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A Little Girl in Old St. Louis

Page 4

by Amanda M. Douglas



  It was only a short distance to the priest's house, where the classesmet. She ran off by herself. There was quite a throng of girls, though,as with most of the early Western settlers, education was not esteemedthe one thing needful for girls. To make good wives was the greatestattainment they could achieve. Still, Father Lemoine labored withperseverance at the tillage of their brains on the two afternoons, andthe tillage of their souls on Saturday.

  After the two hours were over the restless children had a run up to theFort. The Guions there were Madame Renaud's relatives. There was a greatthicket of roses that covered the line of palings, and some ladies werehaving refreshments under a sort of arbor, little cakes and glasses ofwine much diluted with water.

  "Oh, yes, come in," exclaimed Sophie as Renee hung back. "You have beenhere before, you needn't feel strange."

  That was true enough. Then she had been Sophie's guest. Now she had acurious hesitation.

  Elise was going around courtesying to the ladies, and answering theirinquiries. Sophie stooped to play with the cat. An old lady nearestRenee handed her a plate of small spiced cakes.

  "You have gone to Monsieur Denys," she said in a soft tone. "He is--"raising her eyes in inquiry.

  "He is my uncle." Renee made a graceful little courtesy as she saidthis, and thanked the lady for the cake.

  "I suppose M. Denys means to settle down now," said another. "It is hightime. He ought to marry. There is nothing like a good wife."

  "That will come along," and another nodded with a mysterious but merrysmile. "That is why he is smartening up so. And he has brought someelegant stuffs from Canada to dress her in when he gets her. MadameAubrey was in yesterday and bought of him a gown for Genevieve. He wasshowing her some finery that would adorn a bride. I think we shall hearbefore long."

  They all nodded and glanced sidewise from Elise to Sophie as if theymight have something to do with it.

  "I must go," exclaimed Renee, her face flushing.

  "No, wait, I am not ready," said Sophie.

  But Renee courtesied to them all and flashed through the rose-hungentrance. She ran swiftly down the street, turned the corner to her ownhome, and entered the gate. Mere Lunde sat at the doorway knitting.

  "Where is Uncle Gaspard?" she cried breathlessly.

  "In the shop chaffering. They have found him out, you see, and I hopethe good Father of all will send him prosperity," crossing herselfdevoutly.

  Renee dropped down on the doorstep. Her child's heart was in a tumult.Had not the house been planned for her, and the pretty room madeespecially? Where would he put a wife? His small place in the corner ofthe shop, hung about with curtains, was not fit, since the wife would beMa'm'selle Barbe, whose pretty white bed had fringed hangings that shehad learned to knot while she was in New Orleans.

  "Why do you sigh so, little one?"

  Renee could not contain her anxiety.

  "O ma mere, do you think Uncle Gaspard will marry?" she cried withpassionate vehemence. "Will he bring a wife here to live with us?"

  "What has put such a thing in thy head, child? Surely the good priestwould not venture to suggest that to thee!"

  "It was in the Guions' garden. I went there with the girls. And some onesaid he had fixed the house for that, and they smiled and I knew whothey meant."

  She wiped some tears from her hot cheek.

  "Who was it?" the dame asked simply.

  "Who should it be but Ma'm'selle Barbe! Oh, I could guess who theythought would come."

  "Ma'm'selle is a pretty girl and sweet tempered. She has a dot, too,"said the placid woman. "But then I think----"

  Renee burst into a passion of tears, and springing up stamped on theground.

  "She shall not come here!" she cried vehemently. "She shall not haveUncle Gaspard! Oh, why did he go clear to Canada for me, why did hebring me here?"

  "There was your gran'pere----"

  "But he doesn't want me. No one wants me!"

  "Chut! chut! little one. Do not get in such a passion. Surely a childcould not help it if it was to be so. But now that I think the matterover, he said I must come, as there would be no one here to look afteryou, and that your gran'pere's was no place for you. Truly, it is not,if the whispers about him are well grounded. It is said the riverpirates gather there. And he goes away for weeks at a time. No, I do notbelieve M. Denys means to marry."

  "Oh, truly? truly?" Renee flung her arms about the woman's neck. "Sayagain you do not believe it."

  Every pulse was throbbing, and her breath came in tangled gasps. Thewoman's tranquillity rasped her.

  "Nay, he would have planned different. And Ma'm'selle Barbe has youngadmirers. Ah, you should have seen her at Christmas and Epiphany! Shewas chosen Queen, she had one of the lucky beans. She would hardly wantso grave a man. All young things love pleasure, and it is right; carecomes fast enough."

  And now Renee remembered that a young man had spent evenings with hisviolin, and they two had sat out on the gallery. But she could notdivest her mind of the curious sort of suspicion that Barbe cared verymuch for Uncle Gaspard.

  "No, no," went on Mere Lunde. "People gossip. They often mate two whohave no such intention. Dry thy eyes, petite, and laugh again. There hasa robin built in the beech near thy window, and now I think there areyoung ones in the nest. I heard them cry for food. And the father birdgoes singing about as if he wanted to tell the news. It is pleasanterthan thine."

  Renee smiled then. Yes, if the young man loved, ma'm'selle. How they hadlaughed and talked. Perhaps--and yet she was not quite satisfied.

  But she went out and glanced up at the tree. Yes, there was a nest, anda funny, peeping sound, a rustle in the branches.

  The path had been packed clear down to the gate. Some garden beds werelaid out, and the neglected grass trimmed up. It began to look quitepretty. If there was something to do, to keep away thoughts.

  "Mere Lunde, will you teach me to knit?" she asked suddenly.

  "And sew, child. A woman needs that."

  "I can sew a little. But I have nothing to sew."

  "That will be provided if you wish for it. I think your uncle will beglad. I have heard that where there are holy Sisters they teach girls,but we have none here. And now you may help me get the supper."

  That tended to divert her troubled thoughts. And then Uncle Gaspard camein with a guest and the meal was a very merry one. Afterward the two satover the desk busy with writing and talking until she was sleepy andwent to bed.

  She studied Uncle Gaspard furtively the next morning. He asked about theschool, and said in the afternoon they would take a walk, and thismorning she had better go to market with Mere Lunde.

  She found that quite an entertainment. The old market was not much, alittle square with some stalls, all kept by old women, it seemed. Onehad cakes, the _croquecignolles_, the great favorite with everybody. Acurious kind of dry candied fruit, and a sausage roll that the men andboys from the levees bought and devoured with hearty relish. Then therewas a stall of meats and a portly butcher in a great white gown. Some ofthe stands were there only two or three days in the week. Most of theinhabitants looked out for their own stores, but there were the boatmenand the fur traders, and the _voyageurs_. There was but one bake shop,so the market stall was well patronized.

  Some one called to Renee as she neared her own corner, and she turned.It was a little girl she had seen in the class at the priest's house.

  "I am glad you have come here to live," she began. "Your name is Reneede Long----"

  "Renee de Longueville," with a touch of formality.

  "And mine is Rosalie Pichou. I live just down in the street below. Ihave five brothers and not one sister. How many have you?"

  "None at all."

  "Oh, I shouldn't like that. And I am always wishing for a sister. Butone of my brothers will be married shortly, only he is not coming hometo live."

  "Do you like him to marry?"

h, yes, we shall have a gay time and a feast. And then there will bethe new house to visit. Andre is just twenty-one, Pierre is eighteen,Jules sixteen, and I am twelve. I am larger and older than you."

  They had walked up to the gate. Mere Lunde stood by it. "Will you notcome in and see Renee?" she asked, on the child's behalf.

  "Oh, yes," was the frank answer. "I came to see the new room when M.Denys was building it. Oh, how pretty you have it!" in an almost envioustone.

  "But then you can have all. At home, there are two little boys toprovide for, and I think boys are always hungry. Jules gets lots ofgame, he is such a good shot. Oh, I have such a pretty cat and a kitten.I wonder if you would like the kitten?"

  "Oh, yes," said Mere Lunde. "A cat is a comfortable creature to haveabout, and a kitten full of play, merci! One never tires of her pranks.You will like it, Renee?"

  The child's eyes shone with delight.

  "And your mother will let you bestow it?" the mere asked tentatively.

  "Oh, yes. You see, there are two dogs and a tame squirrel, and Jules isalways bringing home something. Ma mere scolds about it. And Jules isafraid the kitten may get at his birds. Oh, yes, you can have it withoutdoubt. I'll run and fetch it now."

  Rosalie was back before she had time to go even one way, Renee thought.A beautiful striped gray kitten, with a very cunning face. A fine blackstripe went from the outer corner of the eyes to his ears, and gave himthe appearance of wearing spectacles, which amused Renee very much. Thenthey talked about the class.

  "I hate to study," declared Rosalie. "And reading is such slow work whenyou don't understand. But it is beginning to be the fashion, ma meresays, and presently people will be despised if they do not know how toread. I like the sums best. You can say them after the Father and notbother your brains. And that's why I don't mind the catechism. It isn'tlike picking the words out of a page."

  "I can read quite well," said Renee, with a little pride. "And I likeit."

  "I can make netting and knit stockings and am learning to cook. Oh, Imust go home at once and help ma mere with the dinner. She told me notto stay, and that I was to ask you to visit me. Come soon," and she madea pretty gesture of farewell.

  Renee picked up the kitten. It was very tame, and made believe bite herhand. Then it gave a sudden spring.

  "Oh, it will run away!" cried Renee in alarm.

  But one of the men in the garden caught it and gave it back to her.

  "Let us make him eat something. Then he will wash his face and stay. Andhe will be excellent to catch mice in the shop. They destroy the skinsso."

  The kitten enjoyed a bit of meat. Then he sat down very gravely andwashed his face, which made Renee laugh.

  Uncle Gaspard came home and expressed himself delighted with the kitten.He was fond of cats, and had been thinking of one. They had theirdinner, and he said he knew the Pichous very well, and was glad Reneehad a playmate so near.

  Presently they went out for their walk. Already Denys had explained toMere Lunde the prices of some of the ordinary articles, and where thepowder and shot were kept, so that she might provide for a casualcustomer. But being a little out of the way, trade was not likely to bevery brisk.

  They went up the Rue de la Place and out at the side of the fort. Therewere no houses save here and there a few wigwams, and Indian childrenplaying about in the front of them. Cultivated fields stretched out. TheKing's Highway marked the western limit of the municipality; all therest was the King's domain, to be granted to future settlers. There wasthe wide prairie, and to the northward the great mound. They mountedthis, and then they could see up the winding of the river to the chainof rocks, and the Missouri on its way to join the greater stream and bemerged in it. Farther still, vague woodlands, until all was lost in dimoutlines and seemed resting against the sky.

  Gaspard Denys liked this far view. Sometimes he had thought of comingout here and losing himself in the wilds, turning hunter like BlanchetteChasseur, as a famous hunting friend of Pierre Laclede's was called.North of the Missouri he had built a log cabin for himself, where anyhunter or traveller was welcome to share his hospitality. Denys himselfhad partaken of it.

  Now he wondered a little if he had been wise to choose the childinstead, and give up his freedom. Blanchette had also established a postat Les Pettites Cotes, which was the headquarters for many rovers, andbecame the nucleus of another city. He was fond of adventures.

  But if he, Denys, had married, as he had once dreamed! Then he wouldhave given up the wild life long ago. Then there would have been homeand love.

  "O Uncle Gaspard," Renee cried, "you squeeze my hand so tight. And youwalk so fast."

  He paused suddenly and gazed down in the flushed face, the eyes humidunder their curling lashes.

  "My little dear!" and his heart smote him. "Let us sit down here in theshade of this clump of trees and rest. You see, I never had a littlegirl before, and forgot that she could not stride with my long legs."

  "And I am so thirsty."

  He glanced about. "We are only going a little farther," he said, "andthen we shall find a splendid spring and something to eat. Are you verytired?"

  She drew a long breath and held up her little red hand.

  "Poor hand!" he said tenderly, pressing it to his lips. "Poor littlehand!"

  She leaned her head down on his shoulder.

  "You wouldn't like to have me go away?" she murmured plaintively.

  "Go away?" in surprise. "What put such an idea in your head?"

  "You wouldn't send me?"

  Strange these thoughts should find entrance in her mind when he had justasked himself that curious question so akin to it.

  "What do you mean, little one?"

  "If--if you married--some one--who did not want me," in so desolate a tonethat it gave him a pang.

  "But I am not going to marry any one."

  "Are you very, very sure?" with an indrawn breath.

  He took her face between his hands suddenly and turned it upward. It wasscarlet and tears beaded the long lashes.

  "Come," he said in soft persuasion, "what is behind all this? Who hasbeen talking to you? If it is Mere Lunde----"

  "No--she said it was not true."

  "Surely that little Pichou girl is not a mischief maker! If so, she mustkeep clear of us. I will not have you tormented."

  Then Renee began to cry softly and the truth came out with sobs.

  He smiled, and yet he was deeply touched. The little thing was jealous.Yet was it not true that he was all she had in the world to love, andthat no one had really loved her until he came into her life? How shehad trusted him back there in Quebec after the first few hours!

  Now he gathered her up in his arms as if she been a baby, and kissed thesmall hot face, tasting the salt tears.

  "Little one," he began in a tender, comforting tone, "set your heart atrest. If the good God spares us, there will be many pleasant yearstogether, I hope. I am not going to marry any one, and Ma'm'selle Barbehas a fine young admirer. She doesn't want an old fellow like me. Youcan't understand now, but when you are older I will tell you the wholestory. I loved your mother and your grandfather took her away, marriedher to some one else. That is why you are so dear to me."

  "Oh!" she cried, with a depth of feeling that surprised him. "Oh!" Thenshe dropped down on her knees and put her arms about his neck, and hecould feel her heart beat against his breast. He was immeasurablyimpressed. Could she understand what that meant?

  When he raised her face it was sweet and grave as that of an olderperson might have been. Then she said softly. "I shall love you my wholelife long. I shall never love any one so dearly."

  How did she who had never had any one to love understand affection sowell? Perhaps because it is natural to the sex to own something it canadore, and yet the little Renaud girls liked him very much, but therewas no such absorption in their regard. Ah, he was her all. They had thenatural ties of childhood on which to lavish their love. Barbe--he hadnever thought of marrying he
r, though he had seen her grow up towomanhood, and very charming at that. She was for some younger mate, andthere were plenty of them. Pretty girls, nor scarcely any girls, wentbegging in the new countries. They were tempting enough without much_dot_.

  And that her little heart should be torn by jealousy! He could havesmiled, only it seemed pitiful. He pressed her closer, sorry anyinnuendoes should have been made before her.

  "Come, dear," he began tenderly, "we have not finished our walk. Or willI have to carry you?"

  She sprang up lightly, her face all abloom, though her long lashes stillglistened.

  "Oh, no, no," smilingly. "But you have carried me--over part of the longportage when I was so tired, and that night when it was dark. Oh, howbig and strong you are. There was some one in a book in the oldchateau--I have nearly forgotten, who was strong and brave. UncleGaspard, why haven't you any books? The little ones at the Father's areso queer, with their short sentences, and the children blunder so. Ilike best to know about some person. Oh, can't we all tell that the dogbarks and the kitten mews, the cock crows, without reading it in aprimer! And--I would like to have a prayer book of my very own."

  "I think I have one somewhere about. But I will send to New Orleans forsome books the next time the boats go down. People have not had muchtime for learning thus far."

  "And I had nothing to do in the old chateau but play and read. There wasno one to play with," sadly. "How funny that little girl was who broughtme the kitten! Five brothers! Well, I have two at home, in Paris, Imean, but I never saw them only once. Rosalie! Isn't it a pretty name? Iwonder if you would like me to be called anything else?"

  "No, dear. You are a queen, my little queen. I don't want you changed inany way. I only want you to be happy and content."

  She was so thoroughly rested now that although she gave little skipsoccasionally and held his hand tightly, her heart seemed as light as thebirds flying overhead. And now they were coming to a small Indiansettlement, with a few wigwams, and long stretches of corn up highenough to make a beautiful waving green sea as the wind moved it inundulating billows. Women were cooking out of doors on little stonefireplaces. Children played about; two small papooses hung up to a treebranch were rocking to and fro. In the sun lay two braves asleep, toolazy to hunt or fish. Yet it was a pretty picture.

  The tepees were in a semi-circular form. Denys passed the first one. Atthe second a woman sat beside the flap doing some beautiful bead andfeather work. She raised her eyes and then sprang up with a glad smile,holding her work in a sort of apron.

  "It is M'sieu Denys," in broken French, that sounded soft for an Indianvoice. "He has come back. He has taken a long journey to the Far East."She glanced curiously at the stranger.

  "And brought home a little girl," smiling at the child. "She has comefrom the land of the great Onontio, and I am to care for her. I am notgoing to rove about any more, but trade with the residents and sendgoods up and down the river. And I shall want many articles of you,Mattawissa."

  She smiled and nodded. "I make not much for trade, but sometimes thehunters buy for their sweethearts as they return. And will you tradebeads and silks? The threads we make are so troublesome to dye, andsometimes the color is rough, not pretty," with a shrug. "I have heardit comes up from the great city down below."

  "New Orleans. Yes. But I brought it with me from Canada. They use it inthe convents, where they do fine work. And the Spanish often take ithome to show, and ornament their houses for the strangeness of it, andmoccasins and bands, and the pretty things for real service. No onemakes them quite as well as you."

  "Will not the child sit down?" She brought a bag stuffed with grass,much like the more modern hassock. Renee thanked her, and seatedherself.

  Mattawissa was proud of her French, and lame as it was, brought it outon every occasion when talking to the white people. Denys had asmattering of several Indian tongues, which most of the fur hunters andtraders soon acquired.

  Some of the little children of the forest crept up cautiously. Men theywere used to seeing; white women rarely, as those at a distance seldomwent into the settlements in their early youth. They were not strange toRenee, and she smiled a little, but they retained their natural gravityand evinced no disposition to make friends.

  Then Renee's attention was directed to the articles Mattawissa broughtout. Beautiful strips of wampum, collars ornamented with bits of shellshanging by threads that made a soft, rhythmic sound as they were handledabout, bits of deerskin that were like velvet, on which she had tracedout delicate fancies that were really fascinating. Denys grewenthusiastic over them, and begged them all.

  "This is for Talequah, the daughter of the Sioux who marries the son ofa chief before the moon of roses ends. I cannot part with that. But Iwant beads, and if I could come in and choose?" inquiringly.

  "Oh, yes, come in by all means," Denys answered quickly. "I want to senddown the river--in a fortnight perhaps, and will take whatever you canspare. You shall look over my store and select."

  "To-morrow if you like," hesitatingly.

  "Yes, the sooner the better."

  "I will bring these."

  "No, I will take them. It is not a heavy load," with a pleasant smile."And surely I am as able as you to carry the parcel. Then I am not abrave. A trapper is used to waiting on himself."

  "But--I have something for the child."

  "O Renee, you will like that. Ma'm'selle is getting her chamberfurnished."

  "And you must eat." She went in the wigwam and returned with a redearthen bowl decorated on the outside with a good deal of taste, notunlike Egyptian pottery, the yellow edge so burned in and rubbed by someprocess that it suggested dull gold burnished. Also a dainty boat madeof birch bark embroidered and beaded, with compartments inside fortrinkets, or it could be used for a work-box.

  "Oh, how very pretty! Uncle Gaspard, I can keep the boat on my table,and the bowl on the little shelf you put up. And I shall fill it withflowers. Madame, I thank you with all my heart. I know it is because youlike Uncle Gaspard so well, for an hour ago you did not know of me;" andshe pressed the Indian woman's hand.

  "I am glad it pleases you. I may find some other article. And now beseated again. There is a long walk before you, and you must havesomething to eat."

  She went out to the old woman bending over her preparations, and broughtfor each a bowl of sagamity, a common Indian repast, oftener cooked withfish than bits of pork; and a plate of cakes made of Indian corn poundedfine in a rude mortar, or sometimes ground with one stone on top ofanother. For though there were mills that ground both corn and wheat,the Indians kept to their primitive methods. What did it matter so longas there were squaws to do the work?

  Renee did not like the sagamity, but the cakes were good and the birchbeer was fine she thought. In spite of protest she insisted on carryingher treasures home.

  Then Mattawissa wove a few strands of grass together, and bringing thefour ends up over the bowl knotted them into a bunch and made a kind ofbasket. A piece of bark was slipped under the joining and this woundaround with a bit of deerskin so that it would not cut the fingers.Renee watched the process with much interest, and thought it veryingenious.

  Then they started homeward quite fresh from their long rest, but at thelast they had to hurry a little lest the gate at the fort should beclosed.


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