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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three

Page 17

by Darien Cox

  I slid the book back in place and stood when I heard raised voices. Tiptoeing to the doorway, I skulked behind the wall and listened. Duncan’s voice was still calm and somewhat soothing in tone. It was Wes whose voice was raised. I caught about every third word. Something about respect. Something about the weekend. Something about me…I definitely heard my name in there.

  Then Wes’s voice rose higher in volume, and the next sentence I heard in its entirety.

  “He’s a fucking child, Duncan!”

  I winced. Yeah. That was probably about me. I slinked back to the chair and sat, feeling terribly out of place, wondering if I should leave. But no. Fuck that. I was here first. If I had to compete for Duncan, then so be it. I wasn’t about to take myself out of the game.

  The argument between Duncan and Wes grew louder briefly, and I was afraid they were coming my way. But then the voices faded with distance, and relief washed through me when I realized Duncan was walking Wes to the door.

  I grabbed another book randomly, so I wouldn’t look like the eavesdropper I was when Duncan found me. I opened Wuthering Heights and stared blankly at the first page without reading. Eventually I heard the door close out front, and Duncan’s footsteps.


  “I’m in here.”

  His hair was a bit messier when he walked in the room, like he’d been running his fingers through it. He smiled and approached me. “Doing some light reading?”

  I slid the book back in place and stood. “Everything all right?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry about that interruption.”

  “Wes seems nice.”

  “He’s a good guy, but I don’t like unexpected drop-ins.” Duncan sighed and grasped my shoulders. “I’m sorry about that. Thank you for handling it so graciously.”

  I nodded slightly, not sure what to say.

  “Tell me something honestly. How am I doing with this, Zach? Not very well so far I’d guess. I’m sorry.”

  “What do you mean by ‘this’?”

  “You know I see other people.”

  I snorted. “Obviously. Nice rose by the way. He too cheap to order a dozen, or did he spend all his money on that rare vintage wine?”

  Duncan smirked, and I smiled in return. “Zach. I want to treat you respectfully while I’m getting to know you better, and I’ve not been doing so hot at that. Let me make it up to you tonight, all right?”

  “Sure.” I smiled. “It’s fine, Duncan. I’m a big boy. And I want to spend time with you.”

  His relief was palpable, shoulders sagging. “Then let’s get the hell out of here.” He checked his watch. “Car should be pulling up any minute.”

  “Great. Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere nice.” He leaned in and kissed me quickly. “You’ll see.”

  I followed Duncan back to the kitchen and he picked up the bags he’d brought in.

  “What’s that?”

  “Wine and rum and so on. I wanted to bring the good stuff.”

  “Not bringing Wes’s wine?”

  He paused and raised an eyebrow at me. “No. I’m not.”


  He chuckled. “Again, I’m sorry about that.”

  “Forget it. Let’s get out of here.”

  I followed Duncan outside and he locked up the house. We moved to his Jeep and he pulled two small travel bags out of the back.

  “What’s this?”

  “Our overnight bags.”

  “You packed one for me?”

  He shut the back hatch and grinned. “I did.”

  “You’re awfully organized in such a short time.”

  “I know how to get things done.”

  “I guess.” I looked up as a black limousine pulled into the driveway. “Oh. Wow. We’re going in style.”

  “Oh good. Car’s here. Help me out?”

  I helped with the bags and followed Duncan to the limo. A blond woman dressed in black and white got out and grabbed the bags. “Good evening, Mr. Stengel.”

  “Good evening.”

  She put the bags in the trunk, then opened the door for us. Duncan gestured for me to go first, so I slid in. Everything was shiny leather, two big bench seats facing each other. A compartment at the center had a bottle of champagne and glasses with an ice bucket.

  Duncan slid in and the door closed. He sat down across from me. “Okay,” he said as the car started to move. “We’re off.”

  I smiled as I watched Duncan open the champagne. “I did not expect a date this lavish, Duncan. I’m not sure I’ll be able to reciprocate.”

  He popped the cork and handed me a glass. “Oh, please,” he said as he poured. “I’m not a snob, I just want to do this with you, the pleasure’s mine, believe me.”

  I sipped my champagne as he poured his own.

  “Besides,” he said, setting the bottle down. “I had more fun in your tiny little apartment recently than I’ve had in a very long time.”


  He held his glass up. “Yes. Now let’s get on with that getting to know each other better thing.”

  “Sounds good.” I clinked his glass and we both drank. “So,” I said. “What do you do when you’re not supervising centaurs or dating former NHL stars?”

  He chuckled and leaned back. “You say you’re fine, but you keep bringing Wes up. Are we going to be able to get past it?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m really trying to be a grownup about it. But I like you, and it was right up in my face, so of course it bothered me.”

  “I understand. It’s not serious with him, Zach. And after today, I’m not sure it’s anything anymore. He wants more than I’m willing to give. And also, he said some ugly things to me today that I didn’t appreciate.”

  “About me?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Were you listening?”

  “Not until he started yelling. Not on purpose,” I lied.

  “I told you some people wouldn’t understand. They’ll take one look at you and think…”

  “That I’m some boy-toy, and that reflects badly on you, apparently. Is that what you’re worried about? Your reputation?”

  “I don’t care what anyone thinks about me. I just don’t want it to negatively affect you.”

  “Thanks. But I know who I am. I know my value. Took a long time to get to this place, no one can take it away from me now.”

  He nodded. “I’m glad to hear that. You really saved my bacon today at Mythic. I do hope you’ll reconsider returning permanently.”

  “Duncan.” I laughed and shook my head. “We’re dating and you’re seeing other people.” He opened his mouth but I held a hand up. “That’s fine. I know this is all new, but you cannot expect me to be in this situation with you, and work for you too.”

  He held my gaze silently for a time. “You’re right. I won’t ask again. For now.”

  I smirked. “Okay. I just don’t want things to be awkward. We have enough strikes against us.”

  His brow cocked. “Are you saying you’re putting this, this thing with us before the job?”

  “I suppose. But I’m putting myself first, mainly. I want to date you. Enough to leave your employ. But I’m doing it for me, because I know myself. I know what I can handle and what I can’t, and I’m trying not to get hurt.”

  Duncan sipped his champagne, something like surprise in his eyes as he studied me. Did he not realize I was developing actual feelings for him? He didn’t look disappointed, just slightly cautious. “Then I’ll respect that you can’t work for me right now. Looking out for yourself comes first. And I sure don’t want to be the cause of any hurt.”

  “Great. Where are we going?”

  “To my boat. And then on to somewhere else.”

  “You have a boat? Of course you have a fucking boat. Is it shaped like a giant unicorn or something?”

  “It’s just a boat, Zach.” He chuckled. “Just enjoy the ride.”

  Duncan’s boat wasn’t huge but it wasn’t small. There
were two crewmembers that greeted us, and Duncan spoke to them softly while I made myself comfortable on one of the white leather bench seats in the open back. Duncan returned and sat down right next to me, slinging his arm over my shoulder as we pulled out of the harbor and took to the sea.

  “You look amazing by the way,” he said, nuzzling my ear.

  “You dressed me well.”

  “Hmm. I’m going to undress you well later.”

  My cock began to swell. “Damn it, you’re getting me worked up already.”

  He took my face with his fingers and turned my head. “That’s okay. Nothing to stop us now,” he said, then gave me a kiss so slow and searing I wondered if he was trying to kill me. When he eased back, I was breathing heavier.

  “I like this date,” I huffed.

  “Me too.” He gave me another fiery kiss, then released me as one of the young men crewing came back and handed us each a glass of wine.

  Duncan thanked him and the guy headed back toward the front of the boat, but not before stealing a back-glance at us. I recognized the vague smirk. I’d seen it my whole life, a reminder that not everyone was okay with two men kissing. Duncan seemed oblivious, and ran his fingers through my hair as he sighed, looking out at the water and the darkening orange sky.

  I tried to figure out where we were heading. I knew we’d left Boston, but I could still see land. But soon the boat headed farther out to sea, and I could no longer recognize the landmarks on the shore. “Are we heading down the Cape?”

  “You’ll see. Just relax.”

  “So mysterious.”

  “Allow me to woo you, won’t you? It’s been a while since I’ve been this excited to do so for someone.”

  “Well. You just said the right thing.”

  He grinned. “So I’m back on the right track again?”

  “You’re getting there.”

  Duncan kissed me again, one of those slow, intense ones with lots of tongue that had me squirming.

  Eventually the boat veered off and we were drifting down a shallow waterway with dunes all around. The boats lights were on and I got up and leaned on the railing. Duncan stepped up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist. I leaned back into him, enjoying the cooler salted air. “Weather’s so much nicer out here,” I said.


  I chuckled softly when he nibbled at my neck. “You’re more affectionate than usual tonight.”

  “I like you,” he said, his voice low and husky.

  My eyes closed. “I like you, too.”

  “Look over there.” He pointed to a beach on a small island just off the shoreline. Overlooking the beach, a pretty little redwood house sat on stilts, a flight of narrow wooden steps leading up to it. The house was shrouded with trees on either side, a small boat tied to a dock out front. On the beach, a long table was set up with glowing lanterns, and two people, a woman and a man, shuffled around it.

  “Is that where we’re staying? That island?”

  “That’s it,” he said as the boat started that way.

  I grinned at him. “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “I know.”

  “Dinner on the beach? And then we get to stay there?”

  “Not just dinner. Dinner prepared by a skilled vegetarian chef.”

  I was dumbstruck. It wasn’t that Duncan had the means to do this that impressed me. It was the thought he’d put into this last-minute date. Sure, his means allowed him to make it happen so quickly. But the vegetarian chef thing made me melt a little, because that was all for me. He was officially forgiven for the cold scrambled eggs.

  I didn’t know what to say so I just kissed him and put my back into it, sliding my hands down to grab his ass.

  Duncan inhaled sharply when I cupped his ass cheeks, giving them a hard squeeze, and I realized I had not yet explored his body that much. The two times we’d had sex it had been a frantic race to get naked and have him inside me as fast as possible.

  I’d been being cautious in all things with Duncan, and I realized now that had spilled over into how I engaged with him intimately. I’d been holding back, maybe not physically, but emotionally, and those two things had always been interlinked for me. My nature—when I wasn’t trying to fight it—was to be passionate and let myself go, to let someone else feel the authenticity of how I much I wanted them. I shouldn’t forget that Duncan had a crush on me too, that it wasn’t all about what I was feeling. And based on his reaction to me grabbing his ass, he appreciated feeling desired.

  I had to stop being timid and second-guessing myself with him. I had to be myself with Duncan. It was intimidating, knowing he dated men like Wes, but shit, I was no slouch. I had tamed the wild and lascivious Corey Stengel into monogamy when people told me I couldn’t do it. Then when I screwed up, I’d become so ashamed I’d tried to temper everything that was me, and that’s how I’d been living. Like a calmer, paler version of myself. But with Duncan, I was ready to let some of my vigor out of the closet. Some of that unbridled, uncensored passion I’d been trying to hide so I didn’t scare him away.

  “Mr. Stengel? We’re ready to dock.”

  “Oh, good, thank you.”

  I released him. “Sorry. The boat crew’s probably happy to see our pornographic road show leave for the night.”

  “I’m certain of it. Let’s go eat.”

  The crew helped us out of the boat, then took the bags and carried them up to the house for us. We were greeted on the beach by the chef, a skinny blond man in his thirties with a mustache, and once we were seated at the table, he and the woman began serving food.

  I sat diagonally beside Duncan at the head of the table, and he laughed when I dove into the food, but I was amazed by how good everything was, from the walnut avocado salad to the marinated seitan and crispy vegetables. There were breads and flavored oils, tomato with mozzarella, vegan meatballs in sauce, creamy pumpkin soup, it went on and on. “I’m gonna have to step up my cooking,” I said. “This stuff makes me feel very inadequate.”

  Duncan’s eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Your cooking is just fine for my purposes. Say, if I make you a subcontractor, would you train a new cook to replace Chauncy? And I guess another for Steven because he’s clearly not working out.”

  I smiled. “Of course.”

  “On your days off from your other job, naturally. Or you could always come back full time, that would make it easier.”

  “I believe we’ve had this conversation, Duncan. Several times.”

  “You’re right.” He pointed to his temple. “I keep forgetting. Old, remember?”

  He was wearing his teasing smirk, but I found it both moving and confusing that he wanted me to return to Mythic so badly. I hoped maybe it was because he wanted me to be a permanent fixture in his life, but I wasn’t going to entertain that idea while he was still allowing others to court him romantically.

  The chef brought out a creamy banana dessert, and it was just as good as the dinner. But my eyes were continuously drawn to Duncan in his sexy black outfit, my attraction growing stronger by the minute. Could anyone blame me? I was on an island beach with a guy I was heavily into, and I knew I was getting lucky tonight. The sun had set and his handsome face was alluring in the lantern light—nice shadowed jawline, pretty eyes glimmering when he looked at me. He grinned. “What?”

  “Nothing. Just looking at you. Admiring the view.”

  “You certainly know how to make a man feel good, Zach.”

  “Just wait ‘til later.”

  Duncan laughed, shaking his head.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I suppose I’m still getting used to this openly flirty side of you. You were so grumpy for the first couple weeks after we initially met.”

  “I was grumpy? I thought I was nice! Professional.”

  “You were rather cautious and defensive. Every time we spoke you’d eye me like you were trying to figure out my angle.”

  “Yeah, and I was right, wasn’t I?” I ch
uckled. “You were trying to get in my pants.”

  Duncan grinned. “I was not. Not at the time, I swear. Intrigued, yes. But it wasn’t something I considered might actually happen. If you recall, you were the one that asked me to kiss you in the restroom. Technically, you started this.”

  “I suppose I did. Did that surprise you?”

  “Good God, yes.”

  “Well, I was surprised you actually did it, to be honest.”

  He chuckled. “Me too. And afterward I was sure you were going to accuse me of taking advantage. Since you were so upset at the time. About…” His eyes flicked to me. “Well, you know.”

  “You can say his name.”

  “We don’t have to. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “I’ll say it then. Corey. Corey, Corey, Corey. The elephant in the room seems to have transformed into a fucking mammoth, so let’s talk about it. He’s your nephew, Duncan, not just my ex. I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep part of your life separate from me, that you can’t even bring his name up. What do I have to do to convince you I’m past it?”

  He squeezed my hand. “I do believe you’re past it, Zach, honestly.”

  I sighed in relief. “Good.”

  He shrugged as he scooped up the last bite of dessert. “Corey wasn’t so convinced you were past it, but he’s not the one that’s been spending time with you. I am. He can’t very well judge this from afar.”

  My light, vegetarian meal suddenly became a boulder in my stomach. “Corey talked to you about me?”

  Duncan set his spoon down. “He did. Stewart saw us leaving together the night of the opening party and apparently relayed this to Corey. Corey questioned me about it.”

  “Hmm.” I tossed my napkin aside and took a huge gulp of wine. “Yes. Corey left me a scathing voicemail. I texted him, trying to explain that it wasn’t what he thought. Never heard back. When you didn’t mention it, I assumed he had chosen not to discuss it.”

  Duncan rolled his eyes, then looked into his glass of wine, twisting it on the table. “Oh, he did. You’re acquainted with my nephew. I’m sure you’re aware that staying silent when he’s got a bee in his bonnet is not something he does often.”

  “I’m very aware of that, yes. What did he say to you?”


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