Greyriver Shifters

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Greyriver Shifters Page 110

by Kristina Weaver

  “Oh God! We need to call Althea!” she yells, ripping off her jacket to shove it over his gaping stomach wound.

  “Like fucking hell! I—”

  “Bee! Bee call the clinic and tell them there’s an open-wound injury!” she yells, completely ignoring my snarls to tend to the very asshole who would have killed her without a second thought.


  “Don’t. Don’t say it, Blain. Just help me,” she pleads, sobbing when Hendricks lets out a wheezing breath and closes his eyes.

  I’m shocked, completely frozen, while she takes his pulse and applies pressure to the wound. I only snap out of it when I hear tires screaming and feet pounding and look up to see Althea and Grogan running for us.

  I don’t say anything as they shove us away to start working on the male, but then I don’t think I have ever seen something like this before. Hardly knowing what to think, I pull my mate back into my chest and rub her arm while she sniffles and watches the doctors work.

  It can only take mere seconds before they have the male on a stretcher and they’re running for the ambulance, but it feels like an eternity as I scent Julia’s tears and feel her trembling.

  “You should have let the little shit die. He was here to hurt you,” I grumble, lifting her into my arms when her shaking gets worse.

  She doesn’t say anything as I walk into the house where Mother is standing in the foyer wringing her hands, and I know I should say something to comfort her—not mother since I despise that old bitch—but something inside me is raging even as I force my wolf back and let my face shift back.

  I need to clean her, take the blood away, replace the scent on her with my own. I need to claim, own, and make sure everyone within ten paces knows that she’s mine.

  Not saying a word, I stomp upstairs and straight for our bed room. Jules doesn’t say anything when I walk into the bathroom and lower her to her feet, but I smile at her gasp when I rip the clothes from her and lean in to turn the water on in the shower.

  “Get in, baby.”

  She obeys without a sound, and by the time I’m just as nude and stepping into the shower her eyes are blazing.

  Oh female…you don’t even know what you’ve just unleashed.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I scream, biting down into my lip as pleasure hits me so hard all I can do is take it and pray I survive it. Blain is like a madman, snarling his dominance as he pushes down on my back to push my ass higher.

  “You’re mine. All mine. Don’t clench yet, malina. Hold it off longer, my female. Let me feel you for a little longer.”

  I sob out a protest but force myself to go lax to stave off my climax, the natural process of continued orgasm riding me hard because I know that once I come, it won’t stop, and Blain will explode. He’s been torturing me, trying to teach me to hold off and control my orgasm.

  In bed, Blain is the master, no argument. He does things to me that make me blush and forces me to come out of my self-conscious shell more and more, not paying one bit of heed to my natural shyness when it comes to sex.

  He looks at every part of me, no matter how I cringe, and in moments like now, he proves his mastery of a body that now belongs to him by testing me mercilessly and growling at me not to come.

  Sometimes I can’t help it, but for now I have to hold off because I want to see where he takes me this time.

  “Blain, I can’t. It’s so good and—”

  He stills when I flutter, my body disobeying my commands and shooting so close to orgasm I bite into the pillow and scream when it dissipates to a dull throb around his cock.

  “Don’t come, baby. Just control it, draw it out so it will shatter you when it finally happens,” he croons, licking the perspiration from my back while his hands roll my nipples and stroke my slick belly.

  I pant, opening myself more, breathing to keep myself together and nod when I feel sane enough for him to move again. The next twenty minutes are both the longest and best minutes of my life, as Blain kills us both, taking me, teasing me, pushing me so hard we’re both drenched in perspiration and wheezing for air.

  Don’t need to breathe, I think, my eyes rolling back when he palms my sex and squeezes, the added stimulation to the nub between my folds making me shake as my climax threatens to break again.

  “Blain I, oh God I can’t hold it anymore!” I wail, screaming when he leans over and snarls for me to let go.

  His teeth sink into my shoulder seconds later, and I come so hard I literally convulse when it hits me.

  My scream is a long, drawn-out wail of relief and a plea of surrender while Blain roars and pulls me closer to his hips, his cock pulsing and shooting off with a force that sets off another climax deep within.

  I collapse before it’s done, exhausted and so spent I can hardly move. Blain chuckles, his hands encircling my waist and shares my groan when he lifts me from his shaft and scoots me up the bed.

  His whispered chuckle of “sleep, little female” reaches my ears, and I smile when he wraps around me, his heat giving me the security that I need right now. I’m afraid, angry, sad, and terrified of the emotions building inside me for this male.

  And yet I welcome them too because I know that with him, I am safe. He may be a cold bastard at times, somber, morose, impatient, and snappish, but with me, he’s all mine, and he’ll protect me.

  That’s all I can ask, I think, as I snuggle back and accept his embrace.

  I hope it’s enough.

  # # # #


  “She’s in danger. You need to do something.”

  I pick up my coffee and ignore Mother’s dramatic tone, as I try to focus on the paperwork in front of me while Jules bustles around in the kitchen finishing breakfast.

  I offered to help more than once, but she laughed so hard I had to leave before we argued. I can chop something for God’s sake. At least I would have tried, I think morosely, smiling only when I go through the last file of my father’s holdings and feel satisfaction settle on me.

  Julia and her kind heart are making me feel terrible, and by that I mean that the Hendricks filth lived through the night and she is adamant I don’t just kill people as is my usual hobby.

  Honestly, where will I find amusement when she’s not in bed with me?

  “Blainton! Are you listening to me?” she hisses, making me sigh and look up at her with boredom stamped across my face.

  “Of course, Mother. Why wouldn’t I be listening you?”

  “This is serious! People keep calling, and I eventually unplugged the phone to fool the poor girl into thinking it’s died down. She’s so weak that it wouldn’t surprise me if she had a breakdown. That blood…”

  I ignore the obvious attempt to pretend she doesn’t care about Jules and smile when my female walks in and sets plates on the table.

  “Whatcha doing?” she asks, grabbing a roll and bacon to make herself a breakfast sandwich.

  “Hhmm, just going over a few investments and…making them pay,” I muse, grinning when she smiles, blatantly unaware of just how true those words are.

  My father owned half of Greyriver by the time he…lost his head. Now I own half of Geyriver, half of the real estate the town sits on actually. And more than half of the properties where businesses reside.

  I watch her eat and chat with Mother, enjoying breakfast while I do what makes me completely happy and plan the ruination of at least half the town. Aaah, it’s the little things in life that truly count.

  “You should go by and see them, Bee! Moxy looks just like you and Hannah.”

  “Definitely not! I’ve never had the stomach for young. All that spit up and poop is abhorrent.”

  Sighing, because even I can see the old bat is dying to know about those young, I take out my phone and open Hannah’s Facebook page, sliding it over for her to glance at.

  I feel nothing but pleasure when she coughs to hide a sniffle, and it takes everything inside me to silently m
outh that she’ll never know them so that Jules doesn’t hear.

  Mother stiffens and flicks an imperious hand at the phone before going back to her food.

  “Of course, the girl would have green eyes. Mixed blood is like a disease, it overrides everything.”

  “Oh Bee, that just isn’t true! They’re so beautiful. You should go see them.”

  Mother sniffs, ignoring Jules, and rolls her eyes when there’s a knock on the door. I wave Jules off when she goes to rise and stalk over, promising myself that I’ll just kill whoever is there if they mean harm and let Jules eat in peace. I’ll clean up later.

  “Move! All they let me eat in that hell hole was toast and tea, and I could smell the bacon for miles! Julia, hey bitch, come help a sister out with all these young. I need food stat.”

  Hannah shoves past me and leaves me to look over at a grinning Logan, who hands me a baby carrier and steps into the house.

  “Don’t even look my way. She sexed me the moment her eyes popped open, stopped her period, and started rattling off a whole bunch of shit that I couldn’t argue with,” he mutters, smiling when I look down at a young and grimace when a smell hits my nose.

  “Absolutely not. Take this one back and give me a clean one.”

  “Sorry pal, no can do. I’m not allowed on diapers anymore after I puked the last three times,” he says, pretending to be hurt.

  I swallow and feel my stomach roil before stalking into the dining room and grunting when I notice Hannah shoving food in so fast I don’t even think she chews.

  “And then I had like six feeds and my boobs exploded.”

  “Take this, it smells!” I bark, interrupting her disgusting display and holding the carrier out to her.

  “Sorry! Can’t! My hands are full. Lo! Give him the bag!” she yells, giggling when I lift the carrier a little higher and gag.

  Jesus, what is in this kid?

  “That’s Archer! He poops a lot already because he eats so much. Just hold your breath for a minute and get it done.”

  “I would rather lose my life,” I mutter back, holding my breath when the little young lets off a loud fart that travels through the toxic sludge in its diaper that wafts up and slams into my nose.

  “Oh come on! You want young, right? So practice.”

  “I’ve changed my mind. Take it back!” I order, shoving the carrier closer.

  “No. Get over it. It’s good experience.”

  “It reeks. Take your young. Julia, you will not have babies; they will ruin the house and my will to live if this is what comes out of them,” I say sternly, my mouth quirking when she giggles and takes the carrier from me, her face going green when she finally gets a whiff.

  “Noooo, uh just no.”

  “Come on! Let me eat. I’d make Logan do it, but he keeps puking, the weakling.”

  I watch, holding in my mirth when Julia finally sighs, swallows loudly and rises to grab the diaper bag from Logan, who is shaking silently when she walks out and mutters curses under her breath.

  “Okay. Now that she’s distracted by green ooze why don’t you tell us what the hell is going on. I heard a rumor in the clinic that the Hendricks boy they brought in was one of yours,” Logan says, putting the remaining two carriers beside his chair and leaning over to grab food.

  I don’t bother to mention that no one invited them for breakfast and ignore Mother’s expression with a shrug.

  “He was one of four. The other three I am happy to report, did not make it.”

  Logan grins before frowning and shaking his head.

  “Banner called after he hauled them away and returned them to their families. This isn’t good, man. Those other three were from the Lewis family.”

  Hhmm. I know of the family, and it tickles me that the dry cleaners is one of the stores I hold the deed on. Oh well, it looks like I’ll have to find another way to have my suits cleaned from now on if they’re closing down.


  “And they are huge donators to the pack funds,” he explains, groaning around a mouthful of eggs and a roll.

  “Your point?”

  “Come on, man. I know we don’t exactly socialize since we despise each other and all, but even you have to see that the Lewis bunch, one of the leading families in the pack, have clout. Even with the council.”

  I know that, but what I also know is that I can now go to the council and demand the right to retribution, which is what I was counting on since I promised Julia that I wouldn’t get into any more trouble.

  This way I am supported by pack law under the right to seek vengeance for my Fated.

  “They can kiss my ass. I won’t back down when four wolves come after my mate, and I sure as hell don’t care if they lost three sons because they were stupid enough to send them after my female. If they all wanna die, that’s their choice, not mine,” I say, forking up food with a moan of enjoyment just as Jules comes back in, pale and shaking her head frantically.

  “Never again. They look so cute but…”

  I chuckle, pulling her down onto my lap once she puts the carrier near Hannah and force feed her some roll because she hasn’t eaten nearly enough to suit me.


  “That’s enough, Kilter. I don’t care what anyone says, yesterday was the limit for me. They came for her, specifically for her, and the Hendricks boy said it won’t stop. If I have to kill them all, by God I will, but no one comes near my home or my mate again!” I snarl, soothing Jules when she stiffens at my yell.

  “You should just leave this alone.”


  “But Blain—”

  “And then what? We’re sleeping one night, and they try to get in? You can’t ever go on walks again because someone’s following you? What kind of life is that, Julia?” I grate, my face going hard until she smiles sadly and meets my eyes.

  “One where I get to keep you instead of lose you. Please Blain! Please just drop it. They aren’t going to grant you revenge when you’re being investigated and suspended from your seat, and honestly, I don’t want other people to die.”

  “Goddammit. You’re being too nice.”

  “I second that!” Hannah yells, giving Mother the finger. Just because.

  “Hannah, don’t encourage him.”

  “Why not? I scented the blood outside while coming in, and it made me happy! I hope it hurt when he killed them. Why did you call Althea for the Hendricks’s kid? You should have let him bleed out painfully,” she sneers, getting a loving look from Logan.

  “My female, your brutality makes me hot,” he purrs.


  “Go home then. Jesus, we’re mortal enemies and you’ve invited yourselves to breakfast!”

  “So? Even enemies need to eat. Besides, you two are the only couple we know who aren’t constantly having sex because of Mother Bones here.” Hannah giggles.

  Mother lets out an outraged huff, and even Jules has to turn her head and hide a chuckle.

  “We have lives to live and people to exterminate.”


  “No, bria. I listened to you and left this alone,” I tell her, ignoring Logan’s cough. “This is too far. I don’t know what the hell is going on in this place, but I’m not taking this lying down. Now, eat. You need to recover after last night.”

  Jules blushes deeply and squirms in my lap before obeying and picking up a roll again. I just sit and eat the occasional piece of bacon while they all speak, my mind centered on how I feel right now.

  Dis-fucking-comfort. A lot of discomfort, and the need to dump Julia in the chair and leave. Immediately. Fighting the urge, and the anger that rises because of her natural affection and easy nature—something that makes me want to love her, which I refuse—I sit through another few minutes of mind-numbing disgust over their obvious affection for each other and finally breathe easy when Logan asks me to show him the kill zones and their trails.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Christ, the scent of hate is so strong. No wonder you refused to let her come out here,” he mutters after an hour of walking and following the trail.

  Admittedly, I am not as comfortable in my suit as I would have been if I’d taken his advice to don jeans and boots, but someone here has to be civilized.

  “I refused because I don’t want to have to kill everyone in my path if they hurt her fucking feelings! She’s sensitive,” I mutter, grimacing when he chuckles.

  “Females usually are—”


  “Is the most sensitive female I have ever met. She’s loving and kind in her way and other times she uses humor and snide comments to protect herself from hurt. But she has feelings, trust me. Just like Cass and Mika and Jules. Julia though, she must be having a hard time with all this. Losing her family. The attacks. Your mom,” he quips, making me putter and shake my head.

  “I thought, hoped she’d die by now. Short of offing her myself, I just have to keep praying,” I say easily.

  He blinks, as if searching or waiting for me to laugh and shakes his head when I don’t. I’m completely serious. The only reason I haven’t killed her yet is because Julia seems to like her company. I’ll have to speak to her about her taste in companions soon.

  “Be serious.”

  “Oh, I am, believe me, but I think you’re referring to Jules, so I’ll talk about that for now. Of course, she’s taking it hard. Her parents are assholes, the town is a bunch of idiots, and Bear and Mika only see her sporadically. It’s going to take her a while to get used to having just me in her life.”

  He snorts and keeps walking forward until once again we reach the lake, and it makes me want to kill when I notice the amount of foot traffic here which suggests that more than four males were here last night planning a murder.

  “Jeeezus. This is a mess. I don’t think you and Julia should stick around here, man. It’s too dangerous if things have gotten this out of hand.”

  “I won’t leave like a coward.”

  “Your mate needs safety, Seers, not some big-chested gorilla pounding his chest and going nuts. These people are out of control. I can’t understand what the hell is going on in this pack!” he yells, sniffing the air with a muttered curse. “Heads up. Banner and Lync are on the way.”


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