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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three

Page 28

by Darien Cox

  He kissed me, and I melted into it. As we bobbed in the water, we didn’t seem to want to let go of each other, kissing, then pulling back to look at each other. Then kissing some more. I was getting hard, and I could feel Duncan’s erection pressed against me. “You know,” I said. “We could fuck right here and no one would be the wiser.”

  “You read my mind,” he said. “Zachary,” he whispered as he slid me higher and I tightened my legs around him. “You make me crazy. No one’s ever made me this crazy.”

  I gasped when he entered me. It was a bit rough, but the water made it easier.

  “I’m sorry,” Duncan said. “Does it hurt?”

  “No.” I tilted my hips and took more of him in. “So that wasn’t just sex talk? When you told me before no one’s ever made you this crazy?”

  Duncan sighed, pausing with his cock only halfway in. “That was the most honest thing I said to you while I was still trying to hold back.”

  “Speaking of holding back, fuck me.” I urged him in, wiggling against him. “I want to feel all of you. Keep going.”

  Duncan’s eyelids fluttered, and he gripped my ass tight with his hands. “God, you feel like heaven,” he said as I rode him, my arms and legs wrapped around his wet body. “You make me so crazy, Zach.”

  “You make me crazy. I’m so in love with you, Duncan.”

  Duncan’s hips stopped moving, his eyes widening as he looked at me.

  “No, don’t stop fucking me.” I tightened my legs around him, and Duncan groaned as he slid into me. “Keep going.”

  “Zach,” he whispered as his fingers tightened on my ass. His brows pinched, and I felt his cock swell inside me. “What did you just say to me?”

  Hugging him around the neck, I kissed him deep, licking his tongue, then eased back. “I said I’m in love with you.”

  He inhaled sharply, eyes closing as he pulled me against him hard. “That’s what I thought you said.”

  “I’m not taking it back,” I whispered as I felt the pleasure rising, tingling in my spine. “Not tonight. Not tomorrow. Not ever. So get used to it. I’m madly in love with you, Duncan Stengel.”

  “And I’m in love with you,” he gasped. “And I’m about to come inside you.”

  I kissed him then released his shoulders, lying back in the water with my legs still wrapped around him. “Do it, I’m gonna come too.”

  “Holy shit,” Duncan whispered as I gripped my cock and worked myself. “Holy shit, Zach, the way you look right now.”

  My body rippled on the lake’s surface as Duncan pulled me against his hips again and again, lighting me up inside until the pressure finally peaked, then released. Climax washed over me amidst a myriad of sensations. The feeling of floating in the water while I came, with Duncan cursing and driving into me, it was insane. I came so hard I panted, an aftershock hitting me when I felt the warmth of Duncan’s seed filling me up, a contrast to the cool water.

  When Duncan’s cock finally slipped out of me, I started to drift away, but he caught my feet and tugged me back, making me laugh. I righted myself and took his hands as we turned in the water. “Maybe we shouldn’t tell Corey we fucked in the lake at his wedding venue,” I said.

  “I don’t want to talk about other people right now.” Duncan gathered me close and slid his arms around my waist. “Come back to work for me,” he said. “Run Elfy Choices again, Zach. I know you were happy there.”

  “I was,” I said. “And I will. But I need to know you’re mine first.”

  “Zach.” Duncan shook his head and held my face in his hands. “I’ve been yours for a long time.”

  I smiled. “But now you’re just mine, right?”

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “And you’re just mine.”

  “I am.” I kissed him hard then pulled back, laughing. “I’ll come back to work for you but I’m not wearing wings.”

  Duncan laughed, a loud, happy sound. “We’ll work something out. But I’m still the boss.”

  “And I’m still your wood nymph. I just don’t want to wear the costume.”

  He smiled, then narrowed his eyes. “How do you feel about elf ears?”

  “I can probably handle that. If I don’t have to wear a leotard suit.”

  Duncan released me and took my hands, swirling me around. “I have a feeling we can make this work.”

  “I know we can make this work.”

  He tugged me close again. “You sure?”


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I woke up slowly to the sensation of fingers stroking my bare back. Squinting at the sunlight coming in through the window, I smiled when I saw Duncan sitting cross-legged on the bed beside me, shirtless and sleep-rumpled in a pair of briefs, a bit of extra beard shadow on his jaw. His light brown hair was extra messy since it was wet when we went to bed. I spotted a couple silver hairs here and there amidst the brown, and I liked it. I liked his age, his sweetness, his sometimes strangeness, his crazy fucking sexiness. I liked him. And I loved him.

  “Good morning, old man.”

  He smiled. “Morning, my nymph. You look boggled. Like you can’t remember where you are.”

  “I’m naked, so I knew I was with you.” I chuckled into the pillow. “I think we’re at that forest place where Corey’s getting married.”


  “But it wouldn’t matter. Long as you’re here.”

  Duncan leaned over and kissed my temple. “Corey and Angelo went for a walk in the woods out back. I brought breakfast to the room for us.”

  I sat up, scratching my head. A tray sat on the table nearby, full of food and juice and coffee. “How do you always do that? Make food magically appear without waking me up. I guess I should be glad you’re actually here this time and I’m not waking up to just the food.”

  Duncan reached around and pinched my ass. “Did it ever occur to you that you’re a really heavy sleeper?”

  “No.” I chuckled. “Am I?”

  “Oh yes. When you’re out, you’re out. Remember the first night you stayed over my place?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course. I woke up to cold scrambled eggs and a note.”

  “In my haste to get make sure you had everything you’d need before I had to go, I accidentally knocked the lamp off the bedside table. It was loud, and you didn’t even flinch.”

  I smiled. This was nice. So nice, waking up with Duncan, who looked relaxed and more content than I’d ever seen him. Particularly nice since I told him last night I was in love with him. And he’d said it back. There was no regret in his eyes, no tension in his posture. He just looked…happy.

  “I had a dream,” I said. “That we were fucking in the lake, and you said you love me.”

  Duncan laughed, and I thought how much I fucking loved his smile. The way his eyes danced with humor, crinkling at the corners. I saw a blush rise on his cheeks. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen him blush before.

  He squeezed my thigh. “I had a very similar dream,” he said. “So it wasn’t just the wine talking? When you said those words?”

  “No. I meant them, Duncan. Did you?”

  “I certainly did. So…” He shuffled over and leaned against the pillows, hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder. “You really want to be part of my life? I’m a bit odd, you know.”

  “I noticed,” I said, my eyes closing, enjoying his warmth. “Your enchanted forest club kind of gave it away. That and the skull on your table.”

  Duncan chuckled and squeezed his arms around me. “Oh my sweet one, that’s the least of my oddness.”

  “You sure you want me in your life? I can get a little twitchy and possessive sometimes.”

  “You already possess me, so I think I can handle that. I think I’ll even enjoy it. I’m honestly amazed I’m here with you after you told me to go fuck myself that morning.”

  I snickered. “I didn’t say that! I was quite respectful as I recall.”

  “I’m glad yo
u did it. Woke my ass up.”

  I turned around so I could face him. “So me saying I couldn’t see you anymore made you fall in love with me?” I poked his ribs with my finger.

  He grabbed me and kissed me, letting it linger before pulling back. “I already was in love with you. I’m sorry I fought it so hard.”

  “Long as you’ve stopped fighting, and you plan on keeping me, I’m happy.”

  He smirked. “I’ve stopped fighting. And I plan on keeping you forever.”

  My lips parted and I took in a breath. “Forever?”

  Duncan winced. “That part slipped out. Too much?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’m good with the part that slipped out.” I climbed onto his lap, straddling him. “I’m good with all of it.”

  His brows rose. “What do you say we shower, eat, grab the two love birds after their hike, then go shopping?”

  “What are we shopping for?”

  “Well, we do have to design you a new work costume.”

  “I agreed to wear the elf ears, last night, remember? Please don’t make me wear anything too weird beyond that.”

  “There’s a tee shirt shop I like on the way back. I thought we’d pick up a few things there.”

  “Is that where you got your unicorn shirt?”

  He laughed loudly. “You recall that detail, huh?”

  “I recall every moment I’ve spent with you. And I love you in your unicorn tee shirt.”

  Duncan squeezed my ass then wriggled out from under me. He climbed off the bed and took my hand. “Let’s go shower.”

  “You know what happens when you and I get in water together,” I said.

  “I do. And I like it.”

  We had slow, sensual sex in the shower, Duncan pressing me against the wall and making me come hard, his teeth on my neck, his name on my lips, and it was powerful now that I knew he was mine. We managed to get clean as well, but the entire ordeal took longer than I realized, and when we finally made it outside and found Corey and Angelo at the front of the building, I could see by the glimmer of amusement in Corey’s eye that we were in for a ribbing.

  “There you are,” Corey said. “We’ve been waiting forever. Thought we were gonna have to call for a rescue squad to go check on you. Go easy on him, Zach. He’s old.”

  “Corey!” Angelo chuckled. “I’m sorry, guys. He’s full of shit. We actually just finished our walk five minutes ago.”

  Duncan ruffled Corey’s blond hair. “Did you eat?”

  “Yeah. Did you?”

  “We did. I’m going to run in and say goodbye to Penny, the owner. I’ll meet you at the car.” Duncan gave me a kiss on the cheek, then made his way back to the front doors.

  “Zach,” Corey said. “Take a quick walk with me?”

  I glanced at Angelo, who nodded. “It’s okay. Go ahead. I’ll meet you guys at the car.”

  “Okay.” I watched Angelo walk away, then turned to Corey. “Am I about to get yelled at?”

  “Quit trying to make me sound like a monster.” He wrapped an arm over my shoulders and we started walking toward the beach. “Just want to talk to you for a minute. Don’t know how soon we’ll get another chance.”

  I slid my arm around his waist as we walked. Corey smelled a little sweaty and intimately familiar. I still loved this Stengel too, I realized. But in a completely different way now than I used to. In a completely different way than I loved Duncan. But it was sweetly satisfying, being able to touch him like this, and be comfortable.

  When we got to the water’s edge, Corey picked up a stone and skimmed it across the surface. “So I’m getting married here.”

  “I heard.”

  He brushed his hands off and grinned at me, wrinkling his nose. “I’m getting fucking married, Zach.”

  I laughed. “Has it sunk in yet?”

  “It’s starting to.” He glanced up at the venue, then back at me. “I just want to make sure you know I’m just joking around. When I tease you about Duncan.”

  My brows rose. “So no more…” I imitated him, shuddering and rubbing my arms.

  Corey snorted a laugh. “That part I still have to get used to.”

  “Maybe stop thinking about that part.”

  He nodded, grinning. “I’m trying. But really, Zach. I’m glad you’re with Duncan. He looks so happy.”

  “Thank you. I’m happy too. And I like you and Angelo together.”


  “Yeah. I can’t believe I’m about to say this to you, but you guys have good energy together.”

  Corey’s head fell back and he laughed. “You,” he pointed, “used to make fun of me when I talked about good and bad energy.”

  “Because you’d get so mad.” I grinned. “It was fun winding you up.”

  Sighing, Corey stared at the sand, then glanced up at me. “Can I say I miss you, without it getting weird?”

  I chuckled. “Well, what was it you said when I asked if you ever miss Stewart?”

  “Right.” Corey glanced down, smiling. “I don’t have to miss him, because we see each other all the time.”

  “I get the feeling you and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other from now on,” I said. “And for the record, I miss you too.”



  “Let’s head back.” Corey put his arm around me again as we walked off the beach. “Thank you, Zach. And I apologize.”

  I frowned. “Apologize for what?”

  “For needing to hear you say that you miss me. For making it about me one last time.”

  “It’s all right,” I said. “I needed to hear it too.”

  “Good. Shit, I can’t believe I’m happy you’re my uncle’s boyfriend.”

  “I can’t believe I am your uncle’s boyfriend. I also can’t believe your childhood nickname is Cookie.”

  “It’s not. And if you ever call me that I’ll cast a spell on you while I’m meditating.”

  “I’ll cast a spell back on you.”

  “Vegetarians can’t cast spells,” Corey said. “You need animal blood. Turnips don’t work.”

  “I’ll use a blood orange.”

  Corey laughed and we disengaged from each other as we approached the car. Duncan and Angelo turned toward us. “Everything good?” Duncan asked.

  “Yeah.” I smiled. “Everything’s great.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Watching your ex-boyfriend walk through the door of your workplace with his new boyfriend in tow is a kick in the nuts—unless you’ve made your peace, become good friends, and fallen in love with his uncle.

  I waved to Corey and Angelo from behind the bar. Angelo waved, and Corey gave me the Vulcan salute before they sat down at one of the garden tables at Elfy Choices.

  “Does he realize you’re an elf, not a Vulcan?” Robert said.

  “I’m just glad they’re here,” I said. “Glad someone is here. Why is this place so dead tonight?”

  We’d been open fifteen minutes already and the only customers were people I already knew, and not many of them at that. It took me a moment to recognize Aria and a few of the other girls since I was used to seeing them in pointed ears and elf makeup. Aside from them, Barry was there with his girlfriend, eating stuffed mushrooms and drinking beer. Barry’s girlfriend was a stunning blonde with ample cleavage spilling out of a leather vest, her arms covered in beautiful tattoos. She’d ridden up on a motorcycle, and I finally understood why Barry had transformed himself into biker-dude.

  What I didn’t understand was why Barry and the elves were eating here tonight. I loved the garden bar, but when I had nights off, I wanted to be elsewhere. There was only so much enchanted forest magic one could take.

  But I was happy. The two girls working in the kitchen behind me were so efficient now at making the tapas I barely had to ever check on them. As for me, I had pointed tips on my ears and my eyes were made up, green glitter dusted across my face, but the clothes I wore were comfortable. Dun
can had agreed to let me wear jeans while I worked, as long as he got to pick my tee shirts. The one I wore now was forest green with a fire-breathing dragon stenciled on the front in gold glitter. I owned six tee shirts now that I traded off for each shift, but I suspected more would be coming. Duncan liked to buy me things, and I was learning to enjoy it without hesitation finally.

  Because I wasn’t just Duncan’s forest nymph anymore. I was his boyfriend. And he loved me. He told me so all the time. When we were fucking, or kissing, or just sitting around talking. He told me. And I said it back. The two of us seemed to need to say it often, maybe to convince ourselves this was real. That this wouldn’t be taken from us. I spent most nights at Duncan’s house, and he even stayed over at my apartment occasionally. We were happy.

  But the bliss of this new relationship hadn’t come without a few bumps in the road. There were some, as Duncan had predicted, who didn’t get our relationship. My mother, for instance. Duncan had been charming when I brought him to my mom’s for dinner, and she’d been polite and gracious. But I’d gotten the third degree about him when she called me a few days later. “He’s so much older than you,” she’d kept saying. “Are you sure about this guy?”

  Robert had also been very confused at first, and I suspected, a little jealous. He had a boyfriend, but he also seemed to have a crush on Duncan that bordered on hero-worship. He got over it fast though. And there had been a few of Duncan’s friends that gave him a real hard time over it. Luckily, Duncan had a lot of friends. When I asked if it bothered him, he’d used Corey’s ‘fuck it’ line.

  In the end, it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. I had everything I needed. A man I loved, a place I belonged, good friends, and a sense of self-worth I’d never possessed before. I’d yet to give up my small apartment for a bigger one, and Duncan had stopped suggesting I do so. We both knew the reason, though neither spoke it aloud. But it was there in the silence when we looked into each other’s eyes in bed at night, after driving each other to madness with our bodies. We were growing closer by the day, and while I was hoping he’d ask me to move in with him eventually, I could wait. For now, it was enough. We were both overwhelmed by the intensity of this thing between us, and there was no reason to push it faster. I liked the pacing just fine.


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