Greyriver Shifters

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Greyriver Shifters Page 111

by Kristina Weaver

  I shrug again, not caring that I am now surrounded by buffoons because apparently it makes Julia happy that these people are in our lives. It’s not like I can deny her this, not after everything that’s happened anyway.

  The two males eventually arrive, and Banner looks down, narrowing his eyes on the trampled ground, his own curse filing the air.

  “This is not good, man. I see at least four more sets of prints here, and the smell of roses suggests they sprayed something to confuse our noses. Where’s Jules?”

  “At home with Han and Mother Misery,” Logan mumbles.

  I snort, coughing out a laugh and shake my head when Lync tilts his head as if confused.

  “You wouldn’t understand, man. You’ve never had a walking corpse for a mother.”

  Even Banner laughs before looking up at me with a somber expression.

  “This is not good. At all. They’ll keep coming, and they’ll just bring more. Next time you could be going up against six, eight, more. You can’t stay in your house.”

  “I’m not leaving! Besides the Alpha would just drag me back. I can’t leave town until the three months is up either way,” I tell them, raising a brow.

  “Fuck! He sent out a shackle order?”

  “Why so surprised, Logan? The male is desperate to get me killed.”

  “Don’t take that tone, asshole. We all know you’re guilty as the fucking day is long, so quit the innocent bullshit. What matters here is that Jules is safe, and since she won’t be happy without you moving too, I suggest you move in with Hannah and me until shit blows over.”

  “Hell fucking no! You’re just looking for someone to change those radiation-filled diapers your monsters keep producing!” I yell, taking a step back at just the thought.

  Christ, I thought young were supposed to be cute, not repulsive.

  Banner starts choking and Logan scowls before shrugging and throwing me a sheepish smile.

  “They are all three gorgeous but fuck me, I almost keeled over with the first diaper, and Hannah is not exactly jumping at it either. I’m going to have to give Tina a huge raise if I wanna survive until potty training.”

  “Well, you do that because no way am I moving into that cesspool for God knows how long, and my mate won’t ever look at my cock again if that is what young are really like. I’d like to actually have young one day, if she doesn’t ever have to change a diaper like the one she did this morning,” I mutter, shuddering again at the remembered smell.

  “You and Jules can move in with me and Cass just until stuff is worked out,” Banner offers in his rough voice, his eyes flashing gold when I immediately go to decline. “Don’t just refuse, man. I’m even willing to let your mom come, too.”

  “Hell no! She can stay at home.”

  “Someone could get in there and hurt her.”


  Both males laugh while Lync growls and just stares at me, and I get the distinct impression he’s not as enamored with my sense of humor as he should be. That’s okay, most people learn eventually.

  “Kilter, I appreciate your offer but—”

  “Cass would be happy about it. She’s been having trouble sleeping lately, and when she does…she wakes up in a cold sweat about Jules. It would help my mate if you accepted help and besides, it’s not like I’m giving you a choice. I’ve already screwed my fucking pooch by helping before. Got my ass canned for it, so I reckon I may as well go all in here anyway. Come and stay and let me and Lync help you protect the females.”

  “I do not need help protecting my female!”

  “Well, I want to help since you protected mine when she needed it the most! Goddammit! Don’t you fucking get it?!”

  “No, I don’t!” I yell, shoving a hand through my hair. “You people despise me, always have, and if I was guilty, which I will never admit to, you should hate me more. Not offer me help!” I snarl back, feeling unsettled by this.

  I don’t like it, I tell myself, stepping back from it so that I can still the panic I feel and look at things objectively. Maybe. I’ve never been in this position before, hell, besides Brig I haven’t ever spent this much time with males who don’t want to kill me or don’t want my influence for their own gain.

  Certainly I haven’t ever had two males offer me haven in their homes before, so I’m a little unprepared for this and unsure as to what I should do. I do know—however—that I am not happy having to admit that I am alone and afraid for my mate.

  He’s right.

  “I may not be your best friend, pal, but I’m not without honor, and for Cass, I can tell you I won’t stand by and just let them lynch you. Or Jules. As for the treason charges, I don’t give two shits, as long as you can stand there and tell me you’re done,” Banner says, watching me intently.

  I don’t wanna lie to the guy, something that very much disturbs me and something I will have to think on later, but neither can I tell him for a certainty that I am done.

  I haven’t decided yet though I have reserved the option to take a slight step back and just let the resistance that is left do whatever they want. Look, I’ll be honest about things, a few days ago I was more than willing, and—in fact—eager to continue in my role as leader to the die hards, who want to see the packs under one universal law that is meant to uphold the dignity, integrity, and protection of all shifters worldwide.

  I still believe in that goal, and yes, that may be bad to some, but for me it signals a turn in the way things are done. Enough that I could sleep at night knowing that our people are safeguarded.

  Part of my goal involved Silverton dying, I won’t lie. I want that asshole to pay for his crimes—as I see them. I want him to get the hell out and make way for stronger leadership. I want an Alpha that I respect.

  But for now, I’m laying low and considering perhaps not hurting him because I know it would hurt my mate. Haven’t decided yet, but there is time enough to protect my mate, not give anyone more evidence against me, if indeed they have any now, and just let things be.

  When the three months are up, if I still can’t stand things as they are, I can always go back to pushing the scentless army to keep order. Maybe. I’m not exactly enamored with the mindless animals that we’ve created thus far, not after experiencing their strength and almost dying.

  “I’m not doing anything but protecting my mate and trying to get through this farce of an investigation. If I was the chief, which I am not, I can guarantee you that—right now—nothing is happening,” I concede, receiving a nod for my answer.

  “Good because it would hurt Cass if she knew you were still that asshole. Now, let’s go get those females and get you moved in. Look at it this way, Cass distracts that Mother of yours, and you’ll have more sex time with your mate. I soundproofed the house this week. Not even a farting mouse can be heard from the other rooms after Lync started sleeping outside.” He laughs.

  The male chuffs, and I chuckle myself because I’ve been in the next room while two people screw incessantly, and it isn’t pleasant. For Lync to hide in the woods, the Kilters must be pretty insatiable and loud.

  “Is he your pet now?”

  “Fuck you! He’s our…family. Lync is family.”

  And just like that, I think I may not want to murder Banner Kilter. Huh, who knew I was even capable?

  No one! Because you’re an asshole who happens to be psychotic.

  Christ, aren’t you busy with your young? I’m sure one of the little demons has shat in the last hour.

  Meh! The bitch changed a diaper before I could even pretend I was gonna. I think she really may be going senile, Blain. She didn’t even sneer once. And that diaper was BAD.

  She’s just…

  I don’t continue because I don’t know what to say about

  Mother. I refuse to defend her, hating her as savagely as I do, but I dunno, I must be tired or something because I’m not jumping to insult her as easily as usual.

  She’s a bitch, but hey, if she’s willing t
o go to town after Moxy blew up that diaper, who am I to stop her?

  You know you and this mate of yours are gonna have to get over your queasy stomachs, right? You have three young and your maid won’t stick around for long if she’s the only one changing them.

  Oh shut up! I know. I just don’t want to think about it until I—oh God. Not Hunter. He’s the most…generous when he poops.

  I laugh silently and follow the males towards home while Hannah’s voice fades away on a shriek of horror, and I wonder if it could be the same for Jules and I. Dead to rights there is no way I am doing diapers if my young produce that level of violence out of there asses.

  “I can’t believe you left me here with her and those three…three…”

  “Adorable young?” I ask, chuckling because Julia practically tackled me the moment we step through the door.

  She blushes, biting her lip, and looks up at me through tortured eyes.

  “They’re so adorable, Blain. Until they poop. And they do that a lot because they eat. A lot. Hannah even feeds them while they’re sleeping, or they’d scream all day. No wonder her boobs are so big. I never saw it when she was pregnant, but without that belly, oh God please swear to me you will never, ever do that to me. One is…the smells. The smells, Blain. But three! At the same time. I don’t think we should go for young just yet,” she whispers, wincing when we hear a cry.

  I’m pretty sure the way Banner’s shoulders are shaking. The male just heard everything she said and finds it hilarious. Of course, that lasts only as long as it takes for Hannah and Logan to try and palm Hunter off on them.

  “Oh hell no! Nope. Not even Cass would change that kid’s diaper, and she’s made of light and happiness. I’m only one male. With a nose,” he protests. Putting his hands out in denial when Hannah tries to hand the young off to him.

  “You said you adored them.”

  “And I do. And I want to keep it that way!”

  I’m laughing so hard by now my gut aches and almost keel over when Lync walks forward and takes the young, sniffing at him with a bewildered frown before whining and handing him back with a violent shake of his head, as he starts scrubbing at his nose and whining.

  “Oh, come on! Even you, Lync?” she hisses, her lip trembling as she looks down at her young. “Oh Hunt, you’re just so stinky.”

  I’d commiserate, I would, but my eyes burn from the smell already, and even Julia is swallowing repeatedly as if she’s having trouble.

  “Okay folks! Pack up and get it done fast before I find myself with three young to take—No, Cass! Hannah, you get out of my female’s head right now! Baby, preza, just listen okay. You don’t know what’s coming out of them. Yes, I know, baby, I do, but it’s just not natural. Even werewolf young don’t shit this bad.”

  I’m almost doubled over as he pleads his case to his invisible mate, and then I do fall on my ass when I hear Hannah shriek and stomp off with Hunter because Banner explains that Cass caught a mental whiff and started singing Justin Bieber at the top of her lungs. To get rid of Hannah.

  “Holy hell. They’re gonna have to give Tina a BIG raise. Huge,” Julia mutters, frowning. “Pack?”

  “Yes, malina. Banner has kindly suggested, or rather insisted that we move in with him for the time being, just until we can figure out the origin of the attacks. I’ve accepted,” I admit reluctantly, still not happy about this.

  “Oh cool! Hey, Bee—”

  “Now listen, bria, I think Mother should stay.”

  “Oh nonsense. She could get hurt staying here.”

  “Yes, I know, but that’s the—”

  “Bee! Bee get out here! We’re all packing to stay with Cass and Banner for a little while, and you should hurry because I’m pretty sure if we don’t Hannah’s going to willingly accept you in her place just to take care of diaper duty.”

  I’m not completely sure, at least I can’t really believe my eyes, when Mother streaks past us so fast she blurs in my vision. It takes her less than a full second to reach the stairs and make it up them before she disappears towards her wing of the house.

  I take it even grandmamma can’t love the young enough to deal with that.

  I’m still gaping when Julia starts making her way upstairs.

  “Bria, I think it would be better for Mother to remain here, you know, in a familiar place and—”

  “Give it up, Blain. I’m still liking her thus far. Give it a few months and then maybe we can both entertain the thought of getting rid of her. My eggs were perfect! Perfect, you old bat,” she rages with a shake of her fists before disappearing around the corner as well.

  Looking over at Banner, I share a moment of pure male understanding because I think it may just be true; all females come from Mars, even shifters.

  “Don’t look at me. My sweet little punkin threw a pot at me this morning because her boobs hurt,” he mumbles, pouting like a female on her flow.


  He shrugs, smiling sheepishly, and flushes bright enough that I want to tell myself I could like him. I don’t, but it’s more than possible. Perhaps.

  “I may have a bit of a fetish since I scented a young in her,” he confesses, his face glowing.

  “Congratulations male and may the fates bless thine young with health and strength.”

  “Thanks, man. I may need some of that blessing if her mood swings make her…normal. Never saw my little sweetness be that mean. It only took her two seconds to threaten to cut off my cock if I so much as looked at her boobs ever again. It’s just not possible!” he whines, cupping his dick.

  Thinking of Julia’s breasts, I whimper a little. I don’t know if the young making her larger there is worth what comes out of them after they suckle there.

  Surely having this brought to my attention will possibly shrivel my enthusiasm—

  Nah. Julia’s ass is just too juicy for that to happen. I’ll have to suit up or stop biting her. Maybe. We’ll see. I really like dominating her and leaving my seed there.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I stretch and roll over, pouting when I stretch out my arm and feel only cold sheets. Frowning, I open my eyes and stare at his place in the bed that is more than obviously empty and has been long enough to grow cold.

  Sighing, I push myself up and shove my hair back, blinking as I scan the room. He’s not here, and from the faded scent in the room I can guess he hasn’t been in here for a while.

  Pushing up, I grab the terry cloth robe that Cass gave me—a welcome to the house gift, have I mentioned I love that girl?—and pull it on, belting it before opening the door.

  The house is quiet as I pad over the thick carpet and peer down the hall. I almost freak out when a hand lands on my arm and pulls me into a room where Cass shoves her hand over my mouth and hisses at me to hush.

  “What are you doing?!” I hiss, pulling away when I notice her eerie, almost purple eyes glowing in the dark. “Hell, did Banner ever find out who your dad is, because girl, your eyes are shifter.”

  She mutters and shakes her head, touching her belly softly. I already know that she’s with young, and I am so happy for her, even if her mood swings have turned her into a psycho.

  Poor Cass. She lost it over a dirty cup earlier and flung it across the room before crying for ten minutes because she felt so bad for being a “monster”. I told her I once lifted an entire couch and tossed it halfway across the room because I lost my favorite earrings.

  That only made her cry harder, but when she eventually stopped crying and morphed into normal Cass, we could celebrate her young. And speculate a little on her ability, which frankly creeps me out even more than Hannah’s.

  A female who can literally walk into a room and feel what mood you’re in? Creepy.

  “He’s trying, but my mom wasn’t exactly a blogger or anything. She slept with a guy, he left before she woke up, and unless I miraculously find a diary, I’m out of luck,” She mumbles, biting her lip. “Listen, I know y
ou’re probably going downstairs to look for Blain, but you shouldn’t, okay?”


  “Well, I think they’re having some super-secret male bonding thing down there,” she says hesitantly, pulling a face.

  “Banner? Blain? Bonding?” I snort, my disbelief clear in my tone.

  Cass sighs, sounding exasperated and purses her lips with an eye roll.

  “I know what you mean, but ever since you guys got here I’ve noticed a bit of…understanding between them. At first, I thought it was because he was just trying to make me happy, and then I thought that it was because he was trying to be all supercool about Blain saving me, but it’s been…honestly?” she asks, letting me lead her over to a bed where we both sit in the dark.

  “Honestly. Please.”

  “I think ever since they canned him for helping you guys, he’s been really pissed. I was worried that he was upset with you guys, or that he was, well, worried about money, but according to Banner, Brig’s been taking care of his investments for a while and we’re rich.”

  “I kinda know that, Cass. Even my father spoke to Mom about what a whizz Brig is with money. If it not any of those thing…oh God, Banner got canned for helping us?” I groan, feeling awful.

  God, that makes me feel awful. Banner is like a super-enforcer, or as Cass says it, super-cop. He was born to do that stuff, and I know from Hannah that he loved his job. Knowing that I am—in part—responsible for this makes me feel like hell.

  “Oh no honey! Don’t feel bad. Banner says it was for the best since he came this close to snapping at the Alpha. Well, er, I mean your dad? And since I don’t exactly like conflict, and Banner isn’t disloyal to his Alpha, I think it was better to go than for them to butt heads.”

  “But Cass! This is awful. How could this happen? You guys shouldn’t be getting the backlash for me and Blain.”

  “Jules, honestly, I think I would have been pissed at Ban if he’d just let things go south for you two. You guys are my friends, and that makes you important to Banner. Besides, I told you, Banner is very honor bound or something when it comes to Blain. Blain saved me, so Banner owes him. Or something. I can’t exactly understand half the stuff Banner says sometimes,” she admits, giggling when I sniff just like Bee and fall back on the bed.


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