Bella! He’s got a gun. Keep Ethan inside. Call the cops!” She hung up the phone on the protesting woman and reached for her seatbelt.

  “Momma, where are you going?”

  “Out to help Mr. Kaleb. I can’t let your daddy hurt him.” She knelt on the seat, snagging the blanket off the back of the seat and covering her daughter. “I promise I’ll be right back. Stay here….huddle down and Daddy won’t know you’re here. Understand me?” The words tore at her heart even as she said them. It was a familiar game they’d played when Alyce had still been married to Obed.

  “But Momma, Mr. Kaleb told you to stay put.” Anissa’s eyes filled with tears. “He’ll be mad.”

  “I know, sweetie, but I have to help him.” She tucked the blanket closer around her daughter, and threw Kaleb’s toy bag on top of her. “Just promise me you’ll hide. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, Momma.” Anissa pulled the blanket over her head. “Hurry.”

  “I will.” Taking a deep breath, she opened the door, hit the lock button and slammed it shut. The noise drew Obed’s attention away from Kaleb and to her. She thought she might have heard Kaleb groan in protest, or maybe order her back to the truck, but her goal to distract her ex was absolute. She just needed to buy a little time til the cops showed up.

  “Look, if it’s not my whoring ex-wife. Come to save your lover?” He waved the gun at Kaleb, who was trying to sit up, but slumped back over. Being pistol whipped did that to a person.

  “Why are you here?” She kept her voice steady as she slowly approached, catching a movement out of the corner of her eye. If she wasn’t mistaken it was Ethan, or maybe his business partner Davis.

  A jeer crossed Obed’s face and faint smell of whiskey reached her. Great, he’s been drinking again. “A little birdie by the name of Sam told me that you had plans to go to a sex club tonight.” He gestured toward the club with the gun. “Not that you sluts will be getting much in there tonight. Bitch is closed up tighter than a barrel. Couldn’t even get the door open. But that doesn’t mean I’m about to let the mother of my child debauch herself in such a manner.” He turned back toward Kaleb, kicking her lover in the ribs. A whoof of air escaped him before Kaleb collapsed to the ground once more. “In fact, I think I’ll take care of the problem right now.” Obed aimed the gun at her dominant.

  “And shoot him with an empty gun?” She shook her head. “You must think I’m really stupid. You’ve never loaded a gun in your entire miserable-”

  The sharp retort of the weapon, followed by Kaleb’s yell, shocked her. Then her ex went down under the combined weight of Ethan and Davis. While Obed screamed bloody murder about suing them, she stumbled toward Kaleb, who was now clutching his shoulder.

  When she dropped to her knees next to him, he glared at her.

  “Damnit, Alyce, I told you to stay in the truck. What the hell were you thinking. He could’ve shot you.”

  She flinched at his anger, knowing it was warranted. She whipped her windbreaker off and pushed his hand away, using the material to staunch the flow of blood. He hissed, but didn’t try to push her away. “So I’m a brat who doesn’t listen. You can punish me later, Sir, but…” she lifted her gaze to his. “I wasn’t about to let the man I love be shot without trying to do something to stop it.”

  “Momma, is Mr. Kaleb okay?” Anissa’s voice startled her.

  She turned toward her daughter. “I thought I told you to stay in the truck, young lady.”

  “Did Daddy actually shoot him?” Her eyes went wide as she took in the blood soaking through her mother’s jacket. “Of course he did.” Turning, Anissa stomped over to where Ethan and Davis were pulling up a struggling Obed between them.


  Obed stilled. “Baby girl?” He squinted at her. “What are you doing here?”

  “You’re mean!” Then to Alyce’s amazement, her daughter hauled off and kicked her father directly in the nuts. He sagged forward between the guys holding him. “We don’t shoot men that Momma loves!” Then to add insult to injury her delicate little girl spit directly in her father’s face. “I don’t ever want to see you again!”

  Alyce gaped at her daughter. Where the hell had her scared little girl gone? “I…can’t believe she did that.”

  Kaleb gave a hoarse laugh. “Why not? She’s her mother’s daughter.”


  Two months later

  “You’re such a good girl, kitten. Just remember if you come, playtime is over…”

  The approval in her Sir’s voice should’ve made her proud, but all she wanted to kick his thieving tight ass. He’d been tormenting her since the start of their first kid free weekend. Stealing her orgasms, while smiling at her – teasing her soft pussy with various toys until her thighs were coated, then licking them clean before ordering her to sleep, with his face in her lap of all places. And if that hadn’t been enough he’d just finished tickling her with an ostrich feather, after wrapping her up in a rope corset. Each brush of the implement sent her closer to the edge, especially when he used it to…

  “Ahhh…” she panted as the feathery torture device delved between her thighs once more. Each teasing, tickling brush no longer made her want to laugh. All thoughts of laughing had deserted her the first time he’d used the devilish tip against her clit.

  “Aw, someone doesn’t look too happy right now.” Kaleb crouched down next to where she knelt, her shoulders back and legs spread – exposing and putting on display both her breasts and her pussy.

  She glared up at him. “Sir, respectfully, I’m gonna shove that feather up your ass if you…” A shallow scream escaped her when he slapped at her bound breast. The pain morphed into pleasure when he leaned into kiss the red mark.

  “What was that, kitten?” His tongue traced over the mark, even as he pressed a vibrating egg against her clit.

  “Oh, my fucking god!” Her head fell back on her shoulders and another spurt of cream escaped her wet folds. Swollen from the constant use, or could it be called abuse with little release, her clit ached like a bitch. She needed to come, but knew the moment that she did their weekend would be over.

  “Thank you.” He took her plea as a compliment as he stood. “But that still isn’t going to get you out of this, kitten. You disobeyed when you left my truck. Now you’re paying the price.” He reached for the flogger attached to his belt. She whimpered �
�� a protest or plea for the lash wasn’t certain, but she’d take every last stroke as her due…

  “Woolgathering, kitten?” Kaleb’s voice brought her back to the present, as he pulled into the parking lot at New Beginnings.

  She shifted against the leather seat, her bottom and back tight from her earlier flogging. “No, Sir. Appreciating what happened earlier. Because of your lesson, I won’t be disobeying anytime soon.” She spoke evenly, hoping against everything that her response would please her dominant. For a woman who had thought she could take or leave orgasms, she now found herself in agony because she needed one – badly.

  He smiled indulgently down at her, before slipping from the truck. As she waited for him to round the front of it, she tried not to fidget, knowing any movement would sent the Luna beads inside her swaying. Seconds later, the door opened and her dominant gently eased her from the truck. “While I don’t doubt you mean it right now, I can’t see my subbie keeping completely out of trouble in the future. She loves spankings too much.”

  A reluctant giggle escaped her. “Too true, Sir.” She followed him toward the club, keeping her steps slowed and measured, in hopes of not jarring the beads too much. But even as careful as she was, by the time she reached the door, her thighs were trembling with the need to come.

  “Kitten?” Kaleb stood patiently, holding the door for her, concern on his handsome face.

  “A moment, Sir?” She gritted her teeth, waiting for the pressure inside her to ease down to a semi-bearable level.

  He gave a sigh, but waited patiently for her. “You have thirty seconds, Alyce.”

  Several deep breaths later, she felt she had it under control enough to make it through the lobby and into the main room of the club, where her Sir had promised she could rest while he caught up with his dominant friends. “Thank you, Sir.”

  He glanced down at his watch. “Fifteen seconds. Good girl.” He placed his hand at the small of her back to guide her inside. Unlike before when they’d visited, no one was manning the coat check nor was there security on the inner door.

  “Sir?” She gave him a questioning look.

  “Tonight’s a private night for members only, and we’re early.” He took her long coat from her, exposing her skimpy attire. Still dressed in the rope corset, her play collar, and a pair of flats, she wore nothing else. “Shoes.” He held his hand out.

  “Yes, Sir.” She slipped off the flats, before carefully bending to pick them up. Which she probably shouldn’t have done, she realized when her bottom lit up. She glanced up at Kaleb to see what she done wrong, only to catch a glimpse of his dimple popping grin. “I couldn’t resist. Your bottom needed more color.”

  “Of course, Sir.” She handed him her flats, which he safely stowed in the coat room with her outerwear. When he came back out, he’d shed his jacket and shirt, leaving him in nothing but a leather harness that accented the lean muscle of his chest and his leathers. It also accented the small, round pink scar on his shoulder where the bullet had torn through him. Every time she saw it, she wanted to kiss it. And apologize once more that he got shot on my account.

  Especially when he was as physically close as he was when he attached her leash to her collar. He gave her a smile. “Beautiful.” He held his hand out, ignoring the leash at her throat. It was if he wanted her to make her own decision about entering the club. “Let me show you New Beginnings as only a sub can see it.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her toward the door. Just before they entered, she spoke softly. “Sir?”

  He turned to look at her. “Kitten?”

  She licked her lips, and gave him a hesitant smile. “I love you.”

  “And I you.” He gave her collar a slight tug with his free hand. “But that’s not getting you out of this.”

  * * * *

  Kaleb was vastly aware of every move and sound Alyce made behind him. For the first time since he’d joined the club, he was nervous – not about how Alyce would be received, or what he’d planned to do to his horny little sub, but that she wouldn’t enjoy herself. As he approached the couch where Ethan sat with Bella at his knee, he knew more was riding on this night than just Alyce’s acceptance into the club. It would be a true test of whether or not she’d be able to accept the reality of his particular type of domination. More than one sub had claimed to be able to handle his brand of sadism, but failed when he brought out the big guns. And tonight, his kitten would experience everything he had in his repertoire.

  He nodded to several other members who’d arrived early: Nicky with his subs, Steph and Zebadiah, who were by the bar, making sure there was plenty of water stocked for those playing. Then there was Toby, who was talking to his cousin, Davis, near the entrance to the private rooms at the far side of the main room. Probably discussing the nightly schedule as the rooms were in high demand. But what drew his attention was Ethan, who was seated on one of the couches, chatting with an older fellow, while their submissives knelt at the feet.

  It didn’t take him long to cross the room, even with his submissive’s slower pace. “Master Ethan.” He nodded toward his friend. “Is it okay if my sub and I join you?”

  “Of course.” He gestured to the empty chair adjacent to the couch. “Please do. Master Noah and I were just discussing your submissive.”

  Kaleb paused for a moment before sinking into the chair. “Really?”

  “Yes. You see he has a special interest in her – not personally of course, since he has his own sub to keep him on his toes.” He gestured to the older woman kneeling with her head resting on her master’s thigh. “It centers around the fact that she sent your sub to us in the first place.”

  He heard but ignored the sharp inhalation at his back. Evidently Alyce had just caught her first glimpse of her professor. He gave a light tug on her leash. “Present.”

  Without a word, Alyce slowly, but gracefully lowered herself to the hard wood in front of him, her thighs wide, while her hands rested palm up on her spread knees and her head tilted toward him, but gaze down.

  “Quite impressive.” Ethan remarked, as he ran his fingers through Bella’s hair. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such perfect form from a newbie.”

  “I’m lucky. My sub took years of ballet and is quite graceful.” He turned toward Master Noah. “And I owe your sub a word of thanks, Master Noah. Without her little stunt, I probably wouldn’t have met mine.”

  Noah arched his brow, before giving his sub a nudge. “Don’t you have something to do, slave?”

  Reba’s shoulders sank but she nodded. “Yes, Master.” Then she proceeded to crawl across the floor to Kaleb’s side. With her head down, she addressed him. “Master Kaleb may punish this slave as he sees fit.”

  Kaleb frowned. “I don’t understand. Why?”

  Reba fidgeted. “Because this slave manipulated your sub when she sent her to you on the second occasion.”

  His blood ran cold at the idea that his relationship with Alyce could be built on falsehood. “How?” When Reba didn’t answer right away, he turned to his own sub. “Alyce, did you come to me under false pretenses?”

  “No, Sir.” She looked up at him, her gaze calm.

  “Then what’s she talking about?” He cupped her chin to get a better look at her expression.

  “I’m not sure, Sir. She gave me your address as a possible resource then told me not to be late, because doms have a tendency to spank first, then ask questions.”

  “So….” He wasn’t any closer to understanding.

  “Finish it, slave.” Master Noah barked. “Or it will be the crop for you.”

  Reba jumped. “I made sure Alyce was late.” She glanced over at Alyce “I asked Lamar James to stop you on the quad and delay you just long enough...”

  “…that you’d piss me off.” Kaleb sighed and looked at the ceiling. “I don’t know if I should thank your sub, Master Noah, or warm her ass like I did Alyce’s for her late arrival.”

sp; At his feet, Alyce flushed.

  “I’m at your mercy, Master Kaleb. My master has told me that until I make amends to all those I’ve offended, there will be no release for me.” She bit her lower lip, tears forming in her eyes.

  He looked up to her master wondering how long Reba had gone without to warrant such a response.

  “To answer your unspoken question, since she came to me in tears when you were shot. Blamed it on herself for getting you involved with Alyce and her crazy ass ex. And this was after I warned her to quit meddling in Alyce’s love life.”

  Kaleb gave a low whistle. “Two months. And here I thought I was sadistic.” He toyed with Alyce’s hair, knowing she was hanging onto his words, wondering how he would punish her professor. “Other than orgasm denial, how do you normally punish your sub, Master Noah?”

  The other dominant grinned. “Forced orgasms.”

  A deliciously evil thought tugged at him. “How would you feel about a tandem session. Like yourself, I have a disobedient submissive who needs to learn a lesson.”

  “What exactly do you have mind, young man?”

  “Why don’t I show you instead?”

  * * * *

  Which was how Alyce found herself secured by her arms to a long bondage bed laying crotch to crotch with her professor as Kaleb fed one end of a doubled headed dildo into her pussy. She whimpered as the latex stretched her swollen pussy, uncaring about the small butterfly bullet that he’d positioned over her clit a few moments earlier. She gritted her teeth as he fastened the straps around her thighs, then stepped back. “Your turn, Master Noah.”

  “Of course.” Noah approached the table and it wasn’t long before her professor was in the same state as Alyce. Both woman moaned softly when Noah adjusted the long dildo to his liking. “As delightful as they look together, I don’t see how this is punishment.” Master Noah commented after securing Reba’s own butterfly vibrator.

  “You’ll see. Let me see your remote.”

  Even though he looked doubtful, Noah handed it over.

  “I’m going to give your remote to Alyce, and you’re going to give mine to your sub.” He pressed the remote into the palm of Alyce’s hand.


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