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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three

Page 26

by Darien Cox

  “Good. Last night was weird.”

  “That’s one word for it. You okay today? Less shaky?”

  “I’m a lot tougher than I look.”

  “Oh, I know that, Zachary.” He smiled. “Have you decided if you’ll join us today, to check out the lake location with Corey and Angelo?”

  “Since you left these swim shorts for me, I’m going to assume you still want me to go.”

  He smirked. “We still have a little while before it’s time to leave. You can change your mind if you want to.”

  “I’d like to go,” I said. “If you think they won’t mind. Corey was trying to calm me down last night, so he was saying anything to do so. He might regret inviting me now in the light of day.”

  “Nonsense. I’ve already spoken to him. Both he and Angelo inquired about you, they were both very concerned and hoped you’d come along today.”

  “All right. But I need to figure out what I’m going to do about Immunity.”

  Duncan sighed, then nodded. “Do you feel up to having a talk about things now?”

  “Sure. But first, I’m curious why Greg was here so early.”

  He slid off his stool. “Let me grab a cup of coffee. Why don’t you meet me in the sunroom, and we can talk there. It’s more comfortable.”

  “Okay. Where’s the sunroom? Your house is kind of huge.”

  He laughed. “Head down the hall all the way to the end, it’s on the left before you reach the dining room.”

  “Okay. Great.”

  I got up and Duncan caught me in a hug. I sighed and melted into him. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “I am so glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.”

  He let me go then swatted my ass with his hand. “Go on. I’ll be right there.”

  I wandered down the hall with my mug, finding the sunroom at the end. Sloped glass took up one wall, looking out onto the side yard and a line of flowered shrubs. Colorful patterned furniture and a wood floor with throw rugs made the room cozy, and I sat down on one of the sofas, enjoying the view of birds flitting around on the shrubs outside.

  Duncan came in a few minutes later with a mug. He set it down on the coffee table then shifted to face me.

  “This is a nice room,” I said.

  “Glad you like it.” He smiled. “So, Greg.”

  “Yeah, Greg,” I said. “Exactly how many people am I going to have to fight off to keep you to myself?” I chuckled. “Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands?”

  He rolled his eyes. “You let me handle that. As for Greg, well, he found out through Shaylin that I wouldn’t be entertaining any dates other than you now.”

  “You told Shaylin already?”

  “She called early to see if I wanted to go to the beach. I told her I had plans, then I told her about you. Shay’s become more of a friend now anyway, so she was fine with it. But since spending the night with Greg a few months ago, he’s been…pursuing me somewhat aggressively. I’ve politely rebuked him several times. I haven’t had anything close to a romantic outing with him in ages. But apparently he was still hoping something would happen between us. He was upset. Wanted to hear it from me directly. That’s why he was here.”

  “Damn. You are a heartbreaker.”

  “I’m not! I’m always honest with people.”

  “Duncan.” I shook my head. “Telling someone they can’t have you won’t always stop them from wanting you. Trust me. I know.”

  “Well, how about this honesty?” He narrowed his eyes and smiled. “You can have me. You’re the only one who can have me.”

  My heart fluttered and my cock stirred. “Can I have you right the fuck now?”

  He smirked. “It’s killing me to keep my hands off you right now. But we still have some things to discuss. Can we talk about your job situation?”

  I nodded, my gut tightening. “I’ve managed to save up some money lately. I’ll be okay for a bit.”

  “So you will quit.”

  “Yeah. I’ll call today. You guys were right, I have to. After last night I just…can’t go back there. It’s one thing when I can walk out of there and leave the shit behind. But when that shit starts following me home it leaves a stain. I don’t want that energy infecting me anymore.”

  Duncan’s lips tightened, and I knew what was coming. “So are you considering coming back to work for me?”

  “I am. Just give me a couple days to get my head straight, okay?”

  He smiled. “Of course.”

  “Hey speaking of Elfy Choices, I’m confused by something.”


  “When we were…messing around before. Before all this. You still kept trying to get me to come back to Elfy Choices. And you were still dating other people. Didn’t it occur to you then that was maybe a bad idea?”

  “Of course it did.” He slid closer to me and gently rubbed my knee. “I told you last night I’ve been conflicted since we met.”

  “In what way?”

  He gave me a shy smile. “Remember that night at Mythic, early on when we had a martini together and talked?”

  I nodded.

  “It started that night.”

  I chuckled, then frowned. “What started that night?”

  Duncan patted his chest. “This voice inside that kept telling me…keep him around. Even before I ever considered pursuing you romantically. It was this almost desperate feeling, that I had to keep you close. Not let you get away. Even if I couldn’t ever touch you. I just…wanted you around. When we became intimate, I expected that voice would go away. It didn’t. It got stronger. I knew it was stupid to keep you working for me when all I wanted was to get you in my bed again. But I didn’t listen to logic. That little voice inside me was so much louder. Saying, keep a connection with him. Don’t let him leave. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve been so confused. My own behavior with you has surprised me. It created inner conflict, and that rarely happens to me anymore.”

  My face heated. His words warmed me and excited me. “Is that why you changed your mind? Why you came after me last night? That conflicting voice in your head again? Wanting to keep me around?”

  He stared at me. “Why does this feel like a trick question?”

  I chuckled. “I just want to make sure you’re all in. That there’s no part of you that feels like you’re compromising your own wishes with me.”

  Duncan leaned in close, his lips brushing mine. “Agreeing to date you exclusively is not a concession for me. It fills me up and excites me.”

  I shivered. “It does?”

  “I’ve been trying to talk myself out of you for so long. Shackling myself. But now the shackles are off. I’m all in, Zach.”

  I swallowed hard. “I like the sound of that.”

  He smiled.

  “But why were you trying so hard to talk yourself out of me?”

  “Because I felt like a fool for wanting someone like you so much.”

  “Hmm. And what exactly do you mean by someone like me? This isn’t the age thing again, is it?”

  “That was part of it, but not the whole. It was about how perfect you are. Too perfect.”

  “Come on, you know I’m not perfect.”

  “You were to me.”

  My lips parted. “I…really? That’s how you saw me?”

  “I saw this…beautiful, angry, sensitive, charismatic young man, who I couldn’t stop thinking about from the moment I met him. I’ve always been able to control my attraction for someone. Especially someone so completely off the menu for me. My employee. My nephew’s ex-boyfriend. So many reasons to control myself. And yet, I couldn’t. For the very first time, I had no control.”

  I stroked the stubble along his jawline. “And how do you feel now? Now that you know I want you just as bad?”

  “Frightened,” he said. “Because if I couldn’t control myself when I was holding back, I don’t know what’s going to happen now that I’m letting go.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and
sighed. “I’m scared too, you know,” I whispered. “It’s been a long time since I gambled with my heart.”

  “I know.” His eyes met mine, then his lips curved into a smirk. “And since I’m the one who lured you out of celibacy, I don’t want to be a disappointment.”

  “You haven’t been so far, that’s for sure. How about we take it one day at a time, but no shutting down. Open communication, all the time.”

  “That sounds perfect.” He eased me down onto my back. “Can I kiss you now?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled and wrapped my legs around him. “Show me Duncan unshackled.”

  “You sure you want to meet him?” he breathed against my lips. “Because he wants to do such things to you right now.”

  My breath caught. “Hell yeah I wanna meet him.”

  “What if he wants to fuck you right here. See you completely naked, spread out before me with the sun shining on your body. Get on my knees and hold your ass so I can watch while my cock disappears inside you.”

  My own cock swelled to full size and I rubbed it. “You want to see how I feel about that?”

  Letting out a breath, Duncan leaned back.

  I reached down and undid my fly, pulling my cock out, gently stroking as I held his gaze. “This is how I feel about that.”

  Duncan wrapped his hand around mine, working my cock with me, his eyes never leaving mine. “Do I really get to be inside you any time I want now?”

  I nodded. “Wherever. Whenever.”

  “Kiss you and fuck you and spank you and hold you any time I want?”

  “All of that. Any time you want. Start now.”

  Duncan dove on me and started kissing me frantically. I was so turned on I couldn’t see straight, and he seemed to feel the same, because we tore at each other’s clothes in between kisses, grunting when something wouldn’t give fast enough, two desperate animals in a frenzy to get our naked flesh pressed together.

  He shoved the coffee table out of the way and dragged me onto the floor. My hands and mouth were all over him, tasting his skin, stroking and biting and licking. I glided down and sucked his cock, relishing the feel of it thrusting as he propped his arms behind him and lifted his hips to fuck my mouth.

  Aside from hard exhales and soft groans, we’d not used words, communicating with only our bodies, but that changed when Duncan’s cock hit the back of my throat as his hips jerked higher. “God, Zach. Love feeling my cock in your mouth.” He hissed and thrust again. “Warm and wet and tight all around me. Watching your lips stretch like that. Your gorgeous lips.”

  I groaned, my own cock flexing at his words.

  “Wish I could shove it inside you right now,” he huffed. “Just like this, with nothing between us.”

  I let his cock slide out of my mouth and lifted my head. “You saying you want to skip the condom?”

  Duncan rested on his elbows, his naked body stretched out and making my cock ache. I’d never seen him look quite so aroused, his cheeks flushed pink, heavy lids and heavy breaths. “I never have,” he said. “But if I did, I’d want it to be now. With you. Nothing’s ever felt so good as being inside you. I fit so perfect and it just feels so good, I can’t imagine what it would feel like bare.”

  I rose to my knees. “Never? You’ve never…”

  He shook his head. “Never. With anyone.”

  “Can’t believe you’ve never gone bareback. You’re old.” I smirked.

  “Old and cautious.” He chuckled. “When I was in high school a lot of people were getting accidentally pregnant. Let’s just say it scared me, and caution became habit.” He reached up and pulled me on top of him. “I assume you are too? Cautious?”

  “Always. But the idea of this has got me so hot I want to be careless with you.”

  “God, I want you.”

  “Go get some lube,” I said. “Quickly.”

  “I will. Go get on the sofa. Quickly.” He smiled and climbed off me, then left the room.

  I got up and stretched out on the sofa, slowly stroking my cock, not that I was too afraid I’d lose my boner. Just thinking about doing this with Duncan was putting me through the roof.

  I’d asked Corey several times to do this with me, to let me feel him with nothing between us. I’d wanted that intimacy with him. But he always refused. And now I was kind of glad he had. I hadn’t gone without a condom since I was a teenager. It made this feel special and sexy and intimate, and the idea that Duncan wanted it so much and had never done it before excited my body and my mind and my emotions all at once.

  Duncan stepped into the room then stopped short when he saw me lying on the sofa naked, stroking my cock. “Good lord,” he whispered then slowly moved toward me. He had a palmful of lube and began coating his erection. “This is a sight I’ll never forget.”

  I smiled and spread my thighs as he got on his knees between them. The glass wall had me feeling like an exhibitionist with the sun shining down on me. I was pretty sure our only audience was the birds, but at this point I wouldn’t have cared if the entire neighborhood was watching.

  Duncan dragged his fingers over my chest and down my stomach, making me quiver. His eyes drank me in, and I reached up and touched his face. “I love the way you’re looking at me right now.”

  He took my hand and placed it back on my cock. “Keep doing that, like before,” he said. “I want to watch you, see how you work yourself while I’m fucking you.”

  I nodded and slowly stroked and squeezed my cock for him. I made sure I relaxed, allowing myself to really give him a show and make it authentic, no different from when I masturbated aside from being way more turned on because of the naked man watching me with glimmering, heated eyes. “How do I look?” I whispered.

  Duncan let a breath out, pressing his hand down on his own swelling cock. “You look like temptation personified.”

  I rested my feet on his chest as I played with my balls, lifting them so he could see everything. “And are you tempted?”

  His hand slid down my thigh, then a slick finger circled my hole, over and over until I was hissing. “Oh yes. I’m tempted.”

  “You want that, Duncan? Want to get in there?”

  “Hell yes. I want to get in here.”

  His finger continued to light up my nerves with that excruciatingly gentle circular motion. If it was someone else I might have been self-conscious, the way his eyes followed his finger, examining me and touching me while I was spread open like this. But I could see how turned on this was getting him, his cock full and flexing up to his navel, lips parted as his chest rose and fell with each breath.

  “Keep touching yourself,” he said. My feet were still pressed to his chest, and he took hold of my ankles and rested my legs on his shoulders. His hands cupped my ass and shifted me closer. Then I felt the head of his cock press against me, no condom, just hot, thick flesh.

  My breath caught when he glided into me, and I clenched around him, overcome with sensation. I could feel every ridge, and the look on Duncan’s face, damn.

  “Jesus, Zach,” he huffed, his eyelids fluttering. “I knew you’d feel good but…holy fuck. So fucking good.”

  His words made my dick harder, probably because he didn’t swear often aside from ‘Good lord’ and what have you. “Say it again,” I pleaded. “Tell me how it feels, don’t hold back.”

  He held onto my legs and pushed in again. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered as he found a rhythm, lighting me up inside so quickly my back arched. “Fuck, Zach, you feel…fuck, so good. So good, so good, so fucking good.”

  I whimpered, squirming, trying to urge him on, but he kept it slow, staring down at the place our bodies joined, watching himself plunge into me, the way he’d said he wanted to do.

  “Does it feel good for you?” he whispered. One hand dropped down and two fingers traced my hole around his cock, adding pressure and sensation.

  “So good I’m gonna come soon,” I rasped. “Do you like what you see?”

  “See, feel, everyt
hing,” he said, rubbing his thumb around my ring, thrusting into me a little faster. His eyes drifted to my fisted cock, then up to meet my eyes. “Do you want me to come inside you, Zach? Fill you up with it?”

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned, my legs wrapping around his neck. “Are you close?”

  He grabbed my ass and held it, brows pinching as he pumped into me. “Trying not to be, but you feel so damn good. I want to blow it inside you.”

  “Tell me when,” I huffed. “I want to blow it at the same time.”

  Duncan groaned when I clenched around him. He pushed through it, fucking me more aggressively, and with my legs up and ass lifted I felt every thrust nailing my prostate. If he didn’t come soon I was going to beat him to it involuntarily.

  “Fuck, now, Zach, gonna fill you up,” he said and his hips jerked, slapping against me. “Oh, God!”

  I let go and the wave crashed over me, my cock gushing, spurting onto my belly and chest as Duncan pumped into me, then warm heat as he filled me with his fluids. The noises he was making—deep, crooning groans—prolonged my orgasm, giving it a sharp edge, and my ass contracted as the last white drops leaked from my cock and dribbled over my fist.

  Duncan pulled out and lowered my legs back down, then collapsed on top of me, kissing me open-mouthed while he held my face in his hands. I was just starting to lose myself in the taste of his tongue when the doorbell rang.

  Breaking the kiss, Duncan stared down at me with wide eyes. “Damn,” he said. “What time is it?”

  I snickered. “I don’t know, but I’m drenched in jizz so don’t ask me to get it.”

  He climbed off me and grabbed his clothes off the floor. Shaking his head, he smiled at me as the doorbell rang again. “Use the bathroom across the hall, go now. I’ll clean up quick in the other one then get the door.”

  “Okay.” I stood, literally dripping in semen, and did a mad dash for my clothes as Duncan left the room. I scooted across the hall with my bundle, flicked on the bathroom light, and closed the door.

  There was a shower and towels on a rack, and thank God, because this wasn’t going to be a quick wipe and go. I set my clothes on the counter, then turned on the hot water and got in, grabbing the soap and cleaning myself up.


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