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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three

Page 13

by Darien Cox

  I frowned. “I thought you’d know why I quit.”

  Hesitantly, he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Well, you’re wrong. I thought you were happy.”

  “Duncan.” I sighed. “I’ve worked long and hard to feel good about myself, the choices I make. I couldn’t keep working for you after what happened between us. The aftermath made me feel bad about myself.”

  “The aftermath?” He shook his head, looking genuinely confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “We had sex, Duncan.”

  “Yes. I’m aware.”

  “And you’re my employer.”

  “Oh.” He nodded. “So this is a moral high ground thing.”

  I laughed. “What? No. Duncan, you…you didn’t talk to me for a month after that. And after talking to Shaylin last night it seems like you were actively avoiding me. Maybe you don’t think it was a big deal, but you could have least contacted me and asked how I felt. When you disappeared for so long after, didn’t even pop in at work? I felt used. After all the conversations we had, where I opened up to you about my past, I figured you would have been more aware that was a possibility.”

  He kept his gaze on me, brows pinched. He looked irritated and confused, but said nothing.

  “I didn’t quit just because you didn’t call me and say sweet things or whatever. I would have been okay even if you’d dropped by the bar to talk about the weather. I quit because you pay my salary, so you ignoring me so completely made me feel like a prostitute. Because of that, I couldn’t enjoy the job anymore. I need to value myself, and this whole thing made me feel…devalued.”

  “Zach, I do value you.” He growled and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Am I losing my mind here? Because I’m confused. You told me to stay away from you.”

  I shook my head. “What are you talking about?”

  “After our text exchange, where you said you wanted me to stay away, I didn’t want to crowd you. So I gave you space. I was afraid you’d thought I’d taken advantage of you.”

  “Duncan, I never told you to stay away from me.”

  Duncan muttered a curse then pulled his phone out. He scowled at it as he thumbed through. “Here.” He handed me his phone. “Right there.”

  I stared at his phone, at the text exchange between us. The last entry…oh God.

  ‘I’ll talk to you eventually but give me some space, there’s a lot going on right now’.

  “Oh my God.” I set his phone down and closed my eyes, rubbing my temples.


  I blinked my eyes open and winced. “Duncan…I’m sorry. I fucked up. That text was supposed to go to my mother.”

  His brow cocked. “Your mother.” He sounded skeptical.

  “Yes, I swear. She was bugging me to commit to dinner and we’re in an awful fight. I’d been texting with you earlier. I must have hit the wrong…shit, Duncan. That’s why I haven’t seen you at work?”

  He chuckled, but it was soft and without warmth. “That’s why, Zach. After I got that text, I feared if I came around you’d think I was trying to force some arrangement between us. I thought if I called you or came around at work you’d think I was expecting something from you. Making you feel like a prostitute is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I didn’t want you to feel like that. So I stayed away. You went on working, so I suspected you were fine. But I was giving you space. I figured if you wanted to talk, you’d have contacted me. But I’ve heard nothing.”

  “Shit Duncan.” I groaned. “Shit, I’m sorry. You didn’t think it was weird that I said that? After I’d just been being all friendly chatty?”

  He shook his head, sighing. “I did think it was strange. But I had no reason to question it was authentic. I was worried I’d crossed the line. I’ve never slept with an employee before.”

  Oh. That last sentence gave me a little charge, and I was incredibly relieved. “I guess it was a communication breakdown,” I said. “I’m really sorry.”

  “Zach, why didn’t you contact me if you were feeling like this? If you were hurt?”

  I flushed. “I’m sorry. I should have communicated better. I was trying to make sure you didn’t feel beholden to me.”

  Duncan’s pretty eyes narrowed, and he shifted a few inches closer. “Why on earth would I feel beholden to you?”

  Because I wanted more from you. I still do. “Forget it. We’re good. And I’m sorry about the misunderstanding, that’s my fault. But after all this, I’ve realized some things about myself. I don’t think I can work for you anymore.”

  “But why? If we’ve cleared up this misunderstanding, why can’t you come back to work?”

  I couldn’t tell him I was between a rock and a hard place. That I wanted to fuck him some more, but that I didn’t want to be fucking my boss. And even if he insisted there wouldn’t be any more fucking, I’d still be wanting it. And having to work for him would only make it worse. Last night was proof of that. But he didn’t seem to have the same reservations.

  “You’d really want me to keep working for you? After all this?”

  He shrugged, and his amused smirk appeared. I was happy to see its return. “Maybe I like having you around, Zach.”

  Warmth spread through my belly at his comment, like I’d been drowning and he’d just tossed me a life preserver. But it wasn’t the job I wanted to save. “I like having you around too,” I said. “I like having you here right now. Sitting on my bed.”

  Duncan stilled, and his gaze flicked over my body before meeting my eyes. “I’m certain there are many others you could have here on your bed in an instant. Especially dressed like that.”

  “Stop hacking on my clothes. I worked at Immunity tonight. This is standard attire.”

  His head jerked back. “You’ve got another job already?”

  “Yeah. At the gay club down the street where I worked before.”

  “I see.” A flash of hurt crossed over his expression. “You got another job already. Jesus.”

  “I just…things came to a head and I just reacted, Duncan. I hadn’t heard from you when everyone else had. I thought you were ignoring me, especially after talking to Shaylin. And this guy came into the bar and was talking about kissing you, and I…I reacted.”

  Duncan frowned. “What guy?”

  “Dana? Said he met you at a party.”

  “Oh. Him. I only met him briefly. I’m not dating him.”

  “But you are dating. Right? Others?”

  “What does who I date have to do with any of this?”

  “Look, I get it, Duncan, you have a life, and we’ve only slept together once. But I work for you, at your club, where your friends come in. Your…lovers. And your life, it’ll all be there on display for me. I’m not good at stuff like this. If I didn’t work for you it wouldn’t be a huge issue. But I do. Did. So because of all that I just can’t work for you right now. Maybe that can change at some point but…I can’t right now.”

  Duncan’s expression went from confusion to disappointment.

  “I know it was my choice, going home with you,” I said. “I thought I could handle mixing business with pleasure. But I fucked up. I can’t.”

  He nodded. “So that’s it.”

  “Yeah. That’s it.”

  “I understand.” He took in a deep breath, then he stood. “Well, I’ll miss you, Zach. I really will. But I wish you well.” He gave me a tight smile, nodded, then headed for the door.

  I’d been hoping he’d read between the lines. That he’d see where I was going with this. Not the job thing. He seemed to understand that. But he didn’t understand that I still wanted to spend time with him…socially. Sexually. But why was I waiting for him to broach it? Keeping my mouth shut, waiting for him to come to me? That’s how I’d fucked this all up in the first place. If I’d not been so afraid of looking clingy. If I’d just talked to him, maybe I wouldn’t have made such a mess of things. I refused to make that same mistake now.

  I bounded off the mattress, and a
s Duncan reached for the knob, I grasped his arm. “Don’t go.”

  He paused. “Why not?”

  My stomach trembled. I could smell his cologne, feel his body heat through his shirt, and I wanted him so bad it made me ache. I fought my nerves and slid my arm around his waist, leaning my chest into his back. “Because I missed you. And because I don’t want you to go.”

  He turned around and leaned against the door, studying me as he took my hands in his. “This is what started all the trouble, Zach. The way you’re looking at me now.”

  “I can’t help the way I look at you.”

  He sighed, his expression conflicted. He appeared poised and calm, but I could see his pulse jumping in his neck. “You confuse me, Zach. You really do,” he said, but he tugged me closer and slid his arms around my waist. “I’m starting to understand why my nephew winces whenever your name is brought up.”

  “Don’t talk about him,” I said, my heart banging in my chest. “Or I’ll have to gag you.”

  A smile curved Duncan’s lips.

  “You do remember saying that to me. Don’t you?”

  “I remember everything,” he said, his voice dropping low. “Especially the way you taste.” He drew me into a kiss, tongue flicking mine. “There it is,” he breathed against my lips. “That sweet taste of you.”

  My eyes closed and a groan escaped. I was lucky that’s all I did, because my cock was throbbing and I felt like I was about to melt into the floor. This man could undo me in a matter of seconds, and I wanted him so much I felt dizzy. “Stay,” I said. “Spend the night in my bed.”

  “That’s really what you want? Me in your bed?”

  “Yes. You can refuse me if you want. But I’ll be disappointed.”

  “I don’t think I could refuse you anything,” he whispered, nibbling along my jawline. “I knew I was screwed the moment I met you.” He nuzzled my neck. “That if you asked, I’d give you anything you want.”

  I shivered at his words. “I want more of you,” I whispered. “That’s what I want.”

  “And I want more of you.” He tugged at the bottom of my shirt, trying to lift it up. “I told you this thing was too damn tight, I can’t even get it off you.”

  I chuckled and stepped back, peeling my shirt off. Then I took his hand, leading him back to the bed. “I like that shirt you’re wearing tonight,” I said. “I like you in black.”

  I dropped his hand and he began unbuttoning his shirt, gaze locked on mine. “Thank you. But it’s coming off now.”

  “That’s fine. I like you in just skin better.”

  Duncan grinned. “Likewise.”

  I flicked off the lamp, and the moonlight coming down from the skylights made everything blue and shadowy as I watched Duncan slip his shirt off. I went to him and ran my fingers through the soft hair under his neck, gliding my palms over his firm chest. “My jeans are tight too,” I said. “You want me to take them off for you?”

  “Please, allow me,” he said, then pushed me roughly onto the mattress.

  My hips jerked as Duncan yanked my jeans open then made quick work of tugging them off me. Because they were so tight I’d worn a thong underneath, and Duncan leaned over and dragged it off with his teeth, so aggressive suddenly I was taken aback, but my erection liked it just fine, rising up off my belly.

  I didn’t want to be passive, so I sat up and grabbed the hem of his pants. “Now you,” I said, unzipping his fly. Duncan kicked his shoes off, then rested a hand on my head as I slid his pants down. I quickly looked up when I realized he wasn’t wearing underwear, his cock thick and hard and definitely happy. “Well, look at you going freestyle.”

  “It’s hot tonight,” he said and tackled me, dragging me up on the mattress. “And you’ve made me hotter still.”

  “The window’s open, but I’m sorry, I don’t have air conditioning.”

  Duncan wrestled me onto my back and pinned my wrists down on the mattress, brown hair hanging over his eyes. “Then I’ll have to buy you one,” he said and his hips shifted, gliding his cock against mine, making me close my eyes and moan.

  “You don’t have to buy me things,” I said, my voice breathy.

  “What if I want to buy you things?” He licked my bottom lip. “What if it would give me pleasure to give you everything you need?”

  My chest ached at his words, because we’d already had the whole prostitution talk. He wouldn’t be walking that line with me, not after our argument. This felt like something else. I fought free of his grip and forced him onto his back, straddling him. “What if this is all I need?”

  “Oh Christ.” His hips lifted and lids fluttered as his hands slapped down on my hips. “You feel good like this, on top of me.”

  “Yeah?” I squeezed him with my thighs and moved my hips, sliding his cock between my ass cheeks. “You want me like this, Duncan?”

  He sat up and grabbed me around the neck, easing me down with him. “Want your mouth first. Staring at it while we were talking was killing me because I thought I could never have it again.”

  Duncan kissed me roughly. My mouth opened as his fingers gripped the sides of my face, tongue licking mine. I loved the urgent way he kissed me, like my mouth was something he couldn’t get enough of. Corey had been magic with his hands but he’d never kissed me like this. No one had ever kissed me like this, and I got lost in it, our mouths staying locked as he rolled me over and pinned me beneath him again.

  We’d both started to sweat, but I didn’t mind, it added to the intimacy, the heated passion of silky naked flesh gliding together. While Duncan’s kiss grew more intense, he writhed on top of me and touched every bit of skin on my body he could reach. Suddenly, this felt real. This wasn’t a drunken hookup and it wasn’t a mistake. I allowed myself to believe, at least in that moment, that Duncan felt it too. I wanted him inside me, ached to be filled with him.

  Wrapping my legs around him, I dug my heels into his ass and tore my lips from his. “Do you wanna fuck me?”

  He smiled. “Yeah, I wanna fuck you.”

  Duncan could move fast, I’d noticed it the last time we’d been in bed together. So I wasn’t too surprised when he shifted suddenly and rolled me onto my stomach. I was surprised, however, by the hard slap on my ass.

  “Yow!” I jerked.

  “That’s for quitting without telling me.”

  I laughed into the pillow then lifted my head. “I’m sorry I quit without telling you.”

  “Are you? Good.” He slapped my other cheek. “That’s for not talking to me, for not letting me know you were hurt so I could make it better.”

  I smiled. “I’m sorry for that too.” The pleasant tingly feeling surprised me. I was usually dead set against anything too rough in bed, including spanking. I’d been hit with malice too many times and it had left a scar in my psyche. But something about Duncan slapping my ass now felt…comforting.

  “You’re sorry?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m sorry.”

  He gave me another hard slap.

  I flinched, but couldn’t stop laughing. “What was that for?”

  He chuckled. “That one’s just for fun. And because your ass is so slapable.”

  “Okay but…oh my God. Oh damn, what are you doing…” Duncan’s tongue parted my cheeks and probed my entrance.

  “Making it better,” he said softly, then blew on me. “Better late than never.” He licked again, sliding his tongue inside me. He repeated the action until my eyes rolled back. I panted, squirming, my hips circling as I tried to endure it, but that only made my cock slide against the sheet and the pleasure more intense.

  “Duncan,” I gasped. “You’re killing me.”

  He licked a line up my crack as he ran his hand up my spine. “Where are your supplies?”

  “In the bathroom. Medicine cabinet.”

  He slapped my ass, a bit more gently this time. “Do not move.”

  I felt the mattress shift as he climbed off the bed. Hugging the pillow, I r
ealized I was trembling. My ass still tingled, not just where he’d slapped it, but inside where his tongue had lit all my nerves up like a switchboard.

  I looked over my shoulder when I heard Duncan return, admiring his naked form in the moonlight. He was fit and beautiful, but I really liked that his body wasn’t plastic perfect like the young men I’d served drinks to all night. I loved the small brush of hair on his chest, and I loved his face, especially the way his eyes met mine as he climbed onto the mattress. His cock was still erect and sheathed in a condom now.

  “You didn’t move.” He smiled and ran his hand up my back, then leaned down and kissed my neck.

  “You told me not to. I was afraid I’d get spanked again.”

  He slid down beside me and stroked fingers down my spine, then over my ass. “I want you to move now,” he whispered. “Get on top of me like you were before. I want to watch your body move while we fuck.”

  I rose up and slung my leg over as he rolled onto his back. His gaze was intense when I lined his cock up, hovering over his hips. “This what you want?”

  His fingers drifted over my stomach, then both hands grasped my cock. His eyes stayed locked on mine. “This is exactly what I want, Zach,” he said. “What I’ve been wanting. I missed you too.”

  My heart fluttered. I slid down onto him and he hissed, his grip tightening on my cock, and pleasure stole through me from all sides. I rested my hands on his chest and stared down at him as I rose up and took him in again. “This is exactly what I want too.”

  One hand reached up and touched my face, the other continued to stroke me. “Then take it. It’s yours.”

  I rode Duncan hard but slow, watching his eyes, loving the way his brows pinched and he hissed when I got the angle just right. He seemed mesmerized by the sight of me, his gaze roaming over my body. His hips lifted and met mine, trying to match my rhythm, or maybe because he couldn’t help himself.

  “I thought about this,” he said in that silky, husky voice that drove me crazy. “Before I ever kissed you, I thought about this.”

  “When?” I asked, my breathing heavy as my prostate lit up, sweat dripping down my back. “When did you think about this?”


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