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Ruled: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

Page 4

by Cari Silverwood

  She sucked, slowly at first then with more enthusiasm. He pulled out those fingers, slowly, let her see the string of saliva playing from her lips.

  “Thank you.” He kissed her ear and bit her, listened to her soft moan as his longer teeth sank in, almost piercing. Human skin was thinner than mauleon. He’d make her moan much louder, soon.

  “I’m never letting you go, Princess. Or only a small distance. I will fuck you, then you will return to your palace under guard. Say what I asked you to. Say, please fuck me.”

  He sat back, still holding her hair. His fingers were tangled in it, her hair taut beneath them.

  Drake hardened his expression. “Say it.”

  She shut her eyes but said the words. “Please. Fuck me.”

  That pause in the words was gold. Reluctance, and such a turn-on. Corrupting her was going to be his reason to exist for some time to come.

  “I will.” He switched hands and twisted her hair, so she had to face him. Then he shoved his finger into her sweet cunt again, pumped into her a few times. So tight. All of him was big compared to her.

  That cute, unhinged sigh of arousal. That wild look in her eyes, when she dared to meet his, that wet mouth. He couldn’t stop looking at the whole amazing curve of her from breasts to the tousled hair over her back, to the sweep of her spine, and that succulent ass. He wanted to eat her. Gods above and below. She had captured him.

  He had his princess. Now to do things to her.

  Drake lifted her off his lap then stood. The armrests would be in the way of sex, so he ambled to the table with her in his arms, let her stand, then heaved himself up there and sat with his legs dangling.

  She was unsteady on her feet and flushed of face and breasts.

  His dry tone belied his utter fascination with what he was going to make her do. “You will climb onto me and take my cock out. Then you will sit on me.”

  Any other female, he’d be inside her ten times over by now. This might kill him.

  When she only stared at his crotch, lost-like, but with an unmistakable yearning, he frowned. Virgin. Remember.

  He reached down, grabbed his naked girl, let her squeak to show she really thought this was revolting, then placed her so she straddled him. Only he was too wide for her and her knees ended up on his thighs. He unbuttoned his pants and let it out. This was his pet monstrosity, as he liked to imagine his cock. Wasn’t pretty but it was big, with a head that swelled enough to make the females squirm when he finally squeezed it into them.


  “Not like a human.” He took her hand and placed it on himself, on the shaft, felt his dick swell at the pleasure of her fingers around him, though they couldn’t quite meet because of his size. He pulled her closer, so she was centered over his erection. The many prominent nodules on the shaft marked a sexually mature mauleon. “You’ll like this. I promise. Put it where it needs to go, near your entrance, and lower yourself. Now.”

  Oh, the wriggling of butt and the pursing of mouth that command evoked from her—the little concentrated frown, then her tongue licked across her lower lip. F. U. C. K.

  Chapter Six

  Drake was insufferably arrogant. He knew, knew she was hooked.

  He began to toy with her breasts, to kiss her, drawing them both into this imaginary space where their breathing, the press of hot skin on skin, and the scents of imminent sex were all that mattered.

  Then he put his mouth on her breast and sucked.

  A mauleon was all over her, making her his, sucking on her, biting.


  Moaning, she drew his cock beneath her, where her pussy waited. She felt the soft yet hard head of him touch her there.

  Lowering herself and letting it sink into her made her breathe so crazily she wasn’t sure if she would ever get enough air.

  His cock seemed to grow ever bigger under her hand as it squeezed in. She sobbed, whimpered. His kissing and handling of her made her stretch around him, made her pussy slicker.

  “You cannot possibly fit. Not all of that?”

  Drake chuckled. “I won’t. Not this time but that’s okay.”

  Eyes shut, she absorbed the sensation of having his cock pulse while partway into her.

  Calliope couldn’t look into his eyes. Another shudder and she let herself relax, her shoulders drop. Her mouth fell open.

  She felt a strange, almost painful surge, as if he’d swelled.

  Her breathing hitched and she ducked her head lower. Her eyes were still shut, her hands clamped somewhere on him, his arm, his stomach, then his leg. All of him was hard, muscular, and male, and that scent of his, that alone tipped the scales.

  He smelled like... like rutting, like supreme fucking.

  She wanted him so crazily she’d die if she couldn’t do this.

  She pushed herself lower, felt the pain and the pleasure both at once. Gods.

  Wetness leaked around his cock and ran down her inner thigh.

  Drake began to move his hips, burying himself a little deeper with each rise and thrust. He slipped into her, shoved. Gasping, sightless, she let him.

  To ride him; to be penetrated. Fucking, this was fucking.


  Hands on her waist, with teeth clenched, he pulled her off his cock. She found he’d brought her pussy to his mouth level. He began to lick and mouth her clit, to suck, and his hands did such dirty things.

  Searching for a hand hold, she found his hair and hung on tight.

  Hands played in her slit, grabbed her ass, rendered her helpless and pierced her.

  Fingers speared in, thrust messily, leaving trails of wetness down her legs. He held her hips as she ground into his mouth but still kept on licking. Convulsing into a mind-blasting climax, she clung to him, her muscles straining as her pussy clenched and she bucked then tried to meld herself to his mouth.

  He gave her a last lick then lowered her onto his cock again.

  This time she was sure he slid in further, deeper, but the stretch was alarming.

  “Oh, fuck. Oh.” She let her head fall back. “Oh, gods, I wish, but no, no further in. Too... tight.”

  “I noticed.” He sounded amused and she did not care.

  Her face was sweaty, her pussy slippery and thoroughly ravished. The sounds of him fucking her were disgustingly... wet. His thrusts became jerkier, harder, more... everything.

  The tongue-fucking orgasm had worked on her.

  He slid down to plant his feet on the floor then turned and put her on her back on the table. Probing with his cock, he buried himself in her as far as he could without her tearing.

  She arched off the table, crying out as he entered her again, his cock swelling, and released a tide of what must be cum, filling her. She jerked in sympathy, clenching in a mini orgasm as his cock twitched and jetted more cum.

  The table slid under her and she clutched it weakly.

  Oh, she must curl up, limp and lifeless.

  His fingers arrived in her mouth, coated with fluids, and though she went to shake her head he insisted she lick them clean. Exhausted, still struggling to catch her breath, she licked. It was simpler than not.

  With her mind still mostly blank, as if the sex had cleaned it of thoughts, she barely noticed as he climbed onto the table and cuddled with her. He pulled her body into his and let her lie in his arms. She ran through the memory of being taken, of her first sex, of having this mauleon bury himself in her. Good, so good.

  She sighed.

  “I’m dead,” she whispered, barely allowing the words to leave her tongue.

  “As you should be.” He bit her shoulder, but she was too far gone to even wince.

  Her eyes rolled up. “Mmm.”

  “Get used to the idea of being fucked like this, Calli.” He ran a claw partway down her back, drew what felt like a circle on her skin. “The need will return.”

  Somewhat disturbed by this development, she contemplated it from the world behind her closed eyes.

>   He’d called her Calli. A smile came to her lips.

  It was a forbidden thing, to some humans, for a human to mate with a mauleon. Though everyone knew it happened. Huleon was the name used for the offspring of human and mauleon. They were as cute as any other child to her eyes. Some had little claws, some did not. She’d seen them at the maternity ward. Babies could make a woman do almost anything.

  That was an excuse she couldn’t use.

  Surely a princess could do what she wanted to?

  Chapter Seven

  Calliope shimmied to the edge of the table and slipped off. Holding her hands over her breasts and lower parts, she turned to him.

  He was up on his elbow with a fearsome half-smile on his face. Though how he combined menace with a smile was beyond her comprehension.

  It... made her wonder what he meant to do next.

  No one had ever looked at her that way.

  She cleared her throat. “I need to get dressed and cleaned up. Where?”

  “You need not hide. I’ve seen you. Take away those hands.”

  If she didn’t, he would likely wait and wait. She lowered her hands to her sides, feeling nervous while he studied her.

  “You will not conceal yourself in my presence again.” At last, he nodded toward the door. “No one else is in this part of the quarters. Out and to the left are my bedroom and bathroom. Don’t go straight, you’ll hit the public dining room.”

  She headed for the door, scooping up the dress, the armored suit, and her underclothes on the way past, acutely aware of her ass being bare.

  “Wear the dress, not the suit. Nice rear.” He chuckled.

  She held up three fingers and rotated them in the universal fuck you to eternity gesture.

  “I’d chase you and spank you but I’m tired.” She heard him give an exaggerated sigh. “So instead, I will reserve my punishment for the future.”

  Her step faltered. The mauleon knew how to mess with her head. What did he mean?

  The bedroom and shower were rather too dark of color and dramatic, but she coped, washed, slipped into her dress after drying herself. He’d ripped the suit at the crotch, so she couldn’t have worn it. His towel smelled of him. Stinky. It both repelled her and aroused her.

  She shook her head, exasperated with herself.

  Her underclothes were sliced and impossible to fix. She left them on the floor, grumbling and kicking them aside. More evidence of her recent madness.

  He’d made her do it, she told herself, over and over.

  But she’d loved it, even if below ached.

  She hadn’t seen how much of him had entered her, and she did wonder if he truly thought all of him would fit.

  Which was assuming they’d have sex again.

  Calli stalked back into what she thought of as his throne room, and found him sitting on that chair, naked, with that big cock of his lolling on his thigh.

  Eyes wide, she whipped her focus higher.

  Drake raised his eyebrows.

  She tugged at the skirt of her dress, thought of stamping her feet but her boots were missing. “My boots, I need them and my pack, those pistols were my father’s. Please return them.”

  “They will be returned.” He stroked his chin, and she’d swear his nostrils flared as he looked up and down her body. “You’re wondering how I fit in you, no?”

  “Of course I’m not.” Stop blushing.

  “Hmmm. I want you to look up mauleon sex. If you have nothing in that palace of yours, come to me, and I will find you a textbook.”

  That wrong-footed her. “You want me to search for mauleon porn at the palace? Just tell me.”

  He tilted his head, downturned his mouth, as if considering it. “No. It’s facts I want you to read, not porn. Do the work yourself.”


  Everything—his attitude, his words—ran together in her mind, combining into a minor rage.

  Calli shunted aside her annoyance by saying in her mind a small litany that Mister Fenton had advised for stress and clearing the mind of clutter.

  The world will wait. Serenity is the armor of the wise.

  One. Two. Three.

  She heaved in a slow breath, let it out, and her head lost that prickling tension.

  “Next time I see you I’ll have better information on how the rebellion is going. It should be mostly finished within the next day.”

  Drake shifted on the chair, which of course shifted all of his bulk—muscles and cock. She tried not to admire what lay before her. He was a perfect specimen of hazardous masculinity. There should be a sign on him: Touch at your own risk.

  “Go back to your palace and wait. People expect you to be there. I will set guards around it and I have men I can trust in the palace guards. Watch the city. Learn some porn.”

  His wink was impudent, but she forced down any returning anger.

  How did she say farewell to this mauleon when he’d fucked her brains out, essentially? This was surreal.

  “Well. Goodbye.” Calli blinked. “You’re not... likely to have given me any diseases?” Oh, the blush after that heated her face badly. “I mean, I have none but mauleons—”

  His growl unnerved her more than anything he’d done. “Take care with your words.”

  She whirled to leave, was halfway to the door when he spoke.

  “My men will guard you as you go through the city. There’s a cloak with a hood, and your boots and more waiting for you. Wear them all. You’re not to leave the palace again unless I say it is safe.”

  He’d given her orders. This was getting to be a habit.

  Chapter Eight

  “Is that who I think it is?”

  Drake turned his head away from the street at the voice of his lieutenant, Sawatel. The wriggly locks of Sawatel’s brown hair drifted back and bounced as he stepped from the entrance hallway. The mauleon looked prettier than a flower—a very vicious flower, hung with weapons.

  “Yes. It is her.”

  Sawatel joined Drake in the arched doorway. He’d been observing the disappearing ass of his princess. She blended into the nighttime street folk as well as any human might. Her suit on the other hand was an antique and nothing like anyone might wear here.

  Handy when following her, but not when he wished her anonymous. The dress, boots, and cloak were better. His men would keep her safe, but he found himself imagining some assault by Vass’s disintegrating army, and her being caught, perhaps hurt.

  That was the problem with getting attached.

  “It’s the princess? I used to follow her for you, but she never visited here before.”

  “Yes. It was lucky she did.”

  “I’ve heard the voice text they played to the city. That she supports the rebellion. But you let her go?”

  “Not exactly. She’s not free of my observation. We came to an agreement that will legitimatize our control of the kingdom.”

  “Good. So you fucked her.”

  He barked out a laugh. “Presumptuous. I did, yes. In a year she will announce me as her consort. I now own that ass.”

  It was a while before Sawatel replied. Perhaps he was shocked. “That is a card to play from the ages. I hope you’re not disposing of her, once you have established power? I like her.”

  “I will keep her, though I might chain her up once I am king.”

  He was mostly joking. Humans had a thing they called karma. Keeping this pretty princess in chains and available for him when he chose to take her—it would be karma for insults humans had subjected mauleons to.

  His cock pulsed with blood at the thought of having her again. He’d barely entered her. It surprised him how much fun he envisaged in slowly fucking the girl more thoroughly each time.

  Sounding dubious, Sawatel asked, “You will do that? Chain her?”

  Drake quirked his lips. “She is mine. She will obey me, and I am patient.”

  “I’ve noticed. You said this day would come. That her brothers would fall. Though you don�
��t need it, you have my approval to take her chained to a meeting of the Highest and fuck her.”

  He chuckled. “Thank you.”

  From the street, another mauleon approached, loping, with a laz rifle carried in one hand.

  “Lord.” Konma bowed his head briefly. Colored cloth spirals had been threaded through his white locks by his mate. They marked him as a leader. “We are ready for the next attack. The humans are also ready.”

  Sawatel grinned, showing the points of his long teeth, and unslung his long gun from his back. He flipped a switch on it. “We begin?”

  “We begin.” Drake raised a hand. “Send out the signal. Make this final push as bloodless as possible. We are not beasts.”

  “It will be done.” Konma hesitated. “The woman I passed, the one who came from here, was that the princess?”

  “It was.”

  “It might speed up things if she was quietly eliminated, lord?”

  Drake felt a growl build in his throat. “It would not. You would destroy our bond with the humans. She is not to be touched. Never. Do your duty.”

  Even if he disregarded his feelings for her, killing Calliope would be wasteful. That Konma thought it wise reduced the mauleon in his eyes.

  “Of course, lord. Bless this day in the eyes of the gods. We will return victorious.” He bowed to Drake then jogged into the dark street with Sawatel following him.

  Dawn was a few hours away.

  Chapter Nine

  Drake was true to his word. His men followed her through the lower city, through the mostly dark streets, even told her which way to go at a few intersections. Once in the upper city she felt comfortable again and when she neared her favorite place, Children’s Hill, she stopped.

  Why not? The mauleons following her could only say no or leave her be.

  The real name of this hill she’d forgotten, but the first time she climbed it she’d sat and admired the city view. Three children had arrived, having climbed the same track. She’d shared her lunch and watched them play some pretend game. It had become a habit and some days she’d brought a basket of food to dole out. It was quiet and there was something beautiful about kids. They didn’t judge, even if a couple of them had seemed to figure out who she was and called her princess.


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