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IntoEternity Page 9

by Christina James

  With a suppressed groan of discomfort due to the aroused state of his body, Alexander placed one last kiss on her neck and then pulled away.

  “I burn for you, my selkie. Never think otherwise. But I fear we have to quit now, lest I find myself unable to stop until I have sated myself with your lush body.” He eased her off his lap, pulled the plaid that had slipped down around her thighs back up over her breasts and then slid off the bed.

  Gusty clutched the blanket to her breasts and looked up at him, her face a mask of confusion and disappointment.

  “I will have someone bring you something to wear. But for now, you will stay here. Go back to sleep, if you like.” Alexander needed to put space between them before he forgot all about his good intentions and bedded her then and there. He had never known brushing a woman’s hair could be so erotic. He thought about the dark nest of curly hair that graced the juncture of her thighs and the treasure that was hidden there, and he swallowed hard. Everything about this woman left him wanting to take her again and again.

  “You will return, won’t you?”

  Her soft question had him feeling guilty for leaving her unsatisfied and he almost gave in to both their desires. He read the longing in her eyes, knew just what she was feeling.

  “Aye, my selkie. I will.”

  A resounding knock on the heavy oak door rudely interrupted the magical moment. With a muffled curse, Alexander glanced one more time at Gusty as he pulled the torn and frayed piece of his plaid from his sporran. She opened her mouth, no doubt to protest, but he shook his head and finished tying their wrists together with the strip of cloth.

  “Why do we have to stay tied?” she asked. She held the plaid she had been using as a covering with her fisted free hand.

  For a moment, he debated telling her the truth but decided honesty was the best way to progress with her.

  “It is the tradition of my clan. When a couple is handfasted they must be bound together until they have consummated their union.”

  “But we already did…that. Last night on the beach. Doesn’t that count?” She looked closely at him, as if trying to read his mind.

  “What happened last night will remain between us. As far as anyone in this keep is concerned we still have to consummate this handfasting today or tonight in this bed. The Sutherland’s bed.”

  “Are you joking? That’s ridiculous.”

  The feelings Alexander stirred within her were like nothing Gusty had ever experienced. She enjoyed his kisses and caresses. She liked kissing him back and if he had not ended the kissing and touching, she would have been flat on her back, willingly welcoming him into her eager body. But would she have regretted it later? Yes she found him attractive and he obviously felt the same way. But would the attraction between them be enough on which to build a commitment? Did she even want to commit herself to this man? Did he think of a future with her beyond a year and a day? She sensed he placed value on her but if she grew to care for him, could she trust him with her heart?

  He must have sensed her thoughts because when she looked up, he was watching her in a way that made her heart race and her breathing grow erratic. In that moment she knew she would have agreed to whatever he wanted. To dispel the odd fluttering in the pit of her stomach she asked the first intelligent thing that came into her mind.

  “I’ve never heard of couples having to be tied together until…until they…well you know…do it.”


  The hot flush that crept up her neck mortified her even more than her stuttered comment.

  “Customs vary from clan to clan but the Sutherland bride stays tied to her husband until they do…it.”

  Gusty didn’t appreciate Alexander’s teasing sense of humor. His lips twitched as if he was trying to keep from laughing. He turned toward the door, apparently forgetting she was tethered to him. She stumbled after him several feet.

  Seething over his impossible attitude, she flung the comb she’d been holding, hitting him squarely in the back of the head. He turned around to face her, no longer bothering to hide his laughter.

  “This topic is not something to laugh about, it is very serious. In case you hadn’t noticed, buster, we completely consummated our union last night after we were handfasted and I don’t take things like that lightly.”

  “Nor do I, Augusta. And my name is Alexander Sutherland, Wolf of the Highlands not Buster. You will address me properly. My name is known across the land and is one to be respected. I am sure you have heard of it—even in your part of the world.”

  Gusty could not believe her ears. Talk about arrogant, thinking he could hand out orders and she would jump to obey him. Boy was he in for a rude awakening.

  “Why would I have heard of you?”

  “Your father probably cursed my name daily.”

  “I never knew my father, therefore I wouldn’t know if he cursed your name or not.”

  “How could you not know your own father?”

  “I was sent away as a child. My grandparent raised me. Well, they are not really my grandparents but my guardians. Still they cared for me and loved me.”

  Alexander looked at his wife with skepticism. “I find it difficult to believe Hagan and Maeve did not tell you about your father. Perhaps you were too young to remember him. It is of little consequence. I am who I am.”

  Gusty had more questions but another knock interrupted any further conversation. Alexander walked the short distance to the door and Gusty followed. He flung it open and her eyes went wide. In the hallway stood an unbelievably huge man and an equally incredibly tiny woman.

  Alexander towered over Gusty by at least a foot but this white-haired, sun-bronzed giant dwarfed him. The man’s size was even more noticeable due to the diminutive size of the woman beside him, whose head did not even come to Gusty’s shoulder. Gusty found the sweet smile on the woman’s round little face most welcoming, especially in light of the fierce scowl her companion aimed in Gusty’s direction.

  “It is true then?” He spoke with a heavy Scandinavian accent.

  “Oh my God!” Gusty gasped. Before her stood proof that reality was more impressive than any story she had ever read about the race of blond giants. She stared up at the man for a long moment and then laughed. “You are a Viking?”

  “Nay! A Norseman. I do not claim kinship with that murdering horde, lady.”

  Gusty’s mouth fell open at his words. It seemed she had just insulted the blond Norseman. “Sorry. I meant no offense.”

  Ignoring her apology, the Norseman looked pointedly at his laird. “She is the one?”

  “Aye, Davin, it is true. This is my bride, Augusta. Pass the word that any man who even looks at her oddly or shows disrespect will answer to me.”

  The harsh tone in his voice had Gusty flinching and she looked back and forth between the two big men, sensing some underlying message in Alexander’s words. What kind of followers did Alexander have if he needed to send out such a dire warning? If they were all as unfriendly as this Norseman, dare she leave the safety of her room? She glanced behind her and considered crawling back into bed and maybe never leaving it again.

  Davin barely glanced at her before he agreed with a nod and a grunt of assent. He then proceeded to ignore her completely. His companion remained silent but had not taken her eyes off Gusty since the door opened. Perhaps being forgotten wasn’t entirely bad. The woman’s smile stayed in place as she listened to the conversation between the men.

  “Black Bart and his men just arrived at the gate. He sends word he wants to speak with you immediately,” Davin announced.

  “How many men accompanied him?”

  “A half dozen, no more. I do not trust the bastard. He never appears unless he is up to no good. Watch your back, Alexander. His Foulness seems in an extraordinarily cheerful mood today.”

  “Aye you are right. Let him and two of his men inside. The rest will wait beyond the gates. See that they are supplied with food and ale. I will be down in a few m

  The giant hesitated. “You are not taking the lady below with you, are you, Alexander?”

  “Nay, Bart need not see the treasure I have acquired. Until he’s gone I want you to post two guards, Michael and Roderick, at the foot of the stairs. Allow no one from Bart’s party beyond that point. Understand?”

  “Aye, Alexander. It shall be as you say.”

  Davin issued a low, formal bow, straightened, turned and disappeared down the hall, leaving the little woman standing at the door. Still reeling over the reception she had received from the large Norseman, Gusty reviewed the conversation she’d just witnessed and nearly missed Alexander’s words.

  “This is Violet. She will be your personal maid. She’s a mute. She does not speak but her hearing is fine. You are in good hands with sweet Violet.”

  “I’m sure we will do just fine.” Gusty smiled at the woman.

  Violet appeared to be in her late thirties or maybe early forties but in this era she could well be the same age as Gusty. Harsh living conditions tended to age a person.

  Alexander took Gusty’s wrist in his hand and untied the strip of cloth, releasing her. An odd sensation assailed her…as if she had lost a part of herself. The bond that had joined them for the last several hours had come to represent security in this new time and place. While tied to her, her Highlander was always beside her. She felt strangely denuded.

  “I must go and speak with Black Bart. I cannot take you with me. It would be too dangerous. I will return as soon as I can. Violet will help you dress in proper garments.”

  “Who is Black Bart?” she asked, interest peaked. Visions of pirates crossed her mind. Black Bart sounded like a famous movie villain. Was Alexander’s guest a terrible man with a black reputation? Or had his nickname come from something simpler such as the color of his eyes or hair?

  “Stay here with Violet. I do not want you anywhere near this man. I will return shortly.”

  Alexander’s harsh command set her off. Her cheeks burning with embarrassment, she leaned close and whispered, “Can I talk to you?” She took his arm and pulled him across the room to give them a little privacy. She turned them until his back was to the door.

  “Now you listen to me.” She stood with her hands on her hips as she glared up at him. “I will stay here,” she stated quietly, “because I agree it is probably safer to do so but do not speak to me as if I’m a child or use that tone of voice with me.” She kept her voice low, not wanting his employee to hear what she had to say. Not to mention she was unsure of his temper… She had only witnessed his anger once before when he had chewed out his young cousin in the forest. She had no intention of pushing him too far but she could not let him bully her around either.

  “I know you are not a child. That was evident just a while ago.”

  His heated gaze dropped to the exposed tops of her breasts and Gusty covered her chest with her hands as she hissed at him. “Stop that. I am being serious here. You need to stop bossing me around.”

  Alexander shrugged. “I do what I must under the circumstance.” He dropped his forehead to hers and murmured. “Black Bart’s arrival has put me in a foul mood.”

  “But who is he?” she persisted. Knowing one’s enemies was the best defense against them.

  “He is my uncle.”

  His unexpected answer stunned her but before she could recover and ask anything more, Alexander left the chamber. Gusty stood in the middle of the room, staring at the closed door. After a moment she shook her head.

  “Black Bart is family? Ha, that figures.”

  Chapter Ten

  An entire wardrobe of gowns and undergarments laid spread out across the enormous bed. The clothing had arrived just moments ago via two large trunks, which four young lads had delivered and emptied, per Violet’s wordless directions. The servants had lined the empty trunks up against the wall before shuffling back out the door. Gusty studied the garments, counting ten outfits in all. How had Alexander come into such a bounty of women’s clothing?

  “Where did all of this come from?” she asked Violet then quickly apologized. “Oh how stupid of me…I’m sorry. I forgot.”

  Violet merely smiled and nodded at one of a pair of tittering young maids.

  “They be gifts from the laird, mistress,” one of the girls answered. “They were stored in the cellars, especially for the lady of the keep.”

  “Lady of the keep?” Gusty’s suspicions soared at the mention of another woman living there. Her face flushed and she glowered at the thought of Alexander buying this wardrobe for someone else. Did he have another woman in mind to marry before she arrived? She was just working herself into a fine fit of temper when she noticed Violet shaking her head and moving her hands in a manner that showed she was trying to say something. The same maid who’d answered Gusty’s question watched Violet for a moment then nodded and turned to Gusty.

  “Violet says the gowns be for you, mistress. You are the lady of the keep. The gowns were brought back from Inverness several years ago when the laird had the keep repaired. There are trunks with bolts of cloth and other items still stored below.”

  “Thank you for explaining that to me.” Gusty’s ruffled feathers began to settle as she turned to Violet and continued. “I guess I let my imagination run wild for a moment there. I’m so sorry.”

  Violet shook her head and touched her mouth as if to say no apology was needed. Still Gusty was ashamed of herself for her suspicions. She had been so surprised by the generous gesture that she could not think how to respond. In the future she would have to remember to keep an open mind when it came to judging Alexander’s actions. She reached down and fingered the fabric of the first gown to catch her eye.

  “This is indeed lovely.”

  Before she could say more the three women had her stripped down and were helping her to dress in the lovely forest-green velvet gown. At Violet’s urging, Gusty sat on a stool before a small dressing table. Violet stood behind the bench and combed and arranged Gusty’s unruly hair for her, leaving some to hang down her back and pulling the sides back from her temples, fastened with two ivory combs. Gusty approved of the style but when Violet brought out a veil, Gusty shook her head.

  “I don’t think so. Let’s just leave my hair the way it is.”

  Violet nodded and handed the head covering to one of the maids. She then motioned for Gusty to stand and led her to a tall polished-steel mirror. When she got a look at herself, she gasped. She stood there for several moments without saying a word, gazing at the reflection in the mirror. Was that elegant woman really her? The square-cut neckline rode low over the tops of her breasts, giving just a hint of cleavage. A provocative style, to say the least. She smoothed her hands down over the front of the gown, which tucked in at her waist and then flared out at her hips to drop to the floor in a gentle cascade of velvet. Her reflection in the polished steel was that of a fairytale princess. The fabric under her hands felt so soft and the dress looked fabulous on her. Hard to believe she would be dressing like this every day for the rest of her life.

  Wait until Alexander catches an eyeful of this, she thought. He would be completely bowled over by her new look. A bubble of excitement built inside and she laughed at her absurdly giddy line of thinking. She turned back around and smiled at Violet, who was watching Gusty with tear-filled eyes.

  “What is it, Violet?”

  The maid shook her head and smiled as she raised her hand in a sweeping motion to indicate Gusty’s appearance. Evidently the woman was overcome at the change in Gusty’s appearance as well. Gusty smiled.

  “I do look good don’t I? Do you think Laird Sutherland will approve?”

  Violet nodded vigorously and clapped her hands.

  “You look verra lovely, my lady. Truly lovely. Does she not, Melinda?”

  The two younger maids had been putting away the rest of Gusty’s new wardrobe into the large chests but they’d stopped to stare at Violet’s handiwork.

  The s
econd maid nodded in response to her companion’s question. “Aye the laird will have his eyes poppin’ right out of his head when he sees how beautiful his lady is in her new finery. Aye, Suisan, she is indeed lovely beyond words!”

  The enthusiasm with which the young maidservants praised Gusty’s looks embarrassed her. She was not used to such compliments. “Thank you. I am sure it is the clothing that makes the man…or rather the woman, in this case.”

  All three ladies gave her strange looks.

  “It is just an old proverb.”

  “Of course, my lady. I have heard of such things,” Suisan murmured as she edged toward the door. “If there’s nothin’ else, ma’am?”

  “Oh…no. Thank you for your help.” Gusty smiled.

  Melinda joined Suisan and both servants curtsied and slipped out.

  * * * * *

  Exactly two hours later, Gusty’s boredom reached its peak. Violet and her two helpers had departed long ago and left “her ladyship” to twiddle her thumbs or whatever the phrase might be in this day and age. Their presence had been a distraction for the short time they had stayed but when they had left, Gusty had nothing whatsoever to do to occupy her time. Maybe she should find some hobbies…some kind of entertaining activities to fill the long hours while Alexander was busy with other things. Or maybe she would eventually take over some of the household duties. She had always wanted a place of her own to decorate and fuss over. She had not had the heart to redo her grandparent’s house after they died and left it to her. Michael had already moved into his own apartment but she had never felt the need to be on her own. She would ask Alexander to let her do some of the housekeeping when she saw him again. But in the meantime she was bored. She walked to her window and stared out over the inner bailey. Everyone seemed busy with something… Everyone but her. She definitely needed something to do to keep her hands busy and her mind from going numb. What would it hurt if she explored her new home?


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