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Greyriver Shifters

Page 101

by Kristina Weaver

  When she gasps again and her hips writhe and press deeper, I let off a pleasure filled growl, and then I feel her innocence stop me, the thin barrier making my animal snarl his victory.

  “God, Blain. I—”

  “Sssh bria, my sweetheart. Hmmm. Just let me still the ache,” I croon, pulling out just far enough that I am no longer in danger of deflowering her.

  I don’t leave her though, I cannot. Instead, I curl my finger and tap against the rough walls inside her while my thumb reaches up to play with her throbbing nub.

  Jules moans and tries to shift closer, whining when my hand at her hip stops her from taking more. Her soft cries are like music to my ears until her mouth lands on mine and she kisses me, her breath filling my mouth.

  The kiss is green, unpracticed and perfect in its innocence while I use my hands to please her. Thrusting my fingers into her hair I angle her head and take over the kiss, keeping my tongue light, flicking into her mouth slowly in direct opposition to the rapid stroke of my finger inside her.

  I add another, wanting to please her before I lose control and take her and almost come when she bites down on my lips and orgasms, the contractions around my hand and her heat making me groan into her mouth.

  “Blain. Oh. Please.”

  I tell myself the plea is for more. I even go so far as to remove my hands and lift her over my dick before I find some sense of control and push her back down, using her slippery moisture to pull her over my throbbing length.

  I want in, so deep inside her she’ll scream for me. Not yet. Not yet Seers, I grate silently, my eyes rolling back in my head when she writhes closer and presses against me.

  I should stop this now, and yet I can’t, I think, groaning when I move her over me and use her to take my pleasure. Making sure I hit her clit with every grind, I grab her ass in a bruising grip and rotate her hips in a series of thrusting circles that make my balls go hard and tight with impending release.

  I stave it off for eternity until I feel her clench against the base of my cock in another orgasm, and then I let go, shooting so hard I roar into her mouth as I come on myself and Julia’s lower stomach.

  We sit like that, panting with my female draped against me and smelling of my seed while I try to regain my scattered thoughts and think about what just happened.

  I can’t grasp a thought though, not one logical piece of thought, as I savor her soft warmth against me. What I feel right now, the need inside me, is dangerous.

  I need to get up, put it in a box, and proceed with my life as if—

  “I’ve never…that was…”

  Looking down, I see her, my female peering up at me with glazed eyes and a look filled with repletion. It hits me in the gut, tries to take me under in a way that has me struggling and pushing through desperately, frantic to regain a sense of separation from the softness that is left inside me.

  I can’t. I can’t look at her and want…more. I need to separate us and show her that this isn’t some sweet dreams fairy tale. The faster I put us on even footing, the faster I can take back whatever she just stole from me.

  I can’t…

  “That was your first orgasm. You’ll find that pleasure is…worthwhile. Perhaps the only thing worthwhile,” I murmur, softly stroking her cheek.

  “Blain, I—”

  “I hope you see that, Julia. I hope that is enough for you.”


  “For us to make this work,” I elaborate, hating the loss of softness in her eyes when she understands my meaning.

  I don’t stop her when she rises to fix her gown and blushes, her embarrassment evident when she takes a step back and struggles to meet my eyes.

  “I thought maybe…”

  “We’ll muddle our way through a convenient mating, I suppose. Enjoy this side of our relationship. Perhaps…but Mother will guide you in the proper ways of our class.”

  I make the comment offhand, as I force myself to rise, the weakness in my legs making me grit my teeth to keep upright. I’m unstable, unsteady as I walk to the door and pause, looking back at the soft-hearted female I will never allow myself to feel for.

  “You should let her take you shopping. Jeans are out unless you’re home and unavailable to visitors. Oh, and perhaps you could do something with your hair.”

  I walk out, leaving her silent and pale and almost fall into my own room with a cold sweat drenching me.

  This is for the best.

  Chapter Seven


  My chest hurts, as I watch Blain walk away, his strong muscled back tense and rolling with his renewed strength while inside I feel as if I just got handed a lottery ticket only to have the wind snatch it away.

  My body, still trembling with aftershocks of heat and sexual bliss feels cold inside when I fall back onto the couch and try not to cry from the sense of rejection beating inside me.

  I just…

  Is this it then? I ask myself, staring down at the uneaten toast, cold coffee, and empty room. Is this what I have now? A mating of…convenience?

  The thought makes me sick to my stomach, sicker still because I just had my first real orgasm, given by a male who is now supposed to be everything to me, and I feel…dirty.

  It’s the only word I can think to use when I sniff and catch his scent all over me, the smell of sex and my own foolishness hitting me like a slap to the face.

  I just had…not sex. I can’t say it was sex because it was not a complete claiming on his part, even though I think I made it very clear that I am game for it. Hell, I was writhing on him like a nympho at an orgy I was so hot for him, I think, flushing with shame just remembering my cries of need.

  And yet he didn’t do it. He didn’t take me, claim me, mate me. He left it unfinished after starting my heat, as if a full mating isn’t…but doesn’t he know that I…I have nothing else. I don’t have anything else! This is it for me. After leaving Mom and Dad, I have him. He was my choice.

  A choice I think I am seriously starting to regret, especially when his mother walks in, takes one look at me, and shakes her head sadly.

  “You’d best get up from there, girl, and go get cleaned up. I don’t need to have been in here to know what has occurred.”

  “We didn’t—”

  “That is blatantly obvious, Julia, and not something I wish to discuss with you,” she mutters, coming over to lift a tray in each hand.

  I’m so embarrassed I can hardly breathe when she stops in the doorway and turns, her blue eyes going soft for the briefest moment before they ice over again.

  “He is not an easy male. It would be best for you to understand that before you hurt yourself with foolish dreams.”

  I nod, I mean, what else is there to say and watch her leave me alone with my thoughts, regrets, and a room still scenting of my shame. When enough time has passed that I don’t feel the need to break something, I rise and open the windows before walking towards the stairs.

  I feel bone weary by the time I make it up the stairs, and using my nose, I choose a room furthest away from the one where his scent is strong, my body falling back against the closed door once I’m out of sight.

  Great, Julia. That was great—

  It was not! Oh, you were being sarcastic. In that case, I am so there with you, girl. Talk about sad. You practically threw yourself at Blain, and he shot you down so hard I felt the tremors.

  Hannah. Just—

  Don’t yell at me because you’re a sad loser. It’s not my fault you told your male moments before he seduced you that you see him as your only option. Talk about a mood killer!

  I didn’t mean—

  Now granted, I think Blain is a bastard, and I can’t say I like him all that much, but come on, girl, getting all frisky and soft with a male doesn’t really negate the words ‘you are my only option.’ No one wants to hear that you’re here because you don’t have a choice.

  But, but it’s true! I gave up my whole life for him!

  You ga
ve up your whole life to pay a life debt he never asked you to.

  To save him!

  Which he appreciates, Julia, trust me. That still can’t be the only reason you expect him to mate you. Be reasonable here. Mating is a life bond, something that Fated pairs cannot escape if you form a bond. Do you really think the male wants that with you if all you’re putting out is ‘last chance motel’ vibes?

  I scoff at her words, refusing to feel bad for pointing out the obvious. Besides, it’s not as if he really gave me much of a choice to qualify what I was saying! His me-Tarzan, you-female attitude kind of stopped me from a decent, heartfelt conversation.

  Admittedly, it’s my fault too. One look at him after scenting him, and all I needed to get up and ride that pony was a tiny giddy up in my step. Good God, I gave in so easily despite all my lectures last night and telling myself that I was going to be circumspect—

  Pfft! Circumspect my ass. He crooked one finger at you and you fell on him like a bitch in heat! Oh wait…

  I snort, grinding my teeth when a blast of need hits me, making me groan as I fall face first onto the huge bed and start praying for death. In heat. God, I am now in heat having fulfilled the scenting process and touching Blain.

  I think you did a leeetle more than just touch.

  Oh God! Did you stick around for it all?

  God no! That would be gross. I just popped in every minute or so to check. My brother has a really weird sex face, that’s all I can say. Logan gets it too, not that I’m complaining since I once jumped into his head to see my sex face from his eyes and…well, I did not like it all that much. Now Banner’s sex face—

  God, why are you here again?

  Because I’m awesome and your only friend right now since you got disowned and arrested and ended up being my big brother’s Fated? How weird is that by the way? Who would ever have thought you and I would be sisters-in-law and—

  Not me. Trust me, I wasn’t shooting for it.

  Stop being mean. I myself am really delighted. Now I get to have Beeber and you and Cass and crazy Lync and that guy down in Helena I jumped into by mistake. Not that I regret it. I mean, he’s nuttier than a squirrel’s underpants, but he’s amusing. I talk to him about UFOs and alien invasion.

  I grunt, rolling over to stare at the ceiling and wonder again why I even bother trying to be normal. My own sister-in-law is talking to some guy out in Helena about—

  On not some guy! His name is Fred, and he lives behind trash can number five in this alley. It’s…not great. I mean, it smells to high heaven, but he needs me. Everyone keeps trying to keep him on his meds and convince him ET isn’t real. How rude.

  I don’t think you’re doing the man any favors—

  I so am! We saw one land together. I swear. Unless it was a microplane. Hmm. I’m gonna have to think about that a little more. Back to topic though. This thing with you and Blain—

  Is none of your business.

  Oh, come on now. You’re all alone there, and trust me when I say, it sucks. I lived there for years—

  Getting starved and the shit beaten out of you.

  Don’t be a bitch, Juju. That’s not nice. I’m talking about how perfect everything is in that place. Shivers. And how cold they can be? Look, my advice to you is to take this one day at a time.

  Easy for you to say! Your vagina isn’t throbbing to the beat of a bluegrass banjo.

  Firstly, ew. Secondly, my vagina looks like a fucking puffer fish swallowed another puffer fish and…had a baby puffer fish.

  I giggle at the imagery and sigh, swiping a hand over my face when fatigue slams into me. God, I am so tired still, just…pooped and to make matters worse I can still smell Blain’s cum on me and—

  Gross! Gross. Gross. Gross. Don’t you ever think such things again. I’m eating.

  I didn’t exactly invite you to hang around, Hannah.

  I do it for your own good. Now stop being a loser and get the hell up. Shower, get dressed in whatever fancy stuff Mom gives you and come over. If he’s gonna be a dick…

  Like that’s a surprise.

  Exactly! So see, you can’t lay there and wallow in disappointment if you already knew that. Besides, we need to do sex talk and that is only good in person.

  I am not coming over to talk sex with you.

  Why not? Logan does this thing with his tongue that—

  Nope. No. Just no.

  But Juuuuju, you’re like a V carder! You need to know what you’re stepping into here. I mean when Bear popped my—

  Stop. He’s my brother.

  And the male has skills. He was so gentle about it, but from what I saw this morning—

  Please stop talking.

  I think Blain may be a throwback, Juju. Like one of those Alpha-type males who CLAIM. Hard. You’re gonna need some advice for when—

  We are not sleeping together.

  I tell her this, but my vagina takes that moment to clench so hard that I groan and have to roll over onto my stomach.

  I do not want to see this!

  I gasp when I hear Barbie’s voice in my head and the resulting argument that evolves into Hannah bringing in Cass. I mean…I’m too pained to even question how they’re all here right now, but I definitely need to kill Hannah for this when my womb spasms and I have the flitter of a thought about masturbating and everyone packs out laughing.

  Don’t bother. It so will not work. I almost rubbed my clit off before Banner claimed me. Trust me, it doesn’t still the heat.

  Kill me now.

  Oh, stop being a baby. We’re all here to help you out. We’re all females. Friends. Lovers of the dick—

  I don’t even—

  Don’t even bother to fight her. Trust me, I tried to get her out of my head when Brig and I first hooked up and she started streaming our live porn sessions, but she’s a barnacle.

  You speak as if I enjoyed seeing my own brother’s dick. I did not. Put me off sex for an hour. Poor Logan almost broke his tongue trying to fix me.

  I groan, bringing my knees up to my chest and shove my ass in the air, hoping that it will soothe the ache spreading through me. Somehow.

  Won’t work. I did that exact same thing when I was on my honeymoon and Brig had to go out for an hour. He found me like that and…

  I drop down immediately and eye the door before rolling onto my back and forcing my hands to stay where they are.

  This sucks.

  It does, but Blain can fix it.

  Never! I am never having sex with that no-good pig.

  Wolf. He’s a wolf, and be realistic here. The male is yours. He’s set off your mating heat, and you need him. I say you take all the sex you can and just go with it.

  But he doesn’t want more, Hannah! I’ll be dooming myself to a life spent with a male who never mates me or bonds to me. I’ll be the whore of freaking Babylon for all eternity. Unmated. Childless.

  The thought of never having any of that makes me want to cry. A lot.

  So cry. A good cry frees your soul and—

  Beeber, shut up. Crying won’t help anything, and besides, she can’t just roll over and die on us.

  They all start speaking at once, all three voices yelling inside my head until I am so overwhelmed I screech like a banshee.

  Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up. Just shut up, you guys are driving me crazy.

  Come over! Beeber, sneak out and come over. Cass, stop touching Banner’s nuts and come over. We need a girl session. Oooooh.

  Hannah pauses for a second, and we all hear an objectionable gasp and moan before she pants and comes back online with a groan.

  In like five minutes. Logan, baby—

  I start humming loudly, giggling mid-stream when Barbie starts sing yelling the words to a Bieber song. Ooooh. That’s why she calls her Beeber?

  I shrug, shove myself up and off the bed, and pad into the bathroom for a shower. The minute the hot water hits me I feel loads better, and I stay in there longer than necessary, washing my hai
r, scrubbing myself almost raw, before the scent of Blain leaves me completely.

  Once that’s done, I put my air up in a towel, open a brand-new toothbrush, and walk to a closet. I see clothes, lots and lots of Hannah’s clothes, which makes me believe this used to be her bedroom.

  Relishing the thought that I’m not going to have to ask Mother Psycho for clothing, I choose a pair of grey slacks, a plain sweater in baby pink, and a pair of heels that are eye-popping pink to finish it off.

  Drying my hair takes forty minutes, but by the time I step out of the room, I feel as if I’ve armored myself against a military attack. The fact that Blain comes out of his own room at the exact same moment doesn’t bother me. At all.

  I don’t see that he’s wearing a grey suit, or that the pants are tight enough to showcase his junk. No. And I so do not get wet when he gives me a slow smile and checks me out, his eyes stopping on my mouth where I’m biting into my lip.

  Pull it together, Julia! He’s not attractive. He’s a big asshole with, with asshole moves and—

  Oh, be original.

  Oh God. I thought you were sexing.

  I was. Logan will only give me head nowadays, thanks to the three killers inside me.

  I thought your vagina looks like a puffer fish.

  What can I say? My male has a fetish for puffer. Now be a female and give him the cool brush off.

  I square my shoulders at the reminder, and instead of melting into a puddle of heat induced goo, I lift my chin and walk passed him, trying to ignore the way he smells. Oooh, oh that smells so good, and I want to lick and suck-

  Ass. You suck ass. Don’t you dare look back and—

  I look back despite Hannah and my own internal screams only to see Blain looking back at me, his eyes heavy lidded while his mouth pulls into a cocky smile.

  Great. Now he knows you’re all hot for him.

  I can’t exactly hide it with the smell of my—

  I gasp when a hand latches onto my arm and tugs me around, a moan leaving me when Blain pulls me into his body and lowers his mouth to mine, his tongue plunging in to tangle with and suck.


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