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IntoEternity Page 7

by Christina James

  “I am sorry, Alexander,” she whispered so low he barely caught her words.

  Alexander swallowed hard and fought to regain control. But the sight of his newly handfasted bride took his breath away. He wanted her. He wanted her now. He regretted she had no notion they would not be leaving the beach until he had claimed her as a man claims his wife. But he dared not wait.

  “You have always been mine, Augusta. I have waited long enough.”

  He had claimed her as his wife before a witness but until he mated with her, the handfasting would not hold up before his clan or hers. He didn’t want her father, the Sinclair, coming for her. Aye he knew the great Highland laird by reputation. The Sinclair would never let his daughter wed a man he had not chosen for her. Nay, Alexander would not allow the Sinclair to give Augusta to another man, to another Highland laird for wealth or alliance. She was his. He had declared it so until their year was up. And then he planned to keep her regardless. Gusty took a step closer to him. She tripped over a stone on the beach and only his arms around her waist saved her from falling. Gusty blushed and raised her hands to cover her exposed breasts. But even as she tried to hide from him she leaned toward him.

  “There is no need to fear the feelings you have for me, Augusta,” Alexander whispered, sensing her conflicting emotions.

  He drew her against him and a startled gasp escaped her lips. Panic filled her eyes as he cupped her slender neck with one hand and slid the other around her waist. Her skin felt soft and cool beneath his fingers. He slowly lowered his head and pressed his lips to the tender flesh below her ear. She shivered and sighed and he breathed in her essence. He tasted her skin beneath his tongue. She smelled of soap but beneath the sweet fragrance her natural scent rose to greet his senses. He buried his face in the wild tumble of her windblown hair as he drew her even closer.

  “I want you,” he breathed against her skin as she trembled within his embrace. “I swear to be gentle.” His whispered words were hoarse as his hands moved down her cool skin to cup her bottom.

  She gasped frantically as his hungry mouth grazed across her skin to taste the warm flesh of her cheek.

  Gusty melted into him and Alexander claimed what he considered his by right of victor, by right of seducer, by right of being the only man who would ever take her as his own. The kiss started as a tentative exploration of lips, pressing, shifting, tasting… But the pleasure of the moment turned quickly to a hunger that needed to be sated. A small whimper of need escaped her throat as their tongues tangled in a dance of erotic pleasure and she pressed closer. Her hands fluttered against his chest and then moved higher until her soft arms encircled his shoulders and her long, slender fingers sank into his hair.

  Finding her soft and pliant in his arms undid him. A surge of lust so powerful it shook him to the core swept all rational thought from his mind. He wanted nothing more than to bury his throbbing cock fast and hard in her soft, willing flesh. His mouth moved over hers again and again, memorizing the sweet taste of her, elated with the way she offered her tender lips as she moaned deeply. His groans of pleasure matched hers as the kiss grew more intense. His hand trembled as he cupped her plump breast, weighing it before placing his lips to the sensuous feast and drawing the pebbled nipple into his mouth.

  A moan escaped her throat as Alexander drew gently, suckling her nipple, flicking his tongue over one hard nub before moving to the other. Gusty cried out, her head falling back as she clutched at his shoulders, pulling him closer. Her response left him hard and aching and he took her to the ground, needing to bury his cock deep within her soft flesh.

  “Say you want me, Augusta. Say it,” he commanded hoarsely, barely able to utter the words. “Say you want me inside you now.”

  “I want you… I want you now.” Her reply was little more than a sigh as she moved restlessly against him.

  God! A man could happily lose himself in the magic of her provocative eyes and the feel of her soft woman’s body. Gripping her round bottom, he lifted her against his throbbing cock, spreading her legs so she could feel all of him pressing against her core. His hips undulated against hers as his tongue delved into her mouth in the same inviting rhythm. She moved with him, the scent of their arousal heavy in the air, evoking a groan from him.

  “Please don’t stop.” Gusty whispered against his cheek as she moved in his arms. She grasped his face and angled her mouth, pressing her soft lips to his. “I do not want to wait. I want you now.”

  He gasped at her boldness and knew he could not deny his need.

  “God above! Do you know what you do?” Uncontrollable want made his voice sound hoarse.

  He covered her with his body and she sighed with obvious pleasure at his caresses. His lips trailed over the tender flesh of her neck and shoulder to feast on her breast. He took her hardened nipple into his mouth, drawing a low moan of passion. He moved his attention to her other breast as she writhed beneath him. Never had a woman responded so honestly to his lovemaking. The need to thrust into her soft, wet channel was almost more than he could control but he wanted to ensure her pleasure before he took his.

  He ran his hand over her belly and lower, and Gusty gasped. She whimpered and moved her legs, opening to his caresses. He cupped her and she arched into his touch.

  Alexander found her swollen flesh wet and ready. He moved his fingers over the hard, sensitive bud hidden there and stroked her until she shifted restlessly under him, whimpering in her need. His mouth captured hers in a long, demanding kiss, and he thrust his tongue in and out as his fingers plunged deep.

  Gusty moaned. Her sheath tightened convulsively, squeezing his fingers as he thrust them into her again and again.

  Alexander captured her scream of pleasure in his mouth, kissing her long and deep. Passion blinding him to everything but his need to bury himself in her tight warmth, he pushed his plaid out of the way, taking himself in his hand. He hissed as his thumb brushed over the sensitive, swollen head, spreading the moisture leaking from the slit.

  “Wrap your legs about my waist, Augusta.” He positioned himself between her thighs and lifted her hips to slowly ease his hard cock into her amazing tightness. When he reached her virgin barrier, Alexander paused. In a hoarse voice, he whispered in her ear. “Kiss me.”

  He covered her mouth with his and plunged into her, taking her innocence, burying his cock to the hilt. He swallowed her cry of pain in a deep, passionate kiss. Her distress obvious, she tried to slide back away from him but he used his weight to hold her fast.

  “Easy, love. I know I hurt you this first time but it will only get better.”

  He took her mouth in a tender exploration. His hand moved over her breasts, soothing and plucking her nipples until she released a pleasure-filled sigh. Hesitantly she moved under him, lifting her hips, pressing her core around his throbbing cock. He moved then, thrusting and withdrawing to thrust again and again. After a moment or two, Gusty joined him in the ancient cadence that took them over the edge.

  The explosive orgasm left her panting beneath him. Groaning in his pleasure, Alexander thrust once, twice more before he stiffened over her as he spilled his seed deep into her womb. Throwing back his head, he roared out her name.

  * * * * *

  “What do you mean you let him have her?”

  Maeve threw a bucket of water at Hagen’s head, soaking him thoroughly.

  He counted himself lucky that his wife hadn’t decided to take her dagger to him. But he would stand beside his decision, even if he lost his life over it. He had made a blood pledge to his master.

  The Sutherland had come to him and demanded he turn Gusty over to him. He had been surprised when the great Wolf of the Highlands appeared at their camp looking for his granddaughter. That the man even knew about the girl was astonishing but then Hagen remembered she had made a slight detour through the forest before landing in their pot. He realized then that it was Alexander Sutherland from whom they had snatched Gusty. Hagen had taken this as a divine s
ign. As he’d stood before the very angry, very intimidating laird he made a decision that would change the events determining the destiny of the Rosses and the Sinclairs. Decades ago, he and Maeve had taken Laird Sinclair’s children into their care with instructions by their master to see to their safety. Now Hagen considered his decision to handfast Augusta Sinclair to Alexander Sutherland as a way of fulfilling his duty.

  Augusta Sinclair, daughter of Malcolm Sinclair, mighty laird of Clan Sinclair would have Alexander Sutherland, Wolf of the Highlands as her new husband, to protect her and keep her safe from all enemies.

  “It is done, Maeve. She is handfasted to the Sutherland and we are going home tomorrow. Say no more!”

  But Maeve had a lot more to say on the matter.

  “Blast you, Hagen! Augusta was destined to marry the chieftain of Clan Ross. She was our best hope of ending the feud between the clans. And as long as it is taking that stubborn laird to pick a bride, the feud will go on forever. You know this to be true. We have seen the future. A Ross and a Sinclair must be united by marriage or there will never be peace in the Highlands. It was Augusta’s destiny to wed a Highland laird who is powerful enough to protect her from her enemies. You fool, now everything has been ruined!”

  “Nay, Maeve, nothing has been ruined. She is wed to a powerful chieftain, one who is respected and feared more than any other. She will wed the Sutherland. Who better can keep her eternally safe than the Wolf himself?”

  “You old fool. What mischief have you stirred up now? Alexander Sutherland is indeed a powerful laird and a fine man but we were to deliver her to the Ross. It had been arranged. Now how are we going to explain this foul-up to him after what we told him about their marriage being destined? He will think us inept. He had made peace with the decision and now we are to tell him we gave her over to the Wolf. It’ll be your head on his pike not mine.”

  “Do not worry, old woman, everything will turn out for the best. I predict it; he will be thanking us for our forethought and wisdom. Let us wait and see how this match proceeds. At the worst, my dear Maeve, you may end up a widow.” He was no longer completely convinced of his wisdom in his decision but he would die before admitting it to his wife.

  “Aye not a bad proposition.” She snarled at him. Then she pointed to the spot on the other side of the campfire. “You will not be sharing my blanket this night, old man.” She pulled her wool quilt up around her shoulders and lay down to sleep.

  Hagen found sleep eluded him that night. Visions of the future filled his mind and what he saw troubled him greatly. Danger and turmoil would fill the months ahead. He hoped he had not been too hasty in agreeing to surrender their sweet Gusty to Alexander Sutherland. Now there was nothing for him to do but wait and see what Fate had in store.

  Chapter Eight

  “Oh, how lovely it is, Alexander,” Gusty gasped at the grand sight of the Sutherland keep.

  “I am pleased you find my holding acceptable,” he teased as he reined his mount and let her take a good look.

  She swatted his shoulder. “Stop it. I mean it. This is magnificent.”

  In the bright moonlight the fortress stood majestic above a farmstead that sprawled over the top of a long hillside surrounded by a vast meadowland. She shifted in his arms to get a better look as they carefully made their way over the narrow road that wound between large boulders and patches of dark shrubbery. The keep sat high above a walled bailey and the moonlight reflected silver off the waters of the moat, which encircled the outer wall.

  As they approached the main gate Alexander called out to the gatekeeper to open for them. Once inside they rode across a large yard of sorts and stopped outside the stable, where a young boy came running forward to take charge of Caesar. Alexander helped her down from his mount and Gusty turned to look unabashedly around the inner bailey and up at the ancient keep above, which was lit by torches and the moonlight. Before she could object to his high-handedness, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along after him up the numerous steps.

  After only a few steps, she started to tire. The stairs to the keep were steep and Alexander took them at a brutal pace. She pulled back, digging in her heals in an attempt to slow their pace so she might catch her breath. He tugged on her hand but she refused to take another step.

  “What is it?” Alexander finally asked her.

  “If you think I’m climbing all those stairs without stopping to catch my breath, then you can think again, Sutherland,” she stated between gulps of air.

  He made a noise in the back of his throat but instead of arguing with her, he hoisted her up over his shoulder and she had to endure the rest of the climb upside down.

  “You’re a real gentleman, you know that.”

  She grumbled under her breath but the tightening of his arm across her legs indicated he had indeed heard her mumbling. Great, he had excellent hearing as well as being as strong as Hercules! Luck was on her side though, since there was no one around to witness her humiliating position as they crossed the deserted great hall and climbed another flight of stairs. They made a few turns and traveled down several torch-lit corridors before he stopped at one of the doors and pushed it open.

  The chamber he carried her into was warm and comfortably appointed with a huge canopy bed against one wall and tall, drape-covered windows and a large desk against another. A blazing fire in a great stone hearth, which covered one whole wall, provided the only illumination. Apparently someone had just built up the fire before she and Alexander arrived, an indication they were expected. The warmth of the room felt wonderful and she suddenly realized just how cold she was.

  Alexander walked over to the bed and set her in the center of it. He followed her down, crushing her beneath his large body. For a brief moment, she wondered if he might make love to her again but he merely cupped her face gently between his hands and touched her lips with his, tasting her lightly before he rolled off her onto his back, giving her space. The only intimacy he dared was to take her right hand in his left and squeeze it slightly. With his other hand he pulled the bed covers up over them for warmth.

  “Sleep, Augusta. You are too tender and sore for anything more.” He closed his eyes with a deep sigh of what sounded suspiciously like contentment.

  Gusty was too restless to sleep. Her mind whirled with everything that had happened to land her in the bed of a virtual stranger. She lay next to him, wide awake for what seemed like hours, unable to sleep, moving restlessly on the bed. It was not by accident that her elbow found his side or ribs several times as he snored the night away. How can the man sleep so peacefully?

  * * * * *

  Gusty lay awake in the semi-darkness unable to sleep. The mattress beneath her crackled as she shifted her legs to ease her stiff muscles. She attempted to raise her right hand to brush the hair from her brow to get a better look at the room, forgetting for a moment that her wrist was bound at her side. She lifted her left hand and found it free. Pushing the mass of hair from her eyes, she turned her head and found her nose pressed into a hard, hair-covered chest that smelled very masculine. A hand found her shoulder and patted it.

  “Sleep,” he mumbled.

  Sleep he says! He’s the cause of this fiasco! She turned over and rolled as far away as their tied wrists would allow. Memory of the long evening and night she had spent in his company came flooding back and uneasiness besieged her. The fact she couldn’t move her right arm attested to the fact she was now at the mercy of this large barbarian who lay next to her sound asleep. She closed her eyes and tried to swallow the lump of apprehension that filled her throat, making it hard to breathe. This had to be part of one of her nightmares and when she finally woke up she would find herself home in her own bed, with Michael pounding at the front door, reminding her of an appointment she had forgotten.

  “This is just a bad dream. It will all go away when I wake up,” she whispered.

  But she opened her eyes and found nothing had changed. The large barbarian still lay beside
her, snoring lightly, and judging by the smile on his lips he was wrapped in a dream. A very good one…

  No getting around the facts—everything she had experienced in the last six months was real. The gorgeous giant in bed with her was real enough, if her sense of smell was anything to go by, and she was bound to him. After the Sutherland had seized her on his beach and tied her wrist to his with a piece of cloth, she had not known what to expect from him. But what had happened next was not even close to what she had anticipated. By Scottish tradition she found herself handfasted to the Sutherland. She had been tricked.

  “Well we will see how long this lasts. I might have been born in this century but I am a modern girl. I have some brains. I’ll think of something to get me out of this mess.”

  * * * * *

  Literally pulled from the warmth of her peaceful slumbers, Gusty found herself tumbling through space to land with a painful thunk.

  “Ooooh! Ooooh for God’s sake!”

  She blinked up at the giant Scotsman who stared down at her, slack-jawed, as if he had no idea how she had gotten onto the floor. The very cold floor, which felt like ice against her bare bottom. She sat there stark naked in the bright light of morning, no doubt giving him an eyeful. Gusty reached behind her and pulled the plaid she had been wrapped in all night from the bed and covered herself.

  “Will you be more careful? I will have a bruise to show for that spill.”

  He gave her a hand up from the floor and as she gained her feet, she barely suppressed a moan. Her hand went to the offended muscles of her derriere and before Gusty stopped to think about what she was doing, she let go of the plaid and it dropped away from her breasts. At the sharp gasp from Alexander, she fumbled frantically to retrieve it. But before she could rearrange the cover to her satisfaction his hand brushed her bare bottom. She gave a surprised squeak and pushed him away.


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