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IntoEternity Page 8

by Christina James

  “Stop it! Untie me this instant! We can’t go around like this.”


  He didn’t mince words. Before she could argue further he pulled her against his chest, pressed his mouth to hers and while she was distracted, he ran his hands down over her bottom and kneaded her bruised buttocks suggestively.

  “You are bound to me until I say otherwise,” he murmured against her lips.

  He lifted her until the junction of her thighs molded over his arousal. He shifted his hips against hers and pressed her tighter. She opened her mouth to object to the liberties he took and he filled her mouth with his tongue. He kissed her long and deep until she clutched frantically at his shoulders, pulling him close as she moaned with need. He raised his head, effectively putting an end to the kiss, and gave her a smug smile.

  “I think you had better arrange that plaid a little better, my selkie. I would not take kindly to my men viewing your lovely body. I am the only man to have that honor.”

  By the time he finished speaking, Gusty’s cheeks blazed. His kisses had rendered her mindless and speechless. And until he mentioned it she had forgotten she was nude. Annoyed at his self-satisfied expression, she drew back her fist and slugged him in his belly. He did little more than grunt and then the bastard had the nerve to grin at her pitiful attempt at revenge, while she howled in pain, cradling her hand against her bare breasts.

  “You damn barbarian! You threw my dress away last night. What do expect me to wear now?” His lack of consideration for her modesty infuriated her but mostly she was angry because he had ended their kiss so abruptly, leaving her wanting more.

  “You are mine, Augusta. Your gown was part of your past—you left it behind when we were handfasted. Now you belong to me. It is my duty to protect you. As my wife, you are my responsibility. No other man has the right to provide for you—not your grandfather, not your father. I will provide for you what you need. It is my right.”

  He wore a bland expression but his eyes were dark with suppressed passion. He was not as unaffected as he would like her to believe. He smiled at her—lustful and needy-- causing her breath to stall in her throat. She tried to take a step back but she was anchored to him. She raised her unfettered hand in a signal for him to stop.

  “You stay away from me! You…you—”

  His head swooped down and he kissed her hard, ravaging her mouth with his lips, his tongue and his teeth. The kiss went on and on until Gusty clung to him for support. She had two fistfuls of his long hair, tugging him closer, hanging on for dear life. When he finally ended the kiss, it took a moment or two for her to realize how badly her body had betrayed her. She was supposed to be resisting this man’s charms. She was supposed to be giving him the cold shoulder, not falling all over him every time he kissed her. She was so mortified by her lack of control she groaned.

  “Gusty? What is it? Are you ill?”

  The worry in his voice killed the scathing retort she was about to deliver and instead she replied, “No, I’m not ill. But I need a few moments of privacy, if you don’t mind.”

  A sudden urge had made itself known to her in a very pressing manner. Her bladder was as full as it had ever been and if she did not empty it soon, she was going to embarrass herself. Using the privy would also give her an excuse to put some distance between her and her Highlander.

  Her Highlander? When had she started thinking of him in those terms?

  Gusty refused to meet his eyes as she struggled to come up with a way to state her need. Her cheeks heated. First she made a fool of herself by responding so passionately to him and now she’d have to humiliate herself by asking to use the toilet or whatever the hell they called it in this century. How could something so natural be so embarrassing? She had to get away from him.

  “I must… I have to… Damn it, where is the bathroom?”

  At the questioning look on his face she realized he had no idea what she wanted.

  “I need to…relieve myself. Do you have chamber pots around here or what?” She glanced around the room but did not see anything that resembled what she needed. There was no privacy screen or blocked-off alcove. If she did not find a bathroom soon, she would embarrass herself by piddling on the floor.

  “Where do you…relieve yourself, I mean…you know…pee?” Her face could not have gotten any hotter. Before she could say another word he had the door open and they were on their way down the hall, him stark naked and her covered by a thin blanket. She tried to slow him down but he was undeterred.

  “I guess this means you have no intention of untying me? Will you be joining me? Do you have his and hers accommodations? Or are you just too pigheaded to listen to reason?”

  “You talk too much, Augusta.”

  He sounded gruff. With his back turned toward her she could not tell if he was smiling but she suspected he was.

  Still confused by the emotions that flooded her when he kissed her, she fell silent. His kisses were amazing, to say the least. When his lips met hers, her mind went blank. He could have ravished her on the spot and she would not have tried to stop him. She shivered at the memory of the way they came together on the seashore. She breathed out on a long sigh. Her life in the Middle Ages had just taken on a whole new aspect.

  Gusty shook her head in resignation and tried to concentrate on her surroundings as he led her down the hallway. The servants they passed stopped in the middle of whatever they were doing and stared. Was it the sight of their unclothed master or the half-naked, wild-haired woman he towed behind him? Perhaps the barbarian didn’t make a habit of bringing strange women into his home. The thought warmed her, which only increased her frustration and anger. Why should she care what this man did? The pressure on her bladder had increased to the point she thought she might burst but her irritation outweighed all. She tried to hold her tongue. She really did. But the pressing need to gain some control over her situation had her pulling back and dragging her feet.

  “Where are we going?”

  He stopped suddenly and she ran right into his back. A grumbling noise came from deep within his throat and escaped on a muffled curse.

  “This is not how it is supposed to be done,” he grumbled.

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  He reached for her wrist and untied the bonds then motioned to the door behind her.

  “The garderobe. Be quick about it.”

  He pushed her through the door and into a primitive, indoor outhouse. The smell hit her square in the nose. She gagged as she hurriedly took care of business. Less than a minute later, she burst out the door, gasping for fresh air. Alexander stood in the corridor waiting for her. She flushed with embarrassment, knowing he had waited just outside the door. Without a word he brushed past her and into the garderobe and closed the door in her face. Cheeks burning, Gusty backed away, glancing around to see if anyone noticed. A couple of maidservants at the end of the hall looked in her direction before slipping away. Dear Lord…what must they think? She tugged the blanket more tightly around her shoulders.

  Alexander suddenly opened the door of the garderobe, stepped out and seized her arm. No surprise, he dragged her straight back to his chamber. The moment the door closed behind them, he took hold of her wrist and began once again to tie her to him. Gusty shook her head and glared.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Alexander gazed down at his very beautiful, very stubborn bride. In the early morning light, even with that ferocious frown on her face, she took his breath away. He took his time as he perused the length of her, wanting to see everything that had been hidden from him the night before when he had only the pale light of the moon by which to see. Now in the daylight, with only his plaid wrapped about her lovely body, he could see just what a treasure had fallen into his hands. Her luscious curves were made to please a man, hips wide enough to carry his child and breasts bountiful enough to suckle both him and, eventually, their babe.

  She looked like a little hellca
t with her long mass of tangled, black-as-midnight hair. Her lips were full but not overly so, which suited him just fine. His kisses would soon have them swollen as if they were bee-stung. Alexander wanted to take her to his bed and bury himself in her softness again and again until he was sated. But he would wait.

  Gusty cocked her head and raised an eyebrow, as if questioning his next move.

  “I tied you to me for my peace of mind. I wanted the assurance you would still be here when I woke up this morning.”

  Alexander stared at her and his heart raced. He shook his head. Told himself to rein in this raging attraction. He must control his passions, not rush her… But the beauty before him left him feeling as if he were a rutting ram, his cock hard and thick, standing at attention for the world to see. The flush on the lass’ face as she tried not to stare at his manhood had him grinning. He decided to take pity on her modesty and left her standing in the middle of the room as he went to one of his trunks and pulled out a tunic and plaid. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her wrap his discarded plaid tighter before she sat on the edge of his bed, plucking at the frayed edges with nervous fingers.

  Best to put some distance between them, give her time to adjust to her new situation before he gave into his lust and did something he’d regret. Shaking his head, he quickly donned his tunic and wrapped his kilt around his hips. Grabbing his boots, he pulled them on and gathered belt and weapons. He glanced around the room, stalling his departure. He shifted his feet as he turned to face his new wife.

  “I have duties to attend to. I’ll return later. Do not leave this chamber, Augusta.”

  He spoke gruffly in an effort to intimidate her but he didn’t make it out the door before she questioned his orders.

  “Why not?”

  He should have expected she would not give in so easily. He was learning already that his woman liked to have the last word.

  “You might get lost,” he stated. He stepped out into the hallway.

  “No I won’t.”

  Her shouted words reached him just as he closed the bedroom door but he did not wish to argue. He continued down the corridor toward the kitchen. Plenty of time later to banter with his new bride…once he figured out how best to handle her.

  In a room off the kitchen, which they used for bathing, Alexander rushed to get through his morning washing. Once finished, he went looking for Davin. He needed to speak with his captain about duties assigned to his men for the day. He had planned on spending some time this morning on the practice field, training the younger men, but he would have to put off those obligations until he had his new bride settled in. He intended to return to her immediately after he gave his instructions to Davin. Alexander had a feeling that if left on her own too long, his new bride would venture forth from their chamber.

  He did not trust her to stay where he put her, worried Gusty would wander about the keep, a stranger in a strange place, wearing only his extra plaid. This was a man’s household, after all. The only women about were a few servant girls who kept the place clean and made themselves available to his men.

  Alexander’s thoughts turned to the events of the previous night. He could not deny he enjoyed their first time together yet he regretted taking her in such a manner—out in the open, on nothing but his plaid to see to her comfort. Next time he would take her properly, on a bed, woo her with sweet words and hot, wet kisses. She was special to him and she deserved better from him. He would take the time to love her senseless with tender caresses until she panted for him. And if her response to his lovemaking thus far was anything to go by, he’d accomplish the wooing in very little time. He looked forward to the years they had ahead of them. Their handfasting might be temporary but he’d decided he wouldn’t wait a year and a day to make their union permanent. Within the next few months he would find a priest to wed them.

  Chapter Nine

  Gusty wasn’t about to waste what little time she had alone. Alexander had given her a reprieve, allowing her to recover from a very embarrassing situation, and she wasn’t about to get caught in another one. The icy water she’d found in the bowl made her shiver and goose bumps covered her flesh but she managed to remove most of the grime and sweat from her body, and despite the cold, the bath did wonders to refresh and revive her.

  She wrapped the large plaid around her shaking body, using the cloth as a towel and tucking the end in at her breasts. What to do now, she wondered. Frowning, she perused the bedchamber, wondering if she had the courage to snoop through Alexander’s belongings. Maybe she could find some clue as to what kind of man her…was she to call him her husband? She shrugged. She had difficulty thinking of the Sutherland as her husband. He was more like her “handfasted significant other”. Yes—she liked the sound of that. A modern term that covered their situation.

  The sparsely furnished room offered a few clues to Alexander’s personality. A table and two chairs sat in front of the fireplace. Colorful plaid blankets draped over the back of the chairs. She found a game board on the small table that, with only a few differences, closely resembled chess. She picked up a piece and studied the delicate carvings in which someone had put a lot of time and effort. Returning the piece to the board, she turned to view the large bed that took up a great deal of the room. Next to the bed stood a couple of big trunks and she moved quickly to kneel before one. Lifting the lid, she found men’s clothes. She rifled through the freshly laundered shirts and stockings on the top to find a couple of extra plaids beneath them. She smoothed out the wrinkles she had made and gently closed the lid. Moving to the second trunk, she found the lid locked shut. She slapped the trunk in frustration and glanced around. What could she use to pick the lock? A hair pin? Wasn’t that what the heroine used in the movies? She had nothing with her—no hair pins, no knife…nothing long and thin that would fit inside the hole in the large metal lock.

  Her curiosity piqued. What did he feel was important enough to lock away? Then she remembered that her grandparents had a small chest stored in their bedroom where they kept money and valuables they did not trust putting in a bank. They’d kept the chest locked but hidden the key in plain sight. Curiosity had her glancing around. And then she moved to the large desk and opened the top draw. Voilà! There lay a large skeleton key. Grabbing it, she quickly unlocked the chest. She lifted the heavy lid and gasped at the sight before her.

  “Oh my God!” Gold coins and loose gems filled the wooden chest. She scooped up a handful and let them shift through her fingers. “The laird is not poor that is for sure,” she murmured as she swept her fingers back and forth through the wealth.

  Suddenly feeling guilty about snooping where she wasn’t invited, Gusty dropped the lid and turned the key.

  She returned the key to its hiding place and then, with little else to keep her occupied, Gusty retired to the bed, where she sat working the knots out of her hair with a comb she had found on the washstand. The wind from the seashore, the wild ride through the night and then sleeping on her unbraided hair had turned it into a snarled mess.

  “I should have cut it last summer,” she muttered to herself as she began to work on a handful of curls. One particularly vicious knot had her yanking and tugging and she winced. She didn’t have a sensitive scalp but her head was beginning to tingle from all the abuse.

  “Let me help.”

  Gusty jumped at the sound of Alexander’s voice. She jerked her head around to find him standing right behind her. Apparently Scottish Highland barbarians treaded as lightly as American Indians…or at least this one did.

  She hesitated a moment and then handed him the comb. He sat down behind her, drawing her between his legs, and began working vigilantly at the tangles. She relinquished herself to his ministrations. As he worked on her hair Gusty relaxed, letting his large hands work their magic on her stubborn tangles and her receptive body. Tiny shivers of delight began to spread throughout her as he moved his hands over her head and back. After he had gotten the last tangle out, he combe
d her hair until it fell around her in a waterfall of waves. When he finished, he eased her hair off her back and draped it over her shoulder. Before she could question his intentions his hands were on her neck, massaging the knots of tension from her muscles.

  His gentleness surprised her. She leaned back into his touch and soon his fingers were caressing lightly across her temples and down over her cheeks to her jaw. She shivered and sighed softly as he aroused her with his caresses. His hands moved to her collarbone and then down farther, his long fingers teasing the swell of her breasts. Her head dropped back against his shoulder and his mouth moved up the side of her neck. He nipped and licked the tender flesh before trailing a path of fire up to her ear.

  “I want you, my little selkie. I want you very much,” Alexander murmured.

  She melted against him, closing her eyes, her lips parting slightly as her breathing increased.

  He slipped his hands beneath the edge of the plaid she had wrapped about her body and cupped her breasts. He lifted them and her nipples grew hard at his touch. Covering her mouth with his, he kissed her passionately until she shook with need. He thrust his tongue past her lips and swept her mouth, teasing her tongue into a timid response. She returned his kiss hesitantly at first and then more enthusiastically, arching into his hands, offering him more. He groaned as she wiggled her bottom against his erection.

  “Oh God! Alexander, I feel so… Oh…oh my!”

  She sighed and softly moaned as his hands moved over the curve of her hip and then lower. He pushed the plaid aside and eased his fingers into the nest of curls between her thighs.

  Alexander smiled. Clearly his new bride wanted him as much as he wanted her. He could have her now with little resistance but his conscience told him he would come to regret seducing her so quickly. Gusty was worthy of more than a hasty seduction—she deserved to be wooed properly, with sweet words and small tokens of his esteem. He meant to keep her, wanted to win her heart, and as such he needed to take care with her feelings. He did not want to wake up in the morning with a bitter, disappointed bride who regretted having given herself to him so easily. No, he would wait to take her.


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