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Page 17

by Christina James

  “Aye! ’Tis my concern! I am your father—it is my duty to see to your well-being. Both your mother and I are worried about this debacle old Hagen created. Isabelle and I want the best for you and being handfasted to Alexander Sutherland is definitely not what’s best. Even if you tell me the man bedded you, we can still salvage your reputation and find a suitable match for you. You are the daughter of Malcolm Sinclair and I have the power to get you out of this commitment and secure an acceptable husband for you. Now, daughter, tell me, are you still a virgin?”

  “I do not wish to argue with you about this, Father, and I don’t want to upset Mother but I am not about to answer that question. Who I sleep with is my concern and no one else’s. Some things a girl does not discuss with her father.”

  She glanced at her mother, who sat listening quietly, a rueful look on her face. Gusty regretted having to hurt the woman but she could not change the facts. She loved Alexander Sutherland and no one—not even her parents—was going to change her mind.

  “I know you consider it your responsibility to protect me now that I have returned but you need not worry. I have Alexander. He will take care of me. I will always love you as my parents but you have to realize that until this morning, I did not even know you. I had only Maeve and Hagen and Hagen gave me to Alexander as his handfasted bride. I am willing to admit the situation was a little unorthodox but I have come to love my Highland laird with all my heart. Please accept my decision on this and do not force me to choose between him and the two of you.”

  Her father looked as if she had slapped him. But he had to understand she was not a little girl. They were strangers, she and her parents. Gusty hated to disappoint him but she was not ever going to be the sweet, biddable daughter he expected. God she hated this. Not knowing what else to say or do, she began to pace back and forth, wringing her hands in agitation.

  “From what I understand, being handfasted is the same as being married. I understand that traditionally a handfasting lasts for a year and a day or until the bride conceives, and then the couple is considered married. I have already accepted Alexander as my husband and that is the end of it.” She couldn’t believe her parents were being so stubborn. Less than a day had passed since they’d rediscovered one another and already they were trying to meddle in her life. She was an adult and while she might have made a few bad decisions in her life she didn’t consider staying with Alexander one of them.

  “Come, Augusta, sit down beside me. Malcolm, quit scowling, you will scare her with your churlishness.”

  Isabelle smiled at Malcolm’s sour look and a split-second later he nodded curtly and complied with her wishes. She patted the seat next to her and motioned for Gusty to sit.

  Gusty hesitated. She no longer wished to discuss her relationship with Alexander. Was her mother merely being kind in hopes of changing Gusty’s mind on the matter? Reluctantly she joined the older woman on the bench but kept her emotional guard up, just in case things once again turned heated.

  “Your father is only trying to protect you, Augusta. As the daughter of a mighty clan chieftain you have a duty to that position…one you cannot ignore. Alexander Sutherland might be your choice as a husband but if you knew more about the history of the clans, you would understand our concern.”

  Gusty stiffened. “I already know there’s bad blood between the two families. Alexander told me about some old family feud.”

  “Well aye, dearest. He speaks the truth.”

  Gusty twisted an errant lock of hair around and around her finger, stopping just short of pulling her hair out in utter frustration. If this discussion were not so serious, she would have found her parents’ reactions amusing. She did not need their permission to live her life the way she saw fit but she figured she owed them the respect of listening to what they had to say on the subject of their son-in-law. She could sympathize with them. After all they had missed out on the first twenty years of her life. But did they have to try to make up for lost time in the span of one day?

  “Okay—explain this feud to me then. Alexander did not provide any details and I really need to know what’s goin’ on.”

  “You do speak oddly, don’t you?”

  Malcolm scowled but Gusty ignored both his look and his question. They were going to hear a lot more of her “odd” speech by the time they got to know her well.

  “It goes back many years, Augusta…” Isabelle waited a beat and then nudged Malcolm, obviously wishing him to pick up on her opening statement.

  “Aye well, the feud started when Geordie Sutherland, the old bastard—”

  “Malcolm!” Isabelle warned in a low, harsh tone.

  Malcolm cleared his throat. “Sorry, my love. The feud started when Geordie Sutherland took a liking to my great grandfather Neal Sinclair’s new bride, Rosaleen…”

  He paused dramatically and Gusty struggled not to roll her eyes.

  “This all happened at the end of the summer harvest, at a time when the Sutherlands and the Sinclairs were still allies. That conniving Sutherland hatched a dastardly plan to insult my great grandfather. The two clans camped near each other during the fall gathering, pitching their tents side-by-side. While Grandfather Neal was out one afternoon seeing to his business, Geordie Sutherland sought out my great grandmother and offered her a proposition she could not turn down.”

  “Did he dishonor her?” Gusty could see why there might be a bit of strife between the clans, if that were the case, but surely Alexander couldn’t be held accountable for something his grandfather did, not after so many years.

  “Nay, he did not. He did something worse.”

  “What could be worse than molesting a woman? Don’t tell me he murdered her?”

  “Your daughter has quite the imagination doesn’t she?” Isabelle pointed out.

  “Aye, she does indeed.”

  “So what happened?” Gusty was becoming impatient to hear the whole story.

  “Well being a new bride and wanting nothing more than to please her husband, Rosaleen could not pass up a chance to increase the size of his cattle herd in exchange for a small service rendered.”

  Gusty’s eyebrows shot up but she couldn’t think of a polite way to ask if her great-great-grandmother had sold her body for a few cows.

  “Geordie showed up at Grandfather Neal’s tent with a dozen or so head of cattle in tow and told Rosaleen he would give the entire herd to her if she would give him but one kiss.”

  That’s it? Gusty sighed. “And did she do it?”

  “Oh, aye. She did not think one kiss would hurt anyone and she was sure her new husband would be pleased with her cunning. So as soon as she had kissed Geordie chastely on the lips, he left her the dozen cattle milling in the meadow below the tent. A very pleased Rosaleen set about preparing the evening meal for her husband. She planned to tell him her good tidings as he enjoyed a hearty supper. It wasn’t long before Neal returned, happy and content with his life. He threw back the tent flap and bellowed for his wife to tend him. When she appeared before him he swept her up in his arms and kissed her giddy. Before she had a chance to tell him of her canniness in making a good bargain with their neighbor, Neal told her how pleased he was to see that his old friend Geordie had finally paid back the dozen head of cattle he had borrowed.”

  Gusty could not hold back her laughter. She feared her father wouldn’t understand why she was so amused at the slight to the family honor but how ridiculous! Imagine holding a grudge for so many decades over such an innocent prank.

  “As tragic as that sounds,” she said between giggles, “I don’t think Alexander should be held accountable for something one of his ancestors did. I am not leaving him over some joke that one man pulled on another years ago.”

  “Be that as it may, daughter,” Malcolm said sternly, “there are a few things that have happened since that cannot be laughed away. The original reason for the long-standing feud between the Sinclairs and the Sutherlands is of little importance compared to the occur
rences of the last two years. The Sutherlands’ honorable reputation has been diminished. Their enemies have spread tales and those stories—whether truth or lies—have left unresolved issues between Clan Sutherland and Clan Ross, two of the most powerful clans in the Highlands.”

  “Someone’s spreading rumors? What about?” Gusty had to ask, if only for her own peace of mind.

  “Alexander Sutherland’s cousin Allister was accused of murdering his wife, who happened to be the sister of Donovan Ross. Her body was found not far from the border of the Sutherland holdings under very suspicious circumstances. The Sutherland and his clansmen denied all responsibility for her death but the Ross refuses to believe it.

  “Less than a year later, Laird Seamus Sutherland and his cousin Allister were both killed in a bloody raid while riding along the edge of the Sutherland holding, which borders the Ross holdings. Some think it was retaliation on the part of the Ross for his sister’s death. Even now King Edgar hesitates to show open familiarity with Clan Sutherland. He only tolerates Donovan Ross because they are related. He has a hold on him that I do not understand. Both of the lairds’ reputations have been sorely dishonored because of these incidents.”

  “Were there any witnesses to Allister’s wife’s death?”

  “Nay, there was no trace of her attackers. Her husband found her body several days after her death and I heard it nearly drove him mad. Donovan Ross holds the Sutherland responsible for her death because she was under the protection of his clan and they failed her. Only the intervention of the uncle, Bart Sutherland, kept the Ross from razing the Sutherland’s holdings. He went to Edgar and begged for leniency for his nephew, swearing he was not responsible for Aileen’s death. The king ordered both clans to cease hostilities. They came to a shaky truce, at best, which has lasted these last two years.”

  “Well that tears it! How can anyone blame Alexander for the death of his cousin’s wife without evidence and when all the parties involved are dead and buried? No—that is something I will not hold against Alexander or any of his relatives. You will have to come up with something more concrete than hearsay or circumstantial evidence if you hope to convince me to give up my husband.”

  “Concrete? Circumstantial? I do not understand these words but if you are satisfied with the man, so be it, Augusta.” Isabelle nodded, a half smile touching her lips. “It is plain you have come to care for this Highland laird no matter the obstacles that are set before you. You are a fortunate young woman, never forget it.” She leaned forward to embrace Gusty and placed a light kiss on her cheek.

  Isabelle drew back and gazed at Malcolm, her expression full of sadness and regret. Gusty’s chest tightened painfully as tears formed in her eyes. Obviously her mother was thinking of her unhappy past, which no doubt played a role in her decision to support Gusty. Malcolm was not as forthcoming with his good wishes.

  “I will be keeping a close watch on your husband-to-be, daughter. For the time being I will do nothing to interfere. But the man had better not hurt you in any way.”

  “Thank you, Father. Alexander is a good and honorable man and someday you will come to realize it.”

  * * * * *

  “Your father is a hard man to please. He barely acknowledged me just now as I walked by him in the courtyard. When I forced him to speak to me he growled that he had a stubborn daughter and I was more fortunate than a man had the right to be. I take that to mean he has already tried to talk you into leaving with him.” Alexander walked at Gusty’s side as they strode past the herb garden. With her hand on his arm he urged her down the stone walk that led through the well-tended flower garden toward the thicker vegetation at the back near the high wall.

  “My father is the stubborn one. He is trying to take over my life and he refuses to understand I can make my own decisions.” She shook her head sorrowfully and chewed on her lower lip as she thought about their conversation in the garden.

  “I will be the one making decisions for you, Augusta. You are mine and I am not giving you up, not even to your father.”

  The hot, sensual glint in his silver eyes warned her of his intent to show her just what he meant. She took a step back in a halfhearted attempt to escape but she was not quick enough to evade his strong hands as they reached for her.

  In one fluid motion Alexander gathered her into his arms and with long strides carried her purposefully into the deep shade of the old oak tree that stood in an isolated corner surrounded by a hedge of blooming bushes. Gusty gave a laughing protest at his cavalier behavior as he gently lowered her onto the lush carpet of grass and flowers. Sweet-smelling petals trickled down around them, filling the afternoon air with a pleasing fragrance. Alexander’s hot, fierce mouth covered hers in a demanding kiss that had the world spinning wildly around her. Dizzy and lightheaded, she feared that if his hands had not been entangled in her hair and his hard body pressing hers into the soft grass, she might have floated away on a wave of passion.

  Gusty had come looking for him to discuss their present situation and her parents’ attitude toward her and Alexander’s relationship. But her husband’s lusty actions had driven everything she had planned to say right out of her mind. He was the only thing that mattered at the moment. The way his hands felt as he caressed her body and how his mouth ravaged her lips with sweet, passionate kisses. Ecstasy and desire blazed within her and filled her with an insatiable need. A cry of dismay escaped her as Alexander broke contact, his lips leaving hers swollen and thoroughly plundered.

  “I can wait no longer. My need is great and this is a dangerous game we play, my sweet,” he growled hungrily against her mouth. “I have never wanted anyone as badly as I want you. One look at you and I can think of nothing but taking you hard and fast, burying my cock in your soft, lush body over and over until I find my release. You are mine and mine alone. No one will ever take you from me.” His voice had risen fiercely as he uttered the last.

  Gusty thought he must have read her mind.

  “Oh, Alexander,” she breathed as she reached up and gently brushed a stray lock of his dark hair back from his face. She placed a light kiss on his stubborn jaw. “No one will ever take me from you. I…care a great deal for you.” She gave him a quick kiss and then pulled back with a sigh. “I might even love you just a little bit, my Highland warrior.”

  She kissed him passionately, remembering the way he had kissed her before. Her tongue darted out to lick at the seam of his lips. He opened his mouth and she thrust her tongue in, tasting him. His tongue met hers and his growl turned into a low groan as she suckled, drawing it back into her mouth.

  Unable to hold back any longer and shaking with arousal, Alexander tore at Gusty’s clothing. He feared he would shame himself before he removed them. No man should have to suffer so! He quickly covered her, pushing her thighs wide as he settled between them. With a groan of pleasure he moved the length of his hard, aching cock against her hot, wet folds, caressing her in a rhythm that soon had her begging for more of him.

  He pushed the top of her gown aside to bare her firm round breasts to his view. For a moment Alexander could not breathe as he gazed hungrily at the beautiful sight before him. He swallowed noisily as he cupped her breasts in his hands and lifted them, squeezing them. He buried his face between the soft, white mounds, nuzzling her silky white flesh. His beautiful selkie…his and his alone. No one would ever possess her but him.

  The memory of how she had vanished from his arms filled his mind, disturbing him so badly he could not hold back the shudder that swept through his body. The need to assure himself that his Augusta would never slip through his hands again had him growling with determination as he covered her nipple with his mouth and drew on it deeply. She arched up as a moan escaped her lips. He suckled and licked his way back and forth from one dusky pearled nipple to the other. He nipped her gently, drawing a whimper of delight from her, and he smiled as he felt her trembling beneath his hands and mouth.

  Her movements grew more frantic and
she wrapped her arms and legs about his body. He explored every inch of her breasts, her shoulders and her long, slender neck with his mouth and tongue until he finally settled his lips over hers. He deepened the kiss, tasting her sweet mouth more fully, wanting to leave his mark on her. He never wanted her to forget she belonged to him and him alone.

  Gusty moved her fingers through Alexander’s hair, grasping handfuls as she responded fully to his kiss. “Please, Alexander, I want you. I need you. Do not make me wait!”

  Her passionate plea nearly ended it for him right then. Alexander took her mouth, his tongue sliding past her lips as he thrust his cock deep, hips pumping hard and fast. Their moans of passion and pleasure broke the silence of the small, hidden bower as Alexander brought his woman to her climax only moments before he found his own release. His body stiffened over hers and with a long, low groan he emptied his seed.

  “Shh, someone could hear you.”

  Alexander chuckled as he buried his face against the side of her slender neck.

  “I think you’re too late. No doubt your loud cries of pleasure have already attracted the attention of the nuns praying in the chapel.”

  “Alexander! Surely not!”

  Her shock at his words made him laugh harder. She was so innocent. He grabbed her hands as she tried to push him away.

  “Stay still, Gusty. No one heard you. We are well-hidden back here.” And then his mouth found hers and every thought beyond their own little world faded away as he moved his hands over her eager body and began to make gentle love to her again.


  “Damn it, Davin!” Alexander muttered, recognizing the loud throat clearing and stomping feet on the other side of the hedge as a warning that they were about to be disturbed. Gusty went perfectly still beneath him, her fingers clutching his shoulders.

  They had been discovered in their private corner of the garden and Davin’s arrival had totally spoiled the mood.


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