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Love with Fangs (The Witching Hour Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "Why did you choose journalism?"

  "Because I thought being a reporter would be cool, but in the end, I couldn’t find a job in that field, and I ended up in recruitment."

  "If someone offered you a journalist position, would you turn it down?"

  "What is this, quiz night or something?" I asked, tired of dwelling on my career choice.

  He drew a breath, studying me. "Always so impatient? Fine, I’ll get straight to the point, as you wish. Are you seeing anyone at the moment?"

  "I think that you should start answering some of my questions, Nathaniel. I know everything that you told my dad about the Lucrative Shot and I want to know; did you tell him the truth?" I was beginning to feel a bit light-headed. I really needed to slow down with the wine. My fingertips were sparkling again, and I didn’t want to bring any more attention to myself. The mixture of alcohol and uncontrolled lust wasn’t a good idea.

  "You never give up, do you?" he asked, laughing when the waiter showed up with our dishes. Everything looked delicious and my stomach growled instantly. “We can go over this later. I told him the truth because I have nothing to hide. Let’s eat, otherwise our food will get cold.”

  When I was around vampires, I had to use a charm to cover my intoxicating scent—it was irresistible to them. I’d used my cover charm before I left home, but something told me that Nathaniel was a perfect gentleman; he wasn’t going to try anything tonight. I had to admit that I liked the way he smelled and the way his tongue caressed my name when he spoke.

  I really needed to quit thinking like that.

  "So, you can eat normal food and walk in the daylight?"

  "Yes. I wasn’t sired like other vampires. My mother gave birth to me, and I age like any other ordinary human."

  "But you want to drink blood?" I set my fork on the table, waiting for his reply.

  He narrowed his eyes and parted his lips. "Yes, I have craved blood, and my senses are sharper than those of ordinary humans. Some days, I don’t have to sleep at all. So, yes, I’m like you—half magical and half human."

  His explanation made sense, but I didn’t think he was anything like me. My family thought that I was a freak, someone who could never achieve greatness through magic. Nathaniel behaved like a normal human being and there was no trace of any kind of blood thirst in his movements. I wasn’t sure whether I had made up my mind about him yet. He was handsome, rich, and available. His confidence and cockiness pulled me towards him. I knew this was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. The attraction between us was explosive.

  "Delicious. I’m surprised that I have never been in this restaurant."

  "I discovered it accidentally with Ella when we were hiding from the rain," I told him, then asked the waiter for a glass of water.

  "I take it that you enjoy spicy food?"

  "Yes, when I was younger my parents lived next to an Asian couple. They always used to bring us homemade curries, and since then, I’ve loved Asian cuisine."

  "I love good food, but I have to admit that I love blood more." His seductive voice sent a tremor down my spine.

  "Okay, your time is up La Caz. I really need to know exactly what you want from me?” I pushed my empty plate away, folding my arms across my chest.

  His eyes filled with fire when he moved forward, staring into mine. "I want to be locked away with you in my bedroom. There, I will slowly undress you, and then we will make love all night until you’re begging me to stop. For some reason, Julia, you’re driving me insane. I can’t control my response to the intoxicating smell of your blood."

  My heart stopped beating for several long moments, and I wasn’t able to break away from his powerful gaze. Fireworks exploded inside me. I felt as if I were being swept away by a storm. I couldn’t breathe; but this time, rippling energy was moving over the surface of my skin. He sat back, watching me with a satisfied smile on his face. This was so wrong; I shouldn’t even like him.

  "Are you on crack cocaine or something like that?" I gasped, expecting him to start laughing. But he was just sitting there, staring at me with a tense and unreadable expression.

  “I’m insulted, Julia. I don’t take drugs." He shrugged. "Since that meeting, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you."

  "Right," I responded, feeling my face heat up. He was trying to tell me that he was serious. "Why didn’t you just say you wanted to screw me and drink from me? That would have been so much easier."

  “I’m a gentleman, and I wanted to show you that I have the best intentions," he said, running his hands through his hair.

  "Well, let me tell you something, Mr. La Caz," I began, moving closer to him, “I’m not the sort of girl who sleeps around with some random man. I don’t date vampires, or half vampires. And lastly, I would never allow you to drink from me."

  His expression didn’t change. I was taking long rasping breaths; my blood was boiling with anger, but I was proud of myself.

  "You can ask me anything you want. I don’t have any secrets. I was trying to ask you to dinner, but you declined."

  I shook my head and laughed. "Nothing is going to change, Nathaniel. Even if I ask you questions, you still won’t get me into your bed, and you won’t drink from me. I have much more important things to worry about.”

  "Okay, let’s forget about what I said. I want you to ask me questions," he pleaded hoarsely.

  Fine, if he wanted to play this game, then we’d play it. "I assume you don’t have a girlfriend if you make that kind of proposition to a woman you don’t even know?"

  “I’m single and I don’t date, but I do enjoy casual sex with beautiful women."

  "Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?"

  "Yes, it was a long time ago and it’s in the past now."

  "How old are you, then?"

  "Twenty-seven," he responded, sounding bored. "Are you going to quiz me all night?"

  "You wanted me to ask you questions," I said, frowning. I was sure he was annoyed with me, but I was enjoying this conversation.

  "What else do you want to know?"

  "I think I’ve heard enough and I still don’t want to sleep with you. If you don’t do dating, then I’m afraid we’re wasting each other’s time now, because I’m not into the sort of things that you like. I more for a traditional relationship.” I hoped he understood that this wasn’t going to work. He looked at me for a few more seconds, and my body reacted again. I flushed.

  "Let’s just leave it as it is, then. Think about it. Besides, we need to get going. It’s just after eight and all the vampires should be out by now.”

  “Fine, but you’re settling the bill. You forced me to have dinner with you, so now take care of it.”

  “I wouldn’t let you pay anyway, darling, but I like your style.” His hazel eyes focused on my lips again. I could tell he was trying to make me lose control, but I was keeping my emotions on a tight leash. He was right about my dad. Maybe it was worth seeing what kind of cards he had up his sleeve.

  He produced an elegant wallet and walked away to the bar, most likely to take care of the bill. As soon as I was alone, I sank back into my chair and closed my eyes.

  I was worried about Ella. I never wanted to get her involved in this obscure paranormal world. When I opened my eyes, Nathaniel was approaching our table, and I wondered whether I should really trust him. The city was dangerous enough and after all, he was planning to take me to meet with other vampires.

  But this was my opportunity to do something for Claudia and I couldn’t back out now. I didn’t need to think about it twice.

  Moments later, he handed me my coat.

  “My car is just around the corner. Arthur used to work for me, but you have to let me do the talking. The club is safe enough, but I still want you to be careful,” he said softly when we made our way outside. It had started raining, then before I could say anything, Nathaniel grabbed my hand and we began running across the street.

  I kept seeing this image of Claudia in
my head, being pushed into the black van. It bothered me that I didn’t do more for her. She was probably scared and deep down, I hoped that those scumbags were treating her decently—at least not hurting her. The fear of the unknown was killing me inside. I just wanted to be able to do something, anything to help find her.

  Nathaniel was holding my hand and for a moment, I thought about considering giving him a chance. No one in my family had ever dated a vampire and I wouldn’t mind being the first. Maybe I would finally feel like I fit in somewhere, because my loved ones didn’t even think that I was a real elf anyway. He was also willing to help me find my cousin, where everyone else seemed to push me aside. But, we’d have to get past his “casual relationship” rule if it was ever going to work. I really needed to get my head on straight and focus on the task at hand. These back and forth emotions were driving me mad. I wondered if vampires had magic. That would explain a lot.

  He had a nice car; it was a white Mercedes with all the fancy gadgets, and scent was drifting around. I slipped inside, ignoring the fact that I was a little aroused sitting so close to him.

  “Where are we going?” Electricity crackled between us when I spoke. I had lost control more than enough times tonight. Right then, my magic was infusing the air, lancing down my skin.

  “Arthur opened his club only recently, but he has always been very resourceful. There is a rumour on the streets that there is someone new in London, someone who is trying hard to destroy me.”

  I shifted in my seat, thinking about the paranormals who had kidnaped Claudia. They definitely weren’t vampires. Everything had happened so quickly, and now, I could barely remember their faces.

  Nathaniel wasn’t the sort of man who allowed other people to take advantage of him. Maybe to me his assertiveness was annoying, but in business, it was needed. He worked hard, and he had to appear ruthless.

  “We need to hurry; it’s been two days and I’m still worried about her,” I admitted, growing more anxious. Then Nathaniel’s car stopped at a traffic light, and before I knew it, he grabbed my hand, then brought it to his lips.

  “Don’t, we will find her. We just need to find the link. Trust me, Julia.” His voice was just above a whisper, and I melted into my seat.

  Maybe I was wrong about him. Nathaniel La Caz wasn’t just a heartless businessman; deep inside, he had a kind heart too. I just needed to give him a chance.

  Chapter ten


  My magic was buzzing in my ears and when he finally released my hand; I could breathe in more calmly. He was silent; and I was happy with that arrangement. The tension between us was apparent. I kept glancing out the window, not recognising the part of London we were driving through.

  People were out everywhere—it was the weekend. Nathaniel slowed down and I noticed the club across the road when he parked the car. The bouncers were letting people in, probably checking IDs. There was a long queue and I really didn’t know what to expect. Arthur was another vampire, so I was a little wary.

  “I know a lot of people in this club, but I want you to promise me that you will be careful. Vampires can be unpredictable.” He was staring at me with the same passion as before; his eyes were twinkling in the corners.

  I was just about to open my mouth to tell him that he didn’t need to tell me what to do, but I thought better of it.

  He was helping me, and I needed to be grateful, so I nodded. Nathaniel seemed satisfied and even gave me a light smile. He got out of the car first, then went around to the passenger side and opened the door for me like a gentleman. Warmth filled my stomach when he grabbed my hand again; his skin was warm and soft.

  There were a lot of humans around when we started walking toward the club. I was looking out for more vampires. A few girls were smiling at Nathaniel, but he ignored them. Magic stirred deep in the pit of my stomach and I kept reminding myself that I wasn’t at all jealous that he was getting attention from other women.

  Nathaniel had a very confident stride; he looked good wearing his long black coat. We didn’t wait in the queue like I’d expected. We approached the bouncers and Nathaniel unexpectedly patted one of them on the back.

  “All right, Ramirez, it seems like a busy night. Is your boss in?” The bouncer was a giant with sharp southern American features. He looked surprised, but his hard expression instantly softened when he glanced at me.

  “La Caz, what a treat. You’re the last person I expected to see tonight,” he said, grinning. “And you have a lady friend. An elf. Well, that’s unexpected.”

  Nathaniel laughed, and I smiled at him. The two of them obviously knew each other. I suspected that he must have been in that club before. Either way, this was none of my business. He’d told me earlier on that he wasn’t interested in a serious relationship.

  “Yes, this is Julia Taylor, my date for tonight,” he added more sharply.

  “All right, come on in. Arthur is in his office,” the bouncer replied, and let us through the gate. Some humans expressed their discontent, but Nathaniel seemed oblivious to their protests. I was still a little taken aback by the fact that he would come here.

  Inside, the club was busy, and the music was loud. The smell of sweat and blood hit me instantly. None of this was good, but I knew I had to keep an open mind. Nathaniel’s eyes sharpened; I had a feeling that he was enticed by the atmosphere. There were a lot of vampires inside, and many of them were with humans.

  The bar and the dance floor were packed. Nathaniel was navigating me through the crowd of people; he seemed to know where he was going. We reached the stairs and walked up to the second floor, then over to the narrow corridor.

  “Let me talk, Julia.” I nodded, showing him that I understood what he was saying.

  He knocked a few times and a deep voice sounded from behind. The door opened, and we found ourselves in a large office. Another bouncer was guarding the door. I noticed a pale vampire sitting in front of a computer screen. He had curly dark hair and a wide jaw. He stood from his chair as soon as he saw us.

  “Nathaniel La Caz,” he said, sounding surprised. The bouncer moved out of the way while Nathaniel and presumably, Arthur shook hands. “I thought you were stuck in your office coming up with another innovative idea.”

  “I didn’t come here for chit chat, Arthur. There is something serious going on in the city. This is my friend, Julia Taylor. She’s half elf and a few days ago, her cousin was abducted on the street. Apparently, more elves and fairies are going missing every day. One of my syringes with blood was found on the scene where her cousin was taken.” Nathaniel leaned on the desk, getting straight to the point. Arthur tightened his jaw, then glanced at the bouncer.

  “Dimitri leave, and make sure no one interrupts us.”

  The other vampire nodded, then left us alone, making the office seemed less crowded. Arthur dragged his hand through his hair.

  “Yes, I heard some rumours on the streets, but I didn’t expect that whoever was behind this would start kidnapping paranormals,” Arthur said. “The boys heard that the wolves are dealing with blood too. Maybe there’s someone new who’s slowly taking over their territory. I have no idea what to tell you, Nathaniel.”

  That was a disappointing. I thought that this guy was supposed to know what was going on. I wanted to ask him about the blood, but then remembered that Nathaniel insisted that he do all the talking.

  “I believe that one individual is after the purity of the blood. He must be looking to raise its market value. And you know what that means for all of us?” Nathaniel asked, sounding concerned.

  “Yes, I do,” Arthur answered, and I wondered why they were talking in code.

  None of this sounded good, and we were running out of time.

  “I bet it’s Gordon. I might be wrong, but he’s the only person interested in this sort of thing,” Arthur continued, and when he smiled I could see his fangs. Then he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. I wondered if my cover charm was fading. Maybe that’s why Nathaniel w
anted me to keep quiet.

  “Julia, could you wait for me at the bar?” Nathaniel asked. “Me and Arthur have something that we need to discuss.”

  I shrugged my shoulder and nodded. I didn’t think this whole thing was about me. Nathaniel obviously had some other business that he wanted to talk about and he didn’t want any witnesses. Fine, whatever. I was happy to look around.

  I opened the door and was just about to walk through when Nathaniel said,

  “And Julia, remember what I said earlier: stay put.”

  “Yes, sir,” I responded sarcastically, then shut the door. I didn’t like his tone of voice. I knew that this territory was dangerous, and I wasn’t planning to do anything stupid. The bouncer winked at me and I walked downstairs.

  I had to squeeze through the throng of people to get to the bar. Five minutes later, I was noticing a lot more vampires than I expected to see. And they were all drinking blood in front of humans. I suspected that Arthur sold blood behind the bar, but I wondered where it came from.

  I shuddered with disgust pushing that thought away quickly. I thought about Roger, knowing that I should have went to see him much sooner. He most likely knew more than Arthur did. In a short amount of time, Nathaniel had managed to establish that maybe there was someone new who was most likely dealing with fairies and elves blood.

  Our blood was precious to vampires, but I didn’t understand why werewolves needed it too. When the barman finally noticed me, I ordered a dry martini. My magic was rising inside me again, and my skin felt hypersensitive.

  I tried to relax, but I kept glancing upstairs waiting for Nathaniel to appear.

  “Here you go, love,” a very handsome human barman said, smiling at me. I took a sip, still watching all the vampires dancing around, wondering how Arthur was getting away with such exposure. The smell of blood was getting stronger. There were more and more vampires showing up by the minute, and a few of them were glancing at me. I was becoming uncomfortable. I didn’t want to be the only elf around, especially when my cover charm was fading.


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