Greyriver Shifters

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Greyriver Shifters Page 9

by Kristina Weaver

  A woman looking to be in her mid-forties comes out from behind the counter, smiling when we walk in, I recognize her as a bear instantly when she comes close enough for me to smell her.

  I have no idea how I know, but I do, and it becomes even clearer when she turns honey-brown eyes my way and shakes her head.

  “Oh honey, I was so sorry to hear about what happened to you. Why it made me so mad I refused to let that Seers girl in here this morning when she dropped by. Now I know it isn’t good business, but neither is having my sister Grace shift and tear apart the store in her anger.”

  Um, yeah, kay.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “We heard all about what happened to you and how poor Bear was out drinking till the sun came up because he feels so bad. And then that tramp walked in, and I was just so mad. Of course, I had to step back and think about it for a bit, and I completely understand the poor boy’s objections. You are a human after all, and we all know that humans are frail.”

  Okay now see!

  Now I am mad because how dare she be nice and then not and—

  Dammit, Bear was drinking. Aaww, maybe he does care—?

  Stop it! Stop it right now, you pathetic, lovesick loser. He doesn’t care. Best you accept that right now and don’t go getting your hopes up. Of course, he feels guilty, he almost killed you. Selfish prick.

  “Denise!” Jules gasps, stepping in front of me when she sees my hands clench into fists.

  I feel like I’m likely to explode right now, so filled with rage I could—

  “But Julia dear, it’s only the truth. The last time this pack had a human in its midst that poor girl got herself killed. Humans just aren’t as hardy as we are,” she says in a reasonable tone, as if I shouldn’t take offense.

  I’ll revisit the whole weak human thing later, but right now I am incandescent and boiling with rage and just so, so angry. My muscles go tense, every part of me tightening as a fury I have never felt before engulfs me.

  I want to rip this woman apart and feel her pain and—

  “Miiiika. Mika honey, uh, just take deep breaths now. Just breathe and stop shaking the bear shifter female!” I hear Jules say slowly, coaxingly.

  Her voice, the soft, hesitant rasp registers just as I’m imagining myself picking Denise up in one hand and slamming her face into the counter. I jerk, looking over at Jules and realize I am currently holding Denise by her shirt front and shaking her, the woman’s whimpers finally reaching me.

  The fear in her eyes hits me, and I am so horrified that I drop her like a hot potato and step back, the adrenalin that is pumping through me dissipating in a fast rush only to be replaced by horror.

  Oh, sweet Lord! What the heck?! I think, swallowing while my body starts shaking and shame whips through me. Did I just lay hands on this woman? Granted, I mean she’s a bitch but still, I have never touched another person in anger so violently.

  Customers, especially lecherous men get a slap or coffee to the crotch, but that’s the extent of my willingness to harm another person.

  This…this is just not me.

  The more I hear Denise gasp and see her shake, the more certain I become that something is wrong with me.

  “I-I am so sorry!” I stutter, tears filling my eyes as remorse floods me.

  I expect yelling and accusations but am thrown completely when Denise bursts out laughing, followed by Jules and a plump little blonde resembling Denise who comes out from the back.

  She is also a bear, just like Denise, but where Denise is dark, this woman is light—but for the same golden brown of her eyes. Sisters. I smell the family connection immediately and blink as the knowledge just comes over me as if it’s a natural assumption.

  Smelling family connection. Hell.

  “Did you see that anger? Hooowee Jules, you told me this one was special but never in my life did I ever think I would meet someone who could take Bear toe to toe. The next few months should be interesting.”


  Jules giggles, patting my head softly and smiling proudly.

  “I told you she was a firecracker! Mom and Dad think she’ll just lay down and take whatever comes her way, but I told them, she’s a force, this one. Holy hell, I can’t wait to see what happens if that crow-face Hannah Seers comes scratching where there isn’t an itch.”

  Wait. Is this…?

  “Jules, are you three crazy? Did you do this on purpose?” I ask, giving Denise a wide berth just in case I go Hulk again.

  Honestly, the things that I am capable of…

  “Hell yeah. Mika Blithe, my sister from another mister and sister, this is my Aunt Denise and my other Aunt Grace,” Jules says proudly, confusing the hell out of me.

  “But they’re bears.”

  “Uh yeah. Of course, they’re bears. No wolf female gets to have amazing curves like this or those golden orbs, unless of course they’re a mixed breed like Banner Kilter. His daddy mated his mama after his first mate passed away,” She says matter of factly, as if I should understand any of this.

  “But I thought you said mates die almost together because of the whole bond thingy.”

  Denise snorts and waves us over to a little table with chairs, where snacks and a bottle of wine are waiting. They stay silent while Grace pours four glasses and hands out some chocolate before Jules answers.

  “His father hadn’t found his Fated yet, and seeing as he was already seventy he decided to give it up and take a love match instead. They had two sons before Marty died in a freak hunting accident. That was so awful for poor Dennis until Ros came over from the Blacktown pack and they met. Hells bells, you should have seen the sparks fly then.” She laughs, making the others laugh too.

  I am so confused.

  “But she’s a bear?”


  “She’s confused Jules, you can’t just tell her things and expect that she’ll understand. If Mika’s staying in the pack, then it’s up to us to get her situated and in a position to understand how things work. Listen up, kiddo. When you’re Fated, not one thing makes a difference to the mates. You could be any color under the sun, a male, female, wolf, or bear, heck I think I read in the Tribute that a panther breed mated a lynx female. Those packs are at war, or close to it, and yet once that male saw his Fated, it didn’t matter if she was his worst enemy, he’d still take her,” Denise says, sipping her wine with a smile.

  I don’t smile though because as far as my experience is concerned, that just is not true. I’m a human, I hadn’t ever met Bear before, so we can’t be mortal enemies—and just look how much he despises me.

  Just my luck.

  “Aw Denny! Look, you done gone and upset her,” Grace tuts, refilling my glass as if that will solve—

  Hmmm, this wine is good.

  “I’m not upset, just confused. I didn’t ask for any of this, and yet here I am, and it’s all screwed up. What am I supposed to do now?” I ask.

  I have no place here, and yet I can’t leave. If I was with…my Fated, at least I’d have something to hang on to, but as it stands I am shit out of luck.

  “Do? Sweetie, all you can do is let the Silvertons look out for you and make a life for yourself. I’d love to say that Bear will get with the Fating, but the honest truth is that boy is mule headed and incapable of thinking past that Seers girl and her golden—”

  “Yeah! Okay, I totally got that!” I interrupt before I barf in my mouth.

  I need to meet this woman, just once, to see what the hype is about. God.

  “But people are going to gossip, and the Silvertons say I have to stay here. How am I supposed to stay here like this? This community may be near Whitefish, but it feels worlds away from any sort of population that will give me some sort of anonymity. I drove through your town to get here, and I swear I saw six people trying to get a look at me,” I whine, cooing when Jules shoves a dark chocolate into my mouth and the flavor hits my tongue.

  Gosh, everything tastes so much more intense now.<
br />
  “You’re going to have to do what is necessary and move on. With Logan Kilter, my cousin,” Jules says, making my mouth gape wide.


  “You heard me. He’s Hannah’s Fated, but he despises her because she’s a hooker with no emotional integrity. So, I say you go with Logan, maybe get to know him—”

  “Logan. The blonde from the coffee shop?” I ask, remembering his blonde good looks and green eyes.

  That guy was smokin’ hot and tasty and despite the whine I feel bubbling up at the thought of even looking at another man, I can’t deny that I wouldn’t mind looking at that man again—for hours.

  Sweet baby Jesus.

  They must all see my expression because they start chuckling and throwing around high fives.

  “Logan is my cousin. His mom Marty was my uncle’s first mate. She was a cat breed shifter, so he doesn’t look exactly like Banner, but they’re bothers. And they’re good people.”

  “Jules, are you setting me up with your cousin, the guy who is Fated to the woman your brother is in love with?” I ask, my eyes blinking at the irony of it if indeed I end up digging Logan.

  That would just be weird. But oh so satisfying, I think, my inner bitch enjoying the thought of ending up with someone who hates Bear and this Hannah as much as I do.


  “Yes. And no, I don’t give two figs if this pisses anyone off because you know what, they can all kiss your ass. You are a sweet, beautiful, totally worthy female, and if Bear can’t see that then I don’t see why you should hang around watching him take that whore to parties and pack get-togethers. I say, if he can be happy, so can you. Just because you’re Fated does not mean you should spend the next hundred and fifty years or so waiting around for my bro—”

  “A hundred and fifty years!” I yell, spitting wine all over the place and right in Grace’s face, my chest wheezing as I splutter and cough, hacking so hard my chest protests.

  They all just blink and then pack out laughing at my look of horror, their humor making me grit my teeth and glare.

  “Mika, we’re not completely human, girl, if at all, well depending on what the purists believe anyway. We live long because we have healthy metabolisms, great immune systems, and it’s not as if murder is all that prevalent in shifter societies,” Jules points out.

  “Okay, that makes sense but…a hundred and fifty years? You’re telling me I have to watch that ball sack you call a brother be happy for a hundred and fifty years!”

  Jules shrugs and winks while Grace sighs.

  “You could look at it that way, girlie, but personally I choose to think that Bear has to watch you be happy and in love with another male for a hundred and fifty years.”

  “Weeeell, if you put it that way…,” I muse, toasting them all while my heart breaks a little more before I can stop it.

  Damn you, Bear Silverton, and damn me for getting myself in this mess. I should have so called in sick the day I met that man and lived oblivious to the fact that our world is filled with werewolves—

  “Oh honey, please. For the love of God, stop using that word!” Jules yells, rolling her eyes. “Don’t judge her too harshly ladies, she’s still new. It’s shifter. Shifter. We are not werewolves Mika. Those animals are just not our kind.” She sniffs disdainfully.

  What. The. Hell.


  The rest of the afternoon is spent with me shopping up a storm and acquiring a closet full of designer jeans, sundresses, and everything a girl could possibly need to boast a designer closet and style.

  I protested at first, firmly telling the women that I can’t afford all that stuff and no way was I letting Nick and Prissy pay for it. I just don’t work that way, but apparently now that I am family and because the sisters own the boutique, they refused to charge me or take no for an answer.

  I had a blast, even if it did take three bottles of wine a piece to give us all a nice buzz. This wolf metabolism makes drinking a marathon instead of a race, I guess.

  We shopped, drank, and ate enough chocolate to drown out depression in the free world, and then we got down to some serious shit and played truth or dare—in which I had to admit that I have only been to first base with three guys my whole life and that my vibrator broke a few months ago and I haven’t had good self-sex in that long.

  After they stopped laughing at me, I got to hear about a male shifter’s imperative drive to please a female, and then Jules shared some very explicit information about what a cougar shifter did to her when she went out of state on a trading mission.

  It was the best five hours of my life, and by the time we hugged the sisters goodbye and Jules dragged me back to her parents’ place, I was feeling both embarrassed and happy, something I haven’t felt in a very long time.

  I love Jo and Holly, but most days they’re too busy to really talk to, and when we do, I get to hear all about how repressed I am and what a shame I am to modern feminism.

  With Jules and the aunts, I got to listen and laugh, and never once did they shame me. They laughed, uproariously when I admitted my mother told me I’d bleed to death if I let a boy touch my vagina, hence my fear until the age of seventeen when sex ed taught me the truth.

  I’d totally have dated then and had casual sex, I think, if not for Dad dying and Mom going loony. Who knows, since I never got a chance to find out.

  “Hey Meek, you okay?” Jules asks, as we carry all of my bags inside and upstairs to my room, her expression showing concern when I don’t answer immediately.

  “Yeah. I guess. Today was great, and I don’t think I have ever had that much fun before but…”

  “But now we’re home and reality is back, so you’re focusing on all the bad stuff, like Bear and his whore and blood and dying. You’re probably wondering right now if you should take a risk and leave and hope that you survive the blood need.”

  I nod, not able to voice my agreement, and she sighs before pulling me out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Once we reach the living room, she nods at the couch and goes to pour us both a brandy.

  “You’d definitely not get through it, Mika, and I know that is harsh and you don’t want to hear it, but as your friend and someone who loves you I would never tell you a lie that could harm you. The blood bond is not something to play with.”

  “Your brother did,” I point out reasonably.


  Oh, shut up!

  “Yes, but I don’t think he realized what had happened until you got so sick. I am mad at him, Meek, but you should have seen him when he thought you were dying. He went nuts. I have never heard anyone so desperate while doing the calling as Bear was.”

  A good part of me wants to bask in that statement and start weaving romantic dreams around Bear’s motivations, because yeah, I am romantic and I have always wanted to have a wild, dramatic love story while the rest of me sneers and rails silently, waving an indignant fist in the air.

  “Oh yeah? Then explain to me exactly why I heard him tell, who I now recognize was Prissy that he would not, under any circumstances give me blood, even knowing that it would heal me,” I say, watching her cringe and pull a face.

  “Bear is, well he’s stubborn, Mika, and he likely knew that if Mom and Dad gave you blood—”

  “That it would temporarily help me?” I snort, shaking my head and gasping when I take a sip of my drink and it burns all the way down to my stomach. “Hell, this stuff is strong.”

  “Of course, it is! You know, we can’t get plastered unless we hit it hard, and Dad’s not into wasting, so he makes sure to only drink stuff that can get the job done fast. As for your question—”

  “I wasn’t finished,” I interrupt, tossing back more brandy while she waits silently. “This blood thing is a temporary fix, and we all know it. For me to be okay, I’ll have to stay here indefinitely, which I would think is something that your brother would not want. Why not just blood m
e and let me leave?”

  Jules considers that for a while and then shrugs, as if she hadn’t thought of that at all.

  Geez, it’s a shit shoot when I am the one thinking more clearly and asking pertinent questions.

  “I would say that’s a real possibility, but you have to remember, Meek, a blooding will seal the bond in full.”


  “Hhhhm, okay. Well, you know how my parents are blooded as Fated, but have you ever seen…twins?” she asks.


  “Well, they have a bond, almost like a knowledge, that makes things singular for them. Like they can know what the other one is thinking and communicate silently in this creepy way. For a blooded pair, it’s worse. Mom and Dad are actually affected by each other’s emotions.”


  “Sooo, Bear would change and become bonded to you, which would mean that he would be physically incapable of hurting you in any way.”

  “Yeah, that would be really nice,” I say sarcastically, hating the hopeful kernel in my tone.

  “If that were to happen, he couldn’t be with anyone else. I once heard Mom tell Dad never to look at another female, and he told her that it’s a waste of his time since he can’t get a hard on for anyone else but her.”

  “Jules, that’s too much information.”

  She rolls her eyes at me, as if talking about her parents screwing isn’t an uncomfortable topic and leans back into the couch with a sigh. Her jeans ride up her ankles, revealing her bare feet and the skin above her slim ankles.

  “God, what is up with you wer-shifters not having any hair? I almost shat a brick when I noticed my lack of body hair this morning, and trust me, I can grow hair.”

  “Eh, it’s a biology thing, I guess. We sprout so much of the stuff when we shift I think Mother Nature was trying to give us a break the rest of the time. It’s cool though, huh? Never having to shave or wax or tweeze anything. You should have seen me pre-transition though! I had one eyebrow, across the expanse of my forehead, and it was so thick Mom used to complain she needed industrial wax just to make me look human.” She laughs.

  I giggle, trying to imagine a redhead with one single strip of unibrow. What I get is a cross between Chuck Norris and Hagrid, making me laugh so hard Jules frowns until I stop to gasp an explanation.


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